tenure 英 [ˈtenjə(r)] 美 [ˈtenjər]



  • In America at least, average job tenures have barely changed in recent decades.
  • Mrs. Thatcher’s 11-year tenure had much in common with Liverpool’s, both in its length and its attitudes toward organized labor.


[noun] the holding of an office
[名词] 任职期间


Tenure 与小站之前推过的 manure (粪肥、肥料)结尾相同,不过含义大相径庭。

Tenure 一词源自拉丁语 tenere (持有),与小站之前推过的 tenet (原则、信条、教义)同源,15世纪初进入英语时原指“持有地产”,对应今义“(房地产等的)保有权、保有期、保有条件”,比如:

  • 居住权得不到保证是许多家庭居无定所的一个原因。
    Lack of security of tenure was a reason for many families becoming homeless.

到了16世纪末, tenure 不再仅仅表示持有地产,而是引申用于表达持有某种地位或职业,对应今义“任期、任职”,多用于形容某项重要的政治职务,比如:

  • 布什总统的八年任期
    the eight-year tenure of President Bush
  • 她知道自己与显赫的政治职位无缘。
    She knew that tenure of high political office was beyond her.

而到了1957年, tenure 在美式英语里,又从任期这个概念进一步引申用于表示“终身职位、长期聘用”,多用于形容大学教师职位,这个概念作动词时即指“授予……终身职位”,比如:

  • 要取得终身职位仍然极其困难。
    It’s still extremely difficult to get tenure.
  • 经过三年的试用,委员会授予她终身职位。
    After three years on probation, the committee tenured her.

与之对应的 untenured 则表示“没有终身职位的”,比如:

  • 作为一个没有永久职位的助理教授,她在学院里表现很高调。
    Her profile in the college is unusually high for an untenured assistant professor.


A life of action and danger moderates the dread of death. It not only gives us fortitude to bear pain, but teaches us at every step the precarious tenure on which we hold our present being.

出自英国随笔作家威廉·黑兹利特(William Hazlitt,1778–1830年)的《席间闲谈》。威廉·黑兹利特以清晰、直接、男子气概的风格极大地影响了一批随笔作家。


tenure” 是一个英语单词,通常用来表示在职期、任期、任职稳定性,特指大学教师获得终身职位的状态。


  1. Academic tenure: 学术终身职位
  2. tenure track: 终身职位轨道
  3. tenure review: 终身职位评审
  4. tenure process: 终身职位申请流程
  5. tenure eligibility: 终身职位资格
  6. tenure criteria: 终身职位评审标准
  7. tenure requirements: 终身职位要求
  8. tenure decision: 终身职位决定
  9. Faculty tenure: 教职员终身职位
  10. tenure application: 终身职位申请
  11. tenure contract: 终身职位合同
  12. tenure appointment: 终身职位任命
  13. tenure committee: 终身职位委员会
  14. tenure expiration: 终身职位到期
  15. tenure negotiation: 终身职位谈判
  16. tenure benefits: 终身职位福利
  17. tenure extension: 终身职位延期
  18. tenure renewal: 终身职位续期
  19. tenure status: 终身职位状态
  20. tenure security: 终身职位稳定性
  21. tenure protection: 终身职位保护
  22. tenure rights: 终身职位权益
  23. tenure agreement: 终身职位协议
  24. tenure offer: 终身职位提供
  25. tenure contract: 终身职位合同
  26. tenure eligibility: 终身职位资格
  27. tenure considerations: 终身职位考虑因素
  28. tenure decision: 终身职位决定
  29. tenure review process: 终身职位评审流程
  30. tenure track position: 终身职位轨道职位
  31. tenure application: 终身职位申请
  32. tenure requirements: 终身职位要求
  33. tenure candidate: 终身职位候选人
  34. tenure evaluation: 终身职位评估
  35. tenure stability: 终身职位稳定性
  36. tenure benefits: 终身职位福利
  37. tenure protections: 终身职位保护
  38. tenure contract terms: 终身职位合同条款
  39. tenure expiration date: 终身职位到期日期
  40. tenure renewal process: 终身职位续期流程
  41. tenure negotiation: 终身职位谈判
  42. tenure extension request: 终身职位延期请求
  43. tenure timeline: 终身职位时间表
  44. tenure policies: 终身职位政策
  45. tenure consideration factors: 终身职位考虑因素
  46. tenure review committee: 终身职位评审委员会
  47. tenure promotion: 终身职位晋升
  48. tenure application process: 终身职位申请流程
  49. tenure eligibility criteria: 终身职位资格标准
  50. tenure evaluation process: 终身职位评估流程


  • incumbency: the holding of an office or the period during which one is held
  • term: a fixed or limited period for which something, e.g., office, imprisonment, or investment, lasts or is intended to last
  • stint: a person’s fixed or allotted period of work
