世界末日到了 因此主耶♥和♥华♥
It’s the end of the world. “Thus saith the Lord God
对高山 丘陵 河流和山谷
“unto the mountains and the hills, “and the rivers and the valleys.
“Behold I, even I,
“shall bring a sword upon you,
“and I will devastate your high places.”
Ezekiel, chapter six.
“Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning,
“that they may follow strong drink.”
以赛亚书第五章 世界末日到了
Isaiah, chapter five. It’s the end of the world.
我不认为 几只鸟会造成世界末日
I hardly think a few birds are going to bring about the end of the world.
-这不是几只鸟而已 -我不知道博德加湾
These weren’t a few birds. I didn’t know there were many crows in Bodega Bay
this time of year.
The crow is a permanent resident throughout its range.
事实上 在圣诞节期间 我们计算过有
In fact, during our Christmas count, we recorded…
邦迪太太 你们算过有多少只海鸥
How many gulls did you count, Mrs. Bundy?
休尔斯先生 哪种海鸥 海鸥有分很多种
Which gulls, Mr. Sholes? There are several varieties.
The ones who’ve been playing devil with my fishing boats.
-海鸥也给你带来麻烦 -上周攻击我的一艘船
Have you had trouble with gulls? One of my boats did, last week.
This young lady was hit by a gull only Saturday.
迪克 我还在等血腥玛丽
Deke, I’m still waiting for those Bloody Marys.
Coming right up.
Could you ask them to lower their voices, please?
They’re frightening the children.
A whole flock of gulls nearly capsized one of my boats.
Practically tore the skipper’s arm off.
-你吓到孩子了 小声点 -好
You’re scaring the kids. Keep it low. All right.
Yeah, well, he’s scaring me, too.
Are you trying to say that all these…
不 这不可能 赛巴斯汀
Nah, that sounds impossible, Sebastian.
迪克 我只是说出 我的船遇到什么事
Deke, look, I’m just telling you what happened to one of my boats.
海鸥想要你船上的鱼 休尔斯先生
The gulls were after your fish, Mr. Sholes.
Really, let’s be logical about this.
What were the crows after at the school?
你认为它们想要什么 你是
What do you think they were after? Miss…
丹尼尔斯 我想它们要的是孩子们
Daniels. I think they were after the children.
For what purpose?
-杀了他们 -为什么
To kill them. Why?
I don’t know why.
I thought not.
丹尼尔斯小姐 自始祖鸟开始
Birds have been on this planet, Miss Daniels,
鸟类在一亿四千万年前 就出现在地球上
since Archaeopteryx, 140 million years ago.
它们等了那么久 才跟人类宣战
Doesn’t it seem odd that they’d wait all that time
to start a war against humanity?
-没人说这是战争 -威士忌加水
No one called it a war. Scotch, light on the water.
你跟休尔斯先生 似乎就是这个意思
You and Mr. Sholes seem to be implying as much.
谁说到战争了 我只是说有海鸥
Who said anything about a war? All I said, some gulls…
-再来点咖啡 -不了
– Want some more coffee? – No.
…came down on one of my boats.
如你所说的 它们要的可能是鱼
They could have been after the fish, just like you said.
– The Captain should have shot at them. – Huh?
海鸥是食腐动物 多数的鸟类都是
Gulls are scavengers, anyway. Most birds are.
拿起枪 让它们在地球上消失吧
Get yourselves guns and wipe them off the face of the Earth!
-那是不可能的 -为什么
That would hardly be possible. Why not, Mrs. Bundy?
Because there are 8,650 species
有8650种鸟类 卡特先生
of birds in the world today, Mr. Carter.
It is estimated that 5,750,000,000 birds
live in the United States alone.
The five continents of the world…
杀光它们 除掉这些麻烦的动物
Kill them all. Get rid of the messy animals.
…probably contain more than 100 billion birds.
-世界末日到了 -那些海鸥一定是想吃鱼
It’s the end of the world. Those gulls must have been after the fish.
-当然 -孩子们 快把饭吃完
Of course! Hurry up, children. Finish your lunch.
妈妈 鸟会吃掉我们吗
Are the birds gonna eat us, Mommy?
Hell, maybe we’re all getting a little carried away by this.
几只鸟确实很反常 但没理由相信
Admittedly, a few birds did act strange, but that’s no reason to believe that…
我说过了 这不止是几只鸟 有海鸥 乌鸦 雨燕
I keep telling you, this isn’t a few birds. These are gulls, crows, swifts…
我没听说过 不同种类的鸟会聚集在一起
I have never known birds of different species to flock together.
