What I want from you is your voice.
-我的声音 -你明白了 可爱的小家伙
– My voice? – You’ve got it, sweet cakes.
不再说话 唱歌♥
No more talking, singing. Zip
可是没有了声音 我怎么…
But without my voice, how can I…
你有你的外表 美丽的面孔
You’ll have your looks, your pretty face.
And don’t underestimate the importance of body language Ha
The men up there don’t like a Iot of blabber
They think a girl who gossips is a bore
是啊 如果女孩不停的说话会多烦人
Yes, on land it’s much preferred for ladies not to say a word
而且 亲爱的 整天说些孩子气的话有什么用
And, after all, dear What is idle prattle for Come on, then
They’re not all that impressed with conversation
True gentlemen avoid it when they can
But they dote and swoon and fawn on a lady who’s withdrawn
It’s she who holds her tongue who gets her man
快点 你这可怜不幸的灵魂
Come on,you poor unfortunate soul
来吧 赶紧决定
Go ahead Make your choice
I’m a very busy woman and I haven’t got all day
这要的不多 就是声音而已
It won’t cost much just your voice
Ya poor, unfortunate soul
悲哀 痛苦
It’s sad, but true
你要是想过一座桥 我的小宝贝 你不得不付钱啊
If you want to cross a bridge my sweet,you’ve got to pay the toll
来 深呼吸 然后再吐出来
Take a gulp and take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll
阿漂 阿浮 现在我得到她了
Flotsam, Jetsam Now I’ve got her, boys
The boss is on a roll
这个可怜 不幸
This poor, unfortunate
白鲸 闪光鲟鱼
Beluga, sevruga
Come winds of the Caspian Sea
拉里西斯 格罗西蒂斯 埃马克斯 拉里吉蒂斯
Larynxis, glossitis Et maxlaryngitis
La voice to me
现在 唱歌♥
Now, sing
继续 接着唱
Keep singing
那声音 我怎么也忘不了
That voice. I can’t get it out of my head.
我到处找她 马克斯 她能在哪呢
I’ve looked everywhere, Max. Where could she be?
哇 看看这是谁啊
Well, look at what the catfish dragged in.
你看看你 看看你
Look at ya. Look at ya.
一定有什么事 别告诉我
There’s something different. Don’t tell me.
我猜到了 这是你的新发型 对吧
I got it. It’s your hairdo, right?
你肯定用那个叮当舞者 是吧
You’ve been using the dingle hopper, right?
没有 没有 嗯 哦 我想想
No? No, huh? Well, let me see.
New seashells?
没有新的贝壳 我怎么站不稳啊
No new sea shells. I gotta admit I can’t put my foot on it right now.
-我要是在这站太久了的话… -她有腿了 你这个白♥痴♥
– But if I just stand here long enough… – She’s got legs, you idiot
She traded her voice to the sea witch and got legs. Geez, man
I knew that.
Ariels been turned into a human.
她得让王子爱上她 而且让他得…
She’s gotta make the prince fall in love with her, and he’s gotta k…
-他得吻她才行 -而且她只有三天的时间
– He’s gotta kiss her. – And she’s only got three days
Just look at her
有了腿 人类的腿
On legs On human legs
我的神经受不了了 这真是个灾难
My nerves are shot This is a catastrophe
她爸爸会怎么说 我告诉你她爸爸会怎么说
What would her father say? I’ll tell you what her father say.
他会说他要杀了我这个小螃蟹 这就是她爸爸要说的
He’d say he’s gonna kill himself a crab That’s what her father say
I’m gonna march me self straight home right now…
and tell him just like I should have done the minute…
别冲我摇头 小妇人
And don’t you shake your head at me, young lady.
也许还有时间 如果我们能让那女巫
Maybe there’s still time. Ifwe could get that witch…
to give you back your voice…
you could go home with all the normal fish and just be…
Just be…
Just be miserable for the rest of your life.
好了 好了
All right, all right.
I’ll try to help ya find that prince.
天 我的心太软了
Boy, what a soft shell I’m turning out to be.
现在 艾莉儿 我来告诉你 如果你想真的象个人类
Now, Ariel, I’m telling ya. If you wanna be a human…
第一件事就是象人一样穿衣服 现在 让我想想
the first thing ya gotta do is dress like one. Now, let me see.
马克斯 什么 啊 什么
Max? What? Huh? What?
