Unfortunately, the operation will not be successful.
哦 我应该解释的
Oh, I should perhaps have explained.
手术会由 我来做
The operation will be performed… by me.

你知道 我在这阴谋中 像你说的
You see, I am in this, uh, conspiracy, as you term it.
你们是很谨慎的一对 年轻夫妇
You are a very alert young couple…
but it’s quite useless for you to think,
as you are undoubtedly doing, of a way out of your dilemma.
你刚才喝的 很抱歉
The drinks you had just now, I regret to say,
contained a quantity of Hydrocin.
为了你好 那是一种 不常见的药
For your benefit, Hydrocin is a very little-known drug…
有麻醉头脑的作用 即使只是很少一点
which has the effect, in a small quantity, of paralyzing the brain…
and rendering the victim unconscious for a considerable period.
In a slightly larger quantity, of course, it induces madness.
但是 我保证这个是合适剂量
However, you have my word the dose was a normal one.
几分钟后 你就和你朋友一样了
In a very few moments now, you will join your young friend.
我多么抱歉要说 我必须带着
Need I say how sorry I am, having to take such a –
How shall I say – melodramatic course?
但是你不断的搅和使得 这样很有必要
But your persistent meddling made it necessary.
-你怎样了 你昏迷了 -是吗
– You all right? You must have fainted. – Did I?
听着 隔壁有个女人 被人密谋谋杀
Listen. There’s a woman next door going to be murdered…
and we’ve got to get moving before this stuff takes effect.
哦 我有读过
Well, uh – I did read once
如果你要是坚持这样 就可以清醒着
that if you keep on the go, you can stay awake.
是的 拜托 我们行动吧
Right. Come on. Let’s get going.
It’s locked.
我们不能走那里 会被认出的
We can’t go that way. We’d be spotted.
-那样不行 -别担心 就只是隔壁而已
– You can’t do that! – Don’t worry. It’s only next door.
你继续减肥 触到脚趾 倒立
You carry on keeping fit – uh, touch your toes, stand on your head.
做点什么 什么都行 就是不要睡着
Do anything, only whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.
继续 别担心 是佛洛伊太太
Go on. You needn’t be afraid. It is Miss Froy.
没事 你没有被下药
It’s all right. You haven’t been drugged.
他叫我放药 可是我没有
He told me to put something in your drink, but I didn’t do it.
你到底是什么人 他说你又聋又哑
What the devil are you? He said you were deaf and dumb.
哦 别管那个 想救她就要快
Oh, never mind about that now. If you want to save her, you’ve got to hurry.
哈兹就要回来了 然后会怎样啊
Hartz will be back in a minute. What’s gonna happen then?
如果我们能拖延他们 直到过了莫斯肯
If we can hold them off till we get past Morsken…
the frontier’s a few miles beyond the station.
这里 不 过来 还有时间
Here. No, come on. There’s still time.
莫斯肯 你行了没
That’s Morsken. You finished?
拜托 佛洛伊太太
Come on, Miss Froy.
-哦 -住手 你没被下药 我迟点解释
– Oh! – Cut it out, kid. You’re not drugged. I’ll explain later.
-喂喂喂喂 -佛洛伊太太
Abracadabra. – Miss Froy!
-哦 -哦 我简直不能相信
– Oh. – Oh, I can’t believe it!
-谢谢 亲爱的 非常感谢 -注意
– Thank you, my dear. Thank you very much. – Careful!
-行了 -是的
– Ready? – Yes.
-佛洛伊太太 你还好吧 -是的 谢谢
– You all right, Miss Froy? – Yes, thank you.
It’s rather like the rush hour on the underground.
看 我们慢下来了
Look. We’re slowing down.
Look out.
很抱歉让你的旅程变成这样 佛洛伊太太
I’m sorry you’ve had such an uncomfortable journey, Miss Froy.
Get back on the train.
我希望一切都好 我们停了很久吧
I hope nothing goes wrong. Aren’t we stopping rather a long time?
急救车走了 我们就下去了
The ambulance is going. We’ll be off in a jiffy.
几分钟后 我们就过境了
Another couple of minutes, we’ll be over the border.
I know I’ve been well paid,
and I’ve done plenty of dirty work for it…
但这是谋杀 她是英国女人
but this was murder and… sh-she was an Englishwoman.
You are Bandriekan?
