来 拿着吧 这里是50 真不好意思
Come on. Here, take it. There’s 50. Sorry about that.
-谢谢 我也挺不好意思 -本来就是你的钱
-Thank you. I’m sorry too. -It’s yours.
快点 泰迪先生 我们要去上学了
Come on, Mr. Teddy. We’re going to school!
先前不是说好了 泰迪先生不能去学校的吗?
I think we talked about Mr. Teddy not going to school before.
-谢谢 妈妈 -过来 包包先生
-Thanks, Mom. -Come here, Mr. Bag.
I’m ready.
-再见 妈妈 -再见 祝你今天愉快 我爱你们
-Bye. -Have the best day.
-再见 妈妈 -再见 祝你今天愉快 我爱你们
-Bye! -Love you!
-顺便说下 你家没牛奶了 -好的 我会去买♥♥的
-You need some milk, by the way. -Okay. I’ll get it.
-回头见 -谢谢
-See you later. -Thanks.
去上课了 姑娘们
Off to class, girls.
So it’s not the news we were hoping for.
How bad we talkin’?
If you continue like this,
几个月内 冠状动脉就会出现严重的突发状况
you’re looking at a serious coronary incident within months,
which could be fatal.
上次诊疗时 你提过有不少治疗方案的
At the last appointment, you said that there were options.
我知道 但当时我们还没拿到这些检查结果
I know, but that was before we got these results.
现在的关键是要尽量拖延时间 让你的心脏能等到那时候
This is now about keeping your heart going long enough.
For what?
To get you on the transplant list.
你必须停止工作 请病假吧
And you’ll have to stop working, take medical leave.
我没办法 我需要医保
I can’t. I need health insurance,
只有干满一年 我才能有带薪假期
and I don’t get paid leave until I’ve been there a year.
You have kids, right?

Well, you’re at high risk for a stroke.
You should make them aware of the symptoms.
发作的早期迹象包括喘不上气 胸闷
The early warning signs of an episode are breathlessness, pressure in the chest,
feeling weak or faint.
你必须告诉她们 以防在家里出意外 明白吗?
You need to tell them in case something should happen at home. Okay?
-你好 我是洛克伦 -嗯
-Hi. Loughren. -Mm-hmm.
I’m checking out.
-你的保险不报这个 对吧?-对
-So I see you’re not covered? -Nope.
With the test and consultation, it’ll be $980.
Can I split it in two?
Sure thing.
玛丽亚 你能帮我把床摇起来吗?我要看电视
Maria, can you turn me up? Watch TV.
维生素D 谢谢
vitamin D. Thank you.
-你好啊 -你好
-Hey. Oh.
-你就是新来的吗?-是的 我叫查理
-You the new guy? Ah, yeah, Charlie.
你好 查理 我叫艾米
Hi, Charlie. Amy.
-你好 艾米 -很高兴认识你
-Oh, hey, Amy. -Nice to meet you.
-欢迎 -谢谢
-Welcome. -Thank you.
-Did anyone give you the tour yet? -Uh, no, not yet.
我刚才在照顾病人 不过…
-I got my patients, but, um… -Okay, come on, let me show you around.
好吧 那我带你四处转转
-I got my patients, but, um… -Okay, come on, let me show you around.
电脑不固定 随便用的
The computer’s free for all.
进入洗手间需要密♥码♥ 这点很重要
There’s a code to access the bathroom, very importantly,
the highly original code 4321.
Uh, you ever work with PYXIS?
用过 但之前用的好像是1997年款
Yeah, but I think we had the ’97 model. The, um…
好吧 来 我给你演示下
Huh, okay, come on. Let me show you.
Put in your nurse ID.
然后 输入你的密♥码♥
And then your code.
You put in what you need.
And the amount.
呋♥塞♥米♥ 20毫克药片
拿出来 一 二 三 四 五 再关上抽屉
Take it out. One, two, three, four, five. Close the drawer.
-Got it? -Yeah.
他们说你经验很丰富 你之前在哪里工作?
Uh, they said you had a lot of experience. Where’d you work at before?
I’ve been all over, really.
-弗洛里安、凡斯、肖兰、圣阿罗… -肖兰
-Florians, Vance, Shawlands, St. Aloysius. -Shawlands.
A girl I trained with works at Shawlands.
-Oh, yeah? -Lori.
-Lucas? -Yes.
我们经常一起共事 她很棒 是个出色的护士
Yeah, we worked together a lot. She’s great. She’s an amazing nurse.
我好久没跟她聊过了 他们还叫她口袋火箭吗?
I haven’t talked to her forever.
我好久没跟她聊过了 他们还叫她口袋火箭吗?
Do they still call her “Pocket Rocket”?
没有 我的天 这绰号♥太好笑了
No. Oh my God. That’s hilarious.
I should… I’ll call her up and ask her about that.
天呐 拜托不要 别告诉她是我跟你说的
Oh God. Please don’t. Don’t tell her I told you that.
Who’d they give you tonight?
Uh… Who did they give me?
311号♥的斯蒂文斯 310号♥的马丁内斯
I have 311, uh, Stevens. 310, Martinez.
Do you know their first names? You guys, you don’t put ’em on the doors here.
你跟我一模一样 叫名比叫姓要好多了
You’re like me. First names are always better.
-安娜 我们先从她开始 -安娜
-Ana. Let’s start with her. -Ana.
她是因为对阿莫西林 有不良反应被送到了急诊科
She presented to the ED with an adverse reaction to amoxicillin.
Kicker is the prescription was her husband’s,
所以要是我们不帮忙的话 保险公♥司♥肯定会让他们吃苦头的
so insurance is gonna try to screw them over
所以要是我们不帮忙的话 保险公♥司♥肯定会让他们吃苦头的
if we give ’em a chance.
-So how’s the skin? -Sloughing off at this point.
所以什么意思 只做清洁吗?
And what, so clears only?
对 今晚第一位病人 来吧 我带你去见她
Yeah. First sip tonight. Come on. I’ll introduce you.
Water later.
嘿 如胶似漆的小情侣
Well, hey there, lovebirds.
-看我带谁来了 -你好
-Look what I brought. -Hey.

