That’s the North Pole?
喂 伙计 我们需要帮助
Hey, buddy, we need some help.
Hello! What are you doing?
So close your eyes and come with me
The Christmas bells will bring you home
嘿 看 新的圣诞老人来了
Hey, look! Here comes the new Santa!
And now with song we fill the night
While magic dances in the light
To wish you now and all the year
The joy that comes with Christmas cheer
Sit back.
Hear our voices fill the air
To drive the winter’s cold away
And so our hearts with all will share
The love that comes with Christmas day
圣诞的钟声 将带你回家
The Christmas bells will bring you home
大人们都在哪里? – 太酷了!
Where are all the grownups? – This is so cool!
Stay here.
喂 小孩 小孩 孩子 这里谁管事
Hey, kid, kid. Kid, who’s in charge here?
你啊 还有 我不是小孩了
You are. And I’m not a kid.
我的尖头鞋的岁数比你还大 我是个精灵
I’ve pointy shoes that are older than you. I’m an elf.
喂 小男孩 或者 小女孩 …
You guys, or you girls.
谁给你们下达命令 谁是你们的头
Who gives the orders? Who’s your boss?
你是 – 不 不 不
You are. – No, no, no.
谁 谁是精灵头 – 你是
Who’s the head elf? – You are!
嘿 谁在这惹是生非
Hey! Who’s causing all the trouble around here?
他 – 她
He is. – She is.
不好意思 我们在喝咖啡小憩么
Excuse me, are we on a coffee break?
我们不喝咖啡 – 那么休息时间结束了
We don’t drink coffee. – Then I guess the break is over.
回去工作 谢谢
Back to work. Thanks.
别对她这么大呼小叫的 好吗 你是谁
Take it easy on her, will ya? Who are you?
我是伯纳德 很高兴见到你,圣诞老人
I’m Bernard. Nice to meet ya, Santa.
我不是圣诞老人 今晚我累死了
I’m not Santa! I’ve had a rough night.
到处狗叫 到处有人开枪
There’s been dogs barking, guns going off.
听着 我腰酸背疼的
Look, my back’s killing me.
你有曾经 把一个爱斯基摩艇挤下一个烟囱么
Have you ever tried to shove a sea kayak down a chimney?
I’m tired of this small talk.

另外那个圣诞老人消失了 是吗
The other Santa disappeared, right?
等一下 我知道什么意思了
Wait a minute. Hey! I know where this is going.
不是我的错 那个家伙摔倒了 是个意外
It wasn’t my fault. The other guy fell. It was an accident.
我有房♥东的保险 还有一个好律师
I’ve got homeowner’s insurance and a good attorney.
不如我妻子的 不过我们别揭那个伤疤了
Not as good as my wife’s, but let’s not open up that wound.
Hold it a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
How did you know the other guy was gone?
要不要给你来点饮料 – 不 我不想喝饮料
Can I get you a drink? – No, I don’t want a drink.
我渴了 也饿了
I’m thirsty, and hungry, too.
查理 我记得我是让你呆在雪橇里的
Charlie, I thought I told you to stay in the sleigh.
Who’s this?
这…这是我的儿子 查理
This is my son, Charlie.
对不起 查理 这是…
I’m sorry. Charlie, this is…
伯纳德 – 伯纳德
Bernard. – Bernard.
嗨 伯纳德 – 嗨 运动小子
Hi, Bernard. – Hiya, sport.
嘿 爸爸 他叫我运动小子
Hey, Dad, he called me “sport”
也像你一样 – 很好
just like you. – Wonderful.
嘿 你知道不 我有东西送给你
Hey, you know what? I got something for you.
好的 伸出你的手 好吗
Okay, now hold out your hand, all right?
小心点哦 这个很有年头了 就像我一样
Now, be very careful. This is very old, just like me.
晃晃它 查理
Shake it up, Charlie.

