-钱斯在哪里 钱斯·韦恩? -你说什么?
– Now, where is Chance? Mr. Wayne? – I beg your pardon?
-你的同伴 现在他在哪里? -你们是谁?
– Your companion. Now, where is he? – Who wants to know?
这是经理助理 我是小汤姆·芬利
This is the assistant manager, and I am Tom Finley Jr.
Well, I hardly imagined that you were a senior.
出去 你们两个
Out, both of you.
海切尔 请在楼下等我
Hatcher, better wait for me downstairs, please.
-现在 德拉戈小姐 -我是科斯莫诺波利斯公主
– Now, Miss Del Lago… – I am the Princess Kosmonopolis…
Shut up.
德拉戈小姐 你应该小心你的同伴
Miss Del Lago, you ought to be more careful of the company you keep.
Op… Just a moment, please.
Do you want me to call the police?
你报♥警♥吧 去吧 德拉戈小姐
All right, you go ahead. Do that, Miss Del Lago.
You tell them you spent the night in an orgy with a criminal degenerate.
不 没事儿
No, hon. Never mind.
我知道他 我觉得你是受害者
Now, knowing him, I figure you were victimized.
你有钱有名 受人尊敬 公主
You’re a rich, famous, respected person, princess.
You don’t want any trouble.
Thank you.
现在 如果你想吓唬我
And now, if you are through trying to frighten me…
或者敲诈我 或者别的什么 我想吃完我的早餐
…or shake me down, or whatever, I would like to finish my breakfast.
是的女士 请便
Yes, ma’am. Go right ahead.
May I ask you what Mr. Wayne is to you?
You may not.
他是..他给我开车 他是我的雇员 他是我的司机
He’s… He drives my car. He’s in my employ. He’s my driver.
What are you doing here in St. Cloud?
好吧 是他带你来这里的 为什么?
Okay, he brought you here. Why?
We’re just passing through.
-就这样 -好吧 很好 只是路过
– That’s all. – Well, fine. Just pass right on through.
但你告诉那个人♥渣♥ 赶紧带着你离开
But you tell that scum to drive you out of here quick.
-谁说的算? -我说的
– On whose authority? – Mine.
即使在这不起眼的小地方 你也不能代表法律
Well, even in this impossible place, you couldn’t represent the law.
There isn’t any law that covers the Chance Waynes.
Not after what he did to me and to my family.
-什么? -你别管
– What? – You just never mind.
-他做了什么? -与你无关
– What did he do? – Never you mind.
你告诉他 我说 如果他不走
You tell him that I said if he don’t pass through…
我会亲自 送他上路
…his life ain’t worth spit in the wind.
偶尔回来看看我们 听到了吗?
Well, sometime you come on back and see us, hear?
We’ll lay out the red carpet for you.
再见 德拉戈小姐
Well, so long, Miss Del Lago.
傍晚了 现在 你和他在天黑前离开
Nightfall. Now, you and him be gone by nightfall.
You hear me?
哦 在哪里?他放在哪里?
Oh, where? Where did he put it?
Oh, Chance.
接线员 我要一瓶伏特加马上送过来
Operator. I want a bottle of vodka sent up here at once.
是 随便送来一瓶什么!
Yes. Well, then send me a bottle of anything.
And operator?
接线员 我要你帮我找到钱斯·韦恩先生
Operator, I want you to find Mr. Chance Wayne for me.
Well, page him.
And try that happy cocktail bar of yours.
-你的零钱 -谢谢
– Change for a quarter. – Thank you.
Did you arrange to have that prescription filled yet?
我去看看 韦恩先生
I’ll check, Mr. Wayne.
喂 史密斯教授?
Hello? Professor Smith?
You can’t beat Boss Finley by making speeches about God…
质问他 来打败芬利老板
…or by heckling him about chastity…
…because the Boss has a patent on that jazz.
He’s a low-down hillbilly.
一个乡巴佬才能砍倒一个乡巴佬 那就是我
And it takes a hillbilly to cut down a hillbilly, and that’s me.
Don’t bother about my name.
你只要出现在今晚的集♥会♥上 问他一个问题
You just appear at that rally tonight and ask him one question:
为什么芬利老板 要任命斯卡德医生为医院的主任?
Why did Boss Finley make Dr. Scudder chief of staff at the hospital?
接线员 有钱斯·韦恩的电♥话♥吗?
Operator, are there any calls for a Chance Wayne?
不 我是说外线电♥话♥
No, I mean outside calls.
Well, page me if there are, will you?
Chance? Chance “High-Stepping” Wayne.
