-没有 -很好 不要让他参与
-No. -Good. Keep it that way.
His relationship with DeathWatch is over.
-我可不想被他的强♥奸♥案反咬一口 -约翰
-Last thing we need is this rape thing coming back… -John.
-他们这种人想戒酒是不可能的 狗改不了吃屎 -约翰
-To bite us on the butt,and these guys don’t stay on the wagon for very long. -John
我是说真的 康斯坦斯 千万别让他参与
I’m serious, Constance. Ban him from the premises.
I realize the two of you both…
莎伦 快接电♥话♥ 我求你了
Sharon, pick up the phone. I’m begging you!
他是我儿子 好吗 他也是我儿子 我想跟他说说话
He’s my son, all right? He’s my son too, and I wanna talk to him.
你不能 你好
You’ve not let… Hello?
杰米 是你吗 杰米 嘿 小驼鹿 你好吗
Jamie? Jamie, is that you? Hey. Hey, little moose. How are you?
我好想你 我是爸爸
I miss you so much. It’s Daddy.
恩 不 等下 杰米
Yeah. Hello. Don’t… Jamie, wait.
等等 等等 不要挂断
Wait, wait. Don’t hang up the phone.
他妈的 他妈的
Goddamn it! Damn!
God… damn it!
噢 操
Ow! Fuck!
Oh, you scared me.
我的小狗狗要吃草 吃饭
My sheep needs a manager… a manger.
My sheep needs a manger.
Are you okay?
我又喝酒了 还把自己弄伤了
I fell off the wagon and I hurt myself.
过来 到里面说
Come on. Come on inside.
Do you know why Saint Jude is the patron saint of lost causes?
‘Cause his real name was Judas.
犹大 有两个犹大
Judas. There were two Judases…
刚才说的那个犹大是圣人 但是另一个
Judas, who was the saint guy, and then the other one…
犹大 他是个坏蛋
Judas, who was the bad one.
那个坏犹大出♥卖♥♥♥了耶稣 还想亲吻他
He’s the one that ratted out Jesus and tried to kiss him.
在中古时期 人们不向好的犹大祈祷
In medieval times, they would never pray to the good Judas…
他们怕万一弄错了 向坏的犹大祈祷就倒霉了
for fear of getting the bad Judas on the line just by mistake.
所以 除非完全绝望 人们是不会找好的犹大的
Ergo, they never really gave him business unless absolutely desperate.
这就是为什么 后来人们给他改名
That’s why… And then they changed his name.
Your mail is blowing.
嘿 糟糕
Hey! Oh, shit!
-你是医生吗 -是
-Are you the doctor? -Yes.
What’s wrong with her?
-她会没事的 -你怎么知道 你还没看她呢
-She’s gonna be fine. -How do you know? You haven’t looked at her.
-冷静点 -她去拿信 然后就昏倒了
-Just calm down. -She just collapsed. She was opening her mail and just fell over.
I don’t know what’s wrong.
-拜托 有医生吗 -在这里等
-Please. Is there a doctor… -Wait. Wait here.
-我要跟她一起 -冷静点 教授
-I have to go with her. -Hold on, professor!
-拜托 让我 -你想再被逮捕吗
-Excuse me, I don’t want… -You wanna get arrested again?
-你怎么认识我 -我有看报纸 去等着
-How do you know who I am? -I watch the news. Now go wait.
-你没事吧 -还好 康斯坦斯怎么样
-How are we doing? -Fine. How’s Constance?
在睡觉 戈尔先生 白血病患者
Sleeping. Mr. Gale, a leukemia patient’s condition…
-不能受刺♥激♥ -等等 什么
-is highly susceptible to external stress. -What? What?
Constance’s illness requires a degree of regularity.
Constance has leukemia?
You didn’t know?
等 等一下
Wait. Wait.
不 我不知道
No, I didn’t.
人类可以自私的这么可笑 是不是
It’s funny how selfish we can be, isn’t it?
当我知道康斯坦斯得了绝症的时候 我非常气她
When I first heard Constance was dying, I was so mad at her.
我想 你怎么能这样对我
I thought, “How can you do this to me?
你知道 我是多么需要她的帮助
You know how hard it is for me to need other people.”
Why hadn’t she told you?
She said she was too busy.
我想 因为死神一直在追她
I guess, since death was chasing her…
she just wanted to help other people avoid it.
That’s what she did with her life.
康斯坦斯 让这个世界变得更好
Constance… left this world a better place than she found it.
事情虽小 但很不容易
It’s a small… but difficult thing.
-吓死我了 -我们走
-Jesus! -Let’s go.
-查到什么了吗 -我跟奥斯丁的检察官谈过了
-So, what’d you get? -I talked to the Austin prosecutor.
