in any of the apartments starting just this morning.
兰利 去查那栋楼 同样的问题
Langley, you take that building. Same thing.
查菲! 纽曼!
Chaffey! Newman!
是 长官 检查这两具尸体附近的垃圾堆
Yes, sir. Look in the trash around their hands.
See if you can find me two bullet casings…
50口径 如果我没看错的话
fifty-caliber if my eyes serve me right.
纽曼 把这玩意儿拆开
Newman, rip through this shit.
If this was a sink…
find me some metal parts.
像是槽盖 龙头之类的东西
Give me a drain cover, faucet or something.
找到了 一颗 50
Got it right here. It’s a 50-cal.
警长 能派弹道专家过来吗?
Chief, can you get ballistics down here…
告诉他们要挖出一颗 50口径的子弹 从这儿
and tell ’em they have to dig a 50-caliber slug…
砖墙里 还有一颗射穿了垃圾箱
out of a brick wall and locate another that’s been fired through a Dumpster?
We have the best ballistics guy in the world.
十分钟内他就能到这儿 你怎么知道这些的?
I can have him here in ten minutes. How did you know that?
Liquid paraffin.
Came up positive.
而一个弹孔 通常是条关键线索
And bullet holes are usually a big clue.
Nobody reported any gunshots.
这儿是爱尔兰住区 有人报♥警♥就很让我意外了
This is an Irish neighborhood. I’m surprised you even got a phone call.
我找不到另外一颗弹壳 长官
You know, I can’t find the second one, sir.
Look under the body.
没错 就在这儿
Oh, yeah, there it is.
You guys ready for this?
This was no gangland assassination.
虽然创意可佳 但手法并不利索
Though creative, it was way too sloppy.
有些东西不太对劲 看起来像是私人恩怨
Something went wrong here. This has “personal” written all over it.
斯麦克探员 这是一幢非法的工厂住房♥
Agent Smecker. Yeah, this is all illegal loft housing.
没有管理人记录在案 但他们在楼上找到一位女住户
There’s no manager on the premises, but they found a lady on the fourth floor…
who said she had water dripping down on her whole place.
It started just this morning. Fourth floor, huh?
Then we’re headin’ to the fifth.
好了 让我们离开这儿吧 你太武断了 老兄
Come on. Let’s get out of here. You’re reachin’, man.
只是个理论 我不知道 不可能的
It’s a theory. I don’t know. No way.
你想 要多大的块头才能干这事儿 非常大
You know how big a guy’s gotta be to do that? Fuckin’ huge.
真的吗? 那我想再来上个面包圈
Oh, really? I might just be wantin’ a bagel with my coffee.
I ain’t gettin’ him no fuckin’ bagel.
要拍马屁 就从你开始
We’ll start the ass kissing with you.
斯麦克探员 探员
Agent Smecker. Agent-
听我说 这一带我很熟
Listen, I know this neighborhood pretty good.
There’s a bar down the block named McGinty’s.
昨晚他们很有可能在那里出爽做的好 米切尔
It stands a good chance they were there last night. Good work, Mitchell.
I’ll check it out myself.
盯住天花板 仅仅感觉我们手掌的接触
Look at the ceiling. Sense of touch alone.
Wait until you feel me move. Ooh.
速度快的都感觉不到我动了 是吗?
So quick you couldn’t even feel it go, could you?
再来一次 再来一次 盯住天花板
Let’s try it again. Try it again. Look at the ceiling.
It’s Doc.
谢谢你能来 医生 老天爷
Thanks for comin’, Doc. Jesus Christ!
他妈的发生了什么事? 你们还好吧?
What the fuck happened? Are-Are you b-b-boys all right?
捡回一条命 有个联邦调查局的家伙来过我这儿
We’re alive. An F.B.I. agent came by the bar…
and he left me his c-c-ca-
他留给我一张名 操♥他♥妈♥的 他留给我这个 操!
He left me his c-c- Oh, he fuckin’ gave me this. Fuck!
混♥蛋♥! 你们打算怎么办?
Ass! What are you gonna do?
我们必须去自首 告诉他我们是正当防卫
We oughta turn ourselves in, tell him it was self-defense.
对 对 对 他也是这么说的
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s what he said.
他妈的他怎么会知道? 我们谁都没说 不清楚
How the fuck’s he know that? We haven’t spoken to anyone. D-D-Don’t know.
He d-d-didn’t say.
