thaw 英 [θɔː] 美 [θɔː]



  • As climate change thaws the snow, the remains of many of these victims have emerged—including one of the lost climbers from 1924.
  • He reprised that language in his speech on Wednesday, signaling that no political thaw is in the offing.


[verb] (of ice, snow, or another frozen substance, such as food) become liquid or soft as a result of warming
[动词] (指冰、雪或食物等其他冷冻物质)因变暖而变成液体或变软


Thaw 一词源自西日耳曼语 thawon (融化),其基本含义指“冰、雪等融化、融解”或“江、河等结冰后解冻”,也可以表示“冷冻食品等解冻、化冻”或“手脚等变暖、回到正常温度”,比如:

  • 这些肉烹制之前要先彻底解冻。
    Allow the meat to thaw completely before cooking it.
  • 我觉得耳朵和脚趾暖和过来了。
    I could feel my ears and toes start to thaw out.


  • 我们在初春解冻时节的泥泞中艰难行进。
    We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw.

寒冬三九天是一年中最冷的一段时间,但比其更冷的还有人与人、国与国之间的冰冷关系。“解冻、融化”这种降至冰点的关系也可以用 thaw 引申表达,即“关系等回暖、缓和、改善”或“变得友好、随和、不拘束”,既可以作动词也可以作名词使用,比如:

  • 他们谈着谈着,他才变得随和起来。
    As they talked, he began to thaw.
  • 两国经贸关系有缓和的迹象。
    There are signs of a thaw in economic and trade relations between the two countries.


One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the Spring.

出自美国生态学家、环境保护主义者奥尔多·利奥波德(Aldo Leopold,1887年1月11日-1948年4月21日)。


thaw” 主要指的是融化,特别是指冰或雪的融化。在引申意义上,也可以表示关系或局势的缓和、变得更友好或温暖。

以下是包含单词 “thaw” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Spring thaw – 春天融化
  2. thawing process – 融化过程
  3. Quick thaw – 快速融化
  4. Slow thaw – 缓慢融化
  5. thawing ice – 融化的冰
  6. thawing snow – 融化的雪
  7. thawing glaciers – 融化的冰川
  8. thawing river – 融化的河流
  9. thawing ground – 融化的地面
  10. thawing temperature – 融化温度
  11. thawing season – 融化季节
  12. thawing conditions – 融化条件
  13. thawing lake – 融化的湖泊
  14. thawing permafrost – 融化的永久冻土
  15. Political thaw – 政治融和
  16. Diplomatic thaw – 外交缓和
  17. thaw in relations – 关系的缓和
  18. thawing tensions – 紧张局势的缓和
  19. thaw in the cold war – 冷战的融和
  20. Economic thaw – 经济复苏
  21. Cultural thaw – 文化解冻
  22. Social thaw – 社会变暖
  23. thaw in attitudes – 态度的缓和
  24. thaw in the workplace – 职场的缓和
  25. thaw in the family – 家庭的融洽
  26. thaw in international relations – 国际关系的融和
  27. thaw in negotiations – 谈判的缓和
  28. thaw in political discourse – 政治言论的缓和
  29. thaw in conflicts – 冲突的融和
  30. thaw in global tensions – 全球紧张局势的缓和
  31. thaw in trade relations – 贸易关系的融洽
  32. thaw in diplomatic talks – 外交谈判的缓和
  33. thaw in economic sanctions – 经济制裁的缓和
  34. thaw in military tensions – 军事紧张局势的缓和
  35. thaw in cultural exchanges – 文化交流的融洽
  36. thaw in international cooperation – 国际合作的缓和
  37. thaw in climate negotiations – 气候谈判的缓和
  38. thaw in the Middle East – 中东的缓和
  39. thaw in the Korean Peninsula – 朝鲜半岛的缓和
  40. thaw in trade disputes – 贸易争端的缓和
  41. thaw in diplomatic relations – 外交关系的融洽
  42. thaw in the arms race – 军备竞赛的融和
  43. thaw in regional conflicts – 区域冲突的缓和
  44. thaw in international conflicts – 国际冲突的融和
  45. thaw in global cooperation – 全球合作的融洽
  46. thaw in nuclear disarmament – 核裁军的融和
  47. thaw in trade barriers – 贸易壁垒的融和
  48. thaw in immigration policies – 移民政策的缓和
  49. thaw in environmental cooperation – 环保合作的融洽
  50. thaw in technological collaboration – 技术合作的缓和


  • melt: make or become liquefied by heat
  • defrost: free (the interior of a refrigerator or freezer) of accumulated ice, usually by turning it off for a period
  • fuse: melt (a material or object) with intense heat so as to join it with something else
