It’s me your mother believes.
你又对鲍威尔先生无礼了吗? 约翰?
Were you impudent again to Mr Powell, John?
妈妈 我并不想这样做
Mom, I didn’t mean it.
What were you impudent about?
他又问我关于钱的事了 妈妈
He asked me about the money again, Mom.
约翰 你总是用这个谎话来搪塞
John, you always make up that lie.
没有什么钱 为什么你就不能搞清楚一点呢?
There is no money. Why can’t you get that through your head?
The boy’s as stubborn and as mulish as a sheep.
It’s a shame.
晚安 艾希 -晚安 亲爱的
Good night, Icey. – Good night, honey.
再见 沃尔特
Good night, Walt.
Plan on a longer visit next time.
如果你一直想着回家 是很难玩的尽兴的
You hardly settle before you’re frettin’ to get home.
I’m needed to keep peace and harmony betwixt them.
这是我肩上的担子啊 不过我引以为荣 艾希
It’s my burden and I’m proud of it, Icey.
钱藏在哪里了? -我不知道
Where’s the money hid? – I don’t know.
She thinks that money’s at the bottom of the river.
但我们都清楚这不是真的 对吧?
But you and me, we know better, don’t we?
I don’t know nothin’.
好吧 不要紧 夏天才刚开始
Well, never mind, boy. The summer’s young yet.
珀尔 到这儿来
Pearl. Come here.
约翰是个爱保守秘密的家伙 我告诉你一个秘密
John’s a fella likes to keep secrets. I’ll tell you a secret.
好啊 -我认识你♥爸♥爸
Yes? – I knowed your daddy.
And you know what your daddy told me?
He said “You tell my little girl Pearl
there’s to be no secrets between her and you.”
好的 现在轮到你了
All right. Now it’s your turn.
What secret shall I tell?
What’s your name?
你在捉弄我 我的名字叫珀尔
You’re just fooling. My name’s Pearl!
好 我猜我应该再试一次
Well, I reckon I’ll have to try again.
Where’s the money hid?
珀尔 你发过誓你不会说的 你发过誓
Pearl! You swore you wouldn’t tell! You swore!
You hit Daddy with the hairbrush.
现在你看到了? 我们真拿约翰没办法
Now, you see? We can’t have anything to do with John.
我们到客厅去 珀尔
You and me’ll go on down to the parlour, Pearl.
John’s just plumb bad through and through.
约翰是个坏蛋 -是的 约翰是个坏蛋
John’s bad. – Yes, John’s bad.
再告诉我一个我爸爸的秘密 -哦 不 轮到你了
Tell me another secret about my dad. – Oh, no! Your turn.
好吧 我应该告诉你什么秘密呢?
All right. What secret shall I tell?
钱藏在哪里了? -约翰是个坏蛋
Where’s the money hid? – John’s bad.
Where’s the money hid?
告诉我 你这个小混♥蛋♥ 要不然我把你的胳膊拧下来
Tell me, you little wretch, or I’ll tear your arm off!
艾希 我很担心威拉 -你在说什么?
Icey, I’m worried about Willa. – How do you mean?
我不知道该怎么说 你才不会生气
I’m figurin’ how to say it so as you won’t get mad.
说什么 沃尔特·斯澎?
Say what, Walt Spoon?
这事有点不对劲 -关于什么?
Somethin’s wrong about it. – About what?
关于鲍威尔先生 所有的事 -沃尔特…
About Mr Powell. All of it. – Walt…!
每个人都有第六感的 -愿上帝宽恕你
A body’s got a right to their feelings. – May the Lord have mercy on you.
I was just…
Are you through praying?
好了 哈里
I’m through, Harry.
你在客厅的窗户外都偷听到了 对吧
You were listening outside the parlour window.
钱不在河里 对吧 哈里? -回答我
It ain’t in the river, is it, Harry? – Answer me.
本从来没告诉过你他把钱丢进了河里 对吧?
Ben never told you he throwed it in the river, did he?
孩子们知道藏在了哪里 约翰知道的 对吧 哈里?
The children know where it’s hid. John knows. Is that it, Harry?
它就在我们周围 污染我们
Then it’s still here amongst us. Tainting us.
你自己肯定知道这一切 哈里
You must have known about it all along, Harry.
But that ain’t the reason why you married me.
I know that much.
Because the Lord just wouldn’t let it be.
他让你娶我 这样你就可以让我看清道路和生命
He made you marry me so you could show me the Way and the Life.
And the salvation of my soul.
是不是这样 哈里?
Ain’t that so, Harry?
你也许会说 是钱让我们结合在了一起
So you might say that it was the money that brung us together.
