Jim. I’m not kidding. You need to keep your heart rate down.
电脑 标示乘务员乌胡拉所在地
Computer, locate crew member Uhura.
I haven’t seen a reaction this severe since medical school.
-我们正驶向陷阱 -该死 詹姆斯 给我站好
– We’re flying into a trap! – Damn it, Jim! Stand still.
Stop it!
-乌胡拉 乌胡拉… -柯克 你在这做什么
– Uhura, Uhura… – Kirk. What’re you doing here?
从克林贡囚星发来的信♥号♥♥ 具体说什么
Transmission from the Klingon prison planet, what exactly did it say?
见鬼 你的手怎么了
Oh my God, what’s wrong with your hands?
Who is responsible for the Klingon attack?
-那舰船… -那舰船怎么了
– And was the ship Romu…? – Was the ship what?
-我的嘴巴怎么了 -舌头麻痹
– What’s happening to my mouth? – You got numb tongue?
-舌头麻痹 -我能解决
– Numb tongue?! – I can fix that.
-那舰船怎么了 -罗慕伦人
– Was the ship what? – Romulan.
-什么 -罗慕伦人
– What? – Romulan.
-罗慕伦人 -没错
– Romulan? – Yeah.
-对 -对
– Yes. – Yeah!
尼禄舰长 七艘联邦星舰飞过来了
Prod Nero seven Federation ships are on their way.
-詹姆斯 -发生什么了
– Jim! – What’s going on?
-詹姆斯 回来 -舰长
– Jim, come back. – Captain!
派克舰长 我们必须停船
Captain Pike, sir, we have to stop the ship.
柯克 你是怎么登上进取号♥的
Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise?
舰长 这家伙正在被疫苗的…
Captain, this man is under the influence of a…
-强烈过敏反应所影响 -老骨头 拜…
– Severe reaction to a vaccine. – Bones, plea…
He’s completely delusional…
Vulcan is not a experiencing a natural disaster,
It’s being attacked by Romulans.
罗慕伦人 柯克 你今天得到的关注够多了…
Romulans? Cadet Kirk, I think you’ve had enough attention for one day…
麦考伊 带他回医疗部去 我们一会儿再谈
McCoy, take him back to medical. We’ll have words later.
-是 舰长 -长官 与此相同的异常现象…
– Aye captain. – Sir, that same anomaly…
柯克先生无权登上此舰 舰长…
Mr. Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel, captain…
我明白 你的辩论很了不起…
Look, I get it, you’re a great…
I’d love to do it again with you soon…
-我可以送走这学员… -你试试看
– I can remove the cadet… – Try it!
This cadet is trying to save the bridge!
By recommending a full stop mid-warp doing a rescue mission?
这不是救援任务 听我说 这是攻击
It’s not a rescue mission. Listen to me. It’s an attack.
Based on what facts?
与此相同的异常现象 在宇宙空间中的雷暴
That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space
我们今天见到的 我出生那天也发生过
That we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth.
Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin.
您知道的 长官 我看过您的论文
You know that, sir. I’ve read your dissertation.
That ship, which had formidable and advanced weaponry…
Was never seen or heard from again.
The Kelvin attacked a place on the edge of Klingon space.
昨晚23:00 那里发生了一次战斗
And at 23:00 last night there was an attack.
有47艘克林贡飞船被罗慕伦人摧毁 长官
47 Klingon war birds destroyed by Romulans, sir.
And it was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.
And you know of this Klingon attack how?
长官 是我截获并翻译了那条信息
Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself.
-柯克的报告准确无误 -我们正飞向圈套 长官
– Kirk’s report is accurate. – We’re warping into a trap, sir.
罗慕伦人正等着我们 我可以保证
The Romulans are waiting for us. I promise you that.
The cadet’s logic is sound.
And Lt. Uhura’s is unmatched in xenolinguistics.
We would be wise to accept her conclusion.
扫描瓦肯星域 彻查有无罗慕伦人的信♥号♥♥
Scan Vulcan space. Check for any transmissions in Romulan.
长官 我不确定能否辨别罗慕伦语和瓦肯语
Sir, I’m not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan.
你呢 你懂罗慕伦语吗 学员
What about you? Do you speak Romulan, cadet?
乌胡拉 三种方言都懂 长官
Uhura. All 3 dialects, sir.
-乌胡拉 去接替中尉 -是 长官
– Uhura, relieve the lieutenant. – Yes, sir.
汉妮蒂 呼叫联邦星舰杜鲁门号♥
Hannity, hail the USS Truman.
All the other ships are out of warp sir and have arrived at Vulcan,
but we seem to have lost all contact.
长官 我在没有收到罗慕伦人或其他信♥号♥♥
Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission or transmission of any kind in the area.
