I hope so.
What the fuck?
-怎么会这样 -我的雌激素水平很高
How? I have higher levels of oestrogen.
I think that’s why I can do this.
How long have you had it?
从你不小心 在你的储物柜那里电到我之后
Um, since the day that you accidentally zapped me, at your locker.
我以为是我疯了 但之后我发现我不是一个人
I thought I was going crazy, but then I realized I wasn’t the only one.
所以我们在一起时 你一直都有
So, you’ve had it… the entire time that we’ve been together?
Like even when the girls were getting pulled out of class?
我一直在纠结自己的这个问题 而你却一直都有
And I’ve been struggling with mine, and you’ve just, you’ve had it this whole time.
Well, I didn’t… I didn’t want anyone to find out.
You know my mum has been risking her life?
她每天都受到威胁 就因为保护那些有绞线体的人
She’s getting threatened every day for protecting people who have skeins
-而你却在隐藏你的 -若斯 我是个有放电能力的男人
and you’ve just been hiding yours. Jas, I’m a guy with EOD.
你看到那些 被移除绞线体的女孩的文章吗
You’ve seen those articles of girls getting their skeins cut out?
-想象一下他们会对我做什么 -但你不用告诉所有人
Imagine what they’d do to me! OK, but I’m not asking you to tell the whole world.
我要你告诉我 你的女朋友
I’m just asking you to tell me. Your girlfriend!
Yeah, well, I’m telling you now!
即使我没有 这是我的身体 我不欠你任何东西
And even if I wasn’t, it’s my body. I don’t owe you anything.
You know what…
I don’t need this.
Darrell? Dall?
Oh, I think he’s gone out.
Don’t think I’m frightened of you.
-我可以给你 芭芭拉 -我不想要
I could give it to you, Barbara. Don’t want it.
-可能会让你觉得安全 -我不想要
Might make you feel safe. I don’t want it.
-你明白吗 -好吧
Do you understand me? – All right.
不 不好 一点都不好 你害死了我儿子
– No, not all right! Not all right! You killed my boy!
我尽我所能想要保证他的安全 然后你来了 他就死了
All these years, I did everything I could to keep him safe. And then you come along, and now he’s dead!
But you don’t give a fuck!
-我在乎 -他是我的孩子
– I do give a fuck. – He was my baby!
I’m meant to protect him!
-我很抱歉 -我想要他在这里
– I’m so sorry. – I want him here!
-我爱特里 他是我哥哥 -他不是你哥哥
I loved Terry. He was my brother. He wasn’t your brother!
他和你一点关系都没有 他是我的
He was nothing to do with you! He’s mine!
好的 好了
All right, baby, all right, all right.
好了 没事了 亲爱的 好吗 我知道
Come on, come on, eh? Come on. Let’s go on, baby, all right.
好了 嘿 泡杯茶吧
We’re going out.
Wipe your bloody nose.
如果你想责备我之类的 那就直说吧
If you wanna tell me off or whatever, can you just do it?
希望你长命百岁 车祸 那太可怕了
Wish you a long life. Car accident, it’s a nasty thing.
-可怜的孩子 -是啊 的确是 很可怕
Your poor boy. Yeah, it was. Nasty.
So, got any more stingers for me?
-你想先把上一笔付了吗 -是 我正要这样做呢
How ’bout you pay for the last lot first? Oh, yeah, I was getting to that.
-这是什么 -一半 剩下的回头给你
– What’s this? – His half. I’ll get you the rest.
-我们不要这样做了 好吗 -不 问题是…
Oh, we’re not doing this again, are we? No, no. The thing is…
好吧 听着 问题是什么
All right, listen. – What is the thing, huh? What is the thing?
好吧 你难住我了
All right, you got me. – Rox, shock him.
罗克西 电他
Go on.
别用全力 我不想要人死掉 就电一下
Don’t mind him. You want that, don’t you? Just a little.
– No.
-伯尼 -电他
– I’m fine, eh. – Shock him.
-我不想 -“我不想”
– I don’t want to. -“I don’t want to.”
“我不想” 我的天啊 孩子们
“I don’t want to.” Fuckin’ hell. You kids!
Now she shits herself.
我懂 我搞砸了 我做的方式不对 我那样做并不后悔
I get it, Dad. I fucked up. The way I went about, it was wrong. But I’m not sorry that I did it.
-你什么 -那个人杀了我妈妈
– You aren’t? – That man killed my mum.
-你说真的吗 -特里不是因为我死的
Are you for fucking real? Terry’s not dead because of me.
It was bad luck.
-别火上浇油了 罗克西 -他选择跟我一起去
Don’t push it, Roxy. He chose to come with me.
他是第一个掏枪的 他们知道我为什么去那里
He was the first one to pull a gun. They all knew why I was going there.
够了 罗克西 好吗 别逼我
That’s enough, Rox. All right? – Don’t push me.
– Or what?
-别逼我 -不然呢
– Don’t fucking push me! – Or what?
How was your day?
过得不错 非常不错
My day was… It was just great. Yeah, yeah, great.
