Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops…
今天 当行军的铁蹄震动地球
… while a great portion of the world trembles…
… before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men…
在这些贪得无厌 热衷权势的人们面前瑟瑟发抖
… we of America have little time to remember…
… an astounding era in our own recent history…
… an era which will grow more and more incredible with each passing generation…
一个在一代又一代的传承中变得 越来越难以令人置信的时代
… until someday people will say it never could’ve happened at all.
April, 1918.
1918年 四月
Almost a million American young men are engaged in a struggle…
… which they have been told will make the world safe for democracy.
一场据说是为了实现民♥主♥ 而让这个世界变得更安全的战争
You always come into a rathole like that? What do you want me to do, knock?
你总是这样窜到坑里来的吗? 你还想要我怎么样 敲门么?
Cost me the last cigarette I had.
Well, can I offer you a nice Turkish prettiest? Number-nine cork tip.
好吧 我赔你一支上等土耳其香烟 怎么样? 九号♥过滤嘴香烟
Hey. Hey, where’d you get those?
嗨 你在哪儿搞到这种货色的?
A friend of mine in Mineola sends me a fresh batch every week.
Look at that.
Them cooties is getting desperate. They’re feeding off tobacco.
这些虱子都发疯了 它们开始靠吃香烟来活命了
How much can a cootie smoke?
Got a light?
There’s 10,000 shell holes around here, and everybody’s gotta come diving into this one.
这附近有上万个弹坑 大家还就是爱往这里跳
No privacy in this war anymore.
Sorry. I didn’t know anyone was in here.
对不起 我不知道有人在这里
Ought to put up a sign: “No hunting, shooting or trespassing.”
必须立个牌子: 谢绝打猎 开枪或横穿本地
There goes me prettiest number-nine cork tips. Where are they?
我的上等九号♥过滤嘴没了 到哪去了?
What’s the matter, kid? Nothing.
怎么啦 小毛孩? 没什么
You scared?
Yes, I am.
No heart, huh? I’m beginning to think so.
没胆子了 啊? 我也开始这样想了
At least I haven’t any heart for this.
I hoped this business would be over with before I got here.
What are you, a college kid? I just finished law school.
你干什么的 大学生? 我刚念完法学院
A lawyer, huh? Can you think of anything that can get us out of this hole?
律师 呃? 想得到什么办法把我们从这个洞里弄出去吗?
He wouldn’t if he could.
He’s the type that cheers back home. When they get here…
他是那种多在家里快活的人 等他们上到这里…
…and things get tough, they fold. – Shut up.
…情况变得糟糕起来 他们就受不了了 – 别胡说
I’m talking to him. And I’m talking to you.
我说他呢 我说的就是你
I don’t like heroes or bigmouths.
We’re all scared. And why shouldn’t we be?
我们都害怕 再说了 我们为什么不害怕?
What do you think we use in war, water pistols?
You’re all right, kid.
你没事的 小伙子
I like guys who are honest with themselves. Stay that way.
我喜欢心地坦荡的人 保持这个本色
Come on. Looks like it’s quieted down.
走吧 看来没事了
Mailman, boys! Come and get it! Goodies from home!
邮递员来了 小伙子们! 过来领信! 家乡来的好东西!
Rothmore. Here, right here.
罗斯摩尔 这儿 在这儿呢
Fletcher. Here I am.
弗莱彻 我在这边
Tilton. Here.
提尔顿 这
Aloysius Toohey. Here.
阿罗依斯·图海 这
Right, buddy.
对了 伙计
Here’s mine. Here you are, big and good-looking. Try your luck on those.
这是我的 这是你的 庞大光鲜 你试试这些
Thanks. That’s for you.
谢了 这些归你
Yeah, that’s all I’ve been getting.
对啊 我就得这些个东西
Anything good, I’ll split it with you.
有什么好东西 我会跟你对分的
Oh, now, look at that.
噢 看看这个
Thousands of dames writing us letters that are supposed to pep us up.
Get a load of that kisser.
Hey, somebody must’ve sent him some dough.
嗨 一定是有人给他送钱来了
Hey, now, that’s more like it.
嗨 这会儿八成是这样
Very pretty. Yeah.
非常漂亮 是啊
A million guys in the Army, a babe like her has gotta pick out a mug like him.
军队里上百万的人 这样的一个漂亮宝贝 还就是挑了他这样一个土匪
Who she ain’t met. When you write, ask if she has a friend.
还是素昧平生的土匪 你回信的时候 问问她有没有朋友
Put in, “Having a wonderful time. Wish we was in Mineola.”
这样写, “祝你心情愉快 但愿我们在米里奥拉 ”
What do you mean, “we”?
Bugle too vulgar for you guys? Maybe you need a harp to call you out.
军号♥对你们太通俗了吗? 或许得用竖琴把你们叫出去
Come on! Move out!
快点! 都给我出去!
What’s the matter? You hard of hearing?
怎么回事? 你听不见吗?
