Yes? Pamela Landy.
谁? 帕梅拉·兰蒂
Hey, Pam. What can I do for you?
嗨 帕姆 有什么可以帮忙的?
I was hoping you had some time.For what?
我希望你有时间和我见一面 什么事?
Im free right now. That sounds ominous.Let me check my schedule.
实际上 我现在就有空 听起来不像是好事嘛 让我查一下日程安排
Excuse me, I need to… Can I help you?
抱歉 我要 呃… 有什么需要帮忙的?
Im here to see Mr Abbott. 20 minutes?
是的 我是来见艾博特先生的 二十分钟?
See you.
Operation Treadstone.Never heard of it.
“踏脚石”行动 我从来没听说过
它总不会凭空消失吧恕我冒昧 帕姆 我认为你也许无权过问这些事情
Thats a warrant granting me unrestricted access
我有马歇尔局长的授权 可以不受限制地…
to all personnel materials associated with Treadstone.
So, what are we looking at? I wanna know about it.
那么 你想知道什么? 我想了解它
Know about it? It was a kill squad. Black on black.
了解它? 这是一个杀手小队 以黑对黑
We closed it down 2 years ago. Nobody wants to know about Treadstone.
我们两年前把它解散了 这里没人想要了解”踏脚石” 没人
Take this back to Marty and let him know what youre doing.
所以我认为你最好把这个带回去给马蒂 让他知道你究竟在做什么
He does. Ive been down to the archives. I have the files, Ward.
他知道 我去查过档案了 我手里有文件 沃德
Lets talk about Conklin. What are you after, Pam?
我们来谈谈康克林吧 你到底想查什么 帕姆?
You wanna fry me? You want my desk, is that it?
你想炒了我吗? 你想坐我的位子 是吗?
I wanna know what happened. Jason Bourne happened. You got the files.
我想知道发生了什么 发生了什么?
Then lets cut the crap.
杰森·伯恩 既然你手里有文件 我们就废话少说吧
Conklin had these guys wound so tight they were bound to snap.
康克林对他的手下要求非常严酷 所以这帮人几乎要崩溃了
Bourne was his number one.’The guy went for a job, screwed the op, never came back.
伯恩是他手下的头号♥杀手 一次任务失败后 就再没回来
Conklin couldnt fix it, couldnt find Bourne. It all went sideways.
康克林没有办法 找不到伯恩 事情越来越糟
So you had Conklin killed? I mean, if were cutting the crap.
所以你就杀了康克林? 我的意思是 既然要废话少说
Ive given 30 years and two marriages to this agency.
我在这里呆了30年 结了两次婚
Im due to retire next year but if you think Im gonna let you dangle me with this,
我在四块大♥陆♥上工作过 明年我就要退休了
you can go to hell.
And Marshall too.
It had to be done.
Where is Bourne now? Dead.
伯恩呢?他现在在哪儿? 死在哪个臭水沟里了
Drunk in a bar. Who knows? I think I do.
或者在摩加迪沙的哪个酒吧里喝醉了 谁知道 我想我知道
I had a deal going down in Berlin last week
and during the buy, our officer and the seller were killed.
交易进行当中 我的人和卖♥♥家都被杀死了
They were killed by Jason Bourne.
Theyre ready for us upstairs.
伦敦 英国 中情局分局
7 years ago, $20 million of CIA funds disappeared
7年前 中情局有一笔两千万美元的资金 在经过莫斯科电汇的过程中不翼而飞了
we were contacted by a Russian politician, Vladimir Neski.
在随后的调查中 一位名为弗拉迪米尔·奈斯基的俄♥国♥政客与我们联♥系♥
Neski claimed we had a leak and wed been ripped off by one of our own.
奈斯基称有人泄密 我们的钱被内部的人吞掉了
And were we? We never found out.
是这样吗? 至今仍不知道
Mr Neski was killed before a meet.
正当我们想约奈斯基先生会面时 他却被杀了
By who? His wife.
谁干的? 他的妻子
The case had gone cold until we found a source,
这件案子就这么一直搁着 直到上个月我们找到一个线人
a Russian in Berlin, who claimed to have access to the Neski files.
另一个在柏林的俄♥国♥人声称 他有关于奈斯基被谋杀的证据
We thought we had another bite at the apple.
Turns out the assassin was one of our own Jason Bourne.
I know Treadstones not a popular subject here
but we found some interesting things.
但是随着调查的深入 我们发现了一些有趣的事情
This is Conklins personal computer.
His Treadstone files are bloated with code keys and case files that he had no clearance for.
他的”踏脚石”文件堆里塞满了 他既不需要也无权看到的解码密钥和案件档案
We found a deleted file with an account number to a bank in Zurich.
在硬盘里我们找到一个被删除的文件 其中有苏黎世银行的一个账号♥
At the time of his death, he had a personal account in the amount of $760,000.
在他死的时候 他的个人账户里有76万美金
You know what his budget was? We were throwing money at him.
你知道他的经费预算吗? 为了让他将事情保密 我们一直在砸钱给他
He was up to something. This is definitive?
这是他自己的账户 他肯定干了些什么 你肯定这些情报确切么?
Whats definitive is I lost two people. Whats your theory?
我已经有两个人死在柏林了 这是肯定的 那你的结论是?
Conklins protecting his good name from the grave? The man is dead.
康克林从坟墓里爬出来维护自己的名声? 这个人已经死了
No ones disputing that, Ward. Christ, Marty, you knew Conklin.
没有人对此持有异议 沃德 帮帮忙 马蒂 你了解康克林的
Does this scan? I mean, at all?
