– Aunt Nonnie, I’m taking you to church. – No, Chance.
我害怕 我为你担心
I’m afraid. Afraid for you.
Take your sister on in.
-复活节快乐 -复活节快乐 市长
– Happy Easter. – Happy Easter, mayor.
啊看看 很高兴见到你 小伙子
Well, look here. Glad to see you, laddie.
等等 芬利先生 -谢谢您 先生
Hold it, Mr. Finley. Thank you, sir.
没用的 芬利先生 我..
It’s no use, Mr. Finley, l…
小伙子 我听说你在和一个真正的公主在一起
Laddie, I hear you’re consorting with a genuine princess.
看来你是个王子了 对吧?
Guess that sort of makes you a prince, don’t it?
复活节快乐 卡瓦诺夫人
Happy Easter, Mrs. Cavanaugh.
上帝保佑你 芬利先生
Well, God bless you, Mr. Finley.
I once had a dog called Prince.
我不得不杀了他 以防止镇上所有的母狗受到侵犯
I had to butcher him to keep all the bitches in town from being violated.
迪肯 我指望你在集♥会♥上支持我
Deacon, I’m counting on your support at the rally.
-叛军万岁! -让我看看
– Up, the rebels! – Let’s see, now.
-你上次来看我们是什么时候? -你为什么不让我见她 先生?
– When did you last visit us? – Why won’t you let me see her, sir?
我记得 你上次搭货车来
I remember, you hit town last time in a freight car.
You saw my daughter then…
你让她怀上你的杂种 然后又把她丢下
…and you left her carrying your bastard then too.
Let you see her?
当然 王子 当我像照顾我的狗一样照顾你的时候
Sure, prince, when I’ve had you taken care of like my dog.
我记得 你上次搭货车来
I remember, you hit town last time in a freight car.
不 我会弄脏你的
No, I’ll get you dirty.
抱着我 抱着我 抱着我
Hold me. Just hold me. Hold me.
What are you thinking?
我只是 我感到一种平静和轻松
I was just… I was just feeling kind of peaceful and easy…
…listening to those freewheeling birds coming home.
如果我们能像它们一样 像鸟一样自♥由♥
If we could just be like one of them out there, just free as a bird.
没有一个恋爱中的人是自♥由♥的 甚至是想要自♥由♥的
No one in love is free or even wants to be.
You know what I was thinking?
About those five days and nights on those freight cars.
我想着 海文丽会让我再次感到干净
Thinking that, “Heavenly will make me feel clean again.
She’ll wash away all the…”
What’s it like…
…in movie land?
哦 这是世界上最好的地方 宝贝
Oh, it is like no place in this world, baby.
事实上 它甚至不是一个地方 而是一种心境
In fact, it’s not even a place, it’s a state of mind…
…with a stone wall around it a mile high.
奇怪的鸟儿 别进来
“Strange birds, keep out.”
不 那是奇怪的鸟儿进去的地方
No, it’s the strange ones that get in. I know.
为什么 我在那堵墙下
Why, I’ve been clawing away at that wall…
扒了一年多 想进去看看
…for over a year now, trying to get on the inside.
This last year’s been…
-白费了? -不
– Wasted? – No.
不 只是运气不好 一次又一次
No, just a run of bad breaks, back-to-back.
没有白费 那教会你如何操作 如何赢得游戏
Nothing’s wasted that teaches you how to operate, how to beat the game.
Last year’s the best investment I ever made.
Oh, next time I’m gonna get lucky.
And then I’m gonna take you with me…
穿过那堵石墙 一飞冲天
…right through that stone wall, first class, straight to the top.
再次 钱斯?
Again, Chance?
我拿到钥匙了 宝贝
I got the key now, baby.
我知道诀窍了 好莱坞这忙碌的旋转木马很容易征服
I got the know-how. That Hollywood merry-go-round is a pushover.
今天他们踩着你的脚 明天他们亲吻你的脚
Today they’re stepping on your feet, tomorrow they’re kissing your feet.
我知道 我见过
I know, I have seen it. Well…
…that merry-go-round is gonna carry me.
It’s gonna carry me all the way.
然后在你意识到之前 在你意识到之前
And then before you know it, before you know it…
我需要那个黄铜戒指 那个幸运的黄铜戒指
…I’m gonna have that brass ring, that lucky brass ring right here.
-它带给你什么? -它会给你奖品
– Which gets you what? – It gets you the prize…
亲爱的 金钱 成功 幸福
…honey, money, success, happiness.