I’m coming, I’m coming. Keep your shirt on.
来了来了 穿好你的汗衫
When you get an order in the Army, buddy, you jump.
哥们 在军队里要是听到命令 你要立即行动
Like you did when you worked for my dad, and he caught you stealing nickels?
就象你给我爸打工那会儿, 我爸逮到你偷硬币时你的反应
I ain’t working for him. I ain’t working for you.
我不再为他工作 也不为你工作了
Yeah, well, you might be.
对啊, 不过, 还说不定呢
I’m gonna give you a break.
I’ll let you stand behind the bar with your medals on…
…and tell the drunks how you won the war.
…你可以跟那些酒鬼们大谈你 怎么赢了这场战争
Fall in!
I said, fall in! Where’s the sergeant?
听到没有 集♥合♥! 上士哪去了?
Come on. Shake it up! Shake it up!
快点 振作点! 振作点!
Someday I’ll catch that ape without those stripes on and kick his teeth out.
总有一天我会在这个猴子不♥穿♥军装的 时候逮着他 打得它满地找牙
Fall in.
Come on, move along!
快点, 动起来!
You must be quite a guy back home.
I do all right.
What is this armistice they’ve been talking about the past four days?
It’s just another rumor. This brawl’s gonna go on forever.
这是又一个谣言而已 这场仗结束不了的
I ever get back, I’ll have a swell law office in the Woolworth Building.
我要是回去了 我要在伍尔沃夫大楼里找个顶级办公室
Have it all picked out on the 28th floor.
You can see the whole city, the bay, Brooklyn.
你可以看到整个城市 海湾 布鲁克林区
What do you wanna look at Brooklyn for?
What are you going to do, George? Just a minute.
你回去干什么 乔治? 等一下
That sucker jumped 3 feet in the air and come down stiff as a board.
那个蠢驴跳起三尺 然后像块木板似的掉了下去
Me? I’ll still be in the saloon business.
我? 我会继续经营沙龙生意
Prohibition law goes in next year.
It’s one thing to pass a law, another to make it work.
通过法律是一回事 执行法律又是一回事
There’ll always be guys wanting to drink. They’ll enforce that law.
总是有人想要喝酒的 他们会强制执行禁酒法的
No, they haven’t got a chance.
不 他们一点成功的机会都没有
How about you, Eddie?
你会干啥 艾迪?
I’m gonna get my old job back in that garage.
Save my money, someday have a shop of my own.
存点钱 有朝一日我自己也开一家
It’s my idea of heaven, boys.
那就是我的天堂了 伙计们
A grease bucket, a wrench and a cracked cylinder.
一个黄油桶 一把扳手 一个裂坏的气缸
You wanna make a living the hard way.
All I know is, I don’t want any more trouble. I’ve had some.
我所知道的是 我不再想要任何麻烦了 我已经受够了
What’s the matter, Harvard? Lose the Heinie?
怎么啦, 哈佛高材生? 没盯住那个德国佬?
No, but he looks like a kid about 15 years old.
不试 他看起来像个15岁左右的孩子
He won’t be 16.
Hey, it’s all over, boys, cease firing! The armistice has been signed!
嗨 战争结束了 停火! 停战协议已经签订了!
Woolworth Building, here I come!
伍尔沃夫大楼, 我来了!
It’s gonna be good to look into a motor again.
You know, I like this. I think I’ll take it with me.
你们知道吗 我喜欢这个 我想我会把这把枪带回去
1919. The war is over, and the people of New York…
1919年 战争结束了, 纽约的人们
… are tiring of the constant triumphal procession of returning troops.
And still not all of them are back.
而他们 还有很多在排队归来
There is alarming news that women’s skirts are going to become shorter…
有新闻报道说 女士们的裙子会越来越短
… already they are 6 inches above the ankle.
Bobbed hair is introduced, but very timidly.
香菇头已经出现 尽管还不是很普遍
A young upstart named Jack Dempsey will meet Jess Willard…
一个叫杰克·登普西的年轻人一夜成名 将要挑战杰西·威拉德
… for the heavyweight championship of the world.
People are talking about the high cost of living. Everything is going up:
人们开始谈论生活的昂贵费用 所有的东西都在涨价:
Food, rent, clothing, taxes.
食品 房♥租 衣服 税收
The Prohibition amendment is ratified by the necessary 36 states…
… and becomes the law of the land.
People are dancing to the strains of “Dardanella.”
Finally, late in the year…
最后 这一年的年终
… the last detachments of the American forces come back from policing the Rhine…
… almost forgotten by all but their relatives and friends.
除他们的亲朋好友 几乎没有人还记得他们了
It’s Eddie Bartlett!
You ain’t dead? Lf I am, they forgot to bury me.
你还活着? 我要是死了的话 那一定是他们忘记把我埋了
Well, when you didn’t come back with the others, we thought you was dead.
是啊, 你没有跟其他人一起回来 我们都以为你已经死了呢
They kept me in Germany to straighten things out.
