Those bunnies were dead when we found them.
是负鼠干的 叫格雷戈–
It was a possum named, uh, Greg, or–
蒙提!叫蒙提 不是格雷戈
Monty! His name was Monty, not Greg.
我们别无选择 他们先威胁我们的!
We had no choice. They threatened us!
罗尔夫 我以为我们是朋友呢
But, Rolf, I thought we were pals.
抱歉了 老伙计 法律就是法律 你知道的
Sorry, old friend. The law’s the law. You know how it is.
What a sadistic fuck.
冷静点 小可爱 你们会没事的
Hey, calm down, sweetie pie. You’ll all be fine.
你们有狗牌 他们会送你们回家的
If you got tags, they’ll send you home.
-小鲜肉 -喂 大个子
-Oh, fresh meat. -Hey, big boy.
-我喜欢那家伙的嘴巴 -我们会好好疼爱你们的
-I like the mouth on that one. -We’re gonna cuddle real hard.
喂 小母狗!
Hey, bitch! Hey, little bitch!
我们得离开这里 没时间了
Guys, we gotta get out of here. We’re running out of time.
-这是什么地方啊? -不是好地方
-Where even are we? -Nowhere good.
不行 我不能留在这里
No, no, no. I can’t be here.
不行 不要再经历一次了
I can’t. Not this again.
没事的 伙计
Come on, mate. We’ll be fine.
罗尔夫说他们会送我们回家 没事的
Rolf told us they’ll just send us home. It’ll be all right.
你有家 他们才会送你回家
They only send you home if you got a home to go back to.
亨特 你知道他们会 怎么对待没有家的狗吗?
And do you know what these people do to dogs that don’t have one, Hunter? Huh?
你知道他们要怎么对我 怎么对小雷吗?
Do you have any idea what they’re about to do to me and Reg?
冷静点 小雷 我们可以想办法
Calm down, Bug. We’ll figure this out.
没有办法可想了 玛吉
Ain’t nothing to figure out, Maggie.
我们被这些人抓住了 我们完蛋了
These humans caught us and now we are fucked.
小虫 这可不一定
Bug, you don’t know that.
对啊 小虫
Yeah. I mean, Bug,
你说你知道很多人类的事 但你也并不是真正了解他们
you say you know so much about humans, but you don’t really know them either.
I mean, you’ve never had an owner.
你没有过珍娜 没有过道格
You never had a Jenna. You never had a Doug.
I had an Emma!
小虫 你有过主人?
Whoa. Bug, you had an owner?

而且我对自己说过 再也不要提起她的名字
And I told myself that I would never say her name again.
But y’all need to hear this.
-不要 -不要?好吧
-No. -No? Okay.
I don’t remember everything,
but I remember the day she got me out of there.
-这只 -真是只可爱的小虫子
– This one. – He’s a cute little bugger.
Cute little bug.
We did everything together.
我们整体一起玩 不管我♥干♥什么蠢事 她都会笑
We played all day, and no matter how stupid I acted, she always laughed.
不给糖 就捣蛋
Trick or treat.
We even did this thing I hated,
where she would dress us up in super weird clothes,
and ask the neighbors to give us that chocolate humans make from dog poop.
你不能吃 亲爱的
Oh, not for you, honey.
没关系 只是雷电
It’s okay. It’s just a storm.
我们有很多快乐 但最棒的是 她带给我的感觉
But even better than all the fun we had is the way she made me feel.
I love you.
她那么说的时候 我觉得自己很特别
When she said that, I felt so special.
她说完之后 通常就会给我挠肚皮
And then it was usually followed by these incredible belly scratches.
No one ever made my leg kick like that.
Except for this one night with a raccoon I don’t like to talk about, but, anyway.
但然后 我犯了错
But then I made a mistake.
It was a blur.
我意识到自己做了什么的时候 已经太迟了
I didn’t even know what I did until it was too late.
Say goodbye to Bug?
I thought I was getting put in time-out or something.
But the place she sent me to…
the time-outs there never end.
I never saw her again.
After all we had been through.
她带给我的 我以为我带给她的
Everything she made me feel, everything I thought I made her feel.
