请让我走 – 我们办不到 洛薇儿小姐
Please let me go. – We can’t do that, Miss Lowell.
布朗先生想要你看拳击 只打了三回合
Mr. Brown wants you to see the fight. It’s only the third round.
我会回去 只是让我自己走
I’ll go back, just let me go by myself.
我们丢了你才两分钟 布朗先生已经生气了
Mr. Brown is mad already. We lost you for two minutes.
I promise I won’t run away.
我跑哪儿去? – 好吧 放开她
Where would I go? – All right. Let her go.
I’ve changed my mind.
I don’t want to see the fights.
I’m hungry.
Call a cab.
Call a cab.
但是布朗先生想… – 布朗先生说要让她开心
But Mr. Brown… – Mr. Brown says to keep her happy.
Call a cab.
93分局 利兹警佐
93rd Precinct, Sgt. Lee.
坐下!彼得森警长 – 是 长官 我知道 长官
Sit down. Captain Peterson. – Yes, sir. I know, sir.
副警长呢? – 他在值班 长官
The Lieutenant? – He’s off duty, sir.
但他还在他的办公室? 我知道了 我知道了!
But he’s still in his office. I know. I know…
见鬼了 伦纳德! 看见你改变一下放松太好了
Hell, Leonard! It’s good to see you relax for a change.
晚上好 警长 有要紧事吗? – 要紧事?
Evening, Captain. Anything urgent? – Urgent?
Anything urgent I leave to my subordinates.
去那边盒子拿点十分钱的好烟 – 不 谢了 我戒烟
Got some good cigars in that box. – No, thanks. I’m off cigars.
白兰地!我医生要我戒掉 值得活下去的一切…几乎
Brandy! My doctor’s got me off everything worth living for… almost.
伦纳德? – 哎 长官?
Leonard? – Yes, sir?
There’s got to be a stop to your complete disregard of the taxpayers’ money.
这个苹果是我自己掏的钱 警长
Paid for this apple out of my own pocket, Captain.
伦纳德 你过去六个月花了18600美元!
Leonard, you spent $18,600 in the last six months!
调查一个人 仅仅一个人!
Investigating one man, a single man!
布朗不是一个人 他是一个组织
Brown’s not a man, he’s an organization.
我需要钱来拼钱 听着 副警长
And I need money to fight money. – Now look, Lieutenant…
我对你个人无可非议 我赞赏你
I’ve got nothing against you personally. I admire you.
你有太多脑子了 但这不是你的错
You’ve got too many brains, but that’s not your fault.
听着 这18600美元怎么办?
Now, what about this $18,600?
How am I going to explain this to the Commissioner?
我说个解释 如果你想用的话
Well, I’ve dictated an explanation if you want to use it.
‘Memorandum to Captain Peterson
‘covering expenditures of the 93rd Precinct station.
‘The Combination is growing stronger every day.
‘The only way to crush it is to get the top man.
格拉兹亡命海外后 布朗…
‘When Grazzi left the country, Brown…’
你以为这是什么 一桩凶杀案的调查?
What do you think this is, a homicide investigation?
You’re dealing with the largest pool of illegal money in the world!
你在奋战沼泽 用…一根汤匙
You’re fighting a swamp with a teaspoon.
联合会不留账本 不留记录
The Combination keeps no books, no records.
Everything’s run on word of mouth and hard cash!
这就是他们弱点之一 – 什么?
That’s their one weakness. – What?
They have to have a treasurer.
这又如何? – 我知道了他的名字
So? – And I know his name.
The name of a man who can pick up a phone and call Chicago or New Orleans and say,
说“嗨 比尔 乔周末过去 垫给他五万”
“Hey, Bill. Joe is coming down for the weekend, advance him 50,000.”
然后他挂断电♥话♥ 钱就垫出去了
And he hangs up the phone and the money is advanced.
Protection money!
然后一家新夜♥总♥会♥开张 搞市区外赌博
Then a new all-night bar opens, with gambling outside city limits.
一群群中学孩子们涌入 图个好玩
A bunch of high school kids come in for a good time.
他们喝醉 他们不顾后果 他们输光衬衫
They get loaded, they get irresponsible. They lose their shirts.
And they get a gun
’cause they’re worried, they want to make up their loses,
然后一个加油站服务员死了 肝上一颗子弹!
and a filling station attendant is dead with a bullet in his liver!
我不得不看见四个孩子 因为一级谋杀受审
And I have to see four kids on trial for first degree murder.
Look at it!
一级谋杀 就因为某个布朗先生打了个电♥话♥
First degree murder because a certain Mr. Brown picked up a phone.
你没法动布朗 他干干净净
You can’t touch Brown, he’s clean.