Thank you for asking.
若斯 你今天过得好吗
Jos? How was your day?
I don’t wanna talk about it.
-马蒂呢 -你们两个要离婚吗
– Matty? – Are you guys getting a divorce?
-什么 不会的 -不会的 拜托 你怎么会这么问
What? No. No. Come on. Why would you ask something like that?
-我们一起在餐桌上吃晚餐 -一家人当然要在餐桌上吃饭
Because we’re doing this whole dinner table thing. – Well, families eat at dinner tables.
-这个家庭不会 -只是最近没有 仅此而已
– Not this one. – Just not lately, that’s all. – It’s– Look…
-真奇怪 -很奇怪
It’s weird. Yeah, it’s weird.
汉娜的父母离婚了 她可以过两次圣诞节
Hannah at school’s parents got a divorce. And she has two Christmases.
-礼物超多 -好吧 我们不会离婚
So many presents. OK, we are not getting a divorce.
I just… wanted us to sit together. Without distraction.
因为我今天做了个重大决定 是职业方面的
Because, um… I made a big decision today. Professionally.
And it’s gonna effect the whole family.
I’ve decided to run for Senate.
-恭喜 -谢谢
Congrats. Thanks!
太好了 真的太好了 我真为你骄傲
That’s great. That’s really great. I’m so proud of you.
-我知道你为此有多努力 -我不会给你投票的
I know how hard you worked for this. Well, you don’t have my vote.
-拜托 马蒂 她是你妈妈 -反正你还不能投票 你才15岁
Oh, come on, Matty. She’s your mum! You can’t even vote anyways. You’re 15.
为什么呢 马蒂 能让我明白一下吗
Can you tell me why, Matty? Can you help me understand?
何必呢 男性的意见又不重要
Why, why bother? It’s not like the male voice even matters anymore.
-你的意见当然重要 -男人和女人需要知道自己的位置
– Of course your voice matters, honey. I think men and women need to know their place.
-什么 -一切都在倒♥退♥
– What? – Everything is backwards.
甚至在这个家里 爸爸总是做饭 你从来不做饭
Like– like, even in this family. Dad does all the cooking, you never cook.
这是因为他做饭更好 他也喜欢做饭
Well, that’s because Dad is a better cook and he likes it.
I– I do like it.
我们发挥优势 柯丽瑞洛佩兹团队加油
We play to each other’s strengths. Go team Cleary-Lopez, you know?
你阉♥割♥了他 他接受了
You emasculate him! And he just takes it.
不是的 我是说 你从哪儿学来的这个词
That is not true. I mean… Where did you even learn that word?
-城市毒素 -你在听城市毒素
– Urbandox? – You listen to Urbandox?
-他讨厌我们 -不 他是不同意你们
You know he hates us! No, he just doesn’t agree with you!
-我们可以不同意 这是个自♥由♥国度 -你听起来像个白♥痴♥
We’re still allowed to disagree, right? It’s a free country. Oh, my God, you sound like a fucking moron!
-好吧 你们能别这样了吗 -什么
All right, all right. Can you just stop? – What?
看到吗 你不想听我的想法 谁都不想听
See? You don’t wanna hear what I really think. No one does!
-我去和他谈 -不 我去吧
– I’ll go talk to him. No, no. I got it.
现在这个会开完了吧 我可以去沙发上吃饭了吗
Are we done with this meeting now? Can I go eat dinner on the couch?
当然 去吧
Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
Do you wanna go outside… with me?
想 去他的吧 这是最后一次
Yeah, fuck it. But jus– just this one last time.

You’ve got my vote.
For what that’s worth.
真的吗 你不觉得我参选是疯了吗
Really? You don’t think I’m crazy for running?
We need somebody to fight for us.
I mean, people shouldn’t feel afraid to admit that they have this thing.
It’s all so fucked up.
丹顿今天让所有上班的人做测试 我通过了
Dandon made everyone get tested at work today. I passed.
事实证明 我有一种 惊人的应对不适的能力
Turns out I have amazing capacity for dealing with… discomfort.
好吧 但他们发现 你有之后会怎么样
OK, but what’s gonna happen when they find out you do have it?
Have you even told Dad yet?
-妈妈 你得告诉他 -是 我知道 还不到时候
– Mum, you have to tell him. – Yeah, I know, I know. Just not yet.
没有人会投票给会放电的参议员 我不想把他置于那种处境
No one’s going to elect a senator with EOD. I don’t want to put him in that position.
他必须要面对媒体 我不希望他撒谎
You know he has to do press and make appearances. I don’t want him to have to lie.
So you’re asking me to?
若斯 对不起
No. Jos. I’m sorry.
这听起来很糟糕 但有时候你必须对你爱的人撒谎
I know this is gonna sound bad, but sometimes you have to lie to the people you love.
To protect them.
我们有放电能力 天啊 这让获胜 变得更加重要 我不能…
Us having EOD, oh, my God, it just makes winning so much more important. I can’t…
I can’t even imagine what Dandon would do in the Senate.
