don’t even bother coming back.

辞职 你确定
Quit? Are you sure?
我完了 她肯定会炒了我
I failed. She’s gonna fire me anyway.
I might as well beat her to the punch. Wow.
安迪 干得好 恭喜你 你自♥由♥了
Andy, good for you. Congratulations. You’re free.
是啊 我呆会儿再打给你 好
Yeah. Well, listen, I’ll call you later. Okay.

我是天才 真的
I’m brilliant. No, really.
该为我立纪念碑 不会吧
Monuments should be erected in my honor. You didn’t.
是的 一个朋友的朋友做封面设计
Oh, yes. A friend of a friend does the cover art…
and she happens to have the manuscript.
哦 不 那意味着我还是做对一件事了
Oh, no, ’cause that would mean that I actually did something right.
这真是 哦
It’s just… Oh!
问题是 克里斯丁 我只是
The thing is, Christian, I was just…
你还想要那东西的话就快点 去圣·理杰斯见我
Look, you want this thing, you better hurry. I’ll meet you at the St. Regis.
Excuse me.
欢迎来圣·理杰斯 能为您服务吗 哦 是的
Welcome to the St. Regis. May I assist you with anything? Oh. Yes.
我在科尔国王酒吧约了朋友 这边请
Uh, I’m meeting someone at the King Cole Bar. Right this way.

