可是 现在在纽约有上千个圣诞老人
But there must be a thousand Santas in New York!
但是只有一个是真的 你看到他你就会认出来的
But there’s only one real Santa Claus. You’ll know him when you find him.
As a member of the 23rd Street Junior Wilderness Adventurers,
我会尽我全力的 怎么称呼您…我是彗星
-l will do my level best, Mr… -l’m Comet.
这位是舞者 彗星先生 我是吉米
-That’s Dancer. -Mr Comet, l’m Jimmy.
集♥合♥了 我得走了
That’s my leader. l have to go!
来了 来了
l’m here! Here!
吉米 吉米 吉米 集体行动知道吗 别脱单
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, you gotta stay with the group.
好 现在 走吧 我们去青少年荒野探险洞
Now, come on. Let’s go to the Junior Wilderness Adventurer cave!
齐步 走 1 2 1 1 2 1
Marching. Marching. One, two, three, one, two, three…
Has anybody seen Santa?
救命啊 圣诞公公 你在哪儿
Help! Santa? Where are you?
Can anybody hear me?
你见过圣诞公公么 你是只狗狗
-Hey, have you seen Santa Claus? -You’re a dog!
l’ve never met a dog that talks before.
你从哪儿来 我从北极来的
-Where did you come from? -l came from the North Pole.
我叫帕帕 我是奎因
-My name’s Paws. -l’m Quinn.
Does that mean you know Santa Claus?
是啊 他是我最好的朋友
Yeah! He’s my best friend.
可是 我找不到他了 我还说要好好的照顾他的
But l can’t find him and l’m supposed to take care of him.
Wow! He sure is quick at granting wishes.
我得走了 如果我被抓住的话
l have to go. If l get caught out here,
l’ll have to go to the basement.
我能和你一起走么 我迷路了
Can l come with you? l’m really lost.
我家这位太太很刻薄的 我们要把你藏起来
The lady here is mean, so we have to hide you real good.
快来 帕帕
Come on! Come on, Paws!
We can sleep here tonight
and l can help you look for Santa tomorrow.
晚安帕帕 晚安奎因
-Good night, Paws. -Good night, Quinn.
谢谢 早
-Thank you. -Hello!
年轻人 你叫什么名字
And what’s your name, young man?
lt’s what my brother and sister call me.
恩 多可爱的小孩啊 只想着给他的家庭带去快乐
Well, l see a kind boy who wants to bring joy to his family.
真的 恩 真的
-Really? -Yes, really.
Now what would you like to give your brother and sister for Christmas?
亲爱的 怎么啦
-Honey. -What?
巴德太神奇了 孩子们都被他吸引了
Bud is so amazing. The kids are just drawn to him.
Excuse me.
能帮我挑些新玩具么 哦 好的
-Can you help me pick out a few toys? -Sure.
我朋友爱丽丝 她告诉我你们家店的
My friend, Alice, told me all about your store.
She was so impressed with your Santa.
Said he got them all right into the Christmas spirit.
Thank you!
你想要什么圣诞礼物呢 塔蒂亚娜
And what would you like for Christmas, Tatiana?
左边那个 哦 是嘛
-That on the left. -Oh, yeah.
还有右边那个 那两个有轨火车啊
-And that on the right. -Those two train tracks.
恩 圣诞公公给你想想办法
Well, Santa will see what he can do.
Mery Christmas!
请问 恩 什么
-Excuse me? -Yeah?
你好 你是掌柜的吧
Hi, are you the owner?
哦 是的 先生 我能为您效劳么
Yes, sir. How can l be of assistance?
哦 那个 你店里的圣诞老人跟我小孩建议说
Just… your store Santa was suggesting to my kid
that he buy presents for kids in need.
哦 对不起 我会跟他谈谈的
Oh, l’m sory. l’ll have a word with him.
哦 不 那很好的 我只是想说
No, that’s great. l just wanted to say
我们跟感谢你们店 你们每卖♥♥出去一份礼物
that we love that your store gives a free present to a needy child
就会给贫困的孩子送一份免费的礼物 啊
-with evey purchase. -Excuse me.
Kate, did you hear what Bud is telling the children?
有啊 我觉得这个主意不错啊
Yes, and l think it is such a good idea.
见鬼 我们要亏死的
No, we can’t afford that!
亲爱的 看看 他们多快乐啊
Honey, look around.