好吧 听着 医生 我们需要你帮一个忙
All right. Listen, Doc, we need you to do us a favor.
尽管说 帮我们保管这个
A-A-Anything. Just hold on to this for us.
等我们没事了会回来取 行
We’re gonna come back for it when we get out. Right.
操! 混♥蛋♥!
Fuck! Ass!
那些脏字儿都不是针对你的 他 他有点
None of that cursing was directed at you. He’sHe’s a bit-
First of all…
I’d like to thank whichever one of you…
整天只知道啃甜甜圈 偷懒不干活
doughnut-munching, barrel-assed…
尽扯我后腿的娘娘腔 把案情泄露给媒体
pud-pulling sissies leaked this to the press.
That’s just what we need now-
some sensational story in the papers…
把两个年轻人塑造成 战胜邪恶势力的超级英雄
making these boys out to be superheroes triumphing over evil.
Let me squash the rumors now.
These two are not heroes.
They’re just two ordinary men…
who were put in an extraordinary situation…
and they just happened to come out on top.
没错 至今为止还没有从我们 神通广大的计算机系统里
Yes, nothing from our far-reaching computer system…
has turned up diddly on these two.
我们所知道的 只有从左邻右舍
All we know is what we found out from the neighbors.
到广大民众 都一致的认可
And the general consensus is…
they’re angels.
But angels don’t kill.
And we got two bodies in the morgue…
看起来像是被一个身材魁梧 面目可憎的
that look like they’ve been serial-crushed…
by some huge, friggin’ guy.
Are we considering these guys armed and dangerous?
Well, not armed.
如果有 他们之前就用了 危险分子? 非常危险
If they had guns, they would’ve used them. But dangerous? Very.
Now, what makes you think they’re dangerous?
也许他们只是为了 保护自己
Maybe they’re just protectin’ each other.
你瞧 我可没说只有一种可能
Hey, look, I-I-I’m not sayin’ one way or the other.
照老规矩 小心行事就好
Just be careful and go by the protocol on this.
大伙儿努力干 才能把他们逮捕归案
It’s grunt police work that’s gonna bring this one in.
These guys are miles away by now.
如果想快点找到他们 你不妨这么做
But if you wanna beat your head against the wall, then here’s what you’re lookin’ for
他们胆小的 像两只受惊的兔子
They’re scared, like two little bunny rabbits.
任何一个穿制♥服♥的人 或是警车上的灯光都能吓着他们
Anything in a uniform or flashing blue lights is gonna spook ’em.
所以? 我们唯一能做的就是 在绳子上绑一颗土豆
Okay? So the only thing we can do is put a potato on a string…
and drag it through South Boston.
Thanks for comin’ out.
换成啤酒 你的机率还大点
You’d probably have better luck with a beer.
You would.
操 格林利
Oh, fuck. Hey, Greenly.
洋葱圈 干奶酪
Onion bagel, cream cheese.
This conversation is going to be recorded.
Just answer to the best of your knowledge.
抱歉 长官 请等一等
Excuse me, sir. Please.
我们马上离开了 肯定是流浪汉赶在警♥察♥之前把东西捡走了
行 我们准备好了
Okay, we’re ready.
你们不用宣誓 只需要回答几个问题
You boys are not under oath here. Just answer the questions.
I’m assuming…
you knew these guys from before, huh?
We met them last night.
They had some pretty interesting bandages.
Know anything about that?
听着 如果想找麻烦 我们的人可比你们的多
Listen, if you want to fight, you can see you’re outnumbered here.
别敬酒不吃吃罚酒 建议你们照我说的做
We’re trying to be civil, so I suggest you take our offer.
你们 得听我的
I make the offers.
Hey, Boris.
What would you do…
if I told you…
你的赤色共♥产♥婊♥子♥娘 一天到晚给人口♥交♥
your pinko Commie mother sucks so much dick…
her face looks like an egg?
操♥你♥妈♥的! 你在干吗?
Fuck you! What are you doin’?
这样子可不太礼貌 你说是吗?
恐怕这下子我们可不能放你走了 伊万
让开! 他能自个儿搞定!
Stay away! He can take care of himself!
别动 他妈的你们这些爱尔兰同性恋!
Freeze, you fuckin’ Irish faggots!
Get the fuck up!
起来! 他妈的放开我!
Come on! Get your fuckin’ hands off of me!
铐在后面 把自己铐起来!
Cuff yourself around the back! Cuff yourself!
