好吧 让我们谈一桩生意
All right. Let’s talk some business here.
I know a sick fuck
makes the ones we been doin’ look like altar boys.
我这辈子最糟的一天 当我遇到那家伙
Worst night of my life when I met this guy.
The guy never says a fuckin’ word to me.
We’re drivin’25 minutes
没叹气 没清嗓子 什么也没有
never a sigh, no throat clearing, nothing.
对 你♥他♥妈♥的总是有道理 蠢货
Yeah, you’re always making great fuckin’ sense, you dumb bitch.
I don’t care.
他那张脸没一点表情 什么也没有
His face-blank, man. Just nothin’ there.
This guy takes out a whole family-
妻子 孩子 每一个人 看起来他妈的像是预订匹萨
wife, kids, everyone-like he’s ordering a fucking pizza.
This house is clean.
我知道如果不配合他 倒霉的人就是我
I knew if I didn’t keep it together, it was my ass.
在他家里 有一场桥牌聚?
He has a poker game out back of his place…
每个星期六 和一群黑♥手♥党♥成员
with a bunch of wise guys every Saturday.
最糟的一天 兄弟
Worst day of my life, man.
那么 我成交
Well, I’m sold.
别担心 洛克
Don’t worry, Roc.
等我们搞定他 你感觉好的多
We’ll do this guy right, and you’ll feel a lot better.
Here’s what happened.
他们在一辆停靠在街边的车子里 等着孩子离开
They waited in a parked car down the street for the kid to leave.
There he goes.
They came in through the garage.
孩子说他骑车离开的时候 车♥库♥的门开着
The kid says he leaves it open when he takes his bike out.
他们知道妻子是看门的 她知道密♥码♥
Now they know the wife is the gatekeeper. She knows the code.
快按 女士 快按键盘
Hit the numbers, lady. Hit the numbers.
我会杀了你! 我会杀了你! 别这样! 她的手还绑着
I will kill you! I will kill you! Don’t! Her hands are taped.
Why do I always gotta be on bitch detail?
妻子说她不知道发生了什么 当她按下密♥码♥
The wife says she doesn’t know what happened after she hit the code.
她只记得自己倒了下去 但从她背后的烧伤印记
She just remembers going down, but judging from the burn mark on her back…
I think what they did was use a stun gun on her.
现在这些家伙知道 他们的朋友来参加桥牌?
Now this guy knows that his friend is coming to the game…
and they know that this door can only be opened from the inside.
所以他们等着 等那扇门一打开
So they wait. And when that door opens…
nobody’s ready for it.
恐慌 毁灭
Panic, devastation.
This was like shootin’ fish in a friggin’ barrel.
All of ’em.
Now these guys dove under the table.
The trajectory on the bullet showed that they came from straight across.
So that means one of our shooters dropped to his knees.
接着出现了其它状况 该死! 该死! 他不在这儿!
Something went wrong right here. Shit! Shit! He ain’t here!
他妈的你什么意思 他不在这儿?
Oh, what the fuck you mean, he isn’t here?
我说他不在这儿 再找 看在他妈的份上!
I mean he ain’t here! Look again, for fuck’s sake!
I know what the fuck he looks like!
Look behind ya!
Ah! Son of a-
Oh, shit!
Shoot this motherfucker!
等等! 他妈的放了这小子!
No! Fucking let the bloke go!
放开他! 操! 上帝啊!
Let him go! Fuck! Jesus!
现在是证明自己的时候 洛克! 他妈的他杀死他
Now’s your chance to earn your stripes, Roc! He’ll fucking get killed!
是你的主意 让他加入!
It was your idea to bring him in!
One of these guys is a real sicko.
他认识这个人 他要他受尽折磨
He knew this man. He wanted him to suffer.
好了 洛克 现在看你的了!
All right, Roc. Now’s your chance!
干掉他! 我不想死!
You take that man! I don’t wanna die!
操♥你♥妈♥的变♥态♥! 我♥操♥!
Sick fuck! Sick fuck!
Sick fuck!
好啦 操♥你♥妈♥的 操
All right then. Fuck you, fuckin’-
现在他妈的深呼吸 就这样 洛克 你干得不赖
Now take a fuckin’ deep breath there, Roc. You did fine.
It was nicely done.
They exited out the front door.
They had no idea what they were in for.
现在他们面对六个人 把枪口对着他们
Now they’re starin’ at six men with guns drawn.
It was a fuckin’ ambush.
