幸运的是 有关高层 已经注意到了
Fortunately, it was brought to the notice of the authorities…
所以如果你愿意跟我们 去莫斯肯
and so if you will be good enough to accompany me to Morsken…
I will inform the British embassy at once.
女士们先生们 车子 现在由你们控制
Ladies and gentlemen, the cars are at your disposal.
我们很感激 你们有人懂英语
We’re very grateful. It’s lucky some of you fellows understand English.
Well, I was at Oxford.
真的 我也是 你哪一年
Really? So was I. What year?
等等 这个女士好像想说什么
Hold on. This woman seems to be trying to say something.
我听不懂她说什么 好像很重要
I don’t understand the language and it may be important.
-你能不能 -当然可以
– Would you… – Certainly.
绑好他 很好 他只是晕过去而已
That’s fixed him. That’s all right. He’s only stunned.
What the blazes did you do that for?
Well, I was at Cambridge.
那有什么关系 你知道他说什么的 是吧
What’s that got to do with it? You heard what he said, didn’t you?
我听到有人想把我们 弄下火车
I heard what she said. That was a trick to get us off the train.
我不相信 这个男人的解释很好
I don’t believe it. The man’s explanation was quite satisfactory.
Thing like this might cause a war.
我要出去 告诉他们怎么回事
I’m going outside, tell them what’s occurred.
-道歉与否是我们的事 -什么
– It’s up to us to apologize and put the matter right. – What? Look –
-你说得对 你介意吗老先生 -肯定
– You were right. Do you mind, old man? – Certainly.
-像是在谈生意 -恐怕是这样
– Look as if they mean business. – I’m afraid so.
他们能做什么 它将会是件国际事件
They can’t do anything. It would mean an international situation.
It’s happened before.
They’re coming.
别让他们进来 他们会杀了我们
Don’t let them in! They’ll murder us.
They daren’t let us go now.
I order you to surrender at once.
别动 再过来我就开枪
Nothing doing. Come any nearer, I’ll fire.
I’ve warned you.
最好躲起来 他们随时开始
Better take cover. They’ll start any minute now.
脏脏的东西 虚伪的外表
Nasty jam, this. Don’t like the look of it.
-很多军♥火♥吗 -满满的一袋
– Got plenty of ammunition? – Whole pouch full.
-好 -趴下 你
– Good. – Duck down, you!
我不准备反抗 太疯狂了
I’m not gonna fight. It’s madness.
It’ll be safer to protest down here.
Hello. They’re trying to work round to the other side.
You’re behaving like a pack of fools!
对着全副武装的人 我们可以干吗
What chance have we got against a lot of armed men?
没听到修道院长说的 现在我们就投降
You heard what the mother superior said. We surrender now, we’re in for it.
We’ll never get to the match now.
-给我 -不
– Give it to me. – No.
Give it to me!
-发生什么事 -他有枪却不会用
– What’s going on here? – He’s got a gun and he won’t use it.
What’s the idea?
我告诉你 我不会参与的
Well, I told you. I won’t be a party to this sort of thing.
I don’t believe in fighting!
Pacifist, eh?
没用的 先前有人试过被扔进 狮子笼里
Won’t work, old boy. Early Christians tried it and got thrown to the lions.
过来 给我
Come on. Hand it over.
I’m not afraid to use it.
可能已经习惯了 我之前赢了一盒雪茄
Probably more used to it. I once won a box of cigars.
他在胡扯 他是个好射手
He’s talking rot. He’s a damn good shot.
Hope the old hand hasn’t lost its cunning.
你知道 我差点就相信了
You know, I’m half inclined to believe…
that there’s some rational explanation to all this.
Rotten. Only knocked his hat off.
Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?
-什么 现在 -请原谅 但是很重要
– What, now? – Yes, I – Please forgive me, but it’s very important.
等我一下 可以吗
Hang on to this for me, will you?
行 我守住
All right. I’ll hold the fort.
这里安全点 你也过来吧
I think it’s safer along here. You come too.
Keep your head low.
我想告诉你 我现在要走了
I just wanted to tell you… that I must be getting along now.
不行 你从来没出去过 你会被击倒的
But you can’t! You’ll never get away. You’ll be shot down.
