As the clouds of war spread over Russia during Germany’s surprise invasion in 1941, the fervent young lovers, the sensitive Veronika and the stalwart Boris, are parted when the patriotic lad secretly volunteers for the war effort. During the following hard years, Veronika who serves her country as a wartime-nurse will lose communication with Boris, moreover, when a devastating air raid destroys her house and Boris’ father takes her in to live with the family, unexpectedly, things will take a turn for the worse. Before long, the worried fiancée will find herself dealing not only with the dark thoughts of Boris’ potential loss but also with the burden of an unwelcome decision. Once, the star-crossed lovers swore eternal devotion under a flock of flying cranes, still, a war is always cruel and eternally disastrous.


spread over分散,传开
stalwart坚定的; 健壮的; 强壮的; 忠实的; 忠诚的; 忠诚拥护者,坚定分子
air raid空袭
live with与…同处;与同居; 学会去适应;接受并忍受
Before long不久以后; 不久; 行将; 很快
but also而且
star-crossed命运乖蹇的; 不幸的
