I was just kind of a prick. I think he was too. I was unteachable.
I don’t think I was actively unpleasant in class.
You were pretty unpleasant.
-够了 贝特西 贝特西 -是真的
Okay, Betsy. Betsy. Really.
噢 我那时挺享受的 挺享受的
Oh, I loved it. I loved it.
-贝特西 这是…-她挺享受的
Betsy, this is… She loved it.
He was pleasantly unpleasant.
这条引语很棒 如果你需要的话
That’s a great quote, if you want to quote something.
嗯 那我就不得不连着那个老师也一起采访下了
I’m gonna have to interview the teacher as well though.
明早我有个公共电台采访 得巨早无比地起床
I have to be up unconscionably early for this public radio interview,
so we should probably get going.
这就意味着 我也得早起
That means I have to get up early too.
见鬼的你想干啥就干啥 好么
You can do whatever the fuck you want. You know?
You can sleep in if you want to.
好啦 那我们送你们回酒店
Well, we’ll get you back to the hotel then.
-结♥帐♥吧 -我来付吧
Check. You know what, I will get the check.
我来 请让我来买♥♥单
I’ll get it. Please, this one is on me.
-其实是詹恩买♥♥单 -不 这次我买♥♥单
Well, it’s on Jann. No, no. It’s on me.
-詹恩是谁 -他老板
Jann? Jann’s his boss.
不 这一单我来付 就是 很高兴认识你们
No, this one is on me. It was just so nice to meet you guys.
-《滚石》先生 -嗯
Mr. Rolling Stone. Yeah.
能关下窗吗 冻死了
Can you close the window? It’s fucking freezing.
抱歉 不行 这是我们的中西部低温吸烟之旅
No, sorry, I cannot. This is our hypothermia smoking tour of the Midwest.
低温吸烟之旅 我喜欢
Hypothermia smoking tour. I love that.
-谢了 -听上去像是戴夫会说的话
-Oh, thank you. -Sounds like something Dave would say.
Doesn’t it?
-谢了 女士们 -小事儿
Thanks, ladies. Yeah, sure.
-是啊 非常感谢 -嗯 你们明天什么计划
Yeah, thank you so much. Sure. What are you doing tomorrow?
-哦 -还没想好
Oh. I’m not sure yet.
那 你想的话 可以给我们打电♥话♥ 我们在这儿呢
Well, give us a call if you want. We’re here.
好的 会的
Okay. Will do.
-再次感谢你们过来 -非常感谢
Thanks again for coming. Thank you so much.
-认识你很高兴 朱莉
Nice to meet you, Julie.
-再见 贝特西 再见 -再见 戴维
Bye, Betsy. Bye. Bye, David.
-很开心 -是啊 是不错
That was fun. Yeah, it was nice.
-好了 我饿了 -还饿
All right, I’m hungry. Still?
Yeah, it’s terrifying when it’s happening.
是吗 可那是什么感觉
Really? How does it feel though?
人们争相涌入 一长条队伍都想要给你留下好印象
People fighting to get in. A big line of people wanting to impress you.
告诉你吧 我觉得有那么一群读者
I tell you what. I think that having an audience…
Like, really, really pretty girls…
都关注着你 而且喜欢你说的话
Who are all paying attention to you and kind of like what you’re saying,
从相当原始的本能层面上 就很叫人满足
that’s gratifying on a fairly, I think, just simple mammal level.
是啊 是什么原因呢
I know. Why is that?
I think pretty girls are what we most dream and despair of ever having,
正是我们最梦想 最极度渴望得到的
like, pay attention to us.
她们在那儿 坐在前排 给你使着眼色
There they are in the front row making eyes at you.
I think my girlfriend is in love with you.
-扯谈 不 她没有 -不 真的
Come on. No, she’s not. No, really.
I think she is.
我感觉她喜欢你的作品多过我的 这让我不太爽
I think she likes your writing better than mine. That’s kind of annoying.
-我们给她打电♥话♥吧 给她打电♥话♥ -什么
Let’s get her on the phone. Get her on the phone. What?

不 我不清楚 她…
No. I don’t know. She’s…
She’s probably sleeping anyway.
-喂 -嗨
Hello? Hi.
-你还好吗 -还好 额 我吵醒你了吗
How’s it going? It’s, uh… Did I wake you up?
不 我还醒着看呢 在看《无尽的玩笑》
No. I’m up reading Infinite Jest.
