谢谢 钥匙在这里
Thanks. Here are the keys.
该死的 拜托 这是个派对 真是的
God damn it! Come on! You’re at a party, damn it!
希拉 回来
Sheila, come on back!
Where the hell are you going?
抱歉 马蒂 -不 她没事
Sorry, Marty. No, she’s all right.
片名:勾魂游戏 / 死亡游戏
编剧:安东尼·博金斯 史蒂芬·松德海姆
制片 导演:赫伯特·罗斯
他是我的朋友 不 他是我的朋友 但他是一个好人
He was my friend. No, he was my friend. But he was a nice man.
我现在不想要 -你没事吧?
– I don’t want it now. – Are you all right?
Guess what?
你父亲的尸体解冻了 想要回他的房♥子
Your father has had his body defrosted into life, and he wants this house back.
克♥林♥顿♥要我们到他的游艇上 度过一周
Clinton requests our attendance on his yacht for a week.
No kidding?
天啊 该不会是? -我可不指望
Oh, God. Could it be? – I wouldn’t count on it.
我觉得他只是觉得闷 想玩室内游戏
No, I think he’s just bored and wants to play parlor games.
但不管怎样 我们都会去 -永不放弃梦想
But we’ll go anyway. – Ever the dreamer.
让我喝一口那个 -这是姜汁汽水 你喝吗?
Give me a sip of that. – It’s ginger ale. Do you want one?
write something new.
忘了《畸形秀》 克♥林♥顿♥永远不会把它拍成电影
Forget Freak Show. Clinton’s never gonna produce it.
And he’s never going to give it back to you.
好的 除了我还有谁?
Okay. Who else besides me?
什么 他们两个还是只有他 很好
Both of them or just him? That’s good.
不会吧 还有谁会来?
No way. Yeah, well, who else is coming?
那可不同 我当然会来 我们已经盼着签她好几个月了
That’s different. Of course I’ll come. We’ve been dying to sign her for months.
你好 这里信♥号♥♥不好
Hello? It’s a bad connection here.
I said I have been dying to see you for months!
布利德·墨菲呢 她会来吗?
Listen, what about ‘Bridey Murphy’? Is she coming?
What do you mean, what do I mean?
This is the same B-group that was at your house…
the night Sheila got bounced through the hedges.
我把这篇报导交给乔伊丝·哈伯 《克♥林♥顿♥·格林的周年觉醒》
Yeah, well, I’m giving it to Joyce Haber: “Clinton Green’s Anniversary Wake.”
我也觉得 这不适合哈伯 那这是我们之间的秘密
That’s what I said. It’s not right for Haber. We’ll just keep it our secret instead.
我爱你的 那是一堆垃圾
I loved your… That’s a piece of dreck.
我爱你的电报 我等不及想见你 真的
I loved your wire and I can’t wait to see you, really.
我减了50磅 我现在骨瘦如柴 亲亲
I’ve lost 50 pounds. I’m a hollow reed. Kiss, kiss.
打电♥话♥给哈伯 把这报导交给她 伪装成女人的声音
Call Haber and give her the dish. Disguise your voice as a woman.
“我的哀悼年结束了” 他在开玩笑吗?
“My year of mourning being over.” Is he kidding?
我是说我们去完公墓后 便径直去了金沙酒店
I mean, we went directly to Streisand’s opening at The Sands…
参加斯特赖桑德的开幕式 帮我接通弗雷迪
right from the cemetery. Get me Freddie, will you?
弗雷迪 我想去法国南部 亲爱的
Freddie, I want to go to South France, honey.
Settle down, please, everyone!
谢谢 少女们 我们开始吧?
Thank you. Now, girls, shall we try?
Big smiles, everyone.
伊莉莎白 -英国最棒的汪汪叫
Britain’s best bow-wows… Bark…
吠叫 -缓冲器
For Buffers.
非常好 -电♥话♥ 德克斯特先生 是你老婆
Very good… – Phone, Mr. Dexter. It’s your wife.
什么事 亲爱的?
Yes, darling?
From whom?
Oh, good God!
吠叫 -什么时候?
Bark! Bark! – When?
吠叫 -非常好
Very good.
Send a confirming telegram from both of us.
那好吧 以我的名义
Very well, then, from me.
亲爱的 我得挂电♥话♥了 我的演员之一在我的腿上撒尿
Darling, I must hang up now. One of my cast is peeing on my leg.
嘉宝从不会做这种事 即使在她最情绪化的时候
Something Garbo never did, even at her moodiest.
Bye, now.
好的 各位 请再来一遍
All right, everyone off. Once again, please.
活泼一点 挥动那些小锡罐 准备 开始
Now animation. Wave the little tins. Ready. Go!
