我饿了 约翰
I’m hungry, John.
我们偷点东西吃 -那会破坏我们的晚餐的
We’ll steal somethin’ to eat. – It’ll spoil our suppers.
我可以听见你们在说悄悄话 孩子们
I can hear you whisperin’, children,
so I know you’re down there.
I can feel myself gettin’ awful mad.
我已经没有耐心了 孩子们 我现在进来找你们了
I’m out of patience, children. I’m coming to find you now.
Mr Powell!
好吧 好吧 斯澎太太
Well, well, Mrs Spoon.
孩子们呢? -在酒窖里玩呢
Where are the children? – Down there in that cellar playin’ games.
而且我刚才叫他们 他们不理我
And they won’t mind me when I call them.
我已经拿他们没办法了 斯澎太太
I’m at my wit’s end, Mrs Spoon.
约翰? 珀尔?
John? Pearl?
Shake a leg!
哦 哦 哦 那是什么?
Well, well, well! What’s that?
不过是热的晚饭罢了 是我为你和孩子们准备的
Just a little hot supper I fixed for you and the children.
It seemed the least we could do.
I won’t have you worryin’ poor Mr Powell another minute.
看看你们 浑身上下全是泥
Just look at you! Dust and filth from top to toe.
要不要我把他们带上去 给他们洗个澡?
Want me to take ’em up and wash ’em good?
不 不 谢谢你 亲爱的艾希 我会照顾他们的 谢谢你
No. No, thank you, dear Icey. I’ll tend to them. Thank you.
不要对他们太严厉了 牧师 可怜的没妈的孩子
Don’t be too hard on them, Preacher. Poor, motherless children.
记住 鲍威尔先生 有事尽管叫我们
Remember, now, Mr Powell. Don’t be afraid to call on us.
再见 斯澎太太 再次感谢
Goodbye, Mrs Spoon. And thanks again.
你们害不害怕 小乖乖? 在那个黑漆漆的地方?
Now, weren’t you afraid, little lambs? Down there in all that dark?
They’ll think it was me.
They’ll think it was poor old Uncle Birdie.
哦 如果你看得见的话 贝丝
Oh, if you could have seen it, Bess.
Down there in the deep place.
她的头发在水中飘散 就像是水中的水草一样
With her hair wavin’ soft and lazy like meadow grass under flood water.
And that slit in her throat like she had an extra mouth.
你是我唯一可以倾诉的人了 贝丝
You’re the only human mortal I can go to, Bess.
如果我去法庭 他们一定会吊死我的
If I go to the law, they’ll hang it on me.
上天啊 救救可怜的老伯迪吧
Sweet heaven, save poor old Uncle Birdie!
我饿了 -当然
I’m hungry. – Sure.
有炸鸡 甜土豆 玉米面包和苹果馅饼
And there’s fried chicken, sweet potatoes, corn bread and apple cobbler.
我可以吃晚饭吗 求求你了? -当然可以
Can I have my supper, please? – Naturally.
我也可以喝牛奶吗? -嗯 但首先 我们要谈谈
Can I have milk too? – Mmhm. But first we’ll have a little talk.
关于我们的小秘密 -不
About our secrets. – No.
为什么不呢 请问? -因为约翰说的 不可以
And why not, pray tell? – Cos John said I mustn’t.
Never mind what John said!
John’s a meddler.
Now stop that snivellin’.
看这儿 你知道这是什么吗?
Looky here. You know what that is?
想看看有意思的东西吗? 看好
Want to see somethin’ cute? Now looky.
How about that!
This is what I use on meddlers.
John might be a meddler.
不 小乖乖 不要碰
No, little lamb. Don’t touch it.
不要碰我的刀 那会让我生气的 非常非常的生气
Don’t touch my knife. That makes me mad. Very, very mad.
告诉我吧 钱藏在哪里了?
Now, just tell me. Where’s the money hid?
但是我发过誓 我答应过约翰不会说的
But I swore. I promised John I wouldn’t tell.
John doesn’t matter!
Can’t I get that through your head,
you poor, silly, disgusting little wretch?
现在 你让我发脾气了
There now. You made me lose my temper.
对不起 真是对不起
I’m sorry. I’m real sorry.
快告诉我 钱到底藏到哪里去了 小心肝?
Now, just tell me. Where’s it hid, honey?
我说 -我叫你闭嘴
I’ll tell. – I told youto keep your mouth shut.
你强迫珀尔说是不公平的 她发过誓 我来说吧
It ain’t fair to make Pearl tell when she swore she wouldn’t. I’ll tell.
好吧 我宣布
Well, I declare!
