Lucas is a Kindergarten teacher who takes great care of his students. Unfortunately for him, young Klara has a run-away imagination and concocts a lie about her teacher. Before Lucas is even able to understand the consequences, he has become the outcast of the town. The hunt is on to prove his innocence before it’s taken from him for good.


care of烦……转交; 缩写词为C/O
concocts调制,调合,配制; 虚构,杜撰,编造; concoct的第三人称单数
able to可以; 有能力; 原来能够按时完成
outcast被抛弃者; 被排斥者; 被遗弃的; 被逐出的; 无家可归的; 被排斥的
on to到…之上; 向…之上; 到,上; 朝向,转向
for good永远; 永久
