Annie Hayworth.
Well, small world.

How do you know Annie?
We went to school together, college.
是吗 真想不到 你要在这里待多久
Did you? Imagine that. How long are you staying up here?
The weekend.
血差不多止住了 你按着伤口吧
Well, I think the bleeding’s almost stopped. Why don’t you hold that on?
-你来拜访安妮 -对
So you came up to see Annie, huh? Yes.
I think you came up to see me.
Now, why would I want to see you of all people?
我不知道 但你一定是大费周章地
I don’t know, but you must’ve gone to a lot of trouble
to find out who I was and where I lived.
一点都不麻烦 我只需打给我父亲的报社
It was no trouble at all. I simply called my father’s newspaper.
而且我原本就要过来 我已经说过了
Besides, I was coming up anyway. I’ve already told you that.
-你很喜欢我吧 -我讨厌你
You really like me, huh? I loathe you.
你没礼貌 既自大又骄傲
You have no manners. You’re arrogant, and conceited, and…
我本来写了封信要给你 但我撕掉了
I wrote you a letter about it, in fact, but I tore it up.
-上头写了什么 -不关你的事
What did it say? None of your business.
I can’t say I like your seagulls much, either.
-我大老远过来 -你本来就要过来 记得吗
I come all the way up here to… But you were coming up anyway, remember?
我看到你的车子 你到镇上做什么
I thought I saw your car. What are you doing in town?
-我来签收♥货♥物 -什么
I had to acknowledge a delivery. Of what?
妈妈 这是梅兰妮丹尼尔斯 丹尼尔斯小姐 这是我母亲
Mother, I’d like you to meet Melanie Daniels. Miss Daniels, my mother.
How do you do?
你好 丹尼尔斯小姐 签收什么
How do you do, Miss Daniels? Acknowledge a what?
货物 丹尼尔斯小姐 从旧金山替我们送小鸟过来
A delivery. Miss Daniels brought us some birds from San Francisco.
做为凯西的生日礼物 她在哪里
For Cathy for her birthday. Where is she?
Across at Brinkmeyer’s.
事实上 丹尼尔斯小姐 要在这里过周末
As a matter of fact, Miss Daniels is staying up here for the weekend,
so I’ve already invited her for dinner tonight.
Well, you did go to the trouble of bringing those birds.
Oh, I couldn’t possibly.
-你说鸟 -对 爱情鸟
You did say birds? Yes, lovebirds.
Oh, I see.
所以我们可不能 不向你道谢就让你离开
So we couldn’t let you get away without thanking you in some small way.
你还没见到凯西 况且你要在这里过周末
And you haven’t met Cathy, and you are staying the weekend.
-是 不过 -你会留下来吧
Well, yes, but… Well, you are, aren’t you?
-没错 但 -那就说定了
Certainly, but… Then it’s all settled.
-晚餐几点开动 -七点 一如往常
What time is dinner, Mother? 7:00, the same as usual.
-我会去接你 你住在哪里 -当然是安妮家
I’ll pick you up. Where are you staying? With Annie, of course.
当然了 我真笨 6点45分可以吗
Oh, of course. How stupid of me. 6:45?
安妮可能另有计划 我得问问看
Annie may have made other plans. I’ll have to see.
此外 我自己知道路
Besides, I can find my own way.
你确定 你不会再租船了
You’re sure now? You won’t hire a boat or anything?
-我确定 -那七点见了
I’m sure. 7:00, then.
我们会等你 头还痛吗
We’ll be waiting for you. How’s your head?
好多了 谢谢
Much better, thank you.
班纳太太 我只是被海鸥弄伤
A gull hit me, Mrs. Brenner, that’s all.
-嗨 你找到她了 -是
Oh, hi. Did you find her all right? Yes, I did.
I was wondering…
That sign there.
Do you suppose I could have the room for just a single night?
I was planning on renting it for a longer time…
I would appreciate it.
我找过镇上其他地方 都客满了
I’ve tried everywhere in town. They’re all full.
好吧 你的行李在车上
Well, all right. Got your bags in the car?
Well, it’s utilitarian, I’ll say that.
我刚在杂货店 买♥♥了一些过夜用品
I just picked up some things for the night at the general store.
You see, I hadn’t planned on staying very long.
我知道 发生了出乎意料的事
Yes, I know. Did something unexpected come up?
对 能借用你的电♥话♥吗 我想打电♥话♥回家
Yes. May I use your phone? I’d like to call home.
I just put some coffee on the stove.
Don’t they ever stop migrating?
-丹尼尔斯小姐 -是
Miss Daniels? Yes.
Oh, they’re beautiful!
跟我想要的一样 那是一只公鸟和一只母鸟吗
They’re just what I wanted. Is there a man and a woman?
-我都分不清楚 -应该是
I can’t tell which is which. Well, I suppose so.
