这个看似乐园的地方 任何人来此…
Anyone else would die of thirst in a few days. In this arid desert…
都会因干渴而死 因为此地没有地表水
… that looks like a paradise, there’s no surface water.
But the slender, graceful Bushmen of the Kalahari…
… live here contentedly and in complete harmony with their environment.
They have lived undisturbed for 20,000 years because they are…
他们是世界上唯一不需要地表的水 而可以生活的人
… the only people in the world who know how to live without surface water.
When ivory poachers in high-tech vehicles intrude into this thirst-land…
… to hunt elephant, they have to drag reservoirs of water with them.
当水喝光时便只好开车 离开卡拉哈里沙漠
And when the water runs low they have to hightail it out of the Kalahari again.
土人在自己的世界中 隔绝地生活与嬉戏…
So the Bushmen work and play in peaceful isolation unaware…
… of the crowded, hectic world outside their domain…
即使战争也只是在 卡拉哈里的边缘进行
… and even of the wars that are fought on the very fringes of the Kalahari.
Sometimes Xixo tells about the time he looked for the end of the Earth…
… and about the strange, heavy people he met…
… but it’s difficult to describe those who live outside the Kalahari.
He always ends by saying the heavy people know some magic…
让东西跑或飞 但他们不聪明…
… that can make things move and even fly, but they’re not bright…
因为缺了那些东西之后 他们便无法生存
… because they can’t survive without their magic contrivances.
In the mornings, they like to read the news.
他们知道土狼 有了新的女朋友…
They can read that the hyena has a new girlfriend…
印度豹的孩子不见了 而羚羊又开始向西迁移了
… the cheetah has lost a baby, and the oryx is migrating to the west.
大孩子教小孩子如何去解读 动物及邻居的闲话…
Older children teach younger ones how to read the gossip about the animals…
卡拉哈里发生的所有事情 都会印在沙上面
… because everything that happens in the Kalahari gets printed in the sand.
全都印在上面了 你委托人的专利权受到侵犯了
It’s all printed out here. This is where they started infringing on the patent.
Give it to me there.
我可以在法庭上提出来 再退回画面A
Now, that I can present in court. Go back to frame A.
And give me sales.
嗨 安 这是杰夫 …
凯西 你去处理一下? 拿掉吧
Cathy, will you take this? Take him off.
Now, cost per unit. And a printout on that.
杰夫先生说要去香港 处理接收的事
Mr. Geoffrey says he has to go to Hong Kong about the takeover.
好的 祝他“旅途愉快” -他不能参加ECACL的会议
Tell him, “Have a good flight.” – He won’t make the ECACL conference.
他不能这样对我 -他说要你看一下报纸
He can’t do that to me. – He’d like you to read the paper.
说大多数是你研究的 你该得到这份荣幸的
You did the research, so you deserve the honor.
I have to take this case to court on Wednesday.
他说周三前会回来的 -老天
Says you’ll be back before Wednesday. – Oh, boy.
That morning, Xabe came with the news that…
… the animals are moving towards the marula groves in the north.
他对爸爸说:“这些野果子 已成熟了 我们去摘吧”
He shouted, “The marulas are ripe. Let’s go collect some. ”
奇沙和奇尔跑过来说: “我们也可以去吗?”
Xisa and little Xiri ran up and said, “Can we come too?”
奇哥说:“我看看你够不够大 如果你比我的弓高…
Xixo said, “Let’s see if you’re big enough. If you’re taller than my bow…
土狼就会怕你而远离你 如果你不够高 它就会咬你”
… the hyena will be afraid and stay away. If you’re shorter, he’ll take you. ”
但奇尔说: “求你也让我去吧 ”
But Xiri said, “Please let me come too.”
奇沙说: “我保证一定好好看着他”
And Xisa said, “I promise I’ll always stay close to him.”
今年在哪开会? -在艾尔卡卡克拉
Where is the conference this year? – In Okakarara.
是尼布拉斯加吗? -不是 是非洲
Where’s that, Nebraska? – No, Africa.
Oh, boy.
他们摘了好多野果子回来 回家途中看到…
They gathered a lot of marulas and on the way home they found…
… the spoor of a wounded elephant.
奇哥说:“这只大象太衰弱了 它会死掉”
Xixo said, “This elephant is very weak. It’s going to die. ”
He said to Xisa, “You and Xiri can go on home.
Tell your mother we will come when we’ve found the sick elephant. ”
There was a very strange and beautiful pattern on the ground.
奇沙看不懂 她一辈子也没看过这种东西
Xisa couldn’t read it. She’d never seen anything like it in her life.
还有一个 跟刚才的一样美
There was another as beautiful as the first.
她想不出是什么东西会有 这种持续的印子
She wondered how anything could make such a long, unbroken track.
她跟着印子走 看见一个很奇怪的东西
She followed the track and saw a very strange-looking thing.
她说: “那个东西一直在转…
She said, “This thing went round and round…
所以才 造成了这么长的图案”
… and that’s how it made such a long pattern without footprints. ”
Xiri saw a beautiful dewdrop grow, and when it dropped…
掉了一颗 另一颗又快出现了
… another one began to grow in its place.
他们知道上帝在晚上把 露珠放在树上
They knew the gods put dewdrops on plants in the night.
But here they could see a dewdrop form in broad daylight.
奇沙说: “水一定是这个东西做的”
Xisa said, “I think this thing is making the water.”
Xiri had never seen so much water in his life.
He didn’t know there was so much water in the whole world.
终于找到大象了 他们看到让大象死的小伤口
They found the elephant and saw the tiny wounds that had made it die.
