I just don’t see it.
玛芝 婚姻生活中你只有一次机会说…
Marge, in every marriage, you get one chance to say:
”I need you to do this with me.”
And there’s onIy one answer when somebody says that.
好吧 荷马 我们一起同甘共苦
Okay, Homie, I’m with you.
谢谢你 我的甜心
Thank you, my sweetheart.
妈? – 什么事 亲爱的?
Mom? – Yes, honey?
You just bought another Ioad of crap…
…from the worId’s fattest fertiIizer saIesman.
你要为破坏这个 家族温馨黄金时刻付出代价!
You’II pay for ruining this goIden famiIy moment!
没有钱 我们怎么去阿♥拉♥斯加?
How are we supposed to get to AIaska without any money?
儿子 要是你不相信我 那就相信美国梦吧
AII right, son. If you don’t beIieve in me, beIieve in America.
美国 一个遍地黄金的地方
America. Where any man can make quick money with no questions asked.
人人都有机会 快来赢这辆货车啊!
Step right up and win my truck!
AII you have to do is conquer the BaII of Death.
有什么蹊跷吧? – 没有
What’s the catch? – No catch.
Just ride the motorcycIe aII the way around just one time.
三次机会 10块钱
Three tries for $10.
玛芝 我们还剩多少钱? – 10块
Marge, how much money do we have? – Ten doIIars.
That counts as a try.
That’s two.
And that’s three.
这样吧 我喜欢看你摔得这么惨
Here’s what I’II do, because I Iike seeing you hurt yourseIf:
I’II give you one on the house.
你太好了 – 爸!
You’re the best. – Dad!
到球顶的时候别减速 加速!
When you get to the top, don’t sIow down, speed up!
但我好怕! – 听我的没错!
But that’s when it’s the scariest. – Just do it!
耶 爸!
Yay, Dad!
I’II take that truck now.
天 我老婆会杀了我的
Oh, man. My wives are gonna kiII me.
下一站 阿♥拉♥斯加!
Next stop, AIaska!
圆盖下 第37天
Day 37 under the dome,
We are facing intermittent power failures which–
好啦 闹够了 我把灯再关上
Okay, very funny. I’m gonna turn the Iights off again.
等灯一亮 酒要给我物归原处
When they come back on, I want aII my booze back the way it was.
好啦 这下好啦
Yeah, okay. Okay.
我为你自豪 巴特 才一天你就清醒了
I’m very proud of you, Bart. Over 24 hours sober.
你酒醒了吧? – 我来证明给你看
You are, aren’t you? – I’II prove it.
给你♥爸♥爸一个改过的机会 我们现在只是…
We’re giving your father another chance, and we owe it to him to–
哦 天啊! – 需要什么吗?
Oh, my God. – Can I heIp you?
我… 我们要尿布
We need diapers.
好的 – 等一下 不要了 我们不要了
Okay. – No. No, we don’t. We don’t.
要女士剃刀 – 好的
Ladies’ razorbIades. – Right.
不 不要了 差点忘了 我们欧洲人不用那个的
No! No. No, we don’t. I forgot, we’re European.
Just give us beef jerky.
Lots and Iots of beef jerky.
对 我们就要这个
That’s right. That’s what we need. That’s aII we came in for.
哦 天啊! 他们在那!
Oh, my God. There they are!
蒙弟 波兹
你们想向我要电 是吗?
So you want some of my eIectricity, do you?
WeII, for once, the rich white man is in controI.
I have two buttons behind this desk.
一个是你们需要的电源 另一个是放狗咬人
One wiII suppIy your town with power, the other reIeases the hounds.
说吧 看你们能不能打动我
Reach me. Make me your brother.
The hospitaI’s generator is about to give out.
Lives wiII be Iost.
生命 死亡 继续
”Lives Iost.” Go on.
明天有宴会 要做菜 但是没电不成啊
We got a convict we were gonna fry tomorrow, but now we can’t.
美味 诱惑啊
Tempting. Tempting.
Look, aII our reasons mean nothing.
你扪心自问 自然就会发现答案
Just Iook into your heart and you’II find the answer.
右手边第一道门 – 谢谢
First door on the right. – Thank you.
什么? 这根本不是我想象中的阿♥拉♥斯加!
What– This isn’t the way I pictured AIaska at aII!
Oh, that’s better.
WeII, at Ieast my poster didn’t get torn.
