Here is the report on your skin removal research program.
– It’s ugly.
我手上有些文件 非常详细
I got my hands on some documents. It’s pretty graphic.
Girls were killed.
“泄露出的文件披露了 政♥府♥对女性的残暴行为”
The leaked document exposes Government’s torture on women?
你意识到你做了什么吗 你也让我的职业生涯岌岌可危
Honey, do you even realise what you’ve done? – You’ve risked my career too.
这就是你真正关心的 你的政♥治♥生涯
– That’s what you’re really concerned about is your political career.
天啊 我甚至都不知道 你现在到底是谁
God, I don’t even know who you fucking are right now.
-你经历过那种诡异的一天吗 -有过 每天都有
You ever just have one of those days where you feel weird? Yeah, like, every day.
你感觉到了吗 最大的静电冲击
Did you feel that? That was like the biggest static shock ever.
你真美 你知道吗
You’re beautiful, you know that.
-我能处理好 为什么不让我处理 -好了
I could deal with it. Why won’t you just let me deal with it? Alright, Billy Big Bollocks.
-快走 -我的天啊 你们去哪儿了
Come on! Come on! Oh, my God! – Oh, my God!
做点你自己相信的事 哪怕就一次
Do something you believe in for once.
Who are you–
提供保护是我们的神圣职责 我们要让那些贱♥人♥看看谁是老大
Protection is our sacred duty. We gotta show these powered bitches who’s boss.
-那是什么 -都市毒素
Whoa! What the hell is that? Urbandox.
– The guy talks shit on your mum.
我想要它 你能给我吗
I want it, give it to me.
There have been signs for years
that we were forgetting what it meant to be men.
忘记了我们为什么要存在于这副 更高大更强壮的躯体中
Forgetting why we existed in– in these bodies, these bigger, stronger bodies.
What our function was for humanity.
男人以前是负责狩猎的 负责真正的战斗
Men used to hunt, used to fight real wars.
但随着历史的发展 生活变得容易 我们也变得软弱起来
But somewhere along the line, life got easy. We got soft.
所以这种病变 这种突变才会发生
That’s where this sickness, this mutation came from.
This happened to us, to humanity,
因为我们男人 忘记了强大是什么样子
because we men, we forgot how to be strong.
我们忘记了如何保护家园 保护我们的女性
We forgot how to protect our homes, protect our women.
So they developed this thing to protect themselves.
我们变得软弱 懒散而又困惑
We got soft and lazy and lost.
这些贱♥人♥见缝插针 我们甚至都没有反抗
These bitches snuck in and we didn’t even put up a fight.
We let them take it from us.
But we can take it back.
我向你们保证 我们可以夺回最顶端的位置
I promise you that. Fellas, we can grab that spot at the top.
并且为了全人类的利益 我们必须夺回来
And for the good of humanity, we must.
我们必须重新占据应有的位置 不惜一切代价
We have to reclaim our rightful place, whatever it takes.
I’m talking about real power.
Not some magic trick.
Not sparkle-spirit fingers.
这些女孩们不知道该怎么战斗 她们不防弹
These girls don’t know how to fight. They’re not bulletproof.
所以她们具备了这种能力 对她们来说是好事
So they have this… power. Good for them.
我们有的是真正的武器 我们知道如何使用它们
We have real weapons. And we know how to use them.
Oh, come on.
That’s so fucking cool.
-玛格特 -在
Margot? Yeah.
嘿 我拿错裤子了
Hey, I– I got– I got the wrong pants.
You know you can– you can sleep in here if you want.
Well, I mean, do you want me to?
从那天晚上之后 你都没和我说过两个字以上的话
You haven’t said two words to me since the other night.
其实刚才 我至少说了七个字
Well, actually just now, I said at least, like, seven.
-发生了太多事 -是 我知道
It’s just a lot going on. Yeah. I know, I know.
-你和律师谈过了吗 -谈过了
Did you talk to the lawyer? Yeah,
我的名字披露出来的话会很麻烦 肯定会有民事罚款
if my name gets out, it could be bad. Civil fines for sure
可能是联邦罪行 因为那是机密文件
but it’s probably federal because it’s classified documents
and that means possible jail time,
这是假设德克兰会披露我的名字 他绝对不会这样对我的
but that’s only if Declan gives out my name and I know Declan, he’d never do that to me.
– I don’t understand where you get this certainty from.
德克兰就是个烂人 你怎么能确定呢
I mean, Declan’s kind of a piece of shit, how can you make sure?
-我来处理这事 别担心 -好吧 我不用担心
– I’m gonna take care of it. You don’t have to worry about it. Oh, OK. I just don’t have to worry about it.
-你去处理吧 -我会的
You’re gonna take care of it. Yeah, I am.
You also gonna… apologise maybe?
天啊 我们不是谈过了吗 我不会再来一遍了
– Oh, my God, we did this already. If there’s any– I’m not– I’m not doing that again.
-你让我们的工作陷于险境 -但我做的是正确的事
– Yep, you risked your job and mine. Yeah, but I did the right thing.
你没有跟我谈过 就让我们的家和家人陷于险境
You risked our home, our family, without talking to me.
You remember when you used to care about doing the right thing?
-记得吗 -你曾经是我可以信任的人
– Oof. Do you remember that? Yeah, well, you used to be a person I could trust.