Sometimes I think poor ol’ John might make it to heaven yet.
好的 孩子 钱在哪里? -在酒窖 地板的石头下面
All right, boy. Where’s the money? – In the cellar. Under a stone in the floor.
要是你撒谎 你可就惨了 -我没撒谎 你自己去找好了
It’ll go hard if I find you’re lyin’, boy. – I’m not lyin’. Go look for yourself.
All right.
一起去 -什么?
Come along. – What?
在我前面走 你们两个一起
Go ahead of me. The both of you.
Down those stairs.
你不会以为我会放你们走吧? 小子?
You don’t reckon I’d leave you, do you, boy?
你不相信我? -为什么 当然相信
Well, don’t you believe me? – Why, sure, boy. Sure.
现在 在哪里? 注意 别耍花招
And where now? Mind, no tricks, now.
要是骗我 我是不会轻饶的
I can’t abide a liar.
哦 不
Oh, no, you don’t.
哪里 小子 哪里? -在地板的那个石头下面
Now where, boy, where? – Under the stone in the floor.
This is concrete.
约翰有罪 约翰说谎了
John made a sin. John told a lie.
The Lord’s a-talking to me now.
他说了: “在我的眼里 骗子是最可恶的”
He’s asaying “A liar is an abomination before mine eyes.”
说 小子 在哪里?
Speak, boy, where’s it hid?

说 否则我就割断你的喉咙 就像屠宰过的猪一样滴着血
Speak, or I’ll cut your throat and leave you to drip like a hog in butchering time.
珀尔 闭嘴 珀尔 你发过誓
Pearl, shut up. Pearl, you swore!
你应该救他 小家伙
You could save him, little bird.
It’s in my doll!
The doll!
是啊 当然是这样了
Why, sure!
The last place anybody’d think to look.
Uncle Birdie Steptoe.
开门 你这个杂种
Open that door, you spawn of the devil’s own strumpet!
Uncle Birdie!
伯迪伯伯 -约翰
Uncle Birdie. – John.
帮帮我们 伯迪伯伯 他带着刀追我们来了
Hide us, Uncle Birdie. He’s acoming with his knife.
是我 约翰·哈珀和珀尔
It’s me. John Harper and Pearl. You told me to come.
约翰? -伯迪伯伯 哦 求求你了
Johnny? – Uncle Birdie, oh, please.
求求你了 快醒醒
Please! Wake up!
我对圣经发誓 我没有做过
I swear on the Book, I never done it.
There’s still the river.
The skiff is under the willow.
“Dear Walt and Icey,
我肯定你们很担心 以为我们失踪了”
I bet you’ve been worried and gave us up for lost.”
“Took the kids down here with me for a visit to my sister Elsie’s farm.”
“我想改变一下环境 对我们都有好处
“Thought a little change of scenery would do us all a world of good
after so much trouble and heartache.”
“At least the kids will get aplenty of good home cooking.”
“Your devoted Harry Powell.”
现在 你放心了吧 沃尔特?
Now, ain’t you relieved, Walt?
当然 你不也很担心吗 临走时一个告别也没有
Sure. But you was worried too, Mother. Taking off with never a word of goodbye!
I figured them gypsies busted in and done off with all three of them.
你和你的那些吉普赛人 他们都已经走了一星期了
You and your gypsies. They been gone a week.
是的 不过走之前用刀伤了一个农夫 还偷了他的马
Sure. But not before one of ’em knifed a farmer and stole his horse.
没抓到吉普赛人 也没捉到那匹马
Never caught the gypsy. Nor the horse.
什么世道 小孩子们流浪街头
Such times, when young ‘uns run the roads.
走开 孩子们
Go away, children.
饿了 是不是
Hungry, I suppose?
Well, I can’t spare you more than one potato apiece.
你们的家人呢? -没有了
Where are yourfolks? – Ain’t got none.
哦 走吧 走吧
Oh, go away, go away.
招募摘桃工人 按周付薪
在上帝的眼中 不知道感激的小孩是最可恨的
An ungrateful child is an abomination before the eyes of God.
因为这些小孩对长辈们的无礼 世界即将毁灭
The world is going to damnation because of young ‘uns flying in the face of age.
They make soup out of them,
but I wouldn’t know how to go about getting him open.
We’re going to spend the night on land.
我们现在回家吗 约翰?
Are we going home now, John?
Don’t he never sleep?
珀尔 醒醒 拜托
Pearl, wake up. Come on!
你们两个小家伙 快点到我这儿来
You two youngsters get up here to me this instant.
上我家去 小心点 我弄个鞭子
