命令 返回拉罗谢尔
Decision, return to La Rochelle.
Cipher officer.
找到问题了 -舱壁的管道 艇长
You found the problem? -It’s the bulkhead conduit, captain.
好 把它修理好
Good, get it fixed.
早上好 -早上好 艇长
Good morning. -Good morning, captain.
快点 有个密♥码♥要译出
Get moving. There’s a signal to be decoded.
可能是最高级秘密 另一个徒劳的任务
Suppose it’s top secret. Another wild-goose chase.
但对我们没有意义 这个破船需要大修了
They’re not much use to us. This relic is ready for a refit.
还有燃料问题 我们连拉罗谢尔都开不到
Not to mention the fuel shortage. It won’t last to La Rochelle.
最后100英里 -我们坐帆船去 别担心 轮机长
The last 100 miles… -We’ll hoist a sail. Don’t worry, Chief.
Decoded it yet?
是什么 -最高机密 只有艇长有权限
What is it? -Top secret. For the captain only.
很奇怪 这是三重加密
Very strange. It’s triple enciphered.
What do you know. Christmas in La Rochelle.
Real girls in Christmas stockings.
可爱的话务员 性感的护士小姐
The sweet telephone operators. Sexy little nurses
To comfort and kiss.
我们会过得很开心 -女神级
We’ll have a ball! -A Valkyrie
In shining , really big fat.
听着 -艇长的声音
Now hear this. -The master’s voice.
对不起 别想拉罗谢尔了
La Rochelle’s out. Sorry.
We’ve got a new port of destination.
意大利的拉斯佩齐亚海军基地 位于地中海
La Spezia. That’s Italian Naval Base in the Mediterranean.
我们先要在西班牙的维哥补充燃料和供给 就这些
First, We’ll pick up fuel and supplies at Vigo in Spain. That’s all.
蠢猪 他一定疯了
Swine. He must be crazy.
糟透了 这是骗局 -我们的圣诞袜泡汤了
What a dirty, rotten trick. -There goes our Christmas stocking.
性感护士没了 -真想杀了这帮白♥痴♥
No sexy little nurses. -I’d like to kill those morons!
我们要在意大利过圣诞 很糟么
We’ll have Christmas in macaroni land. Such bad thing?
我们要在意大利过圣诞 我们得先到达那里
We’ve got to get there first, to get to them!
怎么啦 -怎么
And so? -And so!
直布罗陀海峡 动动脑子 你这个笨蛋
Gibraltar! You can figure out what that means!
那儿就像一个针眼 我们得涂满凡士林才通得过
It’s like the eye of a needle. We need to cover our boat with Vaseline to get through there.
地中海 真疯了 那儿挤满了战舰
The Mediterranean. It’s madness. It’s swarming with combat ships.
沃纳 准备 0 25度43.3分
Werner, stand by… Zero. 25 degrees, 43.3 minutes.
直布罗陀 我们简直是自投罗网
Gibraltar. It’s the best chance to get ourselves killed.
沃纳上尉 到达维哥后 你和轮机长离开潜艇
When we reach Vigo, you go ashore, Lieutenant Werner. You and the chief.
但是 -我已经做出决定
But, sir… -I’ve already made the decision.
I’ve got to find a replacement for the chief.
我们的人会帮你 想办法穿过西班牙
Our agents will smuggle you out of Spain somehow.
比如 装扮成吉普赛人
Dressed up as gypsies, for instance.
我想我应该 -不要争了
But I thought I would be going… -No arguments.
就这样决定了 让你们俩离开 较容易些
It’s all settled. It’s easier to get two of you out.
I really believe the chief needs a break.
His wife is very ill.
He must get home.
我明白 长官
I understand, sir.
Tough break.
到维哥后 我们就分手了
When we reach Vigo, it’s goodbye.
The captain’s ordered me ashore.
The chief leaves, too.
所以我 可以帮你发信
So I… could deliver your mail for you.

There’s quite a bunch of them here.
真的很浪漫啊 对吗
Well, it’s quite a romance, isn’t it?
帮我拿出这个 -安静 先生们
Help me out with the gear. -Quiet, men!
三分之一全速 左舵10度
All ahead one-third. Left 10 degrees rudder.
Now we just have to find this little barge.
“SS Weser.”
一个德国商船 她停在这里
A German merchant ship. She’s got herself interned here.
装有鱼雷 燃料和供给 -都是给我们准备的 奎切邦
With torpedoes, fuel and supplies. -That’s all for us, Kriechbaum.
是是 一流服务
Yeah. First-class service.
我们到了 -左机停
We arrived. -Port engines stop.
Officers to bridge.
为我们英勇的潜艇勇士 欢呼
Three cheers for our galant U-boat men.
热烈欢迎 艇长 -不 不 我不是
You are most welcome, Captain. -No, no…please.
