事情不是这个样子的 不对 你说的都是狗屁
That just ain’t the way- No, that’s bull-That’s bullshit.
你不知道自己在说什么 那种事不可能发生
You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. That’s just not the way things happen.
我的意思是 谢谢你的关心 不是这个样子
I mean, thanks for your concern and all, but that just ain’t the thing of it.
拜托 好吗? 去之前好好考虑清楚
Do me a favor, all right? Just roll it around a bit on your way in.
算是为了我? 不 不需要考虑
Will you for me? No. No rollin’.
什么事都不用想 操!
Nothin’ needs to be rolled. Fuck!
你♥他♥妈♥的上哪儿? 你和他说了? 他妈的我当然告诉他了
Where the fuck are you goin’? Did you tell him? Of course I fuckin’ told him.
那你♥他♥妈♥的在干吗? 该死的你们也没法确定啊!
Then what the fuck? You guys don’t know that shit for sure!
Oh, you’re such a fuckin’ retard!
你娘勒! 老兄 用用你的脑袋 就一次!
Hey, fuck you! Oh, man, use your fuckin’ brain for once!
你♥他♥妈♥的真以为 那些人会管你的死活?
Is it so unbelievable that they don’t fuckin’ care about ya?
是啊 你们这俩个爱尔兰杂种就什么都知道?
Oh, yeah, you two fuckin’ micks know what’s goin’ on, huh?
操♥你♥妈♥的! 这他妈的不是什么赌着玩的东西 好吗?
Fuck you both! This is not a fuckin’ thing you should gamble on, all right?
I’m the fuck out of here.
行啊! 你娘勒!
Fine! Fuck it!
葬礼上要什么花? 你这个意大利白♥痴♥
What kind of flowers you want at your funeral, you dumb wop?
这是我们的最后一面 九点回来!
It’s the last time I’m gonna see ya! I’ll be back at nine!
Bury the fuckin’ cat! Listen, you get in there…
听好了 你进去发现苗头不对 他妈的赶紧给我出来!
and you start gettin’ a bad vibe, you get the fuck out quick!

墨弗 洛克 你没事吧?
Murph. Hey, Roc. You okay?
Anybody call for me?
没有 兄弟 你真的没事?
No, man. Are you sure you’re okay?
I’m fuckin’ fine.
I’ll catch you on the flip side.
来啊 小猫 小猫 小猫
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
收拾东西! 收拾你们的东西! 我们得离开这儿!
Pack your shit! Pack your shit! We gotta get out of here!
我们得快走! 他妈的你在说什么?
We gotta get out! What the fuck are you talkin’ about?
我把他们杀了! 上帝啊 我把他们都杀了!
I killed them! Oh, Jesus, I killed them all!
冷静点 告诉我们发生了什么 不!
Just calm down. Tell us what happened. No!
洛克! 镇定 老兄!
Rocco! Calm down, man.
你娘勒! 都是你们开的好头 他妈的混♥蛋♥!
Fuck you! You start gettin’ excited, motherfucker!
我们得离开! 洛克!
We gotta go! Rocco!
那么 有几个人? 他妈的动作快点!
Well, how many were there? Fuckin’ hurry the fuck up!
好啊! 我爱这一行!
All right! I love this shit!
他妈的究竟怎么回事 洛克? 那些杂种把我卖♥♥了!
What the fuck is wrong with you, Roc? The cocksucker sold me out!
我不是早说了 洛克? 他们先动手的?
Didn’t I tell you, Roc? Did they pull on you first?
我在干吗? 当时我在雷克维尔
What am I doin’? In the middle of the Lakeview!
雷克维尔餐馆 洛克?
Lakeview the deli, Roc?
看起来他妈的我们添了个新成员 洛克!
Looks like we got us a new fuckin’ recruit. Rocco!
干吗? 我的猫在哪儿?
What? Where’s my cat?
我把它杀了 你这个磕药的臭婊♥子♥
I killed your cat, you druggie bitch.
天吶 为什么? 什么?
God. Why? What?
I felt it would bring closure to our relationship.
你杀了我的 你的什么?
You killed my-my- Your what?
我的 你♥他♥妈♥的什么? 什么 臭婊♥子♥?
My- Your fuckin’ what? Huh? Your what, bitch?
I’ll shoot myself in the head…
if you can tell me that cat’s name!
说啊! 你的什么? 你宝贝的小
Go ahead! Your what? Your precious little-
斯基皮 斯基皮 上帝啊 是什么颜色 臭婊♥子♥?
Skippy. Skippy. Oh, Jesus. What color was it, bitch?
他妈的别对他大吼大叫 你这个混♥蛋♥!
Don’t you fuckin’ yell at her like that, you prick!
闭上你的屁♥眼♥ 蕾维
Shut your fat ass, Rayvie!
I can’t buy a pack of smokes without runnin’ into nine guys you fucked!
该死! 狗♥娘♥养♥的
Damn! Son of a bitch.
Let’s go!
Let’s get the fuck outta here!
那些鼠辈! 他们都在笑话我 兄弟
Those rat fucks! All of them were all laughin’ at me, man.
你确定自己把他们杀了 洛克? 他妈的我当然确定
Are you sure you killed them, Roc? Fuckin’-A right I did.
