现在是九月二十二日 7:45分
-7:45 on this beautiful,
斯克内克塔迪的这天风景美丽 气候温和
almost balmy 22nd of September in Schenectady.
And it’s the first day of fall.
为了庆祝这天 我们请到了艾尔克 朴茨卡莫
So in honor of that fact, we have Elke Putzkammer…
…professor of literature at Union college…
…to talk about autumn in poetry and literature.
-早上好 教授 -你好 阿莱士
-Good morning, professor. -Hi, Alex.
为什么那么多人描写秋天呢? 是什么原因?
So, what about it? Why do so many people write about the fall?
Well, I think it’s seen as the beginning of the end, really.
If the year is a life,
then September, the beginning of fall…
秋天也是玫瑰花瓣凋零 生命开始死亡的时候
…is when the bloom is off the rose and things start to die.
这个月充满忧郁 或许正因为此 它分外迷人
It’s a melancholy month and maybe because of that, quite beautiful.
Is there something you might read to us?
好的 非常乐意
Oh, I’d love to.
谁现在没有房♥屋 将再也建造不成
Whoever has no house now Will never have one.
谁现在单身一人 将长久孤苦伶仃
Whoever is alone will stay alone
将坐着 读着 写着长长的信
Will sit, read, write long letters Through the evening
将在林荫小道上心神不定 徘徊不已
And wander the boulevards Up and down, restlessly
While the dry leaves are blowing
这首诗很尖刻 不是吗
Goodness, that harsh, isn’t it?
也许吧 但是写得很真实
Well, perhaps. But truthful.
妈妈 拉完了
Mommy, done.
-早上好 -早上好
-Good morning. -Good morning.
-我试图不吵醒你的 -谢谢
-I tried not to wake you. -Well, thanks.
你没有吵醒我 我醒着 只是起不了床
You didn’t. I just… You know, I couldn’t get up.
-凯顿 你能接一下电♥话♥吗? -是玛丽亚 我不想去接
-Caden, can you get that? -It’s Maria, I don’t want to.
-凯顿… 那很奇怪 -是我 最近好吗?
-Caden… Oh, that’s weird. -Hey, it’s me. How are you?
妈妈 我的便便是不是有什么问题?
Mommy, is something wrong with my poop?
不 亲爱的 只是绿色的而已
No, honey, it’s just green.
You probably ate something green.
我没有吃 我是不是有什么问题?
I didn’t. What’s wrong with me?
我得去接电♥话♥ 奥利芙 你会好的 好吗?
I have to get that, Olive. You’re gonna be fine, okay?
-但是 妈妈… -我马上就会回来 奥利芙
-But, Mommy… -Yeah, I’ll be right back, Olive.
没什么事 只是在帮奥利芙擦屁♥股♥ 你呢?
Oh, nothing. Just wiping Olive’s ass. You?
-在克什米尔发生了一场地震 -你在开玩笑吧 该死的
-An earthquake in Kashmir… -Oh, you’re kidding. Holy fuck.
-在这次地震中 大约有73000人遇害 -我感觉不舒服
…has killed an estimated 73,000… -I don’t feel well.
Oh, my goodness.
华盛顿的三月 今天 十月十五日
-March in Washington, D.c., today, October 15th.
-哈罗德.品特死了 -他已经很老了 对吧?
-Harold Pinter died. -Well, he’s old, right?
-不 等等 他获得了诺贝尔奖 -妈妈
-No, wait. He won the Nobel Prize. -Mom.
-怎么了 亲爱的 -你可不可以看一下我的便便?
-What, honey? -Do you need to look at my poop?
-You sure it’s all right?
-它很好 奥利芙 只是有些旺盛而已
-It’s fine, Olive. Just flush.
如果它是活着的怎么办? 如果我杀死了它怎么办?
What if it’s alive? What if I kill it?
-它像植物一样绿 -亲爱的 它不是活的
-It’s green like plants. -It’s not alive, honey.
Remember the production of The Dumb Waiter I did at Albanyfest?
亲爱的 喝点燕麦粥
Have your oatmeal, honey.
-我想要花生酱和果冻 -你说你要燕麦粥
-I want peanut butter and jelly. -You said oatmeal.
-这里不是餐馆 -我不想喝燕麦粥
-This isn’t a restaurant. -I don’t want oatmeal.
-那好吧 -对不起 妈妈
-Okay. Fine. -Mommy, I’m sorry.
They found avian flu in Turkey.
是土耳其这个国家 而不是在火鸡身上发现的
In the country Turkey, not turkeys.
-在去学校之前我能一直看电视么? -行
-Can I watch TV till school? -In some chickens. Yeah.
There is a secret something at play under the surface…
…growing like an invisible virus of thought.
But you’re being changed by it…
-牛奶已经过期了 -知道了
-Milk’s expired. -Okay.
-你最好吃掉这个 -我会的
-You better eat this. -I will.
How did I guess you’d ask me that question?
万圣节快乐 斯克内克塔迪
Happy Halloween, Schenectady.
And how long have you been in New York for?
The first black graduate of the University of Alabama died.
Vivian Malone Jones.