看起来不错 孩子 看起来很迷人
Ya look great, kid. Ya look sensational.
安静 马克斯
Quiet, Max.
你怎么了 伙计 哦
What’s gotten into you, fella? Oh.
哦 我明白了
Oh, I see.
你没事吧 小姐
Are you okay, miss?
要是这个蠢家伙吓着你了 我很抱歉
I’m sorry if this knucklehead scared you.
He’s harmless really, uh…
我看见你觉得特别眼熟 咱们以前见过吗
You seem very familiar to me. Have we met?
我们见过 我知道 你就是那个 那个我一直寻找的人
We have met. I knew it. You’re the one, the one I’ve been looking for.
What’s your name?
你怎么了 怎么回事
What’s wrong? What is it?
你不能说话 是吗
You can’t speak? Oh
哦 那你就不是我要找的人了
Oh, then you couldn’t be who I thought.
什么 你受过伤
What is it? You’re hurt?
不 不 你需要帮助
No, no. You need help?
哦 哦 小心 小心 慢点
Whoa, whoa, careful careful, easy.
哦 你一定经历了什么事
Gee, you must have really been through something.
别担心 别担心 我会帮助你的
Don’t worry. Don’t worry. I’ll help you.
来吧 跟我来 你会没事的
Come on. Come on. You’ll be okay.
Washed up from a shipwreck.
哦 可怜的人
Oh, the poor thing.
We’ll have you feeling better in no time.
我得… 我去洗一下你的衣服
I’ll just… I’ll just get this washed for you.
好了 你们肯定都听说这个女孩了吧
Well, you must have at least heard about this girl.
-没有 -杰鲁德 说…
– No – Gertrude says…
When has Gertrude ever gotten anything right?
-我是说 真的 -夫人 别这样…
– I mean, really. – Madam, please…
这女孩穿的这么破 而且还是个哑巴 她怎么可能是个公主呢
This girl shows up in rags and doesn’t speak. Not my idea ofa princess.
要是埃里克想交个女朋友 我倒认识几个
If Maxs looking for a girl, I know a couple of…
highly available ones right here.
哦 埃里克 有点脑子好不好
Oh, Eric, be reasonable.
Nice young ladies just don’t swim around rescuing people…
in the middle of the ocean, and then flitter off into oblivion like some…
我和你说啊 格林 她真的存在
I’m telling ya, Grim. She was real.
我一定会找到她 然后我打算娶她
I’m gonna find that girl, and I’m gonna marry her.
来吧 亲爱的 别害羞
Come on, honey. Don’t be shy.
哦 埃里克 我不是做梦吧
Oh, Eric, isn’t she a vision?
天 你是这么漂亮
Uh, you look wonderful.
过来 过来 你一定很饿了吧
Come, come, come. You must be famished.
我来帮你 亲爱的
Let me help you, my dear.
来这…这来 嗯 这样好多了 现在舒服多了吧
There… Oh, there we go. Eh, that’s better. Now, quite comfy, hmm?
哈哈 很好
Ha, ha. Good. It’s, uh…
我们这可不是经常有这么可爱的客人的 是吧 埃里克
It’s, uh, not often that we have such a lovely dinner guest, eh, Eric?
哦 你喜欢吗 这很不错
Uh, do you like it? It is rather a fine one.
-哦 我 -很抱歉 格林
– Oh, my. – Sorry, Grim.
为什么 埃里克 这是这几周来第一次笑
Why, Eric, that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile in weeks.
啊 很有趣
Ah, very amusing.
卡洛塔 亲爱的 晚餐吃什么
Carlotta, my dear, what’s for dinner?
啊 你们会喜欢的 切夫做了他的拿手菜 螃蟹
Oh, you’re gonna love it Chef’s been fixing his speciality: stuffed crab.
莫里斯 谢瓦利埃
Maurice Chevaller
How I love les poissons
Love to chop and to serve little fish
首先我要砍下它的头 然后我抽出骨头
First I cut off their heads Then I pull out their bones
用这把刀 把他们一砍两段
With the cleaver I hack them in two
把他们的肚子清理干净 然后用油炸
I pull out what’s inside and I serve it up fried
上帝啊 我真的喜欢小鱼 你不喜欢吗
God, I love little fishes Don’t you
Here’s something for tempting the palate
Prepare din the classic technique
First you pound the fish flat with the mallet
然后驳下皮 再切成薄片
Then yous lash through the skin Give the bell ya slice
