You’re crooking me, or you’re a fucking liar.
你都嗑了四五年药了 拉里
You’ve been on drugs for four or five years, Larry.
我难以置信 你不嗑药也感觉很爽
I have a hard time believing that you feel really great on nothing right now.
Is it that hard to believe that I don’t want any?
是的 难以置信
Yes, it’s that hard to believe.
宝贝 我以前是因为疼才嗑药的
Baby, I was taking the drugs because I was in pain.
现在不疼了 所以不需要它了 我为什么还要?
I’m not in pain now, so I don’t want it. Why would I want it?
我不知道 – 我不知道你为什么还要那玩意
I don’t know. – I don’t know why you want it.
呃 如果不嗑药 我就会痉挛
Well, if I don’t take it, I’ll go into seizures
感到恶心 嗑药让我很爽 来点吧
and get really sick. And it makes me feel good. Here.
我不需要! – 过两小时 你又想要了!
I don’t want it! – In two hours, you’ll want it again!
我告别它了 我不再需要了 好吗?
I’m done with it! I’m done with it, okay?
你以前也这么说 我听过的 – 拿开!
You’ve said this before. I’ve heard about it. – Stop it!
那是因为你有… 这些破烂玩意…
That’s because you’re fucking on… Here take all…
行了 拉里 住手 住手
Come on, Larry. Stop. Stop it.
你♥他♥妈♥的滚开! 我说过我不需要! – 行了 你会伤到…
Get the hell out of way! I said don’t want it! – Stop. You’re gonna hurt…
你会伤到你自己的 别闹了 好吗 停 停 停
You’re gonna hurt yourself. Stop it, please. Stop it, stop it, stop it.
I don’t know.
我们一起经历了那么多 我们也会闯过这关的
We’ve been through a lot together. We can make it through this.
你打算戒掉毒瘾? – 我会戒掉毒瘾 你也戒掉 好吗?
You’re gonna go cold turkey? – I am going cold turkey, and so are you. Okay?
不好 – 会的
No. – Yes.
会的 – 好吗?
Okay. – Okay?
不 我做不到 拉里
No, I can’t, Larry.
What am I gonna do?
我要那破玩意干嘛? 我要找回自我
What the hell do I need that shit for? I want my mind back.
啊 Bacardi女士 你好
Yes, Ms. Bacardi, hi.
The pervert is back!
What’s your name?
Tell everybody the pervert is back.
变♥态♥狂回来了 变♥态♥狂回来了
The pervert is back. The pervert is back.
变♥态♥狂回来了 – 发行量跌了三分之一
The pervert is back. – Circulation is down by a third.
Color reproduction is horrible.
The models look like they’re 3-dollar whores.
The writing is by some moronic idiots.
弗林特先生 我无意冒犯…
Mr. Flynt, I don’t want to step on your toes…
but things have changed since you were actively running the company.
我是说 我看过您在70年代做的那些东西 有点…
I mean, I look back at the stuff you did in the ’70s, and it was
猥亵和疯狂 但现在国情不同了
sort of racy and crazy. But the country’s different now.
里根改变了美国 现在是道德多数派掌权
Reagan has rebuilt America, and the Moral Majority is gaining power.
You’re fired.
Excuse me?
你 滚出我的出版社!
You, get the fuck out of my building!
道格 把他赶出去!
Doug, get him out of here!
Get that blow-dried jerk motherfucker,
把他赶出去 扔焚尸炉火化得了!
get him out of here and throw him in the incinerator!
把他大卸八块喂狗吧! 快滚!
Cut him into little pieces and feed him to the animals! Get out of here!
拉里 拉里 你不能这么做! 他是副总裁啊!
Larry, Larry, you can’t do that! I mean, he’s our vice president!
He’s the VP of marketing!
嘿 吉姆 你想挑战我的权威吗?
Hey, Jimbo, are you trying to challenge my authority?
看到墙上写着什么吗? 是”LFP”
You see that on the wall? “LFP”.
这是我拉里·弗林特的出版社 不是你的!
That’s Larry Flynt Publications. Not JFP!
行吗 这里我说了算! 你有意见吗?
Okay, I’m the big kahuna here! Do you have a problem with that?
没 拉里 你才是老板
No, Larry. You’re the boss.
呃 拉里 你的计划是什么?
So, Larry, what’s the plan?
计划 计划很简单
Plan. The plan is simple.
The establishment took my manhood from me
不过他们留了一半身体给我 还是有脑子的那一半
but they left half of me. They left the half with the brain.
And I’m gonna use it to get back.
喂? – 醒醒吧
Hello? – Wake up.
Who is this?
我是拉里·弗林特 不知道CBS电视台会不会 对联邦探员向约翰·德罗瑞恩…
It’s Larry Flynt. Is CBS interested in seeing videotape of the FBI…
selling John DeLorean 50 kilos of cocaine?
你是韦弗利先生吗? – 嗯 我是 你是谁?