这位是我们的指挥官 -对不起 先生
This is our commander. -My apologies, sir.
欢迎光临”韦瑟”号♥ 艇长
A pleasure to have you aboard the “Weser”, Captain.
你是英雄 我很荣幸
A hero. I’m delighted to be so honoured.
先生们 我们的水下英雄 就站在这里
Gentlemen, here they stand, our heroes of the deep.
海狼们 鄙船真是荣幸
The grey wolves. Our humble ship is honoured
by the momentous occasion such as this is.
艇长 这边来
Captain, lead the way.
欢迎光临 -欢迎上船
Welcome on board. -Nice tugboat you got here.
你瞧 艇长
So here we are, captain.
我们已尽己所能 希望能合你们的口味
we’ve done what we can in our modest way. I hope it’s to your taste.
这么一大桌 就像家里一样
Quite a table. Just like home.
新鲜的面包 本船烤制的蛋糕
Fresh bread, cakes from the ship’s bakery,
新鲜的面包 点心 水果 特制香肠
fruit, fresh sausage specialty.
We’re waiting to hear your news.
你难以想像 这对我们意义非凡
You can’t imagine what it means to us.
我们这里很不容易 使人感到灰心丧气
It isn’t easy here. It’s very frustrating.
当然 有足够的食品 燃料也不成问题
Sure, there’s plenty to eat. Fuel is no problem.
只是鱼雷很难搞到 非常棘手
Torpedoes are tricky, though. Very tricky.
不过别担心 都为你准备好了
Never mind. You’re all set up.
西班牙人算是对我们不错 但还谈不上热情
The Spaniards tolerate us, but you couldn’t call them enthusiastic.
Now tell us how many ship have you sunk?
Now, let’s see. I guess about…
噢 香槟 瞧我这记性
Oh, champagne. How forgetful of me. Take a glass.
拿一杯 先生们 让我们举杯
Take a glass. Gentlemen, raise your glasses.
为我们的英雄干杯 为你自豪
Drink to our heroes. We’re proud of you.
为德国潜艇服务站 和我们敬爱的领袖
To the German U-boat service and out beloved Fuhrer…
这里真不是咱们的家 希望你明白我的意思
Oh, yes. We’re not exactly at home… if you understand what I mean.
All the best.
还有很多 来吧
Now, plenty for everyone. Come on.
好吧 开始吧 -嗯,来吧
Let’s get down to business. -Yes, come along.
都告诉我们吧 艇长 我是那么好奇
Tell us all about it, Captain, continue. I’m bursting with curiosity.
Those are fresh figs.
Fresh figs!
Never had one.
This time we very nearly had it.
多么伟大 先生们 这就是我们英雄的品质
Phenomenal. See you, gentlemen, that’s the stuff heroes are made of.
除了伟大 还能是什么
That’s not one but Phenomenal.
艇长 我还想听你讲话
Captain, I want to hear more.
让我来 鲱鱼沙拉 我们厨师的另一道拿手菜
Give me your plate. Herring salad. Another specialty of our chef.
配方是他母亲的 尝一尝 有很多呢
His mother’s recipe. Just taste that. There’s lots more.
那么 在水下是什么感觉
So… what’s it like to be under water
在下潜的时候 敌人在你头顶上徘徊
To be submerged… while overhead the enemy lies in wait?
黑暗 -黑
It’s dark. -Dark?
是的 还很安静 -只要没人打嗝儿
Yes, and very quiet. -Just as long as no one belches.
什么意思 -我来解释 二副的意思是
Why is that? -I can explain. Our Number Two means…
静默速度时 艇员必须严格遵守纪律
At silent speed, the men must always exercise discipline.
这就是你们为什么不能打嗝的原因 -正是
And that’s why you’re forbidden to belch, yes? -Yes!
The gentlemen from Madrid.
西沃 我们在等候你的到来
Seewald, we’ve been expecting you.
艇长 请过来一下
Captain, over here.
希♥特♥勒♥万岁 这位是我们这里的海军武官代表
Heil, Hitler. The representative of our naval attache here.
希♥特♥勒♥万岁 艇长 我带来了柏林的指示
Heil, Hitler, captain. I have some communications from Berlin.
First the documents for the breakthrough.
然后 来了电报
Then… this cable came.
轮机长 沃纳上尉
Chief, Lt. Werner.
We are going for a little fresh air.
出了什么事 西沃 -坏消息
Well, Seewald, what’s happening? -Bad news.
司令部说不行 我们的要求被回绝了 轮机长
Headquarters say no. Our request has been denied, Chief.
无人可换 你还得留下来 沃纳
There’s no replacement. You’ll stay too, Werner.
I’m sorry.
I guess it’s just as well.
Who knows what kind of idiot they’d have sent you.