The very concept is unimaginable.
如果真的发生了 我们根本没机会
Why, if that happened, we wouldn’t have a chance!
How could we possibly hope to fight them?
我们不可能赢 你说得对 邦迪太太
We couldn’t, you’re right. You’re right, Mrs. Bundy.
What’s the matter? Something wrong out here?
我们正在打仗 山姆
We’re fighting a war, Sam.
打仗 跟谁打
A war? Against who?
-跟鸟打 -真庆幸你们以为这很有趣
Against birds! I’m glad you all think this is so amusing.
You’ve frightened the children half out of their wits.
If the young lady said
她看见学生被攻击 你们为何不相信她
she saw the attack at a school, why don’t you believe her?
-攻击 谁攻击学生了 -鸟 乌鸦
What attack? Who attacked the school? Birds did. Crows.
You’re all sitting around here debating!
你们想它们接下来会怎样 撞破窗户
What do you want them to do next? Crash through that window?
-妈妈 -外套穿上
Mommy! Shh. Put on your coat.
Why don’t you all go home, lock your doors and windows?
-到旧金山最快的路线是 -高速公路 女士
What’s the fastest way to San Francisco? The freeway, ma’am.
How do I find it?
我也要去高速公路 你可以跟着我
I’m going out that way, lady. You can follow me.
-那我们马上走吧 -我的酒还没喝完
Well, then let’s leave now. Haven’t finished my drink yet.
我尽快赶来了 凯西在哪里
I got here as fast as I could. Where’s Cathy?
-她跟安妮在一起 她没事 -艾尔 学生被攻击时
She’s with Annie. She’s all right. Al, why aren’t you over at the school,
where the attack was?
‘Cause I just got back from Dan Fawcett’s place, that’s why.
-他昨晚被鸟杀死了 -什么
He was killed last night by birds. What?
慢着 米契 你还不能确定
Now, hold it, Mitch. You don’t know that for a fact.
马龙先生 事实是什么
What are the facts, Mr. Malone?
The Santa Rosa Police think it’s a felony murder.
They think a burglar broke in, killed him.
How do you explain the dead birds all over the floor?
圣塔罗沙警方认为 鸟是在他被杀害后才飞进来的
Santa Rosa Police figure they got in after the old man was killed.
圣塔罗沙警方 今天有到学校去吗
Were the Santa Rosa Police at your school today?
-你要来吗 -冷静点 女士
Are you coming? Now take it easy, lady.
There isn’t a bird anywhere in sight!
看看天上的鸟 它们不播种也不收获
“Look at the birds of the air. They do not sow or reap.
“Yet your heavenly Father feeds them.”
圣塔克鲁兹 去年也发生了这种事
Say, something like this happened in Santa Cruz last year.
The town was just covered with seagulls.
-请快把你的酒喝完 -没错 我想起来了
Will you please finish your drink? That’s right, sir. I recall it.
A large flock of seagulls got lost in a fog,
and headed into the town where all the lights were.
那也造成了不少麻烦 冲进建筑物里之类的
They made some mess, too, smashing into buildings and everything.
They always make a mess.
The point is that no one seemed to be upset about it.
它们隔天早上就离开了 好像什么事都没发生一样
They were all gone next morning, just as though nothing at all had happened.
-可怜的东西 -我要走了 你来不来
Poor things. I’m leaving! Are you coming?
All right, all right!
Well, hope you folks figure this thing out!
It’s the end of the world!
我该回罐头工厂了 迪克 多少钱
I better get back to the cannery. What do I owe you, Deke?
赛巴斯汀 等一下
Sebastian, hold it a minute.
-我不想大惊小怪 -没人说你是 米契
I don’t want to be an alarmist about this… No one ever said you were, Mitch.
我想我们麻烦大了 我不知道这件事的起因
I think we’re in real trouble. I don’t know how this started, or why,
但我知道这是真的 我们不能不管
but I know it’s here and we’d be crazy to ignore it.
To ignore what? The “bird war”? Yes, the “bird war.”
鸟类攻击 瘟疫 随你怎么称呼
The bird attack, plague… Call it what you like,
它们正在某处聚集 它们会回来的 我敢保证
they’re massing out there someplace, and they’ll be back. You can count on it.
-荒谬 -过来一下
Ridiculous. Come here.
Unless we do something right now,
unless we get Bodega Bay on the move, they…
听着 米契
Look, Mitch.
就算这是真的 就算这些鸟
Even if this is true, even if all the birds…
-你不相信这是真的 -米契 我不相信
Don’t you believe it’s true? No, Mitch, frankly I don’t.