嘿 露西小姐
Hey, hey, Miss Lucy.
亲爱的 你以前那么迷人 叫我无法忍♥受
Honey, you used to be so attractive, I couldn’t stand it.
现在我可以了 几乎受得了了
Now I can. Almost stand it.
你还是像一百万美元那样漂亮 露西小姐
Well, boy, you still look like a million dollars, there, Miss Lucy.
Confederate money.
嘿 要是在一年前 你会笑的
Hey, a year ago you would have laughed at that.
-我一定是渴昏了 -渴?在这里?
– Well, I must be faint with thirst. – Thirsty? Here?
难道你不知道这是波旁 所多玛 和蛾摩拉芬利的土地吗?
Don’t you know this is the land of Bourbon, Sodom and Gomorrah Finley?
-我能帮你吗 露西小姐? -是的 去死吧
– Can I help you, Miss Lucy? – Yeah. Drop dead.
What happened to your finger?
It got caught in your big, fat blabbermouth.
嘿亲爱的 你想笑吗?
Hey, honey, you wanna laugh?
听着 昨晚芬利送我这个作为复活节礼物
Listen. Last night, Finley gave me this for an Easter gift.
Well, he has always been generous.
Well, that’s not all he gave me.
他给了我治疗 全芬利治疗
He gave me the treatment, the full Finley treatment.
最后取消了我的房♥间 我的信♥用♥卡♥和对我的欢迎
Ending up canceling my rooms, my credit and my welcome.
今天早上他给了我一张去新奥尔良的票 单程
And this morning, I was handed a ticket to New Orleans. One way.
Well, that man has an irresistible passion to see other people traveling.
Does he know you’re back in town?
I would say he is aware of my presence.
药丸里有什么 亲爱的?
What’s in the pill, honey?
当你玩得开心的时候 这会让你更开心
Well, when you are having fun, this makes you have even more.
Are you? Having fun?
宝贝 我很开心
Baby, I’m having a ball.
亲爱的 我是假装开心的专家
Honey, I’m an expert at pretending to have fun.
你在守丧 不是开心
You are having a wake, not a ball.
韦恩先生 电♥话♥ 韦恩先生
Mr. Wayne? Phone, Mr. Wayne.
Isn’t that Alexandra Del Lago?
哦 诺妮姨妈 是我 钱斯
Oh, Aunt Nonnie. Yeah, it’s me, Chance.
德拉戈小姐 您能为我签名吗?
Miss Del Lago, will you autograph this for me, please?
-对不起 -不是为了我 是为了我的女儿
– I’m sorry. – Not for me, for my little girl.
-就写 给我最亲爱的约瑟芬 -我在找我的眼镜
– Just write, “To my dearest Josephine.” – I’m looking for my glasses.
-德拉戈小姐 -改天吧
– Miss Del Lago, please. – Some other time.
-告诉海文丽我会去的 -你不要这样子
– Tell Heavenly that I will be there. – You shouldn’t be seen here…
不要这样子被人看见 -钱斯 钱斯!
…in this condition. – Chance. Chance!
Get this drunken bum out of here.
嘿 嘿 放松!
Hey, hey, relax!
放松 老兄
Relax, buster.
-你没事吧 公主? -钱斯
– You all right, princess? – Oh, Chance.
如果你留在楼上 就不会发生这种事了
If you’d stayed upstairs, that would not have happened.
-哦 我在楼上 我留下了 -我叫你等着的
– Oh, I did. I stayed. – I told you to wait.
我等了 我等了很久 但随后一个年轻人
I waited. I waited forever. But then a young man…
公主 现在不行 我还有事
Princess, not now. I’ve gotta do something.
Will you just wait upstairs?
钱斯 听我说 我们必须离开这里
Chance, listen to me. We’ve got to go away from here.
公主 求你了 我没时间了
Princess, please, I haven’t got time.
We’ll just pretend that we’re going for a drive.
-是的 但是 -我们丢下那些行李
– Yeah, but… – We’ll forget about the bags.
I had a visitor, looking for you.
他是一个可怕 恶毒的年轻人 心怀邪恶
He was a horrible, vicious young man with evil in his heart.
他说 如果天黑之前我们不走 他就..
And he said that if we weren’t out of town by nightfall, he’d…
钱斯 我不知道去哪找你
Oh, Chance, I didn’t know where to find you.
我当时很恐慌 然后我又嗑高了
And at first I felt panicky, and then I got a little high again.
-对不起 -听着 我知道 公主
– I’m sorry. – Look, I know, princess…
但我得走了 -钱斯
…but I gotta go now. – Oh, Chance.
