你上过学么 嗯 去过的
Have you had any schooling? Oh, yes!
I’m training to be a squire.
学习格斗 剑法
I’m learning the rules of combat and swordsmanship and…
and jousting and horsemanship.
很好很好 非常
Oh, yes, yes, very good. That’s, that’s
不不不 我的意思是正规的教育
No, no, no, l-I mean a, a, a real education.
数学 历史 生物 自然科学
Mathematics. History. Biology. Natural science.
英语 拉丁语 法语
English. Latin. French.
停 停 见鬼了 停
No. When! When! Blast it all! When!
Impudent piece of crockery.
孩子 你不能
Boy, now, you can’t
You can’t grow up without a decent education, you know.
您说得对 先生 梅林
Oh, I suppose not, sir-Merlin.
这样 我来做你的老师
So, I am going to be your tutor.
但是我得回城♥堡♥了 一会儿还要去厨房♥打杂
But I’ve got to get back to the castle. They’ll want me in the kitchen.
这样啊 那好吧
Oh, well. Then very well.
We’ll pack and be on our way.
瞧瞧这个 你也许会喜欢
You-You watch now. You’ll like this.
天灵灵 地灵灵 灵魂的力量快显灵
Higitus figitus zumba ka zing.
所有东东 快注意
I want your attention, everything.
我们要打包出发 快点儿 准备好
We’re packing to leave. Come on. Let’s go.
不 不 不 不是你 你懂规矩的 书本优先
No, no, not you. Books are always first, you know.
方的 圆的 轻的 重的 大力士也搬不动的
Hockety pockety wockety whack Abra abra dabra nack
通通缩小你的身材 好让大家都进来
Shrink in size very small We’ve got to save enough room for all
天灵灵 地灵灵 魔法的力量最无敌
Higitus figitus migitus mum Prestidigitonium
排好队 慢慢来 插队的小朋友别进来
Alika fez, balika zez Malaca mez meripedes
方的 圆的 轻的 重的 哇哦
Hockety pockety wockety-Whoa!
停 停 停 停
Now, stop, stop, stop, stop!
糖罐 你太没礼貌了
See here, sugar bowl. You’re getting rough.
That poor old tea set is cracked enough.
好 我们重新开始
Now. Now, all right. Let’s start again.
我们重来 呃 孩子 我刚才说到哪儿了
Ah, let’s start-Eh-Oh. Where was l, boy?
呃”方的 圆的” 对 你说得对
Uh, hock-hockety pockety? Oh, yes, yes, that’s right.
方的 圆的 轻的 重的 老古董的和零碎的
Hockety pockety wockety wack Odds and ends and bric-a-brac
别着急 我的好东东 打包马上就成功
Be with you in just a minute, son. Packing’s almost done.
你 你 你这个笨手笨脚的傻瓜
You, you, you bungling blockhead!
嘿 小心点 大家继续
Hey, easy there. No, no, go ahead.
一二三四 二二三四 准备好 高♥潮♥到了
Dum doodly doodly doodly dum This is the best part now.
天灵灵 地灵灵 魔法的力量最无敌
Higitus figitus migitus mum Prestidigitonium
天灵灵 地灵灵 魔法的力量最
Higitus figitus migitus mum Prestidigitoni–
哈哈 好厉害的打包方法
Ha, ha! What a way to pack.
稍等一下 孩子
Well-Well, now, just a minute, boy.
How else would you get all this stuff into one suitcase,
I’d like to know?
但我觉得这实在是太棒了 噢
Oh, but I think it’s wonderful! Oh.
是啊 的确 呃
Yes, it is rather. Now, well…
don’t, don’t you get any foolish ideas that magic will solve all your problems.
因为那是不可能的 但 先生 我没什么麻烦
Because it won’t! But, sir, I don’t have any problems.
呸 每个人都有麻烦 这个世界充满了麻烦
Oh, bah, everybody’s got problems. The world is full of problems.
见鬼了 瞧这个 你明白我的意思了吧
Oh, blast it all! There, now. You see what I mean?
看吧 这就是今天在这世上的麻烦
See, that’s the trouble with the world today.
Everybody butting their heads against a brick wall.
四肢发达 头脑简单
All muscle and no mentality.
Do you want to be all muscle and no brain?
可我没有肌肉 你没有 那你是怎么走路
I don’t have any muscle. You don’t? Well, how do you move about?
那我想 我还有一点儿
Oh, I suppose l, I do have a little.
嗯 这就够了 现在应该开♥发♥你的大脑
Aha. There, you see. Well, that’s enough. Now, develop your brain.
