-Chessy, this is our butler Martin. -How do you do?
I’m her butler.
幸会了 这是我的荣幸 小姐
Gee! The pleasure is all mine, monsieur.
女孩们 你们怎么不告诉我你们说谎了
Girls, you were going to tell me why you lied…
-我带来这里而不告诉你们的爸爸 -真的吗
-and brought me here without telling your father. -Were they?
哦 好吧 我准备要回房♥间
Okay, that’s good. Uh, well, then I’m just gonna go back to my room
-找找那又老又小的吧台有什么好东西 -让我一起吧
-and check out the old mini bar situation. -Allow me to assist you.
慢着 你们有什么事瞒着我
Wait! Does everyone here know something I don’t know?
妈 爸要结婚了
Mom. Daddy’s getting married.
跟个魔女结婚 我们得阻止他
To Cruella de Vil. She’s awful, Mom.
我们不能让爸爸跟那女人结婚 她不适合爸爸 妈妈
We can’t let him go through with it. She’s all wrong for him, Mom.
And the only way he won’t marry her is if You tell her.
She knows you better.
-只有让他再见到你 -慢着
-Is if he sees you again. -Wait a minute!
You’re not trying to set me up with your father?
没错 你们是天作之合
Actually, we are. You’re perfect for each other.
等等 你们两个也知道
Hold it. You two knew about this?
-什么 不 -不
-What? Oh, no. -No.
-不 女士 不知道 当然不知道 -不 不 不 我什么都不清楚
-No! Madam, no. Absolutely no idea. -No, no, no, no. I had no idea.
-好吧 我是知道一点 -额 是的 理论上知道略知一二
-Yes. I did know something. -Yes. Technically, yes. I had an inkling anyway.
-荷莉告诉我 -是他们的主意 这太温馨了
-Hallie told me the story. -It’s their idea. It’s so sweet.
-我这人很浪漫 你知道的 -我也是
-I’m an old romantic, you know. You know me. -So am I.
够了 让我把话说清楚
Okay, okay. Let me say this… loud and clear.
Nick Parker and I have absolutely nothing in common… anymore.
Plus, in case you haven’t noticed…
he seems extremely content with his leggy, tight skirted, bare backed fiancee.
And I want the two of you to explain to your father that I am here for one purpose only.
And that is to switch the two of you back.
把事情办完就走人 明白了吗
Now, let’s do what we have to do and be done with it. Understood?
-爸 怎么样 -我要到大厅去一下 荷莉
-Hey, Dad. What’s up? -Hi. Just running down to the lobby. Hey, Hal!
帮个忙 当我不在的时候
Do me a favor, will you, while I’m gone.
Will you just look after Meredith for me?
谢了 荷莉 干嘛
Thanks. Hallie, Hallie. Yeah?
我看起来怎样 会不会很潮
How do I look? Like presentable and everything?
会不会太老 你很帅 很年轻
Not too old? You look fab, Dad. Young and fab.
爸 我不是叫你陪梅莉黛吗
Dad. I thought you were going to keep Meredith company.
是吗 是喔
I was? Yeah.
事实上 我正在找她
I mean, I am, yeah. I was just looking for her, actually.
见到你真好 爸
Great to see you, Dad.
见到你真好 女儿
It’s great to see you too, squirt.
-衣服好漂亮 -谢了
-Nice outfit. -Oh. Thanks.
噢 快上去吧 加油
Well, go on. Get up there. Come on.
♪ Let’s get together. Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Why don’t you and I combine ♪
♪ Let’s get together. What do you say ♪
-你看到你♥爸♥呢 -你在跟我说话
-Have you seen your father? -You talking to me?
难道是劳勃·狄尼洛吗 当然是跟你说话啦
What are you? Robert De Niro? Yes, I am talking to you.
Oh, Meredith.
-是的 我刚看到他 -拜托 他在哪里
-Uh, yeah. I just saw him. -Well, hello! Where was he?
他往那边走去了 我想是吧
Uh, he went that a way. I think.
-你在看什么 -没什么
-What are you staring at? -Oh, nothing, nothing.
你真的很美 就这样
You’re just really very pretty. That’s all.
Don’t tell me you’re gonna break your rotten streak and suddenly be nice to me?
If you see your father, tell him he’s late and I’m waiting.
遵命 库伊拉
Whatever you say, Cruella.
来吧 马上让你好过
Here you go. This will cure anything you’ve got.
-别问里头是什么 -好
-Just don’t ask what’s in it. -Okay.
我敬 我敬你
Here’s to… Here’s to you.
May your life be far less complicated than mine.
Thank you.