我必须冒险 听着
I must take that risk. Listen carefully.
In case I’m unlucky and you get through…
I want you to take back a message
to a Mr. Callendar at the Foreign Office in Whitehall.
-那么你是个间谍 -那是个残酷的名词
– Then you are a spy. – I always think that’s such a grim word.
-什么信息 -是个曲调
– Well, what is the message? – It’s a tune.
-曲调 -密♥码♥在它里面 当然
– Tune? – It contains – in code, of course –
关于两个欧洲国家之间的 重要秘密线索
the vital clause of a secret pact between two European countries.
-我希望你背下来 -说吧
– I want you to memorize it. – Well, go ahead.
The first part of it goes like this –
我最好写下来吧 有纸吗
Oh, perhaps I’d better write it down. Have you got a piece of paper?
不 不要麻烦了 我学音乐长大的 我能记住
No, don’t bother. I was brought up on music. I can memorize anything.
Very well.
-那个老女人去世了 -我不知道
– Hello. The old girl’s gone off her rocker. – I don’t wonder.
面对现实吧 那些人会一直开火
Why don’t you face it? Those swine out there will go on firing till
they’ve killed the lot of us.
看在老天面上 住口 艾里克
For goodness’ sake. Shut up, Eric.
好吧 现在我们有两个机会
That’s right. Now we’ve got two chances instead of one.
-你确定 -你能记住
– You bet. – You sure you’ll remember it?
别担心 我会反复记住的
Oh, don’t worry. I won’t stop whistling it.
-我想这是我出去的最好办法了 -是的
– I suppose this is my best way out. – Yes, just about.
But you may be hit, and even if you do get away,
they’ll stop you at the frontier.
We can’t let her go like this!
This is a hell of a risk you’re taking.
In this sort of job, one must take risks.
I’m very grateful to you both for all you’ve done.
I do hope and pray no harm will come to you…
and that we shall all meet again… one day.
-我也这么希望 -祝你好运
– I hope so too. Good luck. – Good luck.
Will you help me?
Yes. Right.
-帮我拿下这个 -拿着
– Now you take the weight on this. Yes. – Hold on.
-你的衬衣 -就是你
– Hold your shirt. – Right you are.
-她被击中了 -不确定
– Was she hit? – I’m not sure.
Well, that’s the end of my 12.
There’s not much left here either.
听着 我们只有一次机会了
Listen. We’ve only got one chance now.
我们要开动火车 让它回到主干道上
We’ve got to get this train going, drive it back to the main line
and then try and cross the frontier.
That’s a bit of a tall order, isn’t it?
Those driver fellows are not likely to do as you tell them.
We’ll bluff them with this.
-谁来了 -相信我 -我也是
– Who’s coming? – You can count on me. – Me too.
我们不能都走 你留下坚持下去
Well, we can’t all go. You stay here and carry on.
如果幸运的话 当我们到那里我们会停下火车
If we have any luck, we’ll stop the train when we reach the points.
-你跳出去扭转它 -好的
– You jump out and switch them over. – Okay.
你白♥痴♥ 我们这是送死
You idiots. You’re just inviting death.
I’ve had enough.
Just because I have the sense to try and avoid being murdered,
I’m accused of being a pacifist.
好的 我宁愿被骂 也不要这样死掉
All right. I’d rather be called a rat than die like one.
Think for a moment, will you?
如果我们放弃 他们不会这么残忍♥的
If we give ourselves up, they daren’t murder us in cold blood.
They’re bound to give us a trial.
艾里克 停下吧 没人会听你的
Stop jibbering, Eric. Nobody’s listening to you.
很好 你走你的 我走我的
Very well. You go your way. I’ll go mine.
-嘿 去哪 -我知道我要干嘛
– Hey, where you off to? – I know what I’m about.
I’m doing the only sensible thing.
Oh, let the fellow go if he wants to.
你不明白 我
You don’t understand. I’m –

No, please.
我们为什么要去 为什么
Why aren’t we going? Why aren’t we going?
他们要我们去 为什么不去
They said we were going. Why aren’t we?
除非他让我们离开 他必须这样
If only he can get us away now. He must!