Cut to the chase.
直接说重点 帕姆
I think Bourne and Conklin were in business together
and the information I was trying to buy
既然事情牵涉到伯恩 那么不管我在柏林想买♥♥的是什么情报
was big enough to bring Bourne out from hiding to kill again.
Hows that scan?
Excuse me, sir,
请原谅 先生 您可能不相信
but Jason Bournes passport just came up on the grid in Naples.
Contact Naples. They need to know who theyre dealing with.
好的 接那不勒斯 他们得知道要对付的是什么人
Find out what local assets we have in place there.
Its nothing. Some guys name came up on the computer.
不 没事 有个家伙的名字出现在电脑上而已
Yeah. Tom, Im gonna call you back, OK?
是的 嗨 听着汤姆 我过会儿给你打回去 好吗?
Mr Bourne, Im John Nevins, US Consulate.
伯恩先生 我是约翰·内文斯 美国领♥事♥馆♥的
I just have a few questions for you.
Youre coming out of Tangiers?
你从丹吉尔来 是么?
Whats the, er, nature of your visit to Naples?
Look, I dont know what you did or who youre working for
我不知道你干了什么 我也不知道你为谁工作
but I promise you this,
youre gonna play ball one way or the other.
This is Tom Cronin, CI Operations Officer. Detain him and call me back as soon as hes secure.
我是汤姆·克罗宁 中情局行动长官 从弗吉尼亚州兰利市打来的
Do you have a Jason Bourne in custody? Yes, I do.
你是不是拘留了一个叫做杰森·伯恩的人? 是的
Hes an agency priority target.
听着 他是我们通缉的要犯
Detain him and call me back as soon as hes secure. I understand.
安置好他以后立刻给我打电♥话♥ 是
Hes been detained. Heres the number.
他被拘留了 这是号♥码
Hes being interrogated by a Consulate field officer.
Hello? Pamela Landy, CIA.
喂 我是帕梅拉·兰蒂 中情局主管
Where do we stand?
I, er… I think he got away.
我 呃 我想他跑了
Damn it!
Have you locked down the area? Locked it down? No.
有没有封锁该地区? 封锁?没 没有
This is Italy. They dont exactly lock down…
这里是 呃…这里是意大利 我们一般不封锁…
How long have you worked for the agency? 4 years.
你为机构工作了几年了? 我?四年
If you want to get to 5, listen close. Bourne is armed and extremely dangerous.
如果你还想干第五年的话 伯恩身上有武器 极度危险
Last week in Berlin he assassinated two men.
上周他在柏林暗♥杀♥了两个人 其中一个是一名资深军官
Secure that area and any evidence and do it right now,
我要你确保该地区的安全 保护好所有的证据 立刻执行
is that clear? Yes, sir. Maam.
听懂了吗? 是的 先生…不 女士
Im getting on a plane to Berlin in 45 minutes so call me back in 30.
我45分钟后乘飞机去柏林 也就是说你要在30分钟内给我回话
When I ask you where we stand, I had better be impressed.
当我问起你情况如何的时候 你最好能给我个满意的答复
Berlin? I have a team in place.
柏林? 我已经在那里准备了一队人
Hes not in Naples to start a family.
You have no idea what youre doing. Do you?
你根本不知道面对的是什么 你知道么?
Hes killed and eluded every person youve sent to find him.
从他离开”踏脚石”的那刻起 他杀掉和躲避了你派去寻找他的每一个人
You read a few files and you’re an expert? This is my case, Ward.
你能对付得了杰森·伯恩吗?这是我的案子 沃德
Enough. I want you both on that plane.
够了 我要你们一起上飞机
We are all of us going to do what we were too inept to do the last time.
我们 所有的人 都要把这件以前懒得做的 或者没能力做的事情解决掉
Were gonna find this son of a bitch and take him down.
我们要找到这个杂种 把他干掉
Jason Bourne will not destroy any more of this agency.
Is that definitive enough for you? Yes.
你们两个明白了吗? 是
Bourne is armed and extremely dangerous.
杰森·伯恩带有武器 极度危险
Last week in Berlin he assassinated two men…
上周他在柏林暗♥杀♥了两个人 其中一个是一名资深军官
I want you…
he assassinated two men…
Secure that area and any evidence and do it right now…
我要你确保该地区的安全 保护好所有的证据 立刻执行…
This is not a drill, soldier.
士兵 这次不是训练
This is not a drill, soldier.
士兵 这次不是训练 士兵 这次不是训练
We clear on that?
清楚吗? 清楚吗?
阿姆斯特丹 荷兰
Youd been working at Treadstone 3 years
and your cover was what?
That I was an American student in Paris.
What exactly did your job in Paris consist of?
I had two responsibilities to coordinate logistical operations
我有两项职责 一是协调后勤行动
and to monitor the health of the agents.
Health? Their mental health.
健康?什么意思? 精神健康
They were prone to a variety of problems. What kind of problems?
因为他们所经历的事情 他们很容易出现各种问题 哪种问题?
Depression, anger, compulsive behaviour.
沮丧 愤怒 强制行为
They had physical symptoms. Headaches, sensitivity to light.
他们有身体上的症状 头疼 怕光
Amnesia? Before Bourne, no.
失忆症? 伯恩之前?没有
The planes ready, a cars waiting.
飞机准备好了 车子正在等您
Good luck. No. You were his contact,
祝你们好运 不 你是他在当地的联络人
you were with him the night Conklin died. Youre coming with us.
康克林死的那晚你和他在一起 你要和我们一起走
Langley got an image from Naples. Its uploading now.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
