To think I never hoped to see them again in this world.
哦 亲爱的的女士 你要是知道我忍♥受了多少痛苦…
Oh, dear madam, if you was to know what a crown of thorns I’ve borne
in my search for them stray chicks.
卢比 把孩子们叫来
Ruby, go fetch them kids.
哦 夫人 你在看我的手吧
Oh, madam, I see you’re looking at my hands.
能不能让我向你讲述关于左手和右手 善良和邪恶的故事?
Shall I tell you the story of Lefthand, Righthand, the tale of good and evil?
It was with this left hand that Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low.
那些孩子是你的? -我的亲生骨肉
Them kids is yours? – My own flesh and blood.
你太太呢? -她和一个鼓手私奔了
Where’s your missus? – She run off with a drummer.
在开祈祷会的时候 -她现在在哪里?
During prayer meeting. – Where’s she at?
大概在河下游的某个地方 珀珂斯勃格 辛辛那提
Down the river somewheres. Parkersburg, Cincinnati.
俄亥俄的某个罪恶城市里 -她是带着孩子们一起走的?
One of them Sodoms of the Ohio river. – She took them kids with her?
天知道 多么肮脏的画面和声音啊
Oh, heaven only knows what unholy sights and sounds
them innocent babes has heard in the dens of perdition where she dragged ’em.
很滑稽 不是吗? 他们是划着 一艘10英尺的小船来的
Right funny, ain’t it, how they rode all the way upriver in a ten-foot john boat.
他们还好吧 库珀女士? -比当初好多了
Are they well, Miss Cooper? – A sight better than they was.
好极了 好极了 你真是太好了 库珀女士
Gracious, gracious, you are a good woman, Miss Cooper.
How you figuring to raise them two without a woman?
上帝的指引 上帝是仁慈的
The Lord will provide. The Lord is merciful.
哦 多么好啊
Oh, what a day this is.
And there’s little John.
怎么了 约翰? -过来 孩子
What’s wrong, John? – Come to me, boy.
怎么了 约翰? -你听到了吗 孩子?
What’s wrong, John? – Didn’t you hear me, boy?
你♥爸♥爸叫你过去 你应该听他的话
When your dad says “come” you should mind him.
He ain’t my dad.
对 而且他也不是牧师
No, and he ain’t no preacher neither.
给我滚回马那边去 先生
Just march yourself yonder to your horse, mister.
滚 先生 我不是在开玩笑
March, mister. I’m not foolin’!
好吧 但你还没听我说完
All right. But you haven’t heard the last of Harry Powell yet!
The Lord God Jehovah will guide my hand in vengeance.
You devils!
You whores of Babylon!
我会回来的 天黑以后
I’ll be back! When it’s dark!
为你感到羞耻 卢比 居然跟这样的狗男人鬼混
Shame on you, Ruby, mooning around the house after that mad dog of a man.
Merciful heavens!
卢比 叫孩子们下床 带到楼下来
Ruby, go get the children out of bed and bring them down here.
Women are such darn fools.
It’s a hard world for little things.
从前有个卑鄙 下流的国王希律
Now, there was this sneaking, noaccount, ornery King Herod,
and when he heard of little Jesus growin’ up,
他想”妈的 这世界上容不下我们两个”
he figured “Well, shoot, there won’t be room for the both of us.”
“I’ll nip this in the bud.”
But he wasn’t sure which of all them babies in the land was King Jesus.
所以 残忍♥的希律王想
So that cruel old King Herod figured,
如果他杀掉所有的小孩子 那就肯定杀掉了耶稣
if he was to kill all the babies in the land he’d be sure and get little Jesus.
When little King Jesus’ ma and pa heard about this,
what do you reckon they done?
他们把他藏在衣柜里 -他们把他藏在阳台
They hid in a closet. – They hid under the porch.
不 他们逃跑了
No. They went arunning.
好 约翰 你是对的 这正是他们所做的
Well, now, John, you’re right. That’s just what they done.
Little King Jesus’ ma and pa saddled a mule
and they rode all the way down into Egypt land.
是 就是在那里的芦苇中 王后发现了他们
Yeah, and that’s where the queen found them in the bulrushes.
哦 不 那是另一个故事 那是摩西的故事
Oh, no, that wasn’t the same story. That was little King Moses.
但一样的是 都是从小就经历痛苦的故事
But just the same, it did seem like it was a plague time for little ones.
那些古老的岁月 艰难的岁月
Them olden days. Them hard, hard times.
以为我走了 对吗?
Figured I was gone, huh?
快跑 藏在楼梯上 快跑
Run. Hide on the staircase. Run quick!
卢比 快
Ruby, get!