Are you Mr. Waverly? – Yeah, yeah. Who are you?
I’m Mrs. Flynt.
你要来点咖啡 茶 三明治
Do you want some coffee or tea or sandwiches
or Ho Hos or Pringles or something?
不 不用了 我只想看看录像 可以吗?
No, that’s all right. Can I just see the tape, please?
约翰·德罗瑞恩 – 是德罗瑞恩
John Delorean. – It’s Delorean.
他们是毒贩子 猜猜这是什么
These are the drug dealers. And guess what this is.
可♥卡♥因♥? 就这个行李箱 整箱都是吗?
That’s the coke? That’s the suitcase, the whole suitcase?
嗯 看啊 德罗瑞恩 他… 他一碰 就这样了
Yeah, watch this. Delorean, he… The first time to touch it. That’s it.
That’s all the contact he had with that cocaine.
我最喜欢这部分 他们没法让这该死的…
This is my favorite part. They can’t get this damn…
他们关不上箱子 是吧?
They can’t get the suitcase closed, right?
There’s a lot of cocaine in this motherfucker.
怎么关上这烂箱子呢? 他们全压在上面
How do you get the damn thing closed? They’re all pushing down on it.
太令人震惊了 – 现在他们举杯庆贺了
This is amazing. – Now they do a toast.
接着看 很奇怪
Now watch this. This is weird.
There’s a knock at the door.
塔比起身去开门 看
Tubby gets up and goes to the door. Look.
价值四百万美元的可♥卡♥因♥啊 全都面不改色
Four million dollars’ worth of cocaine, nobody’s even nervous.
Now watch.
联邦探员 联邦探员 对吧?
FBI. FBI, right?
这家伙很有镜头感啊 仔细看他 看他…
This guy’s got a good camera sense. Watch him clear camera. Watch him…
“你一边呆着去吧” 看这家伙
“Let me get out of your way. ” Now watch this guy.
拿起香槟 就走开了
Grabs his champagne, and he walks away.
这些家伙不担心他 因为他们都是联邦探员
These guys aren’t concerned about him, because they’re FBI.
法官大人 录影属实 我们有权播放
Your Honor, the tapes are genuine, and we have a right to broadcast them.
荒谬 这是窃取政♥府♥证物
That’s rediculous, this is stolen government evidence.
This will make a fair trial impossible.
我的当事人 德罗瑞恩先生将找不到公正的陪审团
My client, Mr. Delorean, will never find an impartial jury.
喂 我们讨论的是宪法赋予的基本权利… – 法官大人 您不能纵容…
Say, we’re talking about basic constitutional rights… – Judge, you do not condone…
先生们 先生们 好了
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
Stolen tapes.
先生们 够了 – 是偷的 法官 是偷来的
Gentlemen, that’s enough. – It’s stolen, judge. It’s stolen.
Here is the Campari ad-campaign parody.
“Jerry Falwell talks about his first time. ”
You guys are stupid.
你们能说点有用的吗 吉米?
Do you ever have anything positive to say, Jimmy?
拉里 – 嗯?
Larry. – Yeah?
听着 我这有张传票 要你到联邦法♥院♥接受庭审
Listen, I got a subpoena here for you to appear in federal court tomorrow
to reveal the source of the Delorean tape.
联邦调查局被惹恼了 拉里
The FBI got very pissed off, Larry.
You know, they want you in front of the judge tomorrow
reveal the source.
嗯 你告诉那法官 我会拿那传票擦屁♥股♥的
Well, you tell that judge I’m wiping my ass with his subpoena.
Why is your client doing this?
法官大人 我的当事人性情复杂
Your Honor, my client is a very complicated man.
另外 他对药物有很强的依赖性
He’s heavily medicated, among other things.
I believe him to be an undiagnosed manic-depressive.
呃 我给他样东西 他该更忧郁了
Well, I’ll give him something to be depressed about, all right.
I’m issuing a bench warrant for his arrest.
A warrant for the arrest of Mr. Flynt…
“要是有谁想缠着我 我会射穿他的眉心”
“If anyone tries coming after me, I’ll shoot him between the eyes. ”
Flynt has been barricaded in his Beverly Hills compound for three days now.
Holy shit!
别动! 联邦执法官!
Freeze! Federal marshals!
你 把枪放下 快!
You, drop the gun. Now!
手放前面! 快! 你 双手抱头 快!
Hands in front! Hands! You, hands on your head. Now!
On your knees!
NBC ABC 你是怎么了 CBS?
NBC, ABC. What the hell’s wrong with you, CBS?
拉里·弗林特 我们是联邦执法官 快出来!
Larry Flynt, we’re federal marshals! You come out of there!
Shut up!
Where are your fucking priorities?
We interrupt this program for a special report.
I turned the whole world into a tabloid!
Here I come.
拉里 你要去哪儿吗? – 是啊!
Larry, are you going somewhere? – Yeah!
拉里… – 快出来 弗林特 快!
Larry… – Roll on out of there, Flynt, now!