That’s not fair.
-好吗 这不公平 你可以信任我 -我只觉得“你到底是谁 ”
OK. That’s not fair. You know you can trust me. I just feel, like, who are you?
我是谁 我是你丈夫 你又是谁呢
I… Who am I? I’m your fucking husband. – Who are you?
我是个有重要工作 不能告诉你的女人
– I’m a woman with important work to do today which apparently I can’t tell you about anymore.
很好 我也不想知道 好吗 我不想知道
– Fine. You know what? I don’t wanna know. OK? I don’t wanna know
因为我还有事要做 你知道吗 同样也非常重要
’cause I got shit to do and you know what? It’s pretty important too.
– Thank you very fucking much.
-姑娘… -我们不谈我的鞋子
Girl– – No, no, we’re not talking about my shoes.
事实上 从现在开始 未来的市长官方政策里面
In fact, official mayoral policy going forward, there will be no further discussions
about my fucking footwear.
好的 收到
OK! Noted.
我不是说我同意这种审美 但我喜欢这种精神
I’m not saying I approve of the aesthetic but… – I like the energy.
– What’s going on with you?
不 玛格特 你不是吧
Oh, no. Margot, you didn’t.
– I did, I did!
-这太神奇了 -我没法相信你
– And it’s amazing. – I do not believe you.
-你在想什么啊 -我感觉更年轻了 我可以跑马拉松
– What were you thinking? – Helen, I feel ten years younger. I could run a marathon.
一切都更明亮更轻快 我呼吸的幅度可以更大
Everything is brighter and lighter. I can take bigger breaths.
我走在街上 就感觉 “都给我滚开”
I mean, I walk down the street and it’s like, “get the fuck outta my way.”
Oh, OK.
我是说…你想要这样吗 我应该可以给你
I mean… do you want it? – Like, I could probably give it to you.
绝对不要 从我出生 背上就带着目标标记
– No! Hell no! I’ve had a target on my back since the day I was born.
我最不想要的就是 别人用余光看我
Last thing I need is someone else to look at me sideways.
-我会被解雇的 -没有人被解雇
– Fire my Black ass. – Oh, no one’s getting fired.
他们会的 已经开始了 《汤姆和克里斯汀》的克里斯汀
Oh, they are. That shit has started. – Kristen, from Tom and Kristen.
-早间秀场的 -她因为有这种能力就被解雇了
– The morning show? She got fired just for having it.
他们不能这样做 这是违法的 这是歧视
They can’t do that, it’s illegal. – It’s discrimination.
但是…我们得想办法保持低调 为了处理这种情况
– And yet… We have to find a way to keep this quiet to manage this.
-你想要被降职为幕僚长 -你不敢的
– Do you wanna be down one chief of staff? – Oh, you wouldn’t dare.
– Try me.

– Hey!
嗨 我是努蒂 我现在无法接听电♥话♥ 请留言
Hi! This is Ndudi, I can’t answer the phone right now, so leave a message.
嘿 努蒂 亲爱的
Hey, Ndudi, baby.
听我说 奥乔先生回来了 希望在婚礼上看到你
Hey, listen, Mr Ojo is back home. I hope I’m seeing you at this wedding, eh.
I need my– I need my “zanku” partner.
是啊 我们好久不见了
Uh, yeah, it’s, um… It’s been a while.
It’d be, uh, good to– good to see you.
-哥们 我们有麻烦了 快走 -都不跟我打招呼吗
Omo, we are in trouble. – Let’s go, let’s go! Can’t you greet?
-好久没见你了 -快来吧
I haven’t seen you in how long, eh? – Let’s go.
Brother, what’s wrong?
Pardon me,
你不和她结婚了 就因为她有那种能力 认真的吗
you’re seriously not gonna marry her because she took it. – Is it that serious?
我的女人可以随时电我 那我怎么当家里的男人
– Yeah! How can I be the man of the house if my babes can just spark me, anyhow?
Hey, Omo, don’t knock the divorce until you try it.
– Ashawo. Wait, you’re just gonna throw ten years away just– just jejely like that?
-是十年的谎言吧 -瓦利 这事发生才三个月而已
– Ten years of lies. Wale, it’s only been three months.
我们之前从没有过秘密 从没有
No, we’ve never had secrets.
– Never! Ah, Wale…
Heh? Hey, women don’t lie to you, eh?
你现在太夸张了 但你知道你的问题是什么吗
You are being very dramatic right now. Boy, you see what your problem is, eh?
You like pushover girls.
敢惹菲萨约 她会用辣椒粉喷你
Offend Fisayo and see how she will pepper you!
-好的 -说话小心点
What the– – OK, OK, OK, OK. – OK. OK. – You better watch your mouth.
-没人说菲萨约是好惹的 -没有
– Nobody is calling Fisayo a mumu. – No.
听我说 我在利雅得时…
Listen, when I was in Riyadh–
给我兄弟一点时间 他是国际记者
Hey! One moment, please, for my brother, the international journalist, Baba n’la.
-谢谢 -你是大哥
– Thank you, thank you. – Big bros!
-该死 -我去拿点喝的
Dami. Dami! Let me get us some drinks, eh?
听我说 我见过一些事情 好吗 那东西不是性♥爱♥玩具
Listen, I’ve seen some things. All right? This isn’t a sex toy,
