I reached my peak when I was 19.
Sold a piece to the Atlantic Monthly…
reprinted in the reader’s Digest.
我既然有海明威的才华 那又何必要上大学呢
Who wants to stay in college when he’s Hemingway?
My mother bought me a brand-new typewriter…
and I moved right in on New York.
之后 我写的第一篇文章并不太成功
Well, the first thing I wrote, that didn’t quite come off.
第二篇 也不符合大众的胃口
And the second, I dropped. The public wasn’t ready for that one.
我写了第三篇 第四篇
I started a third and a forth.
到了那个时候 已经有个家伙常常在我背后
Only by then, somebody began to look over my shoulder…
and whisper in a thin, clear voice…like the “E” string on a violin.
“Don Birnam,” he’d whisper.
“这不够好 你写的不够好”
“It’s not good enough, not that way.
“不如先喝个两杯 再来修饰看看”
How about a couple of drinks, just to set it on its feet?”
So I had a couple.
Oh, what a great idea that was.
That made all the difference.
突然间 我可以洞悉一切
Suddenly, I could see the whole thing.
在我眼前 清楚呈现一部优美流畅的小说
The tragic sweep of the great novel, beautifully proportioned.
But before I could really grab it and throw it down on paper…
the drinks would wear off
and everything would be gone like a mirage.
Then there was despair.
I’d drink to counterbalance despair.
And then one to counterbalance the counterbalance.
I’d sit in front of that typewriter…
绞尽脑汁 就为了挤出一些像样的东西
trying to squeeze out one page that was halfway decent.
And that guy would pop up again.
什么家伙 你在说谁啊?
What guy? Who are you talking about?
那是另一个唐柏南 这里总共有两个我
The other Don Birnam. There are two of us, you know.
一个是酒鬼 一个是作家
Don the Drunk and Don the Writer.
酒鬼总会对作家说 “来吧 你这个蠢材”
The drunk would say to the writer, “Come on, you idiot.
“Let’s get some good out of that portable.
“Let’s hock it. Let’s take it to that pawn shop over on 3rd Avenue.
It’s always good for ten dollars.”
“再一杯美酒 再一次狂欢 再一次喧乐 再一次畅饮”
Another drink, another binge, another bender, another spree.
Such humorous words.
好几次 我试图离开那个家伙 但是没有用
I’ve tried to break away from that guy a lot of times, but… no good.
知道吗 有一次我甚至买♥♥了枪跟子弹
You know, once I even got myself a gun and some bullets.
I was gonna do it on my 30th birthday.
Here are the bullets.
The gun went for three quarts of whiskey.
另外一个唐 希望我们能先喝一杯
That other Don wanted us to have a drink first.
He always wants us to have a drink first.
The flop suicide of a flop writer.
好吧 或许你不是作家
All right, maybe you’re not a writer.
Why don’t you do something else?
当然 我可以找个普通的工作
Sure, take a nice job.
会计 房♥屋销♥售♥
Public accountant, real estate salesman.
问题是 我没这个胆子
I haven’t the guts, Helen.
Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.
可是我办不到 – 但你的确是个作家
I can’t take quiet desperation! – But you are a writer.
你具有作家的每种特质 想像力 机智 同情心
You have every quality for it… imagination, wit, pity.
别傻了 面对现实吧
Come on. Let’s face reality.
我今年三十三岁 却还靠着我弟弟的接济过活
I’m 33. I’m living on the charity of my brother.
Room and board free…
fifty cents a week for cigarettes…
an occasional ticket to a show or a concert.
All out of the bigness of his heart.
And it is a big heart and a patient one.
我只不过是- 闭嘴
Don, I’ve only been carrying you along for… – Shut up, Wick!
I’ve never done anything.
现在完全不事生产 以后还是一样完全不事生产
I’m not doing anything. I never will do anything!
零 零 零
Zero, zero, zero!
现在换你闭嘴 我们会想办法改善你的问题
Now, you shut up. We’ll straighten it out.
