但基于法律 我必须进去
but by law, I must enter.
Will you hand me any poppets that your wife may keep here?
I have kept no poppets since I were a girl.
喔 这是玛莉的
Oh. This is Mary’s.
玛莉 下楼来
Mary, come down here. Mary!
我很怀疑 但这的确不幸!
I had my doubts, Proctor, but this is calamity.
你看见了吧 先生? 这是针
– You see it, sir. ‘Tis a needle. – What signifies a needle?
The Williams girl, Abigail, today at the tavern, she fall to the floor…
with a needle stuck two inches into her belly…
她指证是你太太派幽灵 干的好事!
and she testified your wife’s spirit pushed it in!
– 告诉他们 这人偶是怎么来的. – 什么人偶呀 先生?
Mary, tell how this poppet came to be in my house.
– What poppet’s that, sir? – This poppet. This poppet!
我在法庭上做的呀 昨天我把它送给了太太
I made that in court and give it to Goody Proctor yesterday.
Mary, a needle’s been discovered inside that poppet.
– 这又不会刺伤谁. – 是你插♥进♥去的吗?
– I meant no harm by it, sir. – You stuck it in yourself?
当时我是当针垫用呀 回家忘了拔♥出♥来♥而已
For safekeeping. I must have forgot to take it out.
你说的都是真的? 没有人教唆你这么说的吗?
Child, you are quite certain this be your natural memory?
No one might be conjuring you to say this?
没有 先生.你可以去问爱比
No, sir. I am entirely myself. Let you ask Abby.
我做人偶的时候 爱比就坐在我旁边
Abby sat beside me when I made it.
那女孩是个谋杀犯 必须把她驱逐出这世界!
That girl is murder. She must be ripped out of the world!
– 你听见了吧? “驱逐” – 滚出我家!
You heard that, Herrick. “Ripped out of the world. ”
– Out of my house! – Now, Proctor…
– 你是个没用的教士. – 我答应你 如果她是清白的…
And you with them! You are a broken minister.
I promise you, if she is innocent-
if she is innocent?
为什么从来没人怀疑 帕瑞斯 爱比 和普南 他们是不是清白的?
Why is there never wonder if Parris be innocent?
Or Putnam? Or Abigail?
指控的人就更圣洁吗? 他们是今早才出生的吗? 怎么就突然成了上帝的手指?
Are the accusers always holy now?
Were they born this morning as pure as God’s fingers?
赛伦镇目前盛行的就是 “复仇”!!
I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem-vengeance.
疯狂的孩子们 靠着叫嚣就取得天国的钥匙 复仇重新书写法律!
The little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom…
and common vengeance writes the law!
I’ll not give my wife to vengeance!
John. John..
I think I must go with them.
玛莉 明早要吃的面包已经足够了 下午你再做新的就行了
Mary, there is bread enough for the morning.
You will bake in the afternoon.
– 要关心你们父亲. 要帮他. – 是 妈妈
Heed your father.
Help him.
– Yes, Mother. – Yes, Mother.
是呀 约翰 快点带我回家吧
– I’ll bring you home soon. – Aye, John, bring me soon.
Be good, my boys
I will fall like an ocean on that court.
别担心 伊莉萨白
Fear nothing, Elizabeth.
Let go.
让开 让开
Joseph, let go. Let go Joseph.
I will fear nothing.
How can you do this? She has children!
你们怎么做的出来? 她有孩子了!
Don’t you touch her!
God will never forgive you!
– 你们不能锁她! – 别用手碰她!
– You’ll not chain her! – Get your hands off her!
我要杀了你! 该死的!
– I’ll kill you! – In God’s name, John…
以主之名,约翰 把她们锁上带走 是我的公务!
let me stand to my duty- I must chain them all!
Giles, look to those poor children! Help them, Giles!
You are coming with me to the court tomorrow.
你要告诉庭上 人偶是怎么来的 针又是谁插的
You will tell the court how that poppet come here…
and who stuck the needle in.
I cannot charge murder on Abigail.
她会告你淫乱罪的 普洛特-加龙省先生
She’ll charge lechery on you, Mr. Proctor.
– 我不会让我妻子因我而死. – 我做不到!
– My wife will not die for me. – I cannot do it.
别因为我 就善恶不分,玛莉
Goodness will not die for me, Mary.
– 我会给你说出来的勇气! – 她们会整我的!
I will bring your guts into your mouth, but she will not die for me!
你要告诉庭上你所知道的一切! 事情就能恢复平静!
You will tell the court what you know! Make your peace with it!
– 平静下来! – 我做不到!
– I can’t do it! – Peace!
