给詹姆斯·浩特办公室打电♥话♥ 说预展提前到今天十二点半
Call James Holt’s office. Tell them I want to move the preview up to today at 12:30.
告诉大家 半小时内准备好
Tell everybody else. Be ready to leave in half an hour.
但那应该在周二 她说为什么了吗
But we’re not expected until Tuesday. Did she say why?
是的 关于她的决定 她解释了所有细节
Yes. Yeah, she explained every detail of her decision making.
然后我们互相给对方梳头 像美国偶像一样说话
And then we brushed each other’s hair and gabbed about American Idol.
I see your point.
预展到底是什么 早上好 马琳达
what’s a preview anyway? Good morning, Miranda.
Miranda insists upon seeing all the designers’collections…
before they show them.
很高兴见到你 你好 詹姆斯
Great to see you. Hello, James.
然后她把想法告诉对方 用她特殊的表达方式
And she tells them what she thinks? In her way.
Uh, this season really began for me with a meditation…
on the intersection between East and west.
有个判定方法 点一次头是好 点两次是非常好
There’s a scale. One nod is good. Two nods is very good.
唯一的一次微笑记录 是在二零零一年的汤姆·福特展上
There’s only been one actual smile on record, and that was Tom Ford in 2001.
An obi belt.
如果不喜欢 她就摇头
She doesn’t like it, she shakes her head.
This is the dress that we have designed specifically and exclusively for you.
当然 如果她紧闭嘴唇
Then, of course, there’s the pursing of the lips.
Which means?
走 快走
Just, uh… Just go.
我就是不明白 太可怕了 荒谬 还有可怕
I just don’t understand. I’m appalled. It’s absurd. Appalled.
你来解决 我会跟他谈的
You deal with it. I’ll talk to him.
就因为她紧闭嘴唇 他就要更换所有设计
So because she pursed her lips, he’s gonna change his entire collection?
你还是不明白 是不是
You still don’t get it, do you?
Her opinion is the only one that matters.
打电♥话♥给我丈夫确认晚餐 帕斯蒂咖啡馆 已经定好了
Call my husband and confirm dinner. At Pastis? Done.
And I’ll need a change of clothes.
我已经发短♥信♥通知 把您的衣服送去杂♥志♥社了
Well, I’ve already messengered your outfit over to the shoot.
好的 安吉丽雅 我想让你今晚把书送来
Fine. And, Andrea, I would like you to deliver the Book to my home tonight.
让艾米莉给你钥匙 嗯
Have Emily give you the key. Mm-hmm.
用生命来保管这个 当然
Guard this with your life. Of course.
你知道吗 如果我能够去送书 就意味着我一定做对了什么事
You know, if I can deliver the Book, that means I must have done something right.
I’m not a psycho.
哦 知道吗 她叫我安吉丽雅
Oh, and, you know, she called me Andrea?
她没叫我艾米莉 这样 是不是很棒
I mean, she didn’t call me Emily, which is… Isn’t that great?
是啊 万岁
Yeah, whoopee. Right.
Now, it’s very important that you do exactly what I’m about to tell you.
哦 好的
Oh. Okay.
十点至十点半 书会被剪辑好
The Book is assembled by 10:00, 10:30…
and you must wait around for it until then.
You will be delivering Miranda’s dry cleaning with the Book.
Now, the car will take you straight to Miranda’s townouse.
You let yourself in.
安吉丽雅 你不能和任何人说话
Andrea. You do not talk to anyone.
Do not look at anyone.
这是至关重要的 你必须变成隐形人
This is of the utmost importance. You must be invisible.
明白了吗 嗯
Do you understand? Uh-huh.
你打开门 穿过门庭
You open the door and you walk across the foyer.
You hang the dry cleaning in the closet across from the staircase.
呃 再把书放在有花的桌子上
Uh… And you leave the Book on the table with the flowers.
该死 是左边那扇门
Shit! It’s that door to the left.
Thank you.
你可以把书给我们 嘘 哪张桌子
You can give the Book to us. Shh. Which… Which table?
没关系 上来吧 不 我不能上去
It’s okay. Come on up. No, I can’t. I can’t.
什么 没关系的 来啊
What? It’s okay. Come on.
是啊 来啊 没事的 拜托别说了
Yeah, come on. It’s okay. Please stop talking.
你可以把书带上来 艾米莉经常这么做
Or you can bring the Book upstairs. Emily does it all the time.
有吗 是啊 她经常这样
She does? Right. She does, all the time.
是吗 好吧
Yeah? Okay.
你要我怎么做 在封面拍摄途中溜出来
what did you expect me to do, walk out in the middle of a cover shoot?
I rushed out of an investment committee meeting…
and I sat there waiting for you for almost an hour.
