



在古希腊南部城邦中,有一座城市叫做锡巴里斯( Sybaris )。这座城市因富饶与奢糜而闻名于世。他们吃的是珍贵的海鞘,家里养着鹌鹑,喜欢把玫瑰花瓣撒在床上睡觉。甚至因为懒惰,他们还发明了夜壶,并且把夜壶装饰得十分华美,宴会和旅行时都随身携带。这种穷奢极欲最终导致了锡巴里斯的灭亡。

据说有次锡巴里斯和邻近一个弱国交战。当双方军队接近时,对方的军鼓手忽然奏起锡巴里斯节日游行时的曲目。锡巴里斯的战马一听到这些乐曲,便整齐地迈开舞步,像梦游一般,根本不听骑兵的使唤。为了在节日游行中显得更优雅,锡巴里斯骑兵队特意把战马训练得可以跟着固定的音乐节拍起舞,没想到这却成了他们的死亡旋律。锡巴里斯灭亡了,却给我们留下了一个英语单词 sybarite ,它本指锡巴里斯人,现在用来形容奢侈淫乐的人。

  • sybarite:[‘sɪbə,raɪt] n. 奢侈淫乐的人,纵情享乐的人,锡巴里斯人
  • sybaritic:[,sɪbə’rɪtɪk] adj. 奢侈淫乐的,柔弱的,放纵的


  1. Live like a sybarite: 过着奢华的生活
  2. Indulge in sybaritic pleasures: 沉溺于享乐主义的快乐中
  3. Embrace a sybaritic lifestyle: 拥抱享乐主义的生活方式
  4. Seek sybaritic delights: 追求享乐主义的乐趣
  5. Enjoy sybaritic luxuries: 享受享乐主义的奢华
  6. Indulge in sybaritic excesses: 放纵于享乐主义的过度
  7. Lead a sybaritic existence: 过着享乐主义的存在
  8. Explore sybaritic destinations: 探索享乐主义的目的地
  9. Indulge in sybaritic cuisine: 沉溺于享乐主义的美食
  10. Embrace a sybaritic mindset: 拥抱享乐主义的心态
  11. Pursue sybaritic pleasures: 追求享乐主义的快乐
  12. Immerse in sybaritic indulgence: 沉浸于享乐主义的放纵中
  13. Crave for sybaritic experiences: 渴望享乐主义的体验
  14. Escape to a sybaritic paradise: 逃离到享乐主义的天堂
  15. Indulge in sybaritic pampering: 纵情享受享乐主义的宠爱
  16. Savor sybaritic pleasures: 品味享乐主义的乐趣
  17. Revel in sybaritic opulence: 陶醉于享乐主义的奢华中
  18. Embrace sybaritic decadence: 拥抱享乐主义的颓废
  19. Explore the sybaritic side of life: 探索生活中的享乐主义一面
  20. Surround oneself with sybaritic indulgences: 包围自己于享乐主义的放纵中
  21. Indulge in sybaritic pleasures and luxuries: 沉溺于享乐主义的快乐和奢华
  22. Sybaritic lifestyle of the rich and famous: 富豪和名人的享乐主义生活方式
  23. Sybaritic retreat in a tropical paradise: 在热带天堂中的享乐主义休闲
  24. The allure of sybaritic experiences: 享乐主义体验的诱惑力
  25. Sybaritic delights for the senses: 给感官带来的享乐主义乐趣
  26. Sybaritic pleasures beyond imagination: 超越想象的享乐主义快乐
  27. The pursuit of sybaritic indulgence: 追求享乐主义的放纵
  28. Sybaritic lifestyle as a status symbol: 享乐主义生活方式作为地位象征
  29. Sybaritic escapades in exotic locations: 在异国情调的地点中的享乐主义冒险
  30. The sybaritic tastes of the elite: 精英阶层的享乐主义品味
  31. Sybaritic pleasures in the lap of luxury: 奢华中的享乐主义乐趣
  32. The sybaritic pursuit of pleasure: 追求享乐主义快乐
  33. Sybaritic extravagance and opulence: 享乐主义的奢华和富丽堂皇
  34. The sybaritic joys of fine dining: 精致餐饮中的享乐主义乐趣
  35. Sybaritic indulgence in high-end fashion: 在高端时尚中的享乐主义放纵
  36. The allure of a sybaritic lifestyle: 享乐主义生活方式的诱惑力
  37. Sybaritic pleasures and hedonistic pursuits: 享乐主义的快乐和享乐主义的追求
  38. Sybaritic indulgence in lavish vacations: 在奢华假期中的享乐主义放纵
  39. The sybaritic world of luxury yachts: 奢华游艇的享乐主义世界
  40. Sybaritic indulgence in exclusive spas: 在独家水疗中的享乐主义放纵
  41. The sybaritic lifestyle of the jet-set elite: 私人飞机阶层的享乐主义生活方式
  42. Sybaritic delights of a five-star hotel: 五星级酒店的享乐主义乐趣
  43. The sybaritic allure of private islands: 私人岛屿的享乐主义诱惑力
  44. Sybaritic pleasures in the world of fine art: 在精美艺术世界中的享乐主义乐趣
  45. The sybaritic charm of vintage wines: 古老葡萄酒的享乐主义魅力
  46. Sybaritic indulgence in luxurious spas: 在豪华水疗中的享乐主义放纵
  47. The sybaritic pleasures of a private chef: 私人厨师的享乐主义乐趣
  48. Sybaritic delights of a well-appointed villa: 设备齐全别墅的享乐主义乐趣
  49. The sybaritic pleasures of exclusive clubs: 独家俱乐部的享乐主义乐趣
  50. Sybaritic indulgence in high-end shopping: 在高端购物中的享乐主义放纵



sybarite (SIB uh rite) This noun, which can be used admiringly or critically, fits an individual whose life is given over to pleasure and luxury. It has its origin in an ancient Greek city, Sybaris, notorious for its luxurious excess.

•“Those who criticize our sybaritic existence are merely envious,” said Lady Gotalot, as she sent her footman out for caviar and peacocks’ tongues.

•Being a counselor in many Girl Scout camps is great fun, but not for sybarites; you may be asked to shower in cold water and to sleep on an army cot.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


sybarite(SIB uh rite)这个名词,可用于赞美或批评,适合一个生活被赋予享乐和奢侈的人。它起源于古希腊城市锡巴里斯,因奢华过度而臭名昭著。
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