不 所有的黄铜戒指 只能给你免费骑在木马上
No. All the brass ring gets you is a free ride on a wooden horse…
无处可去 除了上上下下 一圈又一圈
…that’s going nowhere except up and down and round and round.
My papa sold you that phony dream…
你还在买♥♥账 他怎么说的?
…and you’re still buying it. How does he say it?
你只需要一次幸运的机会 不劳而获
“All you need is one lucky break. Something for nothing.
赢得游戏 中得大奖
Beat the game, hit the jackpot.”
任何人都可以成为百万富翁 所以每个人都要去尝试
Anyone can be a millionaire, so everybody’s got to try it.
没错 为什么不?
That’s right. And why not?
有很多方法可以成功 对我来说有一条捷径
There are a lot of ways you can make it, and for me there is one quick way.
听我说 宝贝 当我下次回来的时候
Now, just stick with me, baby, and when I come back next time…
-又是下次 -不 这次我找到工作了
– Another next time. – No, this time I got a job.
I got a big job in Palm Beach mixing with all kinds of important people.
带我一起走 好吗
Take me with you. Please.
不 我不能宝贝 还不行
No, I can’t, baby. Not yet.
你知道 这份工作 我必须快速旅行
You know, in this job, I gotta travel fast.
我必须独自旅行 这就是工作 宝贝
And I gotta travel alone. This is the job, baby.
This is the job that’s gonna get me inside that magic door.
我这辈子都在外面 时间不多了
All my life, I’ve been on the outside. And time is running out.
看看你的周围 他们安置孩子 老人 病人
Now, look around you. Boy, they got places for the old and the sick…
无家可归的人 却没有给失败者的位置
…and the homeless, but no place for the failures.
And failure is a highly contagious disease.
是什么样的工作 钱斯?
What kind of job is it, Chance?
-哦 宝贝 是金色的 是黄金 -钱斯
– Oh, baby, it is golden. Just gold… – Chance.
Beach boy.
在豪华酒店里 和一群肥老女人在一起
To a bunch of fat-bottomed broads at this swank hotel.
-但这只是个开始 -待在这里 我们会找到的
– But it’s a beginning. – Stay here. We’ll find something.
宝贝 我不能 你忘了对我的期望了吗?
Baby, I can’t. Have you forgotten what’s expected of me?
I want you as you are.
那就看看我的样子 我什么都不是
Then look at me as I am. I’m a nothing.
A nobody.
I couldn’t write a check for $2 without getting arrested.
我失败了 身无分文
Busted. Flat broke.
I’m ashamed to go home and let my mother look at me.
I always dreamed of coming back here like a…
Oh, like…
Don’t ask me to give up my dream.
Excuse me.
如果他来了怎么办 爸爸
Supposing he comes over, Pa.
甜心 你自己决定
Well, sugar, it’s up to you.
Let him alone.
我今晚会和你在一起 放过他
I’ll be there with you tonight. Just let him alone.
-我要他在集♥会♥开始前离开 -是的 先生
– I want him gone before the rally starts. – Yes, sir.
别在这里笨蛋 单独见他 他必须安静地离开
Not here, stupid. See him alone. He’s to go quietly.
不要张扬 没有暴♥力♥ 你听到了?
No fuss. No violence, you hear?
你是老板 爸爸
Yes, sir. You’re the boss, Pa.
And don’t you ever forget it.
No, sir.
Does this lovely hotel have a hairdresser?
是的女士 还有药店 鸡尾酒吧
Oh, yes, ma’am. And a drugstore, a cocktail bar…
网球场 一切让人们开心的地方
…tennis courts, everything to make folks happy.
Thank you.
Long who?
Long distance?
这里没有亚历山德拉·德·拉戈 接线员
There is no Alexandra Del Lago here, operator.
Who is it?
I am not…!
接线员 我应该知道我是谁
Operator, I ought to know who I am.
等一下 等一下
Just a minute. Just a minute.
-钱斯 -对不起 公主
– Chan… – Excuse me, princess…
不管你在卖♥♥什么 我不要
Whatever you are selling, no.
Excuse me, please.
抱歉女士 我们不能再等这些房♥间了
I’m sorry, ma’am, but we can’t hold these rooms any longer.
What did you say?
Will you repeat what you said.
女士 他说你的退房♥时间早就过去了
Ma’am, he says your checkout time is long past.
My checkout time at any hotel in the world is when l…
Is when I want to check out.
Who told you you could come into my bedroom?
