l expect to turn into a bed sitting room very shortly.
我认为你最好和我谈谈 先生
l think you’d better speak to me, sir.
说具体点 在要求里面我能在哪停下呢?
ln which particular, l shall be obliged to stop somewhere,
preferably a street.
你不能停在这里 先生
You can’t stop here, sir.
哦 好吧 那我在哪里可以停下呢?
Oh, well, where can l stop?
我想你自己非常清楚 你哪都不能停 先生
You can’t stop anywhere, sir, as you very well know.
We don’t want to stay in one place long enough
…久到敌人又有机会袭击我们吧 先生?
for the enemy to have another chance at us, do we, sir?
至少不会在我们先发制人发起攻击前 是吧 先生?
Not until our pre-emptive strike is launched, do we, sir?
您说是吗 先生?
Do we, sir?
Have we not struck back? Has England not?
如果不能说更早 那我们在三年前就应该反击了
We should have struck back three years ago, if not before.
我认为我们反击了 先生 但这种事需要时间
l expect we did, sir. But these things take time.
你看起来脸色不太好 先生 你没去找一个好的房♥产代理吗
You’re not looking very well, sir. Have you been to a good estate agent?
我的天 对不起 先生
Oh, my God ! Sorry, sir.
哦是的 在我变成一个坐卧两用室之前 我绝对会被拒绝处理的
Oh, yes. Absolutely refused to handle me, until l’d turned into a bed sitting room.
And you are not that?
不完全是 去你的!
Not yet fully, damn you, man !
我 我 我看起来像一个坐卧两用室吗?
Do l, do l. . . Do l look like a bed sitting room?
这话轮不到我来说 先生
lt’s not for me to say, sir.
但如果你停下来了 变成坐卧两用室的话 你会变得容易被拆掉
But should you stop, you’re liable to be knocked down
without the option.
这样 我…
Well, l. . .
l don’t want to turn into a bed sitting room.
l don’t.
You can’t have a Lord turning into that sort of thing.
我的意思是 要变也该变成些看起来富有些的东西 比如朗利特或者沃本庄园
l mean, Longleat, Woburn Abbey, a place where the takings are considerable,
but a bedsitter!
每周三英镑十便士的房♥子 绝对不行!
Three pounds ten a week. Never!
继续前进 中士
Carry on, Sergeant.
Excuse me.
ELECTRONlC VOlCE: Do you hear the frog?
Here’s a turkey.
ln every way, l’m getting better and better.
每一天 在每一…
Every day, in every. . .
喂 喂? -喂喂 他们把它扔下去了吗?
Hello, hello? -MAN: Hello, hello. Have they dropped it yet?
没有 它还在我手里呢
No. l’ve still got it in me hand.
喂喂 他们把它扔下去了吗?
Hello, hello. Have they dropped it?
喂 上面的 -它来自…
Hello, up there. -lt’s coming from. . .
喂 喂!
Hello, hello!
You stupid. . .
你好 我在下面能听到你 你在上面可以听到我吗?
Hello. l can hear you down here. Can you hear me up there?
每天 我在各方面都变得越来越好了
Every day, in every way, l’m getting better and better.
Every day and every. . .
她胸很大 不是吗? 对于她这个年纪的女孩来说 是吧?
She’s got big busts, hasn’t she? For a girl her age, hmm?
什么? – 是啊 你说什么?
What? -ALAN: Yeah, what?
That left bust, especially seems to,
the nipple seems to stand out more on that one.
嗯 父亲非常善于观察 他曾是军队里的
Mmm. Father’s very observant. He was in the Corps.
l wish he wouldn’t talk about me in front of Alan.
He doesn’t want to know about my busts.
不 我想 我想的
No, l do, l do.
Shall we stop here for tea?
我希望这种家庭闲话不会让你觉得无聊吧 阿兰?
l hope all this family talk isn’t boring you, Alan?
不无聊 一点都不 -那就好
No, not a bit of it. -Good.
好吧 我觉得你现在可以去跳支舞 放松一下 你们两个都去吧
Well, l expect you’d like a little dance now. To relax you, the both of you.
我很高兴一切都结束了 这个…
l’m glad it’s all over. The, um. . .
你知道吗 孩子她妈 我也是这么觉得的
Do you know, Mother, so am l.
Just like l was glad when l married you.