都说了手♥机♥没信♥号♥♥ 所有人都没信♥号♥♥
I told you the cell phones didn’t work. Nobody could get a signal out.
I knew what everyone in that restaurant was thinking…
看他 又在等她
there he is, waiting for her again.
好吧 好吧 哦 不 嘘
Okay, okay! Okay, okay. Oh, no. Shh!
事情没那么严重 我发誓
It really wasn’t that big a deal. I promise.
双胞胎说你好 我也说你好
The twins said hello, so I said hello back.
然后我上楼给她书 然后 你上楼了
Then I went up the stairs to give her the Book and… You went upstairs?
哦 天哪 你干脆去她床边 让她念故事算了
Oh, my God. Why didn’t you just climb into bed with her and ask for a bedtime story?
行了 我知道错了
Okay, I made a mistake. I know.
安吉丽雅 你不明白
Andrea, you don’t understand.
如果你被炒 我就去不成巴黎了
If you get fired, that might jeopardize Paris for me.
真要是那样 我会追杀你到天涯海角
If that happens, I will search every Blimpie’s in the tristate area until I track you down.
She’s gonna fire me?
我不知道 她很不高兴
I don’t know. She’s not happy.
马琳达 关于昨晚 我
Miranda, about last night, I…
I need the new Harry Potter book for the twins.
好的 好的 我马上去书店买♥♥
Okay. Okay. I’ll go down to Barnes & Noble right now.
Did you fall down and smack your little head on the pavement?
Not that I can recall.
我们有所有已经出版的《哈里·波特》 双胞胎想知道接下来会怎么样
We have all the published Harry Potter books. The twins want to know what happens next.
You want the unpublished manuscript?
我们和众多出版界打交道 这应该不是问题 对吗
We know everyone in publishing. It shouldn’t be a problem, should it?
你会尽你所能的 对吗
And you can do anything, right?
是的 小波波 我知道 宝贝
Yes, Bobbsey. I know, baby.
Mommy’s working very hard to get it for you.
She doesn’t get it.
就算有 J·K·罗林的电♥话♥ 我也要不到那本书
I could call frickirJ.K. Rowling herself. I’m not gonna get a copy of that book.
J·K·罗林 《哈里·波特》的作者
My girls are leaving on the train for their grandmother’s at 4:00…
so the book better be here no later than 3:00.
当然 十五分钟内准备好我的牛排
Of course! And I would like my steak here in 15 minutes.
No problem!
好了 四个小时内得到不可能得到的手稿
Okay. I have four hours to get the impossible manuscript.
SW 牛排店十一点半才开门 要去哪儿买♥♥牛排
Smith & Wollensky’s doesn’t open until 11:30. How am I gonna get the steak?
好吧 我十五分钟内回来
Okay. I will be back in 15 minutes.
祝我好运 霉运送给你
Wish me luck! No. Shart.
好的 好的 我还在 这是马琳达·皮斯里的要求
Yes, yes, yes, yes. I’ve been on hold. It’s for Miranda Priestly.
It’s very important.
是 我知道这不可能
Yes, I know it’s impossible to get…
but, well, I was wondering if you could make the impossible possible…
if that’s at all possible.
是 我打电♥话♥询问《哈里·波特》的手稿
Yes, I’m calling about the Harry Potter manuscript.
哦 不 是未出版的
Uh, no. Unpublished.
Not a chance?
Tell her that it’s for Miranda Priestly.
‘Cause I think it makes a difference.
《纽约人》 克里斯丁·汤普森
Let me call you back.
你可能不记得我 我们在詹姆斯·浩特的聚会上见过面
You probably don’t remember me. We met at James Holt’s party.
I’m Miranda Priestly’s assistant.
《哈里·波特》的手稿 开玩笑吧
The Harry Potter manuscript? Oh, you’re kidding.
抱歉打扰 但我也是穷途末路了
Uh, sorry to ask, but I’m desperate.
就跟她说不可能 让她提其它方案
Just tell her it can’t be done. You’ll have to come up with a Plan “B.”
Well, this is Miranda Priestly we’re talking about.
不可能有其它方案 只有按照她的方案办
There is no Plan “B.” There’s only Plan “A.”
她回来了吗 我被炒了吗
Is she back? Am I fired?
I rarely say this to people who aren’t me…
but you have got to calm down.
Bloody hell!
外套 包
Coat, bag.
那是什么 我不要了 我和俄弗一起吃午餐
What’s that? Oh, I don’t want that. I’m having lunch with Irv.
我会在三点回来 到时还要一杯星巴克的咖啡
I’ll be back at 3:00. I’d like my Starbucks waiting.
哦 如果到时还没有那本《哈里·波特》
Oh, and if you don’t have that Harry Potter book by then…