欢迎来阿♥拉♥斯加 这是给您的1000块钱
WeIcome to AIaska. Here’s $ 1, 000.
真是雪中送炭啊! 可为什么呢?
WeII, it’s about time! But why?
We pay every resident $1, 000…
…以便他们支持石油公♥司♥ 大肆破坏国家级自然风光
…to aIIow oiI companies to ravage our state’s naturaI beauty.
I’m home!
Oh, thanks.
你干嘛呢 巴特?
What are you doing, Bart?
Just passing the time.
我儿子太爱阿♥拉♥斯加了 他正鼓掌欢呼呢!
My boy Ioves AIaska so much, he’s appIauding it.
丽莎 你怎么不一起鼓掌? – 但是 爸…
Lisa, why aren’t you cIapping? – But, Dad–
CIap for AIaska!
玛芝 这堵雪墙成就了我们的二人世界
WeII, Marge, we’re separated from the kids by a waII of snow.
AII my dreams are coming true.
We’re going to need more birds.
Day 93 under the dome.
With necessities growing dangerousIy Iow…
…who knows what spark wiII set off this powder keg?
好了 我们来讨论”与莫里共度周二” – 还讨论?
Let’s discuss Tuesdays with Morrie, – Again?
要是再不讨论新书 就要令我作呕了
If we don’t get a new book, I’m going to puke.
You’re the five peopIe I’m going to meet in heII!
We’re out of coffee!
I can’t take another minute in this dome!
Take that.
不 又反弹回来了
Oh, no! BIowback!
Look what they’re doing to our dome.
总统 您知道那是什么吗?
You know what that is, sir?
裂缝? – 没错
A crack? – ExactIy.
之前有人从圆盖跑出来过 所以这事迟早还会再发生
PeopIe got out of the dome before, they’re gonna get out again.
如果发生 接下来的 就是听证会 深入调查
When they do, there’s gonna be hearings, investigations…
天啊! 那我就得接着去干老本行 拍家庭喜剧
I’II have to go back to making famiIy comedies.
别担心 我有解决方案 总统先生
Don’t worry, I have a soIution for you, sir.
事实上 我有五套方案
In fact, I have five soIutions.
您不用逐字逐句的阅读 您可以进行否决
You don’t have to read them. You’II have deniabiIity.
这事就交由我全权负责 您不用操心
I’II take care of it. You know nothing.
不 我得知道要批准的行动
No. I need to know what I’m approving.
当然了! 但是换句话说… 掌握真♥相♥这事总被夸大其词
AbsoIuteIy. But on the other hand, knowing things is overrated.
了解事实真♥相♥后 傻子也能做出判断
Anyone can pick something when they know what it is.
对于真正的领袖来说 其高明之处在于 在全然未知的情况下做出决策
It takes reaI Ieadership to pick something you’re cIueIess about.
好啦 那我选三号♥ – 再重选一次
Okay, I pick three. – Try again.
一号♥ 五号♥? – 选个大点的数 太大了
One. Five? – Go higher. Too high.
三号♥ – 你之前选过了
Three? – You said three.
六号♥ 二号♥ – 没六号♥ 加倍
Six? Two? – There is no six. DoubIe it.
四号♥ – 那就听您的 总统
Four! – As you wish, sir.
四号♥方案: 炸平斯普林菲尔德
Are you tired of the same old Grand Canyon?
我们到了 孩子们 这里就是大峡谷
Here we are, kids, the Grand Canyon.
好破 真无聊啊 我想要个新的 现在就要!
It’s so oId and boring. I want a new one. Now!
你们好啊 我是汤姆·汉克斯
HeIIo. I’m Tom Hanks.
The U.S. government has Iost its credibiIity…
…so it’s borrowing some of mine.
摸摸我的头发 汉克斯先生
TousIe my hair, Mr. Hanks.
没问题 孩子
Sure thing, son.
Now, I’m pIeased to teII you aII about the New Grand Canyon.
将于本周六正式运营 位于华府以南 莎百维以东
This weekend, East of Shelbyville and south of Capitol City,
That’s where SpringfieId is!
It’s nowhere near where anything is or ever was.
This is Tom Hanks, saying:
选择值得信任的政♥府♥… 为什么不选我呢?
If you’re going to pick a government to trust, why not this one?
Did you see that?
是的 他们打算将斯普林菲尔德夷为平地!
Yes, they’re going to destroy SpringfieId.