准备好了吗 亲爱的? -是的
You ready, darling? Yes.
准备好了吗 先生们? -好了
Ready, gentlemen? Ready!
你喜欢罗马吗? -可喜欢了
Do you enjoy Roma? Do I?
我有无数个爱罗马的理由 -为什么离开?
I enjoy Rome for countless reasons. – Why do you leave?
我刚演完寇克·道格拉斯这个角色 现在累坏了
Well, I’ve just finished my picture starring Kirk Douglas and I’m exhausted.
热浪也是一个原因 -你要去哪?
And the heat. – Where do you go?
在一个知名制♥作♥人的游艇上 度过一周
For a week on the yacht of a famous producer.
但我并不担心 我的丈夫会在那儿保护我
But, I’m not afraid. My husband will be there to protect me.
But I’m afraid our plane will leave without us.
各位先生 失陪了 不 谢谢
So, if you gentlemen will excuse us. No, grazie.
He didn’t mean anything…
You don’t do commercials for liquor companies.
Why can’t we just go on a vacation like normal people?
Let’s board.
我不想把行李留下 也不愿搬着它们走三英尺
I don’t want to leave the luggage, and I ain’t carrying it three feet.
你的背部没事吧? -是的 目前为止
Is your back okay? – Yeah, so far.
但愿它会保持现状 而克♥林♥顿♥会一直心情大好
I pray it stays that way and that Clinton stays in a good mood.
Where is everybody?
You don’t think they’re below playing sardines or something, do you?
I’ll bet Clinton’s got games planned for every day.
只要他的游戏仅限于日间 晚上给我们留点时间就行
Just as long as he sticks to the days and leaves us some nights for ourselves.
汤姆 李
Hey! Tommy! Lee!
It’s a mistake!
你们觉得如何 伙计们 兴奋 高兴 失望?
What do you think, gang? Thrilled, pleased, disappointed?
我能看出你很兴奋 -高兴极了
You’re thrilled about it. – I’m delighted.
克♥林♥顿♥可以找你发泄 -他事后总会后悔
Clinton can take his frustrations out on you. But he’s always sorry after it.
你好吗 汤姆 -你好 克♥林♥顿♥
How are you, Tom? – Hey, C.G.
汤姆 旅途还顺利吧? -非常顺利
Tom, how was your flight? – Flight was good.
好的 各位 在船首前排成一列
All right, people. Let’s line up by the prow.
这是什么 大屠♥杀♥吗? -来吧
What is this, a pogrom? – Now, come on.
你想何时启航 格林先生? -我想何时启航?
When do you wish to sail, Signor Green? – When do I wish to sail?
我们赶紧离开这鬼地方 -没错 鬼地方
Let’s get out of this joint tout de suite.
好的 各位 请排列在这里 夫妻分开站
All right, gang, let’s line up right here. Husbands and wives separate.
李在爱丽丝和安东尼中间 在这里
Lee, between Alice and Anthony. Right in here.
菲利浦你在这里 克莉丝汀
Philip, you there. Christine.
汤姆 在克莉丝汀另一边
Tom, on the other side of Christine.
左侧脸 亲爱的
Left profile, darling.
他是意大利人 -我那三个星期的语言学校白上了
He’s Italian. -I took the wrong three weeks at Berlitz.
我只会说”对不起”和”立刻” -“立刻”就足够了
All I know is scusi and pronto. Pronto will be enough.
好的 笑一个 这可是你们的谋生手段
All right now, smile, or whatever you people do for a living.
脱掉那顶帽子 克莉丝汀
Take that hat off, Christine.
好的 靠近一点
All right, now squeeze in close.
来吧 靠近一点 否则就会被排除在外
Come on. Squeeze in close or you’ll be out of the picture.
And I don’t mean this one.
六名饥渴失败者的研究 开玩笑而已
A study of six hungry failures. Just kidding, gang.
等你跟我签约后 他就会注意言辞了 午餐在哪?
He’ll watch his mouth when you sign with me. When is lunch?
来吧 各位 维托利奥会带你们去客舱
Come on, people. Vittorio will show you to your cabins.
I hate my luggage more than life.
这是谁的行李? -我们的
Whose is this? – That’s ours.
靠改编意大利式西部片 竟买♥♥得起威登?
Vuitton from rewriting spaghetti westerns?
威登是什么? -很好
What’s Vuitton? – Good.
这房♥间是谁收拾的 派克兄弟吗?
Who did this room, Parker Brothers?
Sometimes it rains, you know.
这记分板是用来干什么的? -稍后有用
What’s the scoreboard for? – Ah. Well, that’s for later.
没关系 这正是它的用处 只是希拉喜欢它