这些痕迹让奇哥知道 是外界的人做的…
The tracks told Xixo the heavy people had been there…
却纳闷他们为何把没用的象牙 拿走却把珍贵的肉留下任其腐烂
… but wondered why they took the useless tusks and left the meat to rot.
He said, “The heavy people are strange.”
Bo said, “I’ll call Xabo’s family to help us eat it.
即使跑一天一夜 也可在明天找到他们”
If I run all day and night I can find them by tomorrow. ”
Xixo said, “We’ll go call our family.”
有好多象牙 上帝需要比人的寿命 还长的时间才能…
There were many tusks. It takes the gods more than a man’s lifetime…
让成象长好 看到这么多 象死掉 让他们害怕无比
… to make a full-grown elephant, and it horrified them to see so many had died.
奇哥和奇比找到奇沙和奇尔 脚印中断的地方
Xixo and Xabe found the place where Xisa and Xiri’s tracks suddenly stopped.
奇哥说:“你看 奇沙和 奇尔爬上去被带走了”
Xixo said, “Xisa climbed onto the thing. Xiri went up too, and it took them away. ”
He said, “Tell our family they must start eating the dead elephant.
I’ll fetch Xisa and Xiri. ”
抱歉临时通知 不过 很荣幸有你们光临
Sorry about the short notice, but we’re honored to have you.
谢谢你 我也很想去狩猎之旅
Thank you. I would’ve liked the safari tour…
可是我要准备报告 -你当真没事?
…but I have to prepare my presentation. – You’ll be all right?
没事 谢谢你 -好 那就不打扰了
I’ll be fine, thank you. – Good. I’ll leave you to it.
史帝芬现在在哪儿? -我多少有点概念
You know where Stephen’s working? – I think I’ve got a rough idea.
你得去找一番了 -对
You may have to search around a bit. – Right.
杰克 -是的
And Jack? – Yeah?
跟史帝芬说我们会把 其他东西送去给他
Tell Stephen we’ll send the rest of the stuff out to him later.
像你这么好的小姐 怎么会来这里的?
What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
老天 -你不吃这套?
Oh, boy. – You don’t buy it.
好 我再试一次
Okay, I’ll try again.
嗨 想不想陪我去飞行? -我为了准备这个才拒绝去狩猎的
Hi. Like to come fly with me? – I have to work. That’s why no safari trip.
这一趟要三小时 我半小时内就可以让你看完非洲
Trip’s three hours. I could show you Africa in half an hour.
I have to present this at 3:30.
只要半小时? -是的 博士
Only half an hour? – Yes, doctor.
你是医学博士? -不是 公♥司♥法
So, what are you, a doctor of medicine? – No, corporate law.
好小的飞机啊 -还有更小的 可惜找不到
What a tiny plane. – We got a smaller one but can’t find it.
可以飞吗? -进去吧
Can it fly? – In you go.
那是什么? -水牛啊
What are those? – Buffalo.
看 手可以放掉 自动在飞 最安全的飞机
Look, no hands. Flies by itself. Safest plane in the world.
咖啡 -早安 老板
Coffee. – Morning, boss.
才开80哩 -对呀 我睡了一会
You only done 80 miles. – Yeah, I slept a little bit.
你停过 -我太累了 所以停了一会…
You stopped. – I was bushed. So I pulled up and…
你睡了四个多小时 -真的累坏了
You slept more than four hours. – I was real pooped.
我早说过快迟到了 -我真的好累 老板
I told you we’re late. – I was really pooped, boss.
过去点 -没关系 精神来了
Move over. – It’s okay, boss. I’m fresh now.
哎呀 老板
Jeez, boss.
Lazy bastard.
回去睡吧 -我现在清醒的很呢
Get back to sleep. – I’m wide-awake now.
睡吧 -是的 老板
Sleep. – Yes, boss.
I’ll be right back.
嗨 史帝芬 -嗨 谢谢
Hi, Stephen. – Hi. Thanks.
你飞的很好 只是云层会越来越多
You’re cutting it fine. There’s a hell of a cumulus building up.
万一被碰上 你就会从2万尺摔下来
One of those thermals grabs you, it’s gonna whip you right to 20,000 feet.
待会见 -史帝芬 杰克到了没?完毕
See you later. – Stephen, is Geoff there yet? Over.
嗨 巴伯 他来了 完毕
Hi, Bob. Yes, he’s here. Over.
Can you fly back in with him?
我们发现一只重病的长颈鹿 请你提供意见 完毕
We found a sick baby giraffe. We need your advice. Over.
好的 完毕
Okay. Out.
你不该带情人来的 -她不是情人
You can’t cart your floozies around. – She’s not a floozy.
嗨 -早安
Hi. – Morning.
Do you do some kind of work around here?
史帝芬 快回答 完毕
Hello, Stephen. Come in. Over.
史帝芬 你在吗?完毕
Stephen, are you there? Over.
史帝芬 快回答 完毕 -巴伯 我是杰克 完毕
Stephen, come in. Over. – Hi, Bob. This is Jack. Over.
杰克 先别起飞 暴风以快速朝北前进 完毕
Jack, don’t take off yet. There’s a freak storm moving in very fast. Over.
巴伯 他们刚走 完毕 -他们?还有别人跟他一起?完毕
Bob, they’ve just taken off. Over. – They? Someone is with him? Over.
是的 完毕 -是谁?完毕
Yes. Over. – Who? Over.
一位小姐 完毕 -和你一起的?完毕
There was this young lady. Over. – Was she with you? Over.
差不多 完毕 -你麻烦大了 完毕
Sort of. Over. – Boy, you’re in trouble. Over.