你还剩一个小时 谢谢你
You have one hour. Thank you.
只有一本手稿 双胞胎该怎么办 一起看
One copy. What are my twins gonna do with that? Share?
哦 不 我已经做成两本
Oh, no, I made two copies…
装订好并添加了封面 那样看起来就不会像手稿
and had them covered, reset and bound so that they wouldn’t look like manuscripts.
复♥制♥成一模一样的两本 你知道 以防万一
This is an extra copy to have on file. You know, just in case.
嗯 那么装订好的两本手稿在哪呢 我怎么没看到
Well, where are these fabulous copies? I don’t see them anywhere.
They’re with the twins, on the train on the way to Grandma’s.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Mm-mmm. That’s all.
嘿 嘿 我去了狄恩德鲁卡超♥市♥
Hey. Hey. I went to Dean & Deluca.
狄恩德鲁卡超♥市♥ Dean&Deluca 纽约顶级超♥市♥
天 那里的草莓居然要五块钱一颗
Man, they charge, like, five dollars a strawberry there.
But I figure since you quit your job…
we should celebrate.
这个 内特 等等
Listen, Nate. Wait a minute.
你都已经辞职了 怎么还在替双胞胎做作业
You quit your job, but you’re still working on the twins’ science project?
Well, that’s big of you.
给你打完电♥话♥后 我觉得
Okay, after we talked, I realized…
都辛苦了好几个月 就这么放弃实在是不应该
it doesn’t make sense throwing away all those months of hard work.
不过是因为感到一时的无助 所以
I just had a moment of weakness, that’s all.
是 是 要不然就是因为 你那糟糕的工作和变♥态♥的老板
Yeah, well, either that, or your job sucks and your boss is a wacko.
好吧 随便你 这是你的工作
All right. Whatever. It’s your job.
Come on.
I’m still the same person I was.
I still want the same things. Okay?
我保证 内容不变 只是包装更好
Mm-hmm. I promise. Same Andy, better clothes.
I like the old clothes.
那这些项链怎么样 你喜欢吗
Well, what about these necklaces? Do you like them?
不 那这条裙子呢 这可是新的
No? And this dress, it’s new.
这个 还有这样东西也是新的
Well, there is one other thing that’s new…
that I thought you might like.
不过 这个怎么样
But, uh… What about this?
你不喜欢 我还是去做
You don’t like it. I should better do…
不 不
No, no, no, no.
这是第二款造型吗 这是第二款
Is this number two look? This is number two?
嗨 嗨 好了 转过来 亲爱的
Hi. Hi. All right. Turn around for me, darling.
噢 我懂了 我懂了
Oh, I get it. I get it. I get it.
The piece is called “urban jungle, ‘”right?
是 现代女性通过释放内在的野性 来征服城市
Yes, the modern woman unleashes the animal within to take on the big city.
好了 去吧
Good. Go.
Sometimes I can’t believe I talk about this crap all day.
伯比 过来 让我看看 谢谢你
Bobby, come here. Let me see. Oh, thank you.
尽快把这些样片送到马琳达手上 嗯
Make sure Miranda gets these as soon as possible. Mm-hmm.
And tell her I switched in the Dior for the Rocha.
噢 真好 迫不及待哈 对不起
Oh, great. Can’t wait. Excuse me.
态度能不能好点 对不起
Can we adjust the attitude? I’m sorry.
别跟那些模特一个德性 对不起
Don’t make me feed you to one of the models. I’m sorry.
It’s a busy day.
我的个人生活岌岌可危 所以
My personal life is hanging by a thread, that’s all.
彼此彼此 亲爱的 这说明你的工作开始步入正轨了
Join the club. That’s what happens when you start doing well at work, darling.
等你的个人生活化为乌有的时候 记得通知我一声
Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke.
That means it’s time for a promotion.
不行 好了 言归正传 二月号♥背面
No. All right, February, back of the issue.
Did anybody speak with Salma’s people yet?
有的 但她更想做夏季刊的封面 来配合她新拍的电影
Yes, but she’d rather do a summer cover because she has a movie coming out.
不行 还有 图比做的那篇 关于最高法♥院♥里的女性
No. Also, I’m pulling the Toobin piece on the Supreme Court women…
And I need to see a new draft on that piece…
的文章要重写 太平淡了
about shopping for a plastic surgeon… It’s dull.
And this layout for the winter wonderland spread.
Not wonderful yet.
好的 我再考虑一下
Oh, okay. l-I’ll look at it.
泰斯蒂诺怎么样 进度如何了
What about Testino? Where are we on that?
泰斯蒂诺 摄影师
扎克的追随者设计了 一些雕塑感很强的衣服
Zac Posers doing some very sculptural suits.
所以我建议让泰斯蒂诺在 野口勇博物馆拍这组片
So I suggested that, uh, Testino shoot them at the Noguchi Garden.
野口勇 日裔美籍雕塑家
谢天谢地 还是有人来上班的
Thank God somebody came to work today.
What about accessories for April?
我觉得可以考虑做一辑配饰 像手镯 吊坠 耳环之类
One thought I had was enamel. Um, bangles, pendants, earrings.
不行 那个两年前出过一次 还有什么
No. We did that two years ago. What else?
这个 现在印花图案比较流行 所以我在想
Um, well, they’re showing a lot of florals right now, so I was thinking…
印花 春季拍印花 真有创意
Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.
But we thought about shooting them in an industrial space.
通过印花图案的柔弱 与硬朗 粗糙环境的对比
We thought the contrast between the femininity of the florals…
and the more raw, rough-hewn background would create this wonderful tension between…
不行 在
No. Which?
Does anybody else have anything I can possibly use?
Antibacterial wipes perhaps?
感冒怎么样了 死去活来
How’s the cold doing? Like death warmed up actually.
噢 上帝
Oh, God.
今晚是慈善晚会 我已经盼望了好几个月
It’s the benefit tonight. I’ve been looking forward to it for months.
我不能生病 我要穿华伦天奴 气死我了
I refuse to be sick. I’m wearing Valentino, for crying out loud.
对 过会所有人都该去做准备了
Right. Well, everybody will be leaving soon to get ready…
我建议你去把 马琳达的芬迪包拿到陈列室
so I suggest you go and drop Miranda’s Fendi bag off at the showroom…
and then I suppose you can just go home.
是吗 噢 太好了 简直是完美
Yeah? Oh, well, that is great. Perfect actually.
我得赶紧去木兰面包房♥ 今天是内特的生日
I need to get to Magnolia Bakery before it closes. It’s Nate’s birthday tonight.
So we’re, uh, having a little party for him.
是 真是啰嗦 还不闭嘴走人
Yeah, I’m hearing this, and I wanna hear this.
I love my job. I love my job. I love my job.

在今晚的慈善晚会开始前 我要求
Before the benefit tonight, I need to make sure…
that you’re both fully prepped on the guest list.
可是我以为只有首席助理 才能去慈善晚会
But I thought that only the first assistant went to the benefit.
Only when the first assistant hasn’t decided to become…
an incubus of viral plague.
You’ll come and help Emily.
就这样吧 好吧
That’s all. Right.
这是所有的来宾 马琳达把每个人都请来了
These are all of the guests. Miranda invites everyone.
我们必须确保让他们觉得 马琳达清清楚楚的记得每一个人
We have to make sure that they all think she knows exactly who they are.
And I’ve been studying for weeks.
I have to learn all these by tonight?
不 别傻了 安吉丽雅 两大本
No, don’t be silly, Andrea. These too.
你们还是先开始吧 别等我了 我会尽早赶回去
Look, you better just start without me, okay? I’ll get there as soon as I can.
安迪 别这样 这是他的生
Andy, come on, it’s his birth…
