这就是拉康哲学的重点 幻想必须超越现实
You get Lacan’s point. Fantasies have to be unrealistic…
because the moment, the second that you get what you seek…
you don’t, you can’t want it anymore.
In order to continue to exist…
desire must have its objects perpetually absent.
重点不是你所幻想的东西 而是幻想本身
It’s not the “it” that you want. It’s the fantasy of”it.”
So, desire supports crazy fantasies.
这正是帕斯卡所谓的 只有在幻想未来的时候
This is what Pascal means when he says that we are only truly happy…
when daydreaming about future happiness.
It came today.
就像我们说常说的 钓鱼的乐趣在”钓”而不在”鱼”
Or why we say the hunt is sweeter than the kill.
或者说 小心你幻想的东西 不是因为你会得到它
Or be careful what you wish for, not because you’ll get it…
而是因为一旦得到它 你就无法再幻想它了
but because you’re doomed not to want it once you do.
所以拉康给我们的教训是 活在幻想中是不会快乐的
So the lesson of Lacan is, living by your wants will never make you happy.
一个真正的人 应该为了目标和理想而奋斗
What it means to be fully human is to strive to live by ideas and ideals…
衡量一个人 不能看他的欲望实现了多少
and not to measure your life by what you’ve attained in terms of your desires…
而要看他的品格 比如真诚 同情 理性 甚至自我牺牲
but, those small moments of integrity, compassion, rationality, even self-sacrifice.
因为到头来 我们生命的意义在于
Because in the end, the only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives…
is by valuing the lives of others.
好 下课 下周一见
All right. I’ll see you all on Monday.
对不起 我迟到了
Sorry about being late.
There was, you know, a thing.
你经常都有事 波林
Yeah, there usually is, Berlin.
我知道 我的表现不太好
Look, I know that I’m not doin’ too well.
And to torture a clich,
为了及格 我愿意做任何事
I would do anything to pass.
-任何事 -任何 事
-Anything, huh? -Any… thing.
好的 波林
Okay, Berlin.
I will give you a good grade…
I will give you a very, very good grade…
if you would just…
-嘿 -嘿
-Hey. -Hey.
助教抄下了州长在广播和电视上发表的评论 听这段
The TA finished transcribing all the governor’s radio and TV comments. Listen to this gem.
记者问 州长 你不觉得一周处决3个人太多了吗
Journalist: “Governor, don’t you think three executions in one week is excessive?”
州长答 再多也不要紧 人多点才更来劲
Governor: “I say, bring’em in, strap’em down and let’s rock and roll.”
It’s good to hear that our governor’s in touch with his inner frat boy.
告诉我 这场辩论你为什么不上
Tell me again why you’re not doing this debate.
-你的屁♥股♥在电视上很性感 -这我倒没注意
-Telegenics. You have a cuter butt. -Oh, I hadn’t noticed.
-我知道 -不 我不是那意思
-I know. -No. I didn’t mean that.
I’ve highlighted stuff.
他肯定又会老生丛谈 说什么
He’ll do the whole “down home wisdom” thing…
死刑是上帝的惩罚 以牙还牙 等等
capital punishment is God’s law, an eye for an eye.
你要抓住理性的事实 别自我膨胀
Stick to arguments about rational facts. And watch your ego.
Don’t come across as one of those “I hate authority…
你瞧不起政客 因为他们都没文化
’cause everyone around here wears big hats and nobody in charge reads The New Yorker.”
-还有别的吗 -我今晚会向国♥际♥特♥赦♥组织要新的数据
-Anything else? -I’m getting new federal stats from Amnesty tonight.
Well, bring them by Greer’s party.
I have papers to grade.
-晚上不要喝太多酒 -我得走了
-And if you have a hangover tomorrow… -I’m walkin’ away.
-早上10点 振作精神 准备战斗 -准备战斗
-10:00! Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. -Bushy-tailed.
杰米 你在日历上做记号♥了吗
Hey, Jamie. Did you mark your calendar yet?
是的 当然
Yep, I sure did.
1 2 3 还剩4天妈妈就回来了
One, two, three, four more days until Mom comes home.
只剩4天了 好消息
Only four more days? That’s great news.
我可以问你一个问题吗 因为这很重要
Can I ask you something? It’s really, really important.
-当然可以 -早餐可以吃薄煎饼吗
-Of course you can. -Can we have pancakes for breakfast?
-加糖和草莓酱 -那要看情况了
-With syrup and strawberries? -Well, we’ll have to see.