因中风而死 享年63岁
Stroke, 63.
天啦! 来人啊! 阿黛尔 救命!
God! Somebody! Adele, help!
-天啊 怎么成这样了
-Jesus, Caden, what the fuck?
-我在刮脸 突然那个东西就飞出来了
-I was shaving and the thing flew off!
天呐 看看你的头
Oh, my God! Jesus, look at your head.
Oh, shit.
该死的 我转不动它
Oh, God, I can’t turn it.
Oh, wait.
-妈妈 爸爸流血了 -嗯
-Mommy, Daddy has blood. -Yeah.
-会不会留下伤疤? -也许会 它看起来像块挡泥板
-Will there be a scar? -Probably. It looks like a mud flap.
-我希望不要留下疤痕 -知道了
-I prefer there not to be a scar. -Yeah.
That fellow is annoying.
他每周都来这里 就像时钟一样
He’s in here every week, like clockwork.
那里 我认为那应该…我看看
There. I think that should… Let’s see.
-怎么了? -大便最近有什么变化吗?
-What? -Change in bowel movements?
比平时更黄一些 为什么问这个?
It’s a little more yellow than usual. Why?
Yeah, I’d like you to see an ophthalmologist.
-神经科专家? -什么? 不是
-A neurologist? -What? No.
我说的是眼科医生 是眼科医生
An ophthalmologist. I said, ophthalmologist.
Do you hear that?
今天是星期二 妈妈 今天是星期二吗?
And today is Tuesday. Mommy, is today Tuesday?
不 宝贝 今天是星期五 医生具体是怎么说的?
No, honey, today is Friday. So, what exactly did he say?
That my pupils weren’t properly opening and closing.
-不是的 -是的
-No. -Yeah.
-我认为他不是那样说的 -是的
-I don’t think that’s what he said. -Yes.
-他不是那样说的 -是因为你头上的肿块吗?
-That’s not what he said. -Is it the bump to your head?
He doesn’t know. Maybe.
他说他不认为是这样的 但是也许他压根不知道
He said he doesn’t think so, but maybe. But he doesn’t know.
-但是也许…谁知道呢? -好了 凯顿 我懂了
-But maybe. Who knows? -Okay, Jesus, Caden, I got it.
-他不知道… -对不起 我有一些担忧
-He doesn’t know… -Sorry. I’m a little anxious.
-爸爸 你是不是得打♥针♥? -不 宝贝
-Did you have to get a shot, Daddy? -No, honey.
-这是可怕事情的开始 -我是不是得打♥针♥?
-It’s the start of something awful. -Do I have to get a shot?
-当然不要 -你告诉了他我的大便是绿色的么?
-Course not. -Did you tell him I have green poo?
-这真是个该死的时间 -打电♥话♥给水管工人吧
-It’s fucked timing. -Call the plumber. Hey.
对不起 我有预演 该死的
Sorry. I have rehearsal. Fuck.
-别泄气 加油 -对不起 对不起 对不起 各位 对不起
-Hey, come on. -Sorry, sorry, sorry. Everybody, sorry.
How many years until I have to get more shots?
-不会隔太长时间的 宝贝 -一百万年?
-Not for a really long time, babe. -A million years?
-我记得 伍德曼医生说的话… -爸爸 水管工人是什么?
-Remember what Dr. Woodman said… -Dad, what’s a plumber?
-他是一个男人 -或者是一个女人 爸爸
-He’s a man… -Or a woman, Dad.
对 他是一个修水池和洗手间的男人或者女人
Right. He’s a man or a woman who fixes sinks and toilets and…
-你知道什么是管道么? -不知道
-Do you know what pipes are? -No.
-吉姆 我发生了点意外 -像可以抽烟的那种?
-Hey, Jim. I had an accident. -Like to smoke out of?
宝贝 是另外一种管道 好的 再见
A different kind of pipe, honey. All right, bye.
房♥子里都有管道 它们是…制♥造♥的
Houses have pipes, and they’re made of…
他们就像管子一样 埋藏在墙的后面…
They’re like tubes, and they’re behind the walls…
它们在地下 处处都有
…and they’re under the floors and everywhere.
-还有… -怎么了?
-And… -What’s the matter?
-每一个地方吗? -没关系的 宝贝
-Every single where? -It’s okay, honey.
They just carry water to and from sinks and toilets.
-就像在你的身体 你有血管一样 -毛细血管
-It’s like in your body. You have veins. -Capillaries.
Capillaries filled with blood.
我有血吗? 我不想要血 我不想要血
I have blood? I don’t want blood. I don’t want blood.
-你到底在干什么? -我只是在试着解释什么是水管而已
-What are you doing? -Trying to explain plumbing.
-别说了 -我现在办不到
-Stop. -I can’t do this now.
-别担心 你没有血 -别告诉她她没有血
-Don’t worry, you don’t have blood. -Don’t tell her she doesn’t have blood.
-凯顿 闭嘴 -我不想要血
-Caden, stop it. -I don’t want blood.
Thanks for getting me in right away.
-是因为头上的肿块么? -不是
-Was it the bump to the head? -No.
也可能是 但是我们需要让你去看看神经科医生