我丈夫是 但是我是英国人
My husband was, but I’m English…
and you were going to butcher her in cold blood.
Your little diversion made it necessary
not only to remove the lady in question…
but two others as well.
-你不能那样做 -这样很不明智
– You can’t do that. – Also, it would be unwise of us…
to permit the existence of anyone who cannot be trusted.
-你不敢 我知道太多了 -真的
– You wouldn’t dare. I know too much. – Precisely.
I think we’re over the border now.
你可以出来了 佛洛伊太太
You can come out, Miss Froy.
Oh. Oh, bless me.
-多么不愉快的旅程啊 -别介意
– What an unpleasant journey. – Never mind.
-剩余的时间你要在角落坐着 -好的
– You shall have a corner seat for the rest of the way. – Okay.
-啊 -你在这
– Ah. – There you are.
好的 既然结束了
Okay. Now that it’s over,
I think you ought to tell us what it’s all about.
What was that scream?
-火车声啦 肯定是 -不是 是一个女人
– Surely it was only the train whistle. – It wasn’t. It was a woman.
Be careful.
他们走了 我们离开的时候
They’ve rumbled. We’re on a branchline
and they’ve slipped the rear part of the train.
-哦 亲爱的 -看这里 你是
– Oh, dear. Oh, dear. – Look here. Who are you…
and why are these people going to these lengths to get hold of you?
我没有什么想法 你知道 我只是个幼儿教师
I haven’t the faintest idea. I – I’m a children’s governess, you know.
I can only think they’ve made some terrible mistake.
你为什么要对我们隐瞒 告诉我们真♥相♥
Why are you holding out on us? Tell us the truth!
你把我们牵涉进来 至少要相信我们
You got us involved in this fantastic plot, you might at least trust us.
我真的不知道 我
I really don’t know. I –
我在想是不是有其他人 还在火车上
I wonder if there’s anybody else left on the train.
Well, there’s only the dining car in front,
but there won’t be anybody there now.
你干了什么 喝茶的时候
What do you make it? Teatime.
所有英国人都在那 我要去看下
Well, all the English will be there. I’m going to take a look.
拜托 我们最好呆在一起
Come on. We’d better stick together.
There’s the old girl turned up.
很多事情都是无关重要的 门肯定关了
Told you it was a lot of fuss about nothing. Bolt must have jammed.
我有话要说 你们想听吗
I’ve got something to say. Will you all please listen?
An attempt has been made to abduct this lady by force.
I’ve got reason to believe that the people who did it are going to try again.
What’s the fellow driveling about?
如果你们不信 看看窗外
If you don’t believe me, you can look out of the window.
This train’s been diverted onto a branchline.
在说什么啊 又诱拐 又火车调转
What are you talking about? Abductions, diverted trains…
We’re telling you the truth!
I’m not in the least interested.
你荒谬的 故事够惹人生气的了
Y-You’ve annoyed us enough with your ridiculous story.
伙计 你肯定弄错什么了
My dear chap, you must have got hold of the wrong end of the stick somewhere.
是的 那样的事不会发生的
Yes. Things like that just don’t happen.
We’re not in England now.
-我看不出有什么不同 -我们停了
– I don’t see what difference that makes. – We’re stopping.
看到那些车吗 他们要带走佛洛伊太太
Do you see those cars? They’re here to take Miss Froy away.
胡扯 看 那里有一伙人
Nonsense. Look. There go a couple of people.
The cars have obviously come to pick them up.
In that case,
why go to the trouble of uncoupling the train and diverting it?
-拆开 -除了卧铺车那里什么也没有
– Uncoupling? – There’s nothing left of the train beyond the sleeping car.
肯定是的 我们的行李在一级车厢
There must be. Our bags are in the first-class carriage.
Not any longer.
Would you like to come and look?
如果是个笑话的话 警告你 我可不觉得好笑
If this is a practical joke, I warn you, I shan’t think it very funny.
Good Lord!
Let’s have some of that brandy.
You don’t suppose there’s something in this,
uh, fellow’s story, Caldicott, do you?
Seems a bit queer.
我意思是 没人会打修女的主意
I mean, after all, people don’t go about tying up nuns.
Someone’s coming!
他们不能怎样 我们是英国人
They can’t possibly do anything to us. We’re British subjects.
I have come to offer the most sincere apologies.
An extremely serious incident has occurred.
An attempt has been made to interfere with passengers on this train.