很好看啊 噢 不错
Pretty amazing. Oh. Good.
听着 我这边有个人想跟你说几句
Listen, I’m here with somebody who wants to talk to you.
-稍等一下 -她叫什么来着
Can you hold on a second? What’s her name again?
-莎拉 -好的 莎拉
It’s Sarah. Yeah. Sarah.
莎拉 嗨 我是戴夫 华♥莱♥士♥
Sarah, hi. It’s Dave Wallace.
Nice to meet you telephonically.
It’s nice to meet you telephonically as well.
-戴维还乖吗 -我来问问他
Is David behaving himself? Let me ask him.
Are you behaving yourself?
She’s asking that?
I’m reasonably sure that he is.
I don’t have eyes on him 24-7.
莎拉 好吧
Sarah? Okay.
-今晚你在做什么呢 -别问她这个
What are you doin’ tonight? Don’t ask her that.
噢 哇 你是开玩笑的吧 噢天哪
Oh, wow. You’re kidding me. Oh, my gosh.
真的 很棒啊
Yes. It’s awesome.
What part are you on?
-369页 -哇 已经看了不少了啊
369. Wow, you’re really far along.
-是啊 看得停不下来 -哦 谢谢
I know. I can’t put it down. Oh, thank you.
-要谢谢你 -我是说 这话很动听
Really, thank you. I mean, that’s very flattering.
-那他妈是怎么回事 -怎么了
What the fuck was that about? What?
You were on the phone with him for half an hour.
It wasn’t a half hour.
有 25分钟 好吧 我计时了呢
It was. It was 25 minutes. Okay? I timed it.
You were only supposed to say hello.
-戴维 -戴维 我们得出发了
-David? -David, we gotta go.
额 地陪在等着呢
Uh, the escort’s waiting.
嘿 抱歉
Hey. Sorry.
I got totally, like, sucked in with this orgy of crap.
There’s a simultaneous broadcast of Falcon Crest, Magnum P.I.
and Charlie’s Angels.
-好吧 -完美的大放送
Okay. A perfect storm of shit.
-我马上就出来 好吗 -好
I’ll be out in a second, okay? Okay.
现在就打电♥话♥订购 可免费获得健身教程视频…
Call now to order and get this free workout video…
配备完整指导 以及16课时的下班后训练
with complete instructions and 16 ab-work exercises.
再加我的20分钟有氧运动 一站提供你所需的一切
Plus my 20-minute aerobic workout. That’s everything you need.
-你先进去 -你绕那边
Here, go in. Can you go around?
-好的 当然 -谢谢
Yeah, yeah. Sure. Thanks.
You’re wearing that?
去一个电台采访 额 是啊
For a radio interview? Uh, yes.
嗨 戴夫 戴夫·华♥莱♥士♥
Hi. Dave. Dave Wallace.
I know who you are.
这是我的抄写员 博斯韦尔先生
My amanuensis… Mr. Boswell.
-博斯韦尔先生 你好 -干得漂亮 你好
-Mr. Boswell. -Very clever. Hi.
Right this way.
我们用数码录音 希望你不介意
We record digitally. I hope that’s okay.
So just yes or no answers?
-很好笑 -嘿
That’s very funny. Hey.
-怎么了 -你要是敢把我写得劣迹斑斑
What? Hey. You do a really mean job with this,
-如何 -我有20年时间可以报复你
Yeah? I got, like, 20 years to get you back.
-记住啊 -你不会有事儿的
You remember that. You’re gonna be fine.
My guest today is David Foster Wallace,
who has burst on the literary scene…
with his 1,079-page,
three-pound, three-ounce novel,
Infinite Jest.
Jay McInerney called it
“something like a sleek Vonnegut chassis…”
wrapped in layers of post-millennial Zola.”
大卫·福斯特·华♥莱♥士♥ 欢迎来到我们的节目
David Foster Wallace, welcome to our show.
谢谢 很高兴能来这里
Thank you. I’m glad to be here.
我们开始吧 你曾说过
All right. Now,
你把自己视作 我来引用你的原话
you have said you saw yourself as, quote,
“a combination of being incredibly shy and being an egomaniac too.”
I believe I said “exhibitionist” also.
I think being shy basically means being self-absorbed…
to the extent that it makes it difficult to be around other people.
Difficult for you or difficult for the other people?
额 我想应该两者皆有吧
Ah. I suppose a little bit of both.