我们抓不到他一点辫子! 甚至没有一张违规停车罚单
We’ve got nothing on him! Not even a parking ticket.
是啊 为什么他这么小心?太不正常了!
Yeah, why is he so careful? It’s unnatural!
你不能跟陪审团说一个人有罪 因为他太清白了…
You can’t tell a jury a man’s guilty because he’s too innocent…
他不比这把枪更清白! – 停止感情用事 伦纳德!
He’s no more innocent than this gun! – Now stop getting emotional, Leonard!
他是清白的 除非他被证明有罪
He’s innocent until he’s proven guilty.
是 警长
Yes, Captain.
还有别的事吗 警长?
Is there anything else, Captain?
有 这姑娘
Yes. The girl.
Susan Lowell.
你尾随她六个月了 为什么?
You’ve had a tail on her for six months. Why?
她是布朗的女人 她是我们最有价值的线索
She’s Brown’s girl. She’s our most valuable lead.
我们对布朗一无所知 但是…
We know next to nothing about Brown, but a woman knows,
一个女人知道 她当作自己的事来了解
she makes it her business to know.
如果我能沟通她 让她说出来…
If I can get a hold of her and make her talk…
伦纳德 你已经尝试了六个月!
Leonard, you’ve spent six months trying!
她去维加斯 你也去维加斯
She went to Vegas, you went to Vegas.
她飞去古巴 你也飞去古巴
She flew to Cuba, you flew to Cuba.
这费用你不能报销 你自己掏腰包
Couldn’t get authorization for the expense, paid it out of your own pocket.
我不得不 你要支持我
I had to, you wouldn’t back me up.
我又没有爱上她 伦纳德 是你!
I’m not in love with her, Leonard. You are!
这是私房♥话 伦纳德 两个朋友之间的
This is off the record, Leonard. It’s between friends.
Try to face facts.
You can’t bear to think of her in the arms of this hood.
Forget her!
你是警♥察♥ 伦纳德
You’re a cop, Leonard.
There’s 17,000 laws on the books to be enforced.
You haven’t time to reform wayward girls.
She’s been with Brown three and a half years.
That’s a lot of days…
and nights.
面对它 伦纳德…
Face it, Leonard.
I’m glad you agree.
只是别跑 我们会不得不追你
Just don’t run away. We’d only have to come after you.
Mr. Brown wouldn’t like that.
Mr. Audubon.
Well, I… Well, I’m glad to see you.
How are you? It’s been years!
你看起来怎么大不一样了 苏珊 我…
Well, you look so different somehow, Susan. I…
我几乎认不出你了 – 我还是老样子 奥杜邦先生
Well, I hardly recognized you. – Oh, I’m just the same, Mr. Audubon.
Well, how’s your lovely mother?
她在英国 我没有保持联♥系♥了
She’s in England someplace, I haven’t kept track.
我本该想到你出走了 我听说了
Why, I should think you’d have gone along.
I hear that Vladovich is playing a Beethoven cycle.
我没有之前对钢琴的兴趣了 奥杜邦先生
Oh, I haven’t the interest I once had in the piano, Mr. Audubon.
Well, now I’m disappointed.
You don’t play anymore?
我现在唯一玩的 奥杜邦先生 是四明一暗扑克
The only thing I play now, Mr. Audubon, is stud poker.
您愿意跟我跳舞吗 奥杜邦先生? – 当然可以 苏珊
Will you dance with me, Mr. Audubon? – Why certainly, Susan.
你没事吧? 当然没事
You all right? – Oh, of course! Of course!
The day Mr. Brown lets go our little lady,
I’ll do it personally.
奥杜邦先生… – 苏珊
Mr. Audubon…
我吞了点药 我想我要死了
Susan! – I’ve taken some pills, I think I’m dying.
Get an ambulance!
She just fell over!
你现在感觉如何 本尼?
How do you feel now, Bennie?
我了输 我感觉糟透了 布朗先生
I lost. I feel terrible, Mr. Brown.
你继续打 本尼 你还有心跳
You kept fighting, Bennie. You’ve got heart.
I lost three of my teeth, too.
就算你输了 下次你会赢
All right, so you lost. Next time you’ll win.
我教你怎么打 看看乔·麦克卢尔
I’ll show you how. Take a look at Joe McClure here.
他过去是我的老板 现在我是他的
He used to be my boss, now I’m his.
What’s the difference between me and him?
我们呼吸同样的空气 住同样的酒店
We breathe the same air, sleep in the same hotel.
He used to own it!
Now it belongs to me.
我们吃同样的牛排 喝同样的波旁酒
We eat the same steaks, drink the same bourbon.
