tarnish 英 [ˈtɑːnɪʃ] 美 [ˈtɑːrnɪʃ]



  • Others fear 3G is tarnishing American treasures such as Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Warren Buffett, who partnered with 3G to combine Heinz and Kraft and last year lost nearly $3bn on the deal.
    另一些人则担心,3G 资本正在玷污像卡夫芝士通心粉和巴菲特这样的美国瑰宝。之前正是巴菲特与3G 资本联手促成了亨氏和卡夫的合并,去年他因这笔交易亏损近30 亿美元。
  • Mr. Lutsenko, who succeeded Mr. Shokin, was initially seen as a better prosecutor, but his image tarnished over time.


[verb] make or become less valuable or respected
[动词] 使或变得不那么有价值或受人尊敬


Tarnish 源自中古法语 ternir (暗淡光泽或亮度、使暗淡),本义指“(使)失去光泽、暗淡”,尤指因为暴露在空气或湿气中而失去光泽,比如发乌的银烛台(tarnished silver candlesticks)。

除了金属等物质有光泽以外,一个远近闻名的声誉也是一种光环,给人熠熠生辉的感觉。不过一旦经不住诱惑,做了什么不道德的事传了出去,这种闪耀的光彩立马就会暗淡下来。这时也可以用 tarnish 来表示“玷污、败坏、损坏(名誉等)”,强调破坏人们对某人某物的好感,比如损害某人的形象(tarnish one’s image)。

除此之外, tarnish 还可以作名词表示“金属表面上的暗锈、失泽膜”。


出自1992年美国剧情片《好人寥寥》(A Few Good Men)。影片讲述年轻的美国海军律师卡菲为两位被控犯谋杀罪的海军陆战队员洗脱罪名、伸张正义的故事。


tarnish” 是一个动词,意为使变暗,失去光泽;比喻玷污,损害声誉。

以下是包含 “tarnish” 这个词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. tarnish reputation – 损害声誉
  2. tarnish image – 玷污形象
  3. tarnish the truth – 曲解事实
  4. tarnish the legacy – 损害遗产
  5. tarnish the beauty – 毁坏美景
  6. tarnish the charm – 破坏魅力
  7. tarnish the memory – 玷污记忆
  8. tarnish the dignity – 损害尊严
  9. tarnish the reputation – 玷污声誉
  10. tarnish the honor – 损害荣誉
  11. tarnish the achievement – 毁坏成就
  12. tarnish the integrity – 损害诚信
  13. tarnish the excellence – 玷污卓越
  14. tarnish the trust – 破坏信任
  15. tarnish the progress – 损害进展
  16. tarnish the credibility – 损害可信度
  17. tarnish the character – 毁坏品德
  18. tarnish the record – 破坏记录
  19. tarnish the good name – 毁坏名声
  20. tarnish the fame – 破坏名望
  21. tarnish the reputation – 玷污声誉
  22. tarnish the image – 玷污形象
  23. tarnish the truth – 曲解事实
  24. tarnish the legacy – 损害遗产
  25. tarnish the beauty – 毁坏美景
  26. tarnish the charm – 破坏魅力
  27. tarnish the memory – 玷污记忆
  28. tarnish the dignity – 损害尊严
  29. tarnish the reputation – 玷污声誉
  30. tarnish the honor – 损害荣誉
  31. tarnish the achievement – 毁坏成就
  32. tarnish the integrity – 损害诚信
  33. tarnish the excellence – 玷污卓越
  34. tarnish the trust – 破坏信任
  35. tarnish the progress – 损害进展
  36. tarnish the credibility – 损害可信度
  37. tarnish the character – 毁坏品德
  38. tarnish the record – 破坏记录
  39. tarnish the good name – 毁坏名声
  40. tarnish the fame – 破坏名望
  41. tarnish the reputation – 玷污声誉
  42. tarnish the image – 玷污形象
  43. tarnish the truth – 曲解事实
  44. tarnish the legacy – 损害遗产
  45. tarnish the beauty – 毁坏美景
  46. tarnish the charm – 破坏魅力
  47. tarnish the memory – 玷污记忆
  48. tarnish the dignity – 损害尊严
  49. tarnish the reputation – 玷污声誉
  50. tarnish the honor – 损害荣誉

这些短语应该有助于你更好地理解 “tarnish” 这个词在描述损害声誉、玷污形象或损害其他方面的时候的不同应用。


  • taint: affect with a bad or undesirable quality
  • besmirch: damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others
  • smear: damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander
