大家都叫他萨尔 他是个甜心
They call him Sal. He’s a sweetheart.
He was picked up on suspicion of armed robbery. Now get this.
Three years ago he tries to hold up Tiffany’s
on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight.
刑期可从二年半到五年 但蒂凡尼不愿提出诉讼
He could’ve got two and a half to five, but Tiffany’s wouldn’t prosecute.
Also, downtown they’re pretty sure he pulled off a contract on a guy named DeMarco.
-他老婆呢 -她叫安琪 聪明又难以捉摸
-How about his old lady? -Her name’s Angie. She’s a fast filly.
She drew a suspended for shoplifting a year ago.
她只是个孩子 才十九岁 刚好能够结婚
She’s only a kid. 19, according to the marriage license.
19 going on 50.
-还有什么 -一年半前他开了一家店
-What else? -He’s had the store a year and a half.
Takes in a fast seven grand a year.
So what’s he doing with two cars and a tab at the Chez?
福特登记在老婆名下 水星则是他弟弟阿路的
The LTD’s in his wife’s name. The Comet belongs to his brother Lou.
He’s a trainee at the garbageman’s school on Ward’s island.
He did time a couple of years ago -assault and robbery.
Black Cadillac.
New Jersey plates.
RWN26♥4♥ 我认识那家伙
RWN-26♥4♥. I know that one cat.
We saw him outside the Pike Slip Inn the other day.
I want a blouse like that for my girlfriend,
but you could model it.
Better not let my husband hear that.
我不在乎他有没有听到 你愿意帮我吗
I don’t care if he hears it. Will you do it for me?
好啊 你打算付多钱
OK. How much are you gonna pay?
-一小时五十元 -一小时五十元
-$50 an hour. -50 an hour?!
-我做了 一共两百元 -我付不起
-I’ll do it. $200. -No, can’t afford it.
我待会再打电♥话♥给你 再见
I’ll call you later. Bye-bye.
已经一点半了 没想到你来得这么快
Hey, it’s 1:30. I didn’t expect you till two.
-你在附近工作吗 -是的 就在对面
-You work around here? -Across the street.
That’s the third time he’s come here this week.
You got anything on this building?
那栋楼没有问题 我查了所有租户的名单
The building is clean. I checked the tenant list.
你记得那个演员唐·阿米奇吗 他就住在这里
Remember Don Ameche, the actor? He lives here.
对了 还有一个人
Oh, yeah, and somebody else.
-你记得或乔·怀恩斯托克吗 -你在开玩笑吧
-Does the name Joel Weinstock ring a bell? -You’re kidding.
不 他就住在这里
No, sir. He lives right here.
He was the bank on the shipment out of Mexico three years ago.
是的 我也听说了
Yeah, so I hear.
他要去华登岛 到那里我们会被发现 他为什么要去
He’s going to Ward’s Island. We’ll be spotted. Why’s he doing that?
Maybe he’s gonna go down and see his brother.
Well, maybe it’s another drop.
Well, he gets a free ride.
好了 大力水手在此
All right, Popeye’s here!
离开吧台 全部靠墙站好
Get your hands on your heads, get off the bar and get on the wall!
快点 动作快
Come on, move, move!
动作快一点 面向墙壁 快点转过身来 快点
Come on, move out! Face the wall. Turn around there. Move!
-手不要插在袋里 -转过来
-Hands outta your pockets. -Turn around.
转过来 靠墙站好
Turn around. Get on the wall.
那个是你掉的吗 拾起来
Hey, did you drop that? Pick it up.
-快拾起来 快 动作快 -你在看什么
-Pick it up! Come on, move! -What are you looking at?
好 把它拿过来 手不要放在袋里
All right, bring it here. Get your hands outta your pockets.
-我叫什么名字 -道义尔
-What’s my name? -Doyle.
-什么 -道义尔先生
-What? -Mr Doyle.
过来 你洗过脚了吗
Come here. D’you pick your feet?
你 过去那里 把手放在头上
Do you…? Get over there. Get your hands on your head.
-不要动 -我说我们会再回来
-Hold them up. -We told you people we were coming back.
We’re gonna keep coming back until you clean this bar up.
盯着你旁边的人 若他掉了东西 东西就算你的
Keep your eye on your neighbor. If he drops something, it belongs to you.
这算什么 该死的医院吗
What is this? A fucking hospital here? Huh?
转过去 兄弟 我们还找到些什么
Turn around there, fella. What have we got here?
This belong to you? Huh?
站好 笨蛋
Stand up there, noddy.
Get your hands on your fucking head.
-你想搭顺风车吗 肥佬 -放屁
-You wanna take a ride there, fat man? -Oh, bullshit.
大家注意 我们待会要问问题
Pay attention. We’re gonna ask questions later.
Turn around.
好了 全部收声 收声
All right, shut up there. Shut up!
Anybody want a milkshake?
好吧 过来 就是你 还有你
All right, come over here. You and you.
小胡子 过来
Hey, whiskers! Come over here.
我叫你的时候动作快点 你
Move ass when I call you! You!
快点来 光头佬 快点 动作快
Come on, you, baldie. Come on, move.
好 把它放在吧台上
All right, put it on the bar.
-把它放在吧台上 -死进去
-Get it on the bar! -Get the hell in there.
-把你的手放在头上 -每个人都一样
-Put your hands on your head. -All of it.
肥佬 你掉了东西 把它拾起来
Smart ass, you dropped something. Pick it up.
你希望手被打断吗 把它放在吧台上
You want that hand broken? Get it up there.
What else you got here, huh?
Turn around.
你被捕了 你也一样 到电♥话♥亭里去 快点
You’re under arrest. That goes for you too. Get in that phone booth. Move!
进去 面向墙壁
Get in there. Face the wall,
把你的手放在墙上 顺便把自己关进去
put your hands against the wall and lock yourself in.
喂 你
Hey, you!
小子 你要上哪儿去
Haircut! Where are you going?
你在跟我讲话吗 宝贝
You talking to me, baby?
对 我在跟你讲话 过来
Yeah, I’m talking to you! Come here!
-发生什么事了 -你上哪儿去了
-What’s happening? -Where you been?
-我一直在里面 -你可以接受搜身吗
-In there. -Can you stand a toss?
-当然 我身上没有带毒品 -你吸毒了吗
-Sure, I’m clean. -You use shit?
当然没有 老兄 你以为自己
No, man. Who are you,
是狄克·崔西吗 我说过我是干净的
Dick Tracy or somebody? I said I was clean.
-你不会玩我吧 -我是干净的
-I’m not gonna get stuck, am I? -I’m clean!
如果你玩我 知道自己下场吧
If I do, you know what happens.
知道 我说过我是干净的
Yeah. I said I’m clean.
放开我 我可不是随便混的
Get off! I’ll break your motherfucking ass!
给我个硬币 快给我个硬币
Give me a nickel. Give me a nickel. Come on!
我告诉过你我是干净的 你为什么要找我麻烦
I told you I’m clean. What the fuck you wanna come down on me like that for?
-情况如何 -一切都照旧 宝贝
-How’s everything? -Everything’s everything, baby.
为什么外面什么都没有 那些都是乳糖
There’s nothing out there. It’s all milk.
这里什么都没有 没有人拥有毒品
There aingt nothing around. Nobody’s holding.
我告诉你一个名字 布鲁克林的萨尔·波卡
I got a name for you. Sal Boca. Brooklyn.
-波卡 -没错 就叫波卡
-Boca? -Yeah. B-O-C-A.
-我没听说过他 -他老婆安琪呢
-Never heard of him. -What about his wife Angie?
不认识 近来有一些传言
Doesn’t register. There’s been some talk, though.
-关于什么的 -有批货
-About what? -A shipment.
这礼拜或下礼拜会到 到时候大家就好过了
Coming in this week, the week after. Everybody’s gonna get well.
-是谁送进来的 -鬼才知道
-Well, who’s bringing it? -Who knows?
-你希望伤在哪里 -嗯
-Where do you want it? -Huh?
-你希望伤在哪里 -噢 妈的 这边好了
-Where do you want it? -Oh, shit. This side.
Beat it!
I’m gonna check on this address.
如果那边的人不认识你 你的麻烦可就大了
If they don’t know you, it’s your ass.
-我不是叫你站在那里吗 -礼拜六之前把头发剪了
-I thought I told you to stand there! -Get that hair down before Saturday.
我们要走了 再见
We’re going now. Good-bye!
快点走 告诉大家 我们一小时后回来
Move ass. Tell everybody we’ll be back in an hour.
很好 但你们属贝德福德-斯图威桑特 不是里奇伍德区
Great, but you belong in Bedford-Stuyvesant, not Ridgewood.
你干脆就派我们去好吗 让我们去试试
Why don’t you detach us? Give us a shot,
at least till we find out if there’s anything here.
Everybody wants Weinstock.
或许那里会有线索 这是我们应得的
Maybe here’s the lead we’re looking for. We deserve this.
You couldn’t burn a three-time loser with this garbage.
这家伙绝对什么都没做 你们两个会先被指控非法搜证
The man has done absolutely nothing. You’ll wind up in an entrapment rap.
Brooklyn is loaded with guys that own candy stores,
两部汽车 晚上喜欢上俱乐部的人
two cars and go to nightclubs.
但你把这个糖果屋店主 跟怀恩斯托克联想在一起
You put this hustler together with Weinstock
and maybe we got a big score.
大批毒品个屁 最多他只是分装小包零售
Big score, my ass! At best he’s selling nickel-and-dime bags.
I wouldn’t be infringing on your coffee break
if I thought it was a nickel-and-dimer.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