This was a fuckin’ bomb…
droppin’ on Beaver Cleaverville.
几秒钟之内 这个地方是世界末日的决战场
For a few seconds, this place was Armageddon.
There was a firefight!
You son of a bitch!
墨夫 你没事吧?
Murph, are you all right?
洛克 他妈的拿上袋子! 妈的! 该死! 上帝!
Roc, get the fucking bag! Fuckin’ shit! Christ!
把血弄掉! 把血弄掉! 他妈的那是什么?
Get the blood! Get the blood! What the fuck was that?
He shot my fucking finger off!
洛克 他妈的你在干吗? 他妈的快走!
Roc, what the fuck? Get the fuck out of here!
混帐! 他妈的该死!
Motherfucker! Fucking shit!
拿上袋子! 他妈的我的手指!
Get the fucking bag! My fucking finger!
Fucking shit!
也许是一个人 六把枪?
What if it was just one guy with six guns?
干吗不让我自己想 大天才?
Why don’t you let me do the thinking, huh, genius?
Hey, what’s taking so long with those blood samples?
I can’t get a good sample.
这里有一个变量 我看不出来
There’s a variable here I’m not seeing.
They used ammonia.
没有一点样本是好的 操!
None of this is any good. Fuck!
知道那代表了什么? 即使我们有了嫌疑犯
You know what that means? Even if we get suspects in the case…
也查不出一丁点东西 什么也没有!
we got nothin’, nothin’, nothin’!
操! 他妈的那些人是谁?
Fuck! Who the fuck are they?
I’ve never seen any fucking thing like this in my fucking life!
Who the fuck are they?
他妈的那个人是谁 洛克? 他妈的我知道你认识他 别想撒谎
Who the fuck was he, Rocco? I know you fucking know, so don’t even start.
你♥妈♥的♥! 我告诉你我从没见过那家伙!
Fuck you! I told you I never saw him before!
Well, he sure as fuck knew you!
操♥你♥妈♥的! 我♥操♥你们!
Fuck you! Fuck you both!
是吗? 别现在才开始向我们撒谎!
Yeah? Don’t start lying to us now!
We’re fuckin’ three amateurs here!
I’m confident that their investigation will end…
in the apprehension of the suspects.
真♥他♥妈♥的糟糕 什么? 什么 就那家伙?
Fuckin’ hell. What? What, that guy?
就是他帮我们 在柴可夫那个案子里洗清了罪名
That’s the guy that got us off the hook with the Checkov thing.
他是个聪明人 他们什么证据都没有
And he’s one smart man. They got nothin’.
这家伙很厉害 即使他还没查到我们头上 将来他也
Well, this guy is very sharp. If he hasn’t figured us out yet, he will.
我打赌他会查出来 那么 他妈的我们就让他没这个机会去查
You bet your ass he will. Well, I’d say that makes him a lia-fuckin’-bility.
不能动他 他是个好人
He isn’t to be touched. He’s a good man.
好吧 随便你们
Okay, whatever.
不 全都不对 戴维? 德拉
No, that’s all wrong. David Della-
I missed it.
保罗 你已经喝得够多了 你确定还要
Paul, you’ve already had quite a bit. Are you sure you wanna-
快倒酒 他妈的你这个娘娘腔
Just pour the drink, you fairy fuck.
Whew! I smell you.
Hey, Murph.
This early mornin’ church shit’s gotta go.
我们必须早上来 你知道的 我们正在潜逃中
We have to go in the mornin’. We’re on the lam now, you know.
照我说的做 听见没?
You’re gonna do what I say, got it?
好吧 真抱歉得让你看这个
Yes. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to see this.
别回头 我什么也没看见
Don’t look at me. I didn’t see any-
闭嘴 他妈的闭上你的嘴
Shut up. Shut the fuck up.
别这样做 我的孩子
Don’t do this, my son.
Have you no fear of God?
我就是为了他才这么做 他妈的现在打开它 神父
That’s who I’m doin’ this for. Now open the fuckin’ thing, Father.
神父 我就站在这儿
Father, I’ll do you right here.
God have mercy on my soul.
你这个小混♥蛋♥ 快放开他 否则我他妈的在这里就做了你
You little fuck, let him go, or I’ll drop you right fuckin’ now.
好的 冷静 他害死我们的 兄弟
Okay, just calm down. He could hurt us, brother.
他会破坏整件事情 你放开他
He could ruin the whole thing. You let him go…