Here you go.
Is that the best thing you have ever tasted?

-Yeah. -Mm-hmm?

-There you go.
你知道吗?我们慢慢来 好吗?
You know what? Let’s start slow, all right?
-我给你介绍一下查理 -你好
-I wanna introduce you to Charlie. -Hey.
今晚他是你的护士 如果需要我的话 我就在附近
He’s gonna be your nurse this evening, but, you know, I’m around if you need me.
-山姆 你怎么样?还好吧?-喝够了就告诉我
-So… -How you doing, Sam? Good?
-山姆 你怎么样?还好吧?-喝够了就告诉我
You let me know when you’ve had enough.
-感觉疼吗?疼?好的 -我待会儿再来
-Okay, is it burning? It burns? Okay. -I’ll check in in a bit.
我们先歇一下 好吗?
Well, let’s take a pause, okay?
听说你这几天很难受 是吗?
So, um… tell me, I heard you had a rough couple of days. Yeah?
有需要的话 就按按钮
Well, you guys just push on the button if you need anything.
我随时都在 今晚我就是你的艾米
Anytime, I’m here. I’m your Amy for tonight.
-嘿 -嘿
-嘿 -嘿
我的病人都安顿好了 准备去餐厅吃点东西
Uh, so mine are all settled,
我的病人都安顿好了 准备去餐厅吃点东西
so I was just gonna go to the cafeteria, grab some food.
-你想要些什么吗?-抱歉 食堂十一点就关门了
-You want something? -Sorry. Cafeteria closes at 11:00.
-我该早点告诉你的 -哎呀 没关系 我也没那么饿
-I should’ve told you that. -Oh shit. No problem. I’m not that hungry.
-抱歉 -不 我去自动贩卖♥♥机买♥♥点就行了
-Sorry. -No. I’ll hit up the vending machines.
嘿 你喜欢吃鸡蛋吗?
-Hey, you know what? You like eggs? -Uh…
我有很大一份可能坏了的鸡蛋沙拉 我宁愿跟人分着吃
I have a large questionable… …egg salad that I’d prefer to share.
-你懂的 要死一起死嘛 -不用了 谢谢你
-You know, safety in numbers. -I’m fine, thank you.
不 等我处理完霍莉就带过去找你
No, no. I’ll bring it to the desk when I’m finished with Holly here.
-You sure? -Yeah.
好吧 谢谢
‘Kay, thanks.
I like the croutons.
-Mm, you mean the soggy crackers? -That’s what they are?
That’s the real delicacy of the salad.
是啊 我大女儿做的
Yeah. My eldest daughter made it.
She comes from a long line of women who can’t cook.
怎么 平常是你老公做饭?
What, so your husband cooks?
不 我们家只有我和我女儿
No, it’s just me and my girls.
Oh. I have two girls.
一个四岁 一个七岁
Uh… Four and seven.
我家一个五岁 一个九岁
Mine are five and nine.
-哦 是吗?-嗯
-Oh, yeah? -Mm-hmm.
我没跟孩子住一起了 孩子妈搬走了 过去要六个小时 所以…
I don’t live with mine anymore though. Their mom moved, like, six hours away, so…