I had a goddamn turkey shoot over there.
有人找我吗? 不 兄弟 你真的没事?
Anybody call for me? No, man. Are you sure you’re okay?
I’m fuckin’ fine.
I’ll catch you on the flip side.
I’ll bet it was a fuckin’ test.
文森佐到这里大吹特吹了一通 让所有人都知道了
Vincenzo came in here shootin’ his mouth off. He made sure we knew.
But we did what we were supposed to, huh?
We kept our mouths shut.
你? 做了你该做的
You? You did your part.
They know we’re goodfellas now.
能干大事 宝贝儿
We’ll get taken care of, baby.
什么? 大家都知道了?
What? Did everyone know?
接下来你要告诉我 撒尔也知道这事
Next thing you’re gonna tell me Sal was in on it.
文森佐第一个告诉的就是撒尔 那肥佬知道的比我们还早
Vincenzo told Sal first. That fat fuck knew before we did.
At least we got our funny man back, huh?
很好笑 是吧? 他妈的真好笑! 不 不是我! 不是我!
That was funny, wasn’t it? That was real fucking funny! No, not me! Not me!
笑啊! 笑啊!
Huh? Ha! Funny! Funny!
让你笑! 让你笑!
Funny! Funny! Funny!
听着 洛克 有谁看见你没有?
# Listen, Roc, did anybody see ya?
操♥他♥妈♥的 也许抓我的通缉令
Fuck, man, I might as well have gone around postin’ flyers.
已经满天飞了 兄弟
Right out in public, man.
解放了 不是吗?
Liberating, isn’t it?
他妈的我们走! 你知道 是有那么一点
Let’s fucking go! You know, it is a bit.
康纳 停车 他妈的快停车!
Conner, stop the car! Stop the fucking car, man!
文森佐 他妈的那只死肥猪! 亚卡维塔的左右手
Vincenzo, that fat motherfucker, Yakavetta’s right hand!
He’s the one who set me up,
然后告诉其它人 我跟死人没区别
then he went around telling everybody I was as good as dead.
Goes there every Wednesday night 10:00,
他都找这儿的一个脱衣女郎 从不错过
jerks off on the same titty dancer. Never misses.
所以呢? 所以? 所以他妈的让我们干掉那混♥蛋♥!
Yeah, so? So? So let’s kill the motherfucker!
我的意思是 你们是干什么的? 这不就是你们的新行当?
I mean, what are you guys? That’s your new thing, right?
是的 但 啊 他妈的怎么了?
Yeah, well- Ah, what the fuck!
我的意思是 你们怎么挑选目标? 抓阄还是其它什么?
I mean, who makes the cut? Is there a raffle or something?
说实话 那天是第一次 刚好落到我们头上
To tell you the truth, those first ones, they just sort of fell onto our laps.
Well, what do you do?
实际上我们还没想好究竟选谁 洛克 这是
We haven’t really got a system of decidin’ who, Roc. It’s-
我! 我! 靠我啊!
Me! Me! I’m the guy!
我了解每个人 他们的习惯 他们和哪些人接触 聊天
I know everyone, their habits, who they hang out with, who they talk to!
我手头上有他们的电♥话♥ 地址! 我知道他们和谁上♥床♥
I got phone numbers, addresses! I know who they’re fuckin’!
I know where they live!
We could kill everyone.
So what do you think?
I’m strangely comfortable with it.
That’s him.
好了 洛克
Okay, Roc.
干吗? 你们都有面罩
What? You guys got masks.
You look like Mush Mouth from Fat Albert.
好 去他妈的! 完事之后 就让她来指证我
Fine. Fuck it! When we’re through, she can I.D. me.
我不管了 想表现地专业点 但不
I don’t care. Just trying to be professional, but no!
看起来不错 不要 去他妈的
It looks fine. No, fuck it.
不 他妈的闭上你的嘴 快带上 你看起来挺唬人 老弟
No, shut the fuck up! You look good. Put it on. You look fucking scary, man.
现在 洛克 你确定自己准-啊-备-啊好了
Now, Roc, are you sure that you’re “O-B-kay-B”?
She was in here when it all went down.
她能认出他们吗? 不能
Can she I.D. ’em? No.
他们都带着面罩 当然
There were wearin’ masks. Of course they were.
你出声就死定了! 他在哪一间?
You scream, you’re dead! Which one’s he in?
And don’t make like you don’t know who the fuck I’m talkin’ about!
你敢这么对我说话 你这个小骚货
Don’t you talk to me like that, you dirty little girl.
耶 快给爹地
Oh, yeah. Give it to Daddy.
Oh, this is one sick motherfucker.
几个人? 三个
How many? Three.
Two of them did the shootin’.
用他们的灵魂 让这条流向你的河水生生不息
“…and teeming with souls shall it ever be.”
以圣父 圣子 和圣灵的名义
昨晚我们的小小结论 该死的全作废了
Our little theory from last night just got shot to shit.
Something new is going on here.
After talking to the dancer…
we know their mark was the guy in the middle booth.
他们做掉那个家伙之后 她就昏了过去
After she watches ’em whack him, she passes out.
What the fuck are you doing?