贝刘根本就是个笑话 用他的话说
Belyeu’s a joke. Actually, the exact phrase he used was…
“没本事 只会吹牛”
“Big hat, no cattle.”
-他被制裁过两次 -什么
-He was sanctioned twice. -What?
Seriously fucked up the penalty phase.
Gale could’ve got life on mitigating factors.
而且 当时有顶尖律师想为戈尔免费辩护
And despite major pro bono offers from some of the top lawyers in the country…
Gale stuck with him all through the appeals process…
结果 贝刘还是不断出纰漏
which, by the way, Belyeu continued to screw up.
So Belyeu’s a joke.
-还有别的吗 -没有波林的消息
-Anything else? -Nothing on Berlin.
Oh, we pick up the payola money in Houston tonight.
-休士顿 -老板这么说的
-Houston? -That’s what the head office said.
-过热指示灯亮了两次 -走吧
-Overheat light came on twice. Um… -Come on.
哥们 我从不知道100万美元会这么重
Oh, man! I never knew a million bucks could weigh so much.
-50万 -还是很重
-Half a million. -Well, it’s still heavy.
对我们的故事来说 100万听起来
But a million sounds better for our st…
抱歉 是你的故事 100万美元啊
Excuse me. Your story. A million bucks.
不 等等 是100万现金
No, no. Wait. A million bucks in cash.
扎克 放松点 只不过是钱而已
Just relax, Zack. It’s only money.
So, you comin’ in?
-什么 -你要进来吗
-Excuse me? -You wanna come in?
-拜托 -怎么了 我以为你喜欢有钱的男人
-Please. -What, I thought you were into guys with money.
-赛克 -怎么了
-Zack? -What?
It’s open.
Well, maybe the maid forgot.
呃 我们该叫人过来
Well… We gotta call somebody.
-那是什么 -不知道
-What is that? -I don’t know.
This is not good.
-我去看看浴室 -不 不要 贝西
-I’m gonna check the bathroom. -No, no. Bitsey, no.
You wait there.
-贝西 -怎么了 扎克 可能有指纹
-Bitsey! -What? Zack, There could’ve been prints.
柜台的人说没人找过你 所有钥匙都不一样
The lady at reception says that no one asked for you. All the room keys are different.
-主钥匙在她和她丈夫手上 -你跟她怎么说
-Just she and her husband have masters. -What’d you tell her?
-我说你有个醋劲很大的男朋友 -不错 录像机呢
-That you have a jealous boyfriend. -Thanks. How about the VCR?
她没问 我猜她认为我跟你要做对不起你男朋友的事
She didn’t ask. I think she assumed it had something to do with why he was jealous.
-确定不报♥警♥ -对
-You sure we shouldn’t call the cops? -No.
而且 能够不用钥匙 大白天闯进来的人
Anyway, whoever got in here without a key in broad daylight…
是不会留下指纹的 遥控器在这儿
was probably smart enough not to leave prints. I have the remote. Here.
-你确定要看 -是
-Are you sure you wanna see what’s on here? -No.
-试第三频道 -第三频道
-Try three. -Three.
I hope this isn’t what I think it is.
噢 天啊
Oh, my God.
-是她吗 -对 是她
-Is it her? -Yeah, it’s her.
噢 天啊
Oh, man.
贝刘说 明天一早带录像带过去
Belyeu said to bring the tape first thing tomorrow.
他还说 你没报♥警♥是正确的
He also said you were right about not calling the police.
You gonna be all right?

或许他罪有应得 这世界上太多变♥态♥的人
He deserves it though, probably. There’s a lot of sick people in this world.
他们做了坏事 就要被判刑
And if they done wrong and they’re found guilty…
好吧 我们假设戈尔说的是实话
All right. Let’s just say Gale’s telling the truth.
或许哪个右♥派♥的人陷害了他 安排了这场完美的谋杀
Maybe some right-wing fuck set him up, arranged the perfect murder.
为什么要在最后几个小时 找记者来证明他无罪
Why would you send a magazine journalist proof a few hours before you’ve won?
-这没有道理 -不 非常有道理
-It does not make sense. -No. It’s perfect.
下手的人知道 在德州想获得重审非常困难
Whoever this is knows how hard it is to get a retrial in Texas.
他们知道 在处决前 我们的杂♥志♥是起不了作用的
They know the magazine can’t give this any substantial play before the execution.
我们必须将录像带透露给报纸或网络 但这不可能发生
We’d have to give it to a daily or a network. That won’t happen.
-而且最重要的是 他们知道我会告诉戈尔 -所以
-But mostly, they know I’ll tell Gale today. -So?
如果康斯坦斯的遇害 不只是为了