This place could use some Christmas cheer.
How did you get this stuff here?
What are you doing in here?
Where did these Christmas decorations come from?
Where did you find this puppy?
不是我找来的 是他来找我的
l didn’t find him, he found me.
He came from the North Pole on Santa’s sleigh.
帕帕 这个是威尔
Paws, this is Will.
奎因 小狗狗不能在这里叫的
Quinn, that dog can’t bark in here.
Do you have any idea how much trouble we’ll get in?
可是他没在叫啊 他在说话
But he’s not barking, he’s talking!
奎因 狗是不会说话的
Quinn, dogs don’t talk.
奎因她听不懂我说话的 因为她不信有圣诞公公
She can’t understand me, Quinn. She’s just not a believer yet.
威尔 我们要帮助他
We need to help him, Will.
We need to show him the way to Santa.
We know where he is.
奎因 我告诉过你 店里的圣诞老人不是真的
Quinn, l told you that Santa in the store is not real.
谢谢你先生 这会捐助给贫困儿童的 太感谢了
Thank you, sir. It’s going to a very needy cause. Thank you vey much!
Ho, ho, ho! Mery Christmas!
哦 是的 先生 我能帮你做什么
Ho, ho, ho! Yes, sir, what can l do for you?
圣诞公公 你是他吗
Santa, sir, are you the one and only?
当然 孩子 你把钱放在那个包里
Sure, kid. You put money in that bag
and l’ll pretend to be anyone you want me to be.
Ho, ho, ho! Mery Christmas.
Hey, you’re still on my nice list!
And it’s the little engine that could here in New York City.
This small toy store has gathered quite the crowd of people.
They’ve come here to experience a little of what they’re calling
圣诞精神 在我身边的是哈克巴克夫妇
the true spirit of Christmas. l’m here with Mr and Mrs Hucklebuckle.
额 实际上是 哈克夫妇 我们简称
Actually, it’s, uh, Huckle. We shortened the name.
那么 为什么每个人来
So, why is eveyone coming
to Hucklebuckle Toys to meet your Santa?
哈哈 当然
Well, of course,
the real Santa is busy in the North Pole,
但是我们的圣诞老人 巴德
but our Santa, Bud,
he… he inspires the true spirit of Christmas.
They also like our Christmas Spirit Programme.
Purchase a hundred dollars in toys,
and we gift a toy to a child in need.
哇 那太棒了 也祝你圣诞快乐
-Well, that’s wonderful. -Mery Christmas to you, too!
巴德 巴德 来这里 让我们和圣诞老人说几句
-Bud! Bud, come here! -Let’s talk to Santa himself.
来呀 巴德 圣诞快乐
-Yeah. Come here, Bud. -Mery Christmas.
圣诞老人 你们好 圣诞快乐
-Santa! -Hello, and Mery Christmas!
圣诞老人 看起来这些孩子是真的很喜欢你啊
Santa, the kids really seem to love you.
全纽约市有成百上千的玩具店 也有成千上万的圣诞老人
With hundreds of toy store Santas all across New York City,
what makes you so special?
其实没什么 我只是圣诞老人事务所的一位大使
Nothing really, l’m just an ambassador for the Santa Cause.
One of many spreading the Christmas spirit
to children around the world,
reminding them of what’s important.
一点鲜肉派 新鲜的
A little humble pie. How refreshing.
Well, actually my favourite is sugarplum pie.
给你 糖果派
There you have it: sugarplum.
Here in New York City.
巴德 你怎么了
Bud, are you OK?
圣诞婆婆你要派我们去 哦 是的 伊莱
-You sent for us, Mrs Claus? -Yes, Eli.
Santa and Paws should be home by now.
We were just thinking the same thing.
He did say it was just gonna be a quick trip.
让我们查下地图 埃利斯 我们查下纽约地图
Well, let’s check the map. Ellis, bring up New York.
Santa Claus and Paws aren’t even together.
肯定出事了 圣诞公公不会让帕帕一个人行动的
Something is definitely amiss. Santa would never leave Paws alone.
He’s just a pup.
埃迪 伊莱 你们两个去纽约找他们
Eddy, Eli, you need to go to New York and find them.
遵命 圣诞婆婆 我们马上去准备车 然后就去
Yes, Mrs Claus. We’ll ready the truck and head right down.
辛苦的一天又过去了 巴德
lt was another big day today, Bud.