我做不到! 她们会整我的!
I can’t do it! They’ll turn on me!
Now hell and heaven grapple on our backs…
此刻 天堂与地狱正在我们眼前搏斗 我们只能义无反顾了
and all our old pretense is ripped away.

Aye, and God’s icy wind will blow.
马莎柯瑞 你是怎么预先知道…
Now, Martha Corey, how did you know beforehand…
沃佛太太家的猪会死的? 就在你拜访她家之后
that Goody Worford’s pigs were to die the night of your visit to her?
庭上 正如您所知, 因为我养了一辈子的猪呀
As you know well, Mr. Hathorne…
I have kept pigs all my life…
当猪只不肯正常进食 就很可能是快死了! 我总会这样猜的
and pigs that is not fed properly is very likely to die!
I had suspicions.
猜的? 你是“预言”猪会死! 你到底是怎么知道的?
Suspicions? You predicted the pigs would die, Martha Corey.
How came you to know that?
Mr. Hathorne, I am innocent to a witch!
我不是女巫 我从不知道女巫是什么样子的
I know not what a witch is.
既然你从不知道女巫的样子, 又怎能确定自己就不是呢?
If you know not what a witch is…
how do you know you are not one?
– 阁下! – 注意那个男人!
– Excellency. – Beware that man.
We have evidence for the court.
The girls are frauds!
Mary Warren has come back to tell the truth.
She’s a liar!
– Who is this man? – Giles Corey, and a more contentious-
– 伊来柯瑞. 非常好讼… – 我自己来回答
I’m old enough to answer!
我是伊来柯瑞. 我已经写好了声明 会让您大开眼界的,先生
I am Giles Corey. I have written a deposition…
which will open up your eyes, sir.
这位是约翰普洛特-加龙省 他有300亩地
This is John Proctor. He has 300 acres.
And Francis Nurse- 500 acres.
The court is in recess!
Your Excellency…
我从没说过 我太太是女巫. 我只是说 她有在看一些奇怪的书
I never called my wife a witch.
I only said she were reading strange books.
我们无意冒犯 先生
We mean no disrespect, sir.
冒犯? 你们这是捣乱!
Disrespect? This is disruption, mister!
This is the highest court of the supreme government of the province.
Do you know it?
Who is this man?
她的妻子是罗贝卡诺斯 今早被捕的
His wife’s Rebecca Nurse, that were condemned this morning.
Nurse… indeed.
我接到的报告 都是夸你为人的. 没想到这件事 你竟也牵涉其中
I have only good report of your character, sir.
I am amazed to find you in this uproar.
Excellency, we have proof for your eyes. The girls are frauds.
玛莉华伦,不是说你生病了吗. 你来这里干嘛?
Mary Warren…
we were told you were sick. What are you about here?
帕瑞斯先生 她是来拯救自己的灵魂的
She has been striving with her soul, Mr. Parris…
and she would speak with His Excellency.
Beware this man! This man is set and bound to destroy my ministry.
Judge Sewall, I think you must hear this child.
霍尔先生 我们的唯一目的就是追求公义
We must do nothing but what justice bids us do, Mr. Hale.
玛莉华伦 你想说什么?
What would you tell us, Mary Warren?
She never saw no spirits, sir…
她发誓 其他的女孩也都没见过幽灵
and she will swear to you…
that none of the other girls ever saw them neither.
你是打算在镇民面前 散布这样的言论吗?
And you intend to spread this lie in open court before the whole village?
我们相信法官大人会希望知道真♥相♥, 只要我们能证明
We were sure His Excellency would welcome the truth…
as we can prove it, sir.
你有见过魔鬼吗 普洛特-加龙省先生?
Have you ever seen the devil, Mr. Proctor?
你心中没有欲望 想要毁掉这次的调查吗?
And there is no desire lurking in your heart…
to undermine these investigations?
并没有 大人 我只是想救出我无辜的妻子
No, sir. I come only to save…
my innocent wife and my friends.
What do you make of this?
上帝助我 我并不是…
God help me, I cannot say…
但总要听听这孩子的话 托马斯…
but I’m sure the child must be heard, Thomas…
…否则会有传言 是你不准她开口的
or it will surely spread that you silenced her.
Is this the one?
Aye, she’s the one.
Your wife, Mr. Proctor, sent me a claim…
送来声明 说她已经怀孕了
that she is pregnant now.
There be no sign of it.
We have examined her body.
她说她怀孕了 那就一定是真的
But if she says she is pregnant, she must be.
这女人是从不撒谎的 丹佛斯法官
That woman will never lie, Mr. Danforth.
– She will not? – Never, sir. Never.