-还有巧克力爆花 -不 不 是巧克力刨花
-And chocolate shavers? -No, no. It’s chocolate shavings.
-还有鲜奶油 -鲜奶油
-And whipped cream? -Whipped cream?
That’s a lot of requests for one little boy.
-快睡觉吧 -也亲小狗狗一下
-Why don’t you go to sleep? -Do Cloud Dog too.
好 晚安 小狗狗
Okay. Good night, Cloud Dog.
There you go. You go to sleep.
晚安 不要忘了喂鱼
Good night. Don’t forget to feed the fish.
-什么 -不要忘了喂鱼
-What? -Don’t forget to feed the fish.

埃德娜 我午夜之前回来 如果有事 打这个电♥话♥
Jo Edna, I’ll be back before midnight. Here’s the phone number to reach me.
饿的话 冰箱里有吃的
There’s chicken and stuff in the refrigerator if you want some.
没关系 戈尔先生 过会我自己会做些的 再见
That’s fine, Mr. Gale. Maybe I’ll fix myself something later. Bye.
-爸 鱼喂了吗 -喂了 赶快睡觉吧
-Dad, did you feed the fish? -Yes, I did. Now go to sleep.
He’s the Immanuel Kant of the NFL.
他很执着 有原则 有效率
He’s consistent, he’s accurate, he’s effective.
当然 我们也不能忘了 他很沉闷
And let’s not forget, boring. He is boring.
如果你想自寻无聊 读读威廉·贝内特的《论美德》
If you want boring, read William Bennett’s The Book of Virtues.
我到现在都还没醒 谁来把我叫醒
I’m still asleep. Someone wake me up.
-戈尔教授 -你好 约翰
-Professor Gale. -John, how are you?
Where’s your better half?
另一半 哦 我太太 她在西班牙
Better half? Oh, my wife. Um, she’s in Spain.
又去了 不好意思
Again? I am sorry.
约翰 你看见阿尔玛了吗 她刚才还找你来着
John, have you seen Alma? She’s been looking for you.
So my wife’s affair is just this big open secret.
Uh, hermeneutical bias.
The only fun truths are the ones someone’s trying to hide.
她今年都去西班牙4次了 我可不认为她想遮掩什么
She’s been to Barcelona four times this year. I don’t think she’s trying to hide anything.
Well, her father is the ambassador.
对 但大使♥馆♥在马德里
Yeah, except the embassy’s in Madrid.
对了 波林也来了
Ah. Oh, by the way, Berlin’s here…
and, uh, pretty livid.
-为什么 -我们将她退学了
-Why? -We’ve expelled her.
她今天收到的通知 借机在我办公室里发飙
She got the letter today and took the opportunity to throw a little fit in my office.
-在谈我吗 -哦 事实上 没错
-Talkin’ about me? -Why, yes, as a matter of fact, we were.
他有没有告诉你 那人在行割礼的时候
Did he tell you that I said, when you were circumcised…
they threw away the wrong part?
是的 他确实提过 他说那叫废肉
Yes. I believe he mentioned it. It’s called schmuck.
-什么 -行割礼割下来的包皮
-What? -The part of the foreskin they throw away…
after circumcision, I think it’s called schmuck.
-还真博学 -我要再喝一杯
-Aren’t we so fucking clever? -I think perhaps I shall get another.
-大卫 -黑林威士忌
-David? -Black Bush.
You were a jerk this afternoon.
Well, for what it’s worth, I didn’t know about the expulsion till just now.
Is that supposed to be an apology?
不 应该说是安慰
No. It’s more like a… conciliation.
够了 够了 好吧
All right, all right. All right.
As the poets have mournfully sung…
death takes the innocent young…
the screamingly funny, the rolling in money,
And those who are very well hung.
There once was a lesbian from Cancun…
Who took a young man up to her room…
where they argued all night as to who had the right…
to do what and how much and to whom.
够了 够了
Enough. Enough.
-罗斯 罗斯 -我没词了
-Ross! Ross! -I’m spent.
I have no more!
好了 我马上完事
Okay. I’m finished. I’m done.
I’m not a student anymore.
我可不想知道 这意味着什么
I do not think I wanna know what that means.
There once was a girl named Berlin…
who liked a bit now and again.
Not now and again, but now…
And again…and again.
-有意思吧 -哦 很可爱
-Cute, huh? -Oh, yeah. Very cute.
I have a secret…
但我得走过去 才告诉你
but I have to come over there to tell you.
不不不不 不行 你该
Oh, no, no, no, no. No. You s…
-我 -不 不
-Here… -No. No.