你想要什么? -我要我的孩子们
What do you want? – I want them kids.
What do you want them for?
与你无关 太太 -你马上滚 我数到三
None of your business, madam. – I’m giving you to the count of three to go.
要不然我就走过厨房♥ 开枪打死你
Then I’m coming across to the kitchen to shoot you!
布斯小姐? 我是瑞秋·库珀
Miss Booth? Rachel Cooper.
Get your state troopers out to my place.
我抓到个家伙 在谷仓里
I got something trapped in my barn.
我去看看珀尔 -我去做咖啡
I’ll go see to Pearl. – I’ll make coffee.
She’s all right.
约翰 你知道吗 在你小的时候 比较有忍♥耐力
John, you know when you’re little you have more endurance
than God is ever to grant you again?
孩子们忍♥耐的时候 坚强的像大人
Children are man at his strongest. They abide.
之前为何不告诉我们 -我才不要臭脚们到我的家里来呢
Why didn’t you call us before now? – Didn’t want your dirty shoes on my floor.
Is that him?
是的 注意别乱开枪 这里有小孩
Yes. Mind where you shoot, boys. There are children here.
哈里·鲍威尔 你因谋杀威拉·哈珀被捕了
Harry Powell, you’re under arrest for the murder of Willa Harper.
放下刀 鲍威尔
Drop that knife, Powell.
都拿去 爸爸 都拿去
Take it back, Dad. Take it back!
我不想要它 爸爸 太多了 拿去
I don’t want it, Dad! It’s too much! Here!
Lynch him!
25个妻子 -他杀了他们全部
25 wives! – And he killed every last one of ’em.
要是马歇尔郡的人… -蓝胡子
If the people of Marshall County… – Bluebeard!
Will you identify the prisoner?
求你了 小家伙
Please, little lad,
请你看看那里 然后告诉法庭
won’t you look yonder and tell the court
if that is the man that killed your mother?
好 库珀女士 你可以把小家伙带走了
It’s all right, Mrs Cooper, you can take the little fellow away.
祝你们圣诞节快乐 库珀太太
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mrs Cooper.
圣诞老人准备给你什么圣诞礼物呢 小家伙?
And what’s Santa Claus going to bring you for Christmas, little man?
是珀尔 -去拿你的外衣去
That’s Pearl! – Get your coats.
Them’s her orphans.
卢比去哪儿了? -她走了
Where’s Ruby? – She went.
Them poor little lambs.
他们就是他做恶的对像 我的朋友们
Them is the ones he sinned against, my friends.
Go out the back door.
Ain’t we going to the bus depot?
Dragging the name of the Lord through the evil mud of his soul!
把蓝胡子绑在柱子上 -他是藏在十字架后面的撒旦
String that Bluebeard up to a post! – He’s Satan hiding behind the cross!
我爱他 你们对他的看法和其它人一样
I love him. You think he’s like them others.
你那时很生气 你射伤了他
You were so mad, you shot him.
嗨 巴特 -是?
Hey, Bart. – Yeah?
我们把这小子留给你 -这次对我来说 是个优待
We’re saving this bird up for you. – This time it’ll be a privilege.
我很高兴他们什么也没给我 我什么也不要了
I’m glad they sent me nothing. It’s never nothing I want.
Just something to show me how fancy and smart they’ve come up in the world.
Can we give you your presents now?
你不会是说 要给我一个礼物吧? 说吧
Shoot, you don’t mean to say you got me a present? Shoot, now.
A potholder!
比去年那个灵巧多了 卢比
And it’s much neater than last year, Ruby.
又是一个防烫布垫 想的真周到 我总是会烫到手
Another potholder! Ain’t that thoughtful. I’m always burning my hands.
这个看上去没有粗缝 做的很好
This doesn’t look basted. This looks made!
And you finished the edge with a chainstitch.
真是太好了 克莱瑞
Oh, that’s just dandy, Clary.
Another potholder?
哦 你们两个一起做的?
Oh, now, did you two make this together?
He helped us some.
That’s the richest gift a body could have.
And your presents are in the cupboard under the china closet.
This is yours.
上帝拯救孩子 你一定觉得这个世界真无♥耻♥
Lord save little children. You’d think the world’d be ashamed
居然把这样的一天作为圣诞节 其他的时候却照旧过
to name such a day as Christmas for one of them, then go on in the same old way.
当我看到小孩子们忍♥受命运的安排 总是让我敬佩
My soul is humble when I see the way little ones accept their lot.
Lord save little children.
风继续吹 雨依然冷…
The wind blows and the rains are cold…
yet they abide.
那是个很响亮 很好的怀表
That watch sure is a fine loud ticker.