马丁尼 苦一点
Martini, dry, please.
I beg your pardon. I…
I think I just drank tar.
马丁尼 这是您的帐单 詹姆斯小姐
Here’s your martini and your bill, Ms. James.
Thank you.
-你是伊丽莎白·詹姆斯 -就是我
-You’re Elizabeth James? -Guilty.
我看过你在时尚杂♥志♥设计的婚纱 我好喜欢它
Ah! I just saw a wedding dress you designed in Vogue and fell completely in love with it.
我昨天跟你的办公室联络 他们说你出国了
I faxed your office just yesterday and they said you were out of town…
and didn’t know if you could make another.
-我真不敢相信 这是命运 我是梅莉黛·布莱克 -幸会
-I can’t believe it. It’s fate. I’m Meredith Blake. -How do you do?
-对不起 -非常抱歉
-Excuse me. -Excuse me.
你去哪了 我们到处在找你呢
Where have you been? We’ve been looking all over for you.
Nicholas, I think this hotel is perfect for the wedding.
-我越看越喜欢 -我也是
-The more I see of it, the more I like it. -Me too.
告诉我 你们家会有多少亲戚
Now, tell me, dear. How many are we expecting from your side of the family?
Just a guestimate.
待会好吗 我现在还不太确定
Can I get back to you on that? I’m I’m not sure at the moment.
Excuse me.
借过 抱歉
Pardon me. Sorry.
-老板 你没事吧 -我很好
-Oh, boss, are you okay? -Yeah, I’m fine.
-先生 -爸爸 小心
-Uh, sir? -Oh! Dad, watch out!
哦 小心
Oh, careful!
-你好 丽莎 -你好 尼克
-Hello, Liz. -Hello, Nick.
没想到会见到你 你知道些什么
Well, gosh. There you are. What do you know?
Is there something going on here that I should know about…
because I’m stunned to see you.
But, uh, you don’t seem as stunned to see me.
我十 十一年来没你的消息
I mean, I haven’t seen or heard from you in what ten, eleven years?
-现在突然 -爸爸
-All of a sudden on the very day that… -Dad…
-我可以解释 -荷莉 你认得她
-I can explain why she’s here. -Hallie. You know who this is?
对 其实
Actually, yes.
And actually, I’m not Hallie.
Actually, I am.
Both of them?
安妮 荷莉
Annie? Hallie?
我猜你跟妈心意相通 都把我们送到
I guess you and Mom kind of think alike ’cause you both sent us…
同一个夏令营 在那里我们相聚了
to the same camp and we met there.
And the whole thing just sort of spilled out.
They switched places on us, Nick.
You mean I’ve had Annie with me all this time?
我想认识你是什么样的人 而荷莉想认识妈
Well, I wanted to know what you were like, and Hallie wanted to know Mom.
Are you angry?
Oh, honey. Of course not.
I just can’t believe it’s you.
上次你还在包尿布呢 你都湿了
Last time I saw you, you had diaper rash. Oh, squirt, you’re all wet.
没关系 看看你
It’s all right. Look at you.
我长大了 却没有父亲
Well, I’m grown up now and quite without a father.
And I’m headed into my crazy, mixed up teenage years…
and I’ll be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with.
荷莉 你一直在伦敦
Hallie, you’ve been in London all this time?
给我过来 亲爱的
Come here, squirt.
妈好棒 爸爸 你怎么能让她走
Mom’s amazing, Dad. I don’t know how you ever let her go.
女孩们 为什么不让你们爸爸和我
Girls, why why don’t you let your father and I…
单独谈一谈 就几分钟 好吗
alk alone for a couple of minutes, okay?
-好的 当然可以 -慢慢谈
-Sure. Fine. -Take your time.
I don’t believe this.
Seeing them together.
-看到你 哦 -让我来
-And seeing you. Ow! -Ooh! Let me help you with that.
-抱歉 有急救箱吗 -当然有
-Oh, excuse me. Do you have a first aid kit? -Yeah, of course.
Why don’t you lie down?
-来了 -谢谢
-Here you go. -Thanks.
你好吗 丽莎
So, how are you, Lizzy?
Or does everyone call you Elizabeth now?
Oh, no, no. Lizzy’s Lizzy’s fine.
My dad still calls me Lizzy.
-是啊 很好 非常棒 -是的
-Yeah. I’ve been, uh, been terrific. -Yeah.
You know, you haven’t changed a bit.
Finally. There you are.
你们见过面了 亲爱的 伊丽莎白设计
Oh! Uh… oh, good. You’ve met. Honey, Elizabeth designs…
婚纱 她要帮我
wedding gowns and she’s going to make my.