Got it all over.
如果我知道结局会是如此的解脱… 要是我…
lf l’d known the end was such a relief. lf only l. . .
我以前常说“看在上帝的份上 把炸♥弹♥丢下来吧 ”不是吗?
l used to say, “For Christ’s sake, drop it,” didn’t l?
Only when you were very tired.

FATHER: He’s not a bad lad.
你现在也说他好了 我说过什么来着?
Now, there you are, what did l say?
你听到我说了什么吗 小伙子 -他说你是个不错的小伙子
Did you hear what l said, lad? -He said you were not a bad lad.
哦 谢谢你
Oh, thank you.
你现在是家庭的一份子了 -好耶
One of the family now. -There.
l want you to treat me just as if l was your father.
l hated my father!
不 好吧 啊!
No. Right. Ahhh !
好吧 你就没有个和你亲近的叔叔什么之类的吗 小阿兰?
Well, haven’t you got a favourite uncle you were fond of, young Alan?
好 那就把我当成他吧
Well, treat me like him, then.

叔叔 能给我六便士买♥♥糖吗 拜托了
Uncle, can l have sixpence for sweeties, please?
Of course you may.
What a good, polite boy you are!

Radiation’s rising.
Still, one mustn’t grumble too much.
你好? -你好 他们把它扔下去了吗?
Hello? -MAN: Hello, have they dropped it yet?
嘿? -你好?
Hey? -Hello?
什么? -他们把它扔下去了吗 兄弟
What? -Have they dropped it yet, boy?
你在哪里? -就在这里
Where are you? -ln by here.
嗯? -就在这里
Hmm? -ln by here.
我是地方政♥府♥安排的 快进来 快
l’m a regional seat of government. Come in by here, quick.
我马上会把你安顿好的 让你能坐着
l’ll soon have you seated and governed.
Fancy seeing you down here.
你是谁? -首先
Who are you? -First of all,
他们已经把它扔下来了? 真的吗?
have they dropped it yet, indeed?
Have they dropped what?
你知道的啊 你肯定知道的 你不是在地面上吗?
You know, the. . . You’re bound to know. You’re up there, weren’t you?
到了最后 它还是和黑人还有LBJ混在一起
Still, towards the end it got all mixed up with the blackies and LBJ.
这里有个伙伴,LBJ 我很荣幸能在区域内为他进行服务
There’s a fellow for you, LBJ. l was proud to regionally serve him.
他们有把它扔下来吗? 不 别告诉我 让我猜猜
Have they? No, don’t tell me, let me guess.
你知道 哈罗德把一切都放在这上面了 哈罗德!
Harrods laid all this on, you know. Harrods!
他们很擅长这样 – 确实
They’re very good at that. -Yes.
我觉得我话太多了 不要听 我都不听
l expect l talk too much. Don’t listen. l don’t listen.
感谢上帝 在发生这些时我的脑子还清醒
Thank God l’ve kept my head, when all about are. . .
Have they?
有些好人已经死了 你知道吧
Some good people have gone, you know.
哦是 -我自己就开枪射了两个人
Oh, yes. -l shot two myself.
我必须这么做 他们冲我来的 他们想要和那个来自哈罗德的男的一起进来
l had to. They came at me. They tried to get in with the man from Harrods.
他们带着防毒面罩 想要进来
ln gas masks, they were, trying to get in.
所以我向他们开枪 我说:“把脸上的防毒面罩摘下来 ”
So l shot them. l said, “Take those gas masks off your face,” l said.
我必须这么做 他们中有人有可能是我的指挥 你懂吧
l had to. They might have been some of my directors, you see.
Who? Who did you shoot?
我的母亲和我的妻子 我把他们击毙了
My mother and my wife. Shot them dead.
哦 – 当然 我再婚了
Oh. -Of course, l married again.
别在意啊 我话有点多
Don’t mind me, l talk too much.

她叫多丽丝 多丽丝 -嗯?
Doris. Doris. -Hmm?
我沉浸在爱河之中 爱情自然就通向了婚姻
l’m very much in love. Of course, it led to marriage.
She doesn’t seem to mind.
Are you hungry?
不饿 -你♥他♥妈♥在撒谎!
No. -That’s a damn lie!
你别向我吼 我是一个医生
Don’t you shout at me, l’m a medical practitioner.
l have the proof. The terrible proof.
Fresh evidence has come to life as to who is responsible.
Will you have a bite with us?
可以 可以 按照这个顺序来
l will, l will, l will. ln that order.

Where are we?
Are you all forgotten?