Just nothing.
我们一起做了那么多 她教会我那么多口令
We did so much together. She taught me so many tricks.
但是由一个口令她从来不想让我学 就是…
But the one trick she never wanted me to learn was…
I think I zoned out around the middle part.
Can you tell it again?
亨特 我不会把中间部分再讲一遍
Hunter, I’m not gonna tell the middle part again.
抱歉 小虫 我不知道这些
I’m sorry, Bug. I had no idea.
不用觉得抱歉 小雷 要觉得幸运
Don’t be sorry, Reg. Be thankful.
‘Cause you got a chance to make this right.
如果我能咬掉那个女孩的老二 我愿意付出一切
Oh, what I wouldn’t give to bite this girl in the dick.
但是她当时只有六岁 我不知道她现在住哪
But you know, she’s six, and I don’t know where she lives now,
而且她是女孩 根本没有鸡鸡 不过意思还是那个意思
and she’s a girl and doesn’t even have a dick, but still.
听着 我们要做的事 不只是因为道格
Listen. What we’re doing isn’t just about Doug.
We’re doing this for all of them.
For every single one of those humans who treated us like shit.
Man, biggest mistake of my life.
对 换我也会后悔咬她
Yeah, I’d regret that bite too.
不是 我说的是她
The bite? No, I’m talking about her.
她才是我狗生中的错误 不是–
She’s the mistake. Not the–
好吧 我们有机会可以再详谈 怎么报复你的前任们
Okay, well, we can talk about getting back at your exes all we want.
但要是没法离开这里 一切都是空
But none of that matters if we can’t get out of here.
Guys, what if we can get the key?
我们需要一根超极长的杆子 才能够到
Oh, no, we’d need, like, a super long pole to hook it.
Why is everyone looking at me?
亨特 你能行
Come on, Hunter. You can do it.
You’re so close.
Just a little more.
加油 再性奋一点 你能做到的
Come on, get hornier! You can do it!
This is all I got.
玛吉 快给他助助兴
Maggie, come on. Excite him.
亨特 这次旅途好长好长 道路好硬好硬
Hunter, this has been a really long, hard trip.
但是真正让我喘息的是 幻想我们正在欢爱 用…
But the thing that keeps me panting is thinking about us doing it
regular style.
Oh, boy! It’s working.
继续说 玛吉 再说点性感的
Keep talking, Maggie. More sexy stuff.
想象一下 我的八个乳♥头♥ 全都硬得像石头
Just picture me, all eight nipples rock hard.
我浑身赤♥裸♥ 只戴着…
And I’m wearing nothing but…
…the cone.
快到了 亨特
You’re doing it, Hunter.
加油 亨特 大鹏展翅
Come on, Hunter. Use that dick of yours.
太棒了 亨特!
Yes, Hunter!
Hunter! Hunter!
Hunter! Hunter! Hunter!
Hunter! Hunter!
抱歉了 这行不通
Sorry, guys. It’s hopeless.
哎 亨特
Oh, Hunter.
该死 本来以为能成功地
Shit. Really thought that was gonna work.
Sorry my dick let you down.
等等 我有办法
Wait, I’ve got it.
What’s the one thing humans are obsessed with?
-他们自己 -化妆
-Uh, themselves. -Painting their faces.
-死亡 -不是
-Dying. -No.
小虫 你跟我说过的
Bug, you said it yourself.
What’s the thing humans are most obsessed with about dogs?
-我们的屎! -没错!
-Our shit! -Yes!
每次我们拉屎 他们会怎么做?
Every single time we shit, what do they do?
-会来捡屎 -对
– They come and bag it up. – Yeah.
没错 只要这里有屎
That’s right. Once this place gets all poopy,
威利就会来捡走 好像收集了有用
Willy comes in and bags it up, like he’s collecting it for something.
-没错!这就是我们离开的机会 -他们要做巧克力
– Exactly! That’s our ticket out of here. – For chocolate!
我们一直拉 知道他来开门
We poop until he has to open these doors,
然后 我们冲!
and when he does, we charge!
好主意 小子 我加入!
– Good on ya. – Nice thinking, kid. I’m in!