It’s because they’re being attacked.
升起护盾 红色警戒
Shields up. Red alert.
Arrival at Vulcan in 5 seconds.
4… 3… 2…
-紧急闪避 -遵命 长官
– Emergency evasives. – Running, sir.
-受损情况报告 -偏针仪护盾正常
– Damage report. – Deflector shields are holding.
所有单位 奥尔森轮机长 报告
All stations. Engineering, Olson, report.
整体翻转 右舷转向90度
Full reverse. Come about starboard, 90′
苏鲁 降到它们底下去
Drop us down underneath them, Sulu.
-长官 还有一艘联邦星舰 -照样毁掉
– Sir, there’s another Federation ship. – Destroy it too.
Fire torpedoes.
舰长 他们正用鱼雷锁定我们
Captain, they’re locking torpedoes.
Divert auxiliary power from port nossel to forward shields.
-苏鲁 报告情况 -护盾32%
– Sulu, status report. – Shields at 32%.
对方武器太强大 长官 我们无法再承受一次
Their weapons are powerful, sir. We can’t take another hit like that.
-给我接星际舰队指挥部 -舰长
– Get me Starfleet command. – Captain.
The Romulan ship has lowered some kind of high energy pulse device
into the Vulcan atmosphere.
It’s signal appears to be blocking our communications and transporter abilities.
所有能量集中到前护盾 所有武器准备开火
All power to forward shields. Prepare to fire all weapons.
Weapons ready.
-船身 把它放大 -是 长官
– Gohol, magnify! – Yes, sir.
长官 他们致电过来
Captain, we’re being hailed.
我是克里斯托弗·派克舰长 您是哪位
I am the captain Christopher Pike. To whom am I speaking?
克里斯托弗 我是尼禄
Hi Christopher. I am Nero.
你已经向星际联邦宣战 如果撤退
You’ve declared war against the Federation. Withdraw…
And I’ll agree to arrange a conference…
With Romulan leadership at a neutral location.
我并不代表罗慕伦帝国 我们彼此独♥立♥
I do not speak for the Empire. We stand apart.
就像你们那位瓦肯船员 不是么 斯波克
As does your Vulcan crew member. Isn’t that right, Spock?
恕我冒昧 我相信你我并不相识吧
Pardon me, I do not believe that you and I are acquainted.
不 我们不认识
No, we’re not.
Not yet.
斯波克 有样东西我要让你看看
Spock, there’s something I would like you to see.
派克舰长 你们的传送装置已经无效
Captain Pike, your transporter has been disabled.
你也看到了其他星舰的下场 你已别无选择
As you can see, by the rest of the armada, you have no choice.
You will man a shuttle. Come aboard the Narada for negotiations.
That is all.
-他会杀了你 你知道的 -你将不可能存活
– They’ll kill you, you know that. – Your survival is unlikely.
舰长 外交手段毫无用处
Captain, we gain nothing by diplomacy.
Going over to that ship is a mistake.
我也同意 你应该重新思考战略
I too agree. You should rethink your strategy.
I understand that.
I need officers who’ve been trained in advanced hand to hand combat.
我受过训 长官
I have training, sir.
Come with me.
柯克 你一起来 反正你也不该呆在这里
Kirk, you too. You’re not supposed to be here anyway.
-切科夫 你负责掌舵 -遵命 舰长
– Chekov, you have the con. – Aye, Captain.
Prepare the red matter.
是 长官
Yes, sir.
没有传送器 我们没法将自己传离飞船
Without transporters we can’t beam off the ship.
我们无法救援瓦肯人 我们完不成任务
We can’t assist Vulcan. We can’t do our job.
柯克 苏鲁 和奥尔森将从飞船进行太空跳伞
Mr. Kirk, Mr. Sulu and engineer Olson will space-jump from the shuttle.
You will land on that machine they’ve lowered into the atmosphere…
它扰乱了我们的传输 你们进去把它关掉
That’s scrambling our gear, you’ll get inside, you’ll disable it…
Then you’ll beam back to the ship.
斯波克先生 进取号♥现在由你指挥
Mr. Spock, I’m leaving you in command of the Enterprise.
Once we have transport capability and communication back up
你马上联♥系♥星际舰队 报告这里的一切情况
You’ll contact Starfleet and report what the hell’s going on here.
如果其他人都失败了 迅速撤退
And if all else fails, fall back…
And rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system.
柯克 我现在升你为大副
Kirk, I’m promoting you to first officer.
-什么 -舰长
– What? – Captain?
抱歉 但我无法理解人类玩笑话的复杂性
Please, I apologize. The complexities of Human pranks escape me.
斯波克 这不是玩笑
It’s not a prank, Spock.
我也不是舰长了 你才是