-你好 安妮没安排计划 -没有
Hello there. Annie had no plans, huh? No.
很好 我们很高兴你能过来 饿了吗
Fine. We’re very glad you could come. You hungry?
-相当饿了 -晚餐快煮好了
– Reasonably. – Dinner’s just about ready.
We’ve been out back looking at the chickens.
Something seems to be wrong with them.
那些鸡没有不对劲 米契
There’s nothing wrong with those chickens, Mitch.
-我去打电♥话♥给佛莱德布林梅尔 -那又能怎样
I’m going to call Fred Brinkmeyer right now. What good’s that gonna do?
The chickens won’t eat.
是他卖♥♥饲料给我的 不是吗
He sold the feed to me, didn’t he?
买♥♥者自负 妈妈”货物既出恕不退换”
Caveat emptor, Mother. “Let the buyer beware.”
Whose side are you on?
-我只是在引述法条 -别管什么法条了
Merely quoting the law, dear. Never mind the law.
这不会太久 丹尼 喂 佛莱德 我是莉迪雅班纳
This won’t take long, Miss… Hello, Fred? Lydia Brenner.
-我没打扰到你吃晚饭吧 -喝一杯吗
– I didn’t interrupt your dinner, did I? – How about a drink?
-好的 谢谢 -佛莱德 你卖♥♥给我不好的饲料
Thank you, I’d love one. Fred, that feed you sold me is no good.
The chicken feed.
品质不好 鸡都不吃
Well, it’s just no good. The chickens won’t eat it.
They’re always hungry.
我到家后 开了一袋饲料 它们连碰都不碰
I opened a sack for them when I got home, and they just wouldn’t touch it.
你懂鸡 我也懂 鸡不吃饲料
You know chickens as well as I do, and when they won’t eat,
那一定就是饲料有问题 就这样
there’s something wrong with what they’re being fed. That’s all.
不 它们不是挑嘴鸡
No, they’re not fussy chickens.
谁 跟他有何关系
Who? What’s he got to do with it?
-这是你父亲 -请坐
Is that your father? Mmm-hmm. Please sit down.
佛莱德 我不管 你卖♥♥了多少袋饲料给他 我的鸡
Fred, I don’t care how many sacks of feed you sold him. My chicken…
Oh, I see.
Dan Fawcett.
今天下午 那证实了我的话 你卖♥♥给我们的饲料
This afternoon? Well, that just proves what I’m saying! The feed you sold us…
Well, maybe I’d better go over and see him.
You don’t think there’s something going around, do you?
No, never!
不 佛莱德 它们没生病 只是不吃饲料
No, Fred, they don’t seem sick at all. They just won’t eat.
我会去找他 也许他
Well, I’ll try to go over and see him. Maybe he…
好吧 谢谢
All right. Thanks.
He had a call from Dan Fawcett a while ago.
His chickens won’t eat either.
如你所说 妈妈 布林梅尔先生卖♥♥的饲料不佳
It’s what you said, Mom. Mr. Brinkmeyer’s feed is no good.
不 凯西 他卖♥♥给佛西特先生的是另个牌子
No, Cathy. He sold Mr. Fawcett a different brand.
米契 你觉得是鸡生病了吗
You don’t think they’re getting sick, do you, Mitch?
我还是搞不懂 你怎么知道我想要爱情鸟
I still don’t understand how you knew I wanted lovebirds.
Your brother told me.
你跟米契在旧金山认识的 没错吧
Then you knew Mitch in San Francisco? Is that right?
No, not exactly.
Mitch knows a lot of people in San Francisco.
当然 他们多半是罪犯
Of course, they’re mostly hoods.
-凯西 -妈 他是最先承认的人
Cathy! Well, Mom, he’s the first to admit it.
He spends half his day in the detention cells at the Hall of Justice.
凯西 在民♥主♥国家 人人都有公平受审的权力
In a democracy, Cathy, everyone is entitled to a fair trial.
-你哥的工作 -妈 别说了
Your brother’s practice… Oh, Mom, please!
我知道民♥主♥那套狗屁 但他们还是罪犯
I know all that democracy jazz. They’re still hoods.
他的一位委托人 朝老婆的头开了六枪
He has a client now who shot his wife in the head six times.
六枪 你能想像吗
Six times! Can you imagine it?
开两枪就很夸张了 你不觉得吗
I mean, even twice would be overdoing it, don’t you think?
-他为什么杀她 -他当时正在看球赛转播
Why did he shoot her? He was watching a ball game on television.
-什么 -他老婆把电视转台
What? His wife changed the channel.
-你明天会参加我的生日会吗 -不会
Are you coming to my party tomorrow? I don’t think so.
I have to get back to San Francisco.
-你不喜欢我们 -亲爱的 我当然喜欢
