I don’t even know if I like you or not.
Is that so important, your liking me?
Well, yes. I think so.
Mitch is important to me.
I want to like whatever girl he chooses.
And perhaps if you don’t?
那么除了我以外 对任何人来说都无所谓
Well, then I don’t think it’ll matter very much to anyone but me.
Oh, I think it would also matter to Mitch.
Mitch has always done exactly what he wanted to do.
But, you see, I don’t want to be left alone.
I don’t think I could bear to be left alone!
Oh, forgive me.
Oh, forgive me.
This business with the birds has upset me.
如果米契不在 我真不知道该怎么办
I don’t know what I’d do if Mitch weren’t here.
班纳太太 你何不试着睡一下
Why don’t you try to sleep now, Mrs. Brenner?
I wish I was stronger.
Do you think she’s all right?
Do you think she’s all right at the school?
-你要我去接她吗 -我不能这样要求你
Would you like me to go for her? Oh, I couldn’t ask it.
-我不介意 真的 -是吗
Oh, I don’t mind, really. Would you?
-我感觉好多了 -我现在就去
I’d feel so much better. I’ll go right now.
Thanks for the tea.
I married my wife in the month of June
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
I brought her home by the light of the moon
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
She combs her hair but once a year
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
With every stroke She shed a tear
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Rustical quality Ristle-tee rostle-tee
Now now now
I brought her home by the light of the moon
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
She combed her hair but once a year
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
With every stroke She shed a tear
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
She swept up her floor but once a year
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
She said that brooms were much too dear
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
She churns the butter in her dad’s old boot
Ristle-tee Rostle-tee Now now now
And for a dash She’d use her foot
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
The butter it came out all grizzle-y gray
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
The cheese it took legs and ran away
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
She let the critter get away
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
I asked my wife to wash the floor
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
She gave me my hat and she showed me the door
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Now now now
I married my wife in the month of June
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
I brought her home by the light of the moon
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
She combed her hair but once a year
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Hey donnie-dostle-tee
Knickety-knackety Rustical quality
Willow-tee wallow-tee Now now now
Ristle-tee rostle-tee Now now now
好了 孩子们 请把歌♥本收起来
All right, children. Now, please put your song books away,
then stand up alongside your desks.
等大家准备好 我们就到外面去玩
We’ll go out for recess as soon as everybody gets ready.
We are not going into the playground
until everybody has quieted down.
-快点把门关上 -什么
– Close that door. Quickly. Please. – What?
-怎么了 -你看
– What is it? – Look.
We’ve got to get the children out of here.
好了 孩子们 安静
All right, children. Now, quiet.
Quiet. Miss Daniels would like to see
how we conduct ourselves during a fire drill.
请你们让她见识一下 你们有多安静 多听话
I would like you to show her how quiet and obedient you can be.
-我们现在要离开学校了 -离开学校
Oh, we’re going out of school now. Leave school?
住在附近的人 我们要你们直接回家
We want those of you who live nearby to go directly home.
其他的人则一路跑到 山下的旅馆 听清楚了吗
I want the rest of you to go down the hill all the way to the hotel. Now, is that clear?
是 海沃斯老师
Yes, Miss Hayworth.
I want you to go as quietly as possible.
在我要你们跑之前 不准出声音
Do not make a sound until I tell you to run.
跑得越快越好 大家都听懂了
Then run as quickly as you can. Now, does everybody understand?
懂了 海沃斯老师
Yes, Miss Hayworth.
约翰 由你带头
All right, John, you lead the way.
Cathy! Cathy!
爸爸 有好几百只鸟
Well, Daddy, there were hundreds of them.
No, I’m not hysterical.
I’m trying to tell you this as calmly as I know how.
好吧 是 爸爸
All right, Daddy. Yes, Daddy.
就是刚才 不是15分钟前
Well, just now. Not 15 minutes ago.
At the school.
不 我没有 等等 学校叫什么名字
No, I don’t. Just a minute. What’s the name of the school?
-博德加湾学校 -博德加湾学校
Just the Bodega Bay School. The Bodega Bay School.
我不知道有多少学生 30或40个吧
Well, I don’t know how many children, 30 or 40.
不 学生出了学校 鸟才开始攻击
No, the birds didn’t attack until the children were outside the school.
-邦迪太太 需要什么 -我要换零钱 卡特先生
Help you, Mrs. Bundy? I need some change, Mr. Carter.
Crows, I think.
Well, I don’t know, Daddy.
Is there a difference between crows and blackbirds?
-差别可大了 小姐 -谢谢
There is very definitely a difference, miss. Thank you.
它们是不同的鸟 爸爸
They’re different, Daddy.
Well, I think these were crows.
对 好几百只
Well, yes. Hundreds of them.
它们攻击孩子 攻击他们
Yes, they attacked the children. Attacked them!
我不知道何时 但我现在走不开 爸爸
Well, I don’t know when, but I simply can’t leave now, Daddy.
好 再见
All right. Yes. Good-bye.
它们都属雀形目 但品种不同
They’re both perching birds, of course, but quite different species.
The crow is Corvus brachyrhynchos,
and the blackbird is Euphagus cyanocephalus.
Thank you.
-你有佛西特农场的电♥话♥吗 -这本册子上有
You have the number at the Fawcett farm? Right here in this book, miss.
邦迪太太 我认为是乌鸦或是黑鸟
I can’t see that it makes any difference, Mrs. Bundy.
Crows or blackbirds,
如果它们攻击学生 那事态就严重了
if the school was attacked, that’s pretty serious.
I hardly think that either species
都没有足够的智慧 能发动一场集体攻击
would have sufficient intelligence to launch a massed attack.
Their brainpans are not big enough to…
我刚从学校过来 女士
I just came from the school, madam.
我对它们的头颅一无所知 但
I don’t know anything about their brainpans, but…
Well, I do. I do know.
Ornithology happens to be my avocation.
Birds are not aggressive creatures, miss.
它们为这世界增色 反而是人类
They bring beauty into the world. It is mankind, rather, who…
山姆 三份南方炸鸡
Sam! Three southern fried chicken.
Baked potato on all of them.
Yes, may I speak to Mitch Brenner, please?
好 我等
Yes, I’ll wait.
It is mankind, rather, who insists upon
making it difficult for life to exist upon this planet.
-如果没有鸟类 -邦迪太太 你不明白
Now, if it were not for the birds… Mrs. Bundy, you don’t seem to understand.
This young lady said there was an attack on the school.
-不可能 -米契
– Impossible! – Oh, Mitch?
Oh, I’m glad I caught you.
-可怕的事 -世界末日到了
Something terrible has… It’s the end of the world!
两杯血腥玛丽 迪克
Two Bloody Marys, Deke.
What actually happened at the school?
Bunch of crows attacked the school kids.