The rest of it don’t matter.
沃尔特 快过来
Walt. Come quick.
发生什么事了 孩子他妈 -嘘 他在那儿
What’s wrong, Mother? – Shhh! He’s in there.
谁 -鲍威尔先生 威拉跑了
Who? – Mr Powell. Willa has run away.
不要吓我 就这么跑了? -她穿着那件T型大衣出走了
I’ll be switched! Just went? – She took out in that old Model T.
那他是不是很受打击? -一塌糊涂
Is he hit pretty bad? – All to pieces.
好吧 这儿有一点白兰地…
Well, there’s a little peach brandy in here…
给一个牧师喝酒? -就一点点
A man of the cloth? – Well, just a sip.
沃尔特·斯澎 那是留着生病的时候喝的
Walt Spoon, that’s for sickness in the house!
那该怎么办? -要是你去和他谈谈…
Well, what can we do? – If you talked to him, another man…
好了 孩子他妈 求你了 这个我不行…
Now, Mother, please. I’m no good at…
Mr Powell?
外女是窄阱 -阿门
A strange woman is a narrow pit. – Amen.
她埋伏好像强盗 她使人中多有奸诈的
She lieth in wait as for prey and increaseth the transgressors among men.
哦 我亲爱的朋友 要是没有你 我该怎么是好呢?
Oh, my dear friends. Whatever would I do without you?
鲍威尔先生 -如果有什么我们可以帮忙的…
Mr Powell! – Well, if there’s anythin’ we can…
不 这是我的耻辱
No, it’s my shame.
它是一个荆棘的花冠 我应该勇敢的戴上它
It’s my crown of thorns. I must wear it bravely.
是什么让那个姑娘着了魔? -撒旦
What could have possessed that girl? – Satan.
Didn’t you have no inklin’?
有 自从新婚的第一夜开始
Yes, I did. From the very first night.
第一夜? -我们的蜜月
First night? – Our honeymoon.
How’s that?
她不让我和她同床 -不
She turned me out of the bed. – No!
Well, what do you figure to do?
干什么? 不过是照顾那两个孩子而已
Do? Why, just stay right here and take care of them kids.
也许让像威拉那样的女人污染他们的孩子 是不对的
Maybe it was never meant for a woman like Willa to taint their young lives.
It’s mighty brave of you.
我想大概是命中注定的吧 斯澎兄弟
I reckon it was just ordained that way, Brother Spoon.
Didn’t she leave no word?
在衣柜上留了一张纸条 几行潦草的字
A scrawl. On a notepaper on the bureau.
I burned it.
我把它撕碎 然后烧了 发出的恶臭就像是地狱之火
Tore it up and burned it, it stank so strong of hellfire.
常在河边走 哪能不湿鞋
The pitcher has went to the well once too often, friends.
Oh, she’ll come draggin’ her tail back home.
她不会回来了 我敢肯定
She’ll not be back. I reckon I’m safe in promisin’ you that.
也许她只是出去疯一下 -哦 不
Maybe she’s just on a spree. – Oh, no.
这么希望至少不会有什么坏处 -但也不合情理
Well, there’s no harm in hopin’. – Ain’t no sense in it neither.
I figured somethin’ was brewin’ when she went to bed last night.
她等在厨房♥里 直到我上楼
Well, she tarried around in the kitchen after I’d gone up.
当我下楼 想看看有什么异状的时候…
And when I went downstairs to see what was wrong…
Well, she’d found this jar of dandelion wine
就是她丈夫 哈珀 藏在酒窖某个角落的东西
that the husband, this Harper, had hid somewheres in the cellar.
She was drinkin’.
I tried to save her.
我知道你尽力了的 鲍威尔先生 我知道你尽了大力的
I know you did, Mr Powell. Oh, I knowhowhard you tried.
But the devil wins sometimes.
Can’t nobody say I didn’t do my best to save her.
我们为什么要躲起来啊 约翰?
Why do we have to hide, John?
Where’s Mom?
她去蒙斯维尔了 -去看爸爸了?
She’s gone to Moundsville. – To see Dad?
是的 我猜是的
Yes, I reckon that’s it.
现在 听好 珀尔 你和我今天晚上要逃跑
Now, listen to me, Pearl. You and me is runnin’ off tonight.
如果我们留在这里的话 会发生可怕的事
If we stay here somethin’ awful’ll happen to us.
Won’t Daddy Powell take care of us?
不会 这就是原因
No. That’s just it. No.
我们去哪里 约翰? -某个地方 我现在也不知道
Where we going, John? – Somewheres. I don’t know yet.