你帮我保管一段时间吧 – 迟早会派上用场的
Why don’t you hold onto it for me for a while? It might come in handy.
谢谢 非常感谢
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
I promise I’ll take real good care of it.
Make sure you do.
I will.
嘿 爸爸 看
Hey, Dad, look!
有趣的球 – 嘿 巴拉巴斯
Fabulous ball. Hey, Barabbas.
伯纳德 – 伯纳德
Bernard! – Bernard.
Can we take a direct flight back to reality
or do we have to change planes in Denver?
拉里 把查理带去 给他点吃的
Larry, take Charlie here and get him some chow.
不 拉里 别 查理
No, Larry, don’t do that. Charlie!
他会没事的 跟我走 你应该想把这身衣服换下来
He’ll be okay. Follow me, you’ll want to get out of those clothes.
我… 呃… 不 巴纳比 我只想回家
I… No, look, Barnaby, I just want to go home.
听着 我不是圣诞老人
Look, I am not Santa Claus!

Did you or did you not read the card?
没错 我看了那张卡片 – 那么你就是新的圣诞老人了
Yeah, I read the card. – Then you’re the new Santa.
带上那顶帽子 穿上那件衣服 你就接受了合约
In putting on the hat and jacket, you accepted the contract.
What contract?
在圣诞老人衣服里的卡片 你说你读了 不是么
The card in the Santa suit. You said you read it, right?
所以你穿上了这身衣服 你就是认同了圣诞条款
So when you put on the suit, you fell subject to the Santa Clause.
就是这样 – 圣诞老人
Here. – The Santa Claus?
哦 你是说我家屋顶上摔下来的家伙
You mean the guy that fell off my roof?
不是 不是圣诞老人 不是那个人 是圣诞条款 那个条款
No, no, no. Not Santa Claus the person, Santa Clause the clause.
Look, you’re a businessman, right?
是的 – 好的
Yeah. – Okay.
条款 是合约里的最主要的一条
A clause, as in the last line of a contract.
You got the card?
好的 看着
Okay, look.
圣诞条款 “一旦穿上这身衣服 踏上这个雪橇…
The Santa Clause, “In putting on this suit and entering the sleigh,
“the wearer waives any and all rights to any previous identity,
“real or implied,
“and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities
“of Santa Claus in perpetuity
直到穿戴者 无法继续履行职责的那一天…”
“until such time that wearer becomes unable to do so
由于意外或者被人设计 那是什么意思
“by either accident or design.” – What does that mean?
这意思是说一旦你穿上了这件衣服 你就是那个胖乎乎的圣诞老人了
It means you put on the suit, you’re the big guy.
太荒谬了 我穿上衣服是不为了…
That’s ridiculous. I didn’t put on a suit just to…
Try to understand this!

我来给你解释一下 好吧
Let me explain something to you, okay?
得派送这些玩具 我不能做这件事
Toys have to be delivered. I’m not gonna do it.
这不是我的工作 我只是个精灵
It’s not my job. I’m just an elf.
这是圣诞老人的工作 但是他掉下了屋顶 你家的屋顶
It’s Santa’s job, but Santa fell off a roof, your roof.
你看了那张卡片 你穿上了那件衣服
You read the card, you put on the suit.
That clearly falls under the Santa Clause.
现在你就是圣诞老人了 听懂了没 – 有个问题
Now you’re Santa, okay? – A question.
什么 – 我什么时候能从这里出去
What? – When can I get outta here?
爸爸 你来看看这个地方
Dad, you gotta see this place!
You leave tomorrow morning.
You have 11 months to get your affairs in order,
and you’re due back here Thanksgiving.
I’m not coming back here on Thanksgiving.
I’ll ship the list to your house.
什么名单 – 别装了 就是那个名单
What list? – Come on, now. The list.
He’s making a list
Checking it twice
“为了发现” “谁淘气或者乖巧”
Gonna find out who’s naughty or nice
听着 在乖孩子名字前写个P
Ugh. Look, you put a “P” next to the kids who are nice
and a “C” next to the naughty ones.
“P” and “C”?
对啊 P代表礼物 C代表木炭 是吧 伯纳德
Yeah! “P” for present, “C” for coal, right, Bernard?
等一下 我怎么知道他们是好是坏
Wait a minute! How do I know who’s good and bad?
你会知道的 – 如果我不做又怎样
You’ll know. – What if I don’t wanna do this?
这样的事情就别开玩笑了 – 为什么不
Don’t even kid about a thing like that! – Why not?
如果我不买♥♥这个圣诞老人的账 那又怎样
What if I don’t buy into this Santa Claus thing?
如果我选择不信有圣诞老人 那又怎样
What if I choose not to believe it?