你听着 韦克很倒霉 生来注定是我兄弟
Look, Wick has the misfortune to be my brother.
You just happened to walk in on this.
If you know what’s good for you,
you’ll turn around and walk out again…
而且走快点 千万别回头
and walk fast and don’t turn back.
你去煮三杯咖啡 煮浓一点
Why don’t you make some coffee, Wick? Strong, three cups.
你听我说 帮你自己一个大忙 快走吧
Look, Helen, do yourself a favor. Go on. Clear out.
Because I’ve got a rival? Because you’re in love with this?
You don’t know me, Don.
我会继续奋战 努力奋战 弯下腰来
I’m gonna fight and fight and fight. Bend down.
All right.
That was three years ago, Nat.
That’s a long time to keep fighting, to keep believing.
她知道她是在玩火 可她就是不肯放手
She knows she’s clutching a razor blade, but she won’t let go.
Three years of it.
And what? How’s it come out?
I don’t know. I haven’t figured that far.
Want me to tell you?
有一天 这家伙想通了 会去把他的枪买♥♥回来
One day, a guy gets wise to himself and gets back that gun.
If he’s only got $1.10,
he goes to the top of the Empire State Building.
爬上顶楼 然后…
Way up on top. And then…
或者你可以花五分钱 去地铁站跳铁轨
Or you can do it for a nickel in the subway under a train.
You think so, Nat?
可是 海伦可能是对的
What if Helen is right
and this guy sits down and turns out something good, but good?
And that pulls him up and snaps him out of it.
This guy? Not from where I sit.
你闭嘴 我要做给你看 我故事都想好了 你也听到了
Oh, shut up, Nat! I’m gonna do it now! It’s all there. You heard it.
是的 柏南先生
Yes, Mr. Birnam.
That’s why I didn’t go away on that weekend, see?
这样 我就可以独自一人跟我的打字机共处
So I can be all alone up there and sit down at my typewriter.
这一次 我要把我的故事写下来
This time I’m gonna do it, Nat! I’m gonna do it!
或许你会 – 谢谢
Maybe you will. – Thank you, Nat.
我钱都付清了吗?- 是的 柏南先生
Am I all paid up? – Yes, Mr. Birnam.
再见 我要回家了
Good-bye, Nat. I’m going home.
这一次 我都想好了 我要把它写下来
This time I’ve got it. I’m gonna write!
Good luck to you.
你明明就有另一瓶酒 你知道的
You had another bottle. You know you
did. Where did you put it?
你没有疯 你到底放哪去了?
You’re not crazy. Where did you put it?
这是如此美丽 如此神奇
It was so beautiful so wonderful
The stars above us shone
We were alone
我们终于独处- 麻烦买♥♥单
We were alone – Check, please.
帐单在这里 先生
Right here, sir.
♪ The time was right The moon was low ♪
♪ I held you tight ♪
♪ How could I let you go ♪
♪ It was so beautiful so wonderful ♪
♪ So gorgeous so divine ♪
是的 先生
Yes, sir?
Another gin vermouth, please.
是的 先生
Yes, sir. – Mmm, you were mine
♪ Nighttime found us ♪
♪ Happiness around us ♪
♪ Church bells ringing day is done ♪
♪ There’ll be ringing when we’re one ♪
♪ Evening’s blessing ♪
♪ You and I caressing ♪
♪ Music, moonlight, melody ♪
♪ Only there for you and me ♪
♪ It was so beautiful so wonderful ♪
♪ So gorgeous so divine ♪
♪ And you were mine ♪
♪ And you were mine ♪
♪ It was so beautiful so wonderful ♪
♪ The stars above us shone ♪
♪ We were alone We were alone ♪
♪ The time was right ♪
The moon was low – Thank you.
♪ I held you tight ♪
Where is your washroom?
就在那边 先生
How could I let you go – Over there, sir.
How’s about a carnation for your buttonhole?
不用了 谢谢
No, thank you.
谢谢您 先生