知识 智慧 那才是真正的力量 高等教育
Knowledge, wisdom. There’s the real power. Higher learning.
That’s the thing.
所以明早第一件事 我们要开始密密麻麻的课程
So, first thing tomorrow morning, we’ll start a full schedule.
Eight hours a day.
六小时教室授课 两小时自习
We’ll have six hours for schoolroom and two for study period.
但我没有时间 我还得干杂务活呢
But l-I don’t have the time. I have page duties.
杂务活儿 哼
Uh, page duties? Ha!
那么我们改一下计划 这可是个大改动
Ah, well, we’ll change all that. There’s got to be a shake-up.
是的 先生 我想是的
Well, yes, sir. I, I suppose so.
我真想知道 没受过教育的话
How do you ever expect to amount to anything without an education,
I’d like to know?
Even in these bungling, backward, medieval times…
你也必须知道你生活的方向 不是么
you have got to know where you’re going, don’t you?
是的 先生
Ye-Yes, sir.
所以 你必须给未来一个计划 孩子
Yes, of course. So, you must plan for the future, boy.
你必须找到一个方向 你必须
You’ve got to find a direction. And you’ve–
顺便问一下 你的城♥堡♥在哪个方向
Now, by the by, what direction is this castle of yours?
我想在北边 就是反方向
I think it’s north. The other way.
噢 噢
Oh, oh.
好吧 那就赶快出发吧
All right, then we better get a move on.
加油孩子 跟上脚步
Come on, come on, lad. Pick up the pace. Pick it up.
跟上 快跟上
Pick it up. Pick it up.
被妖怪抓去了 被妖怪抓去了
Yo-ho, the devil take it! No, the devil take it.
Anyone’s got better sense
than to go barging off in that infernal forest alone.
You had no business letting him go.
听着 爸爸 我又不是沃特的保姆
Look, Dad, I’m not the Wart’s keeper.
见鬼 可我是
Well, blast it all, I am.
毕竟是我找到他的 也可以说 我领养了那个孩子
After all, l, I took him in, adopted the lad you might say.
作为他的养父 我也有责任
Being his foster father, well, I’m responsible.

泰格 托巴特 走开 沃特
Tiger! Talbot! Off with you. Now, look here, Wart.
你脑子进水了吗 一个人跑进森林里
What’s the big idea of gallivanting off in the woods…
and worrying the living daylights out of everybody?
很抱歉 先生 道歉是远远不够的
I’m sorry, sir. Well, sorry’s not enough.
记四个大过 罚你去出厨房♥干四小时活儿
That’s four demerits. Four hours extra kitchen duty.
Eh, report to the cook!
但是 先生 我想向你介绍 去啊
But, sir, I’d like you to meet-Go on,
小鬼 快滚 快点
hop it boy, hop, hop, hop it!
要管理这么大的一个地方 就必须有严谨的作息
Well, yes, you’ve got to keep a tight schedule to run a big place like this.
需要有严格的规矩 尤其是对这小鬼
Need strict rules. Especially for small boys.
And I most certainly agree.
你是谁 呃 我是说 你是谁
Who are you and-Oh. I mean, uh, you?
我叫梅林 他是阿基米德
Uh, my name is Merlin. Uh, this is Archimedes.
A highly educated owl.
受过教育的猫头鹰 真是有趣
Educated owl? Say, that’s a good one.
Say. Hey, I know.
是你用魔法弄的吧 玛文 你是个魔术师
You’ve got him under a spell, Marvin. You’re a magician.
The name is Merlin.
And I happen to be the world’s most powerful wizard.
别吹牛啦 笑死我啦
Come off it, man. Gadzooks!
好吧 我来演示一下
All right. I shall demonstrate.
天灵灵 地灵灵 神奇的天气快显灵
Higitus figitus migitus moe…
下大雪 刮大风 让这傻瓜过个冬
wind and snow swirl and blow!
What the devil are you up to?
And that is what I call a “wizard blizzard.”
凯 看看这个
Hey, Kay, would you look at this?
室内风雪啊 现在还是七月份
An indoor blizzard. And in the month of July.
So what?
好了 玛文 停下来吧 我相信你了
All right, Marvin. Turn her off. I’m convinced.
I, uh-I hope you don’t go in for any of that black magic.
不 不 没有
Oh, no, no, no, no.
我从来不碰那玩意儿 不碰
Never touch the stuff. No.
My magic is used mainly for educational purposes.
事实上 这就是我来这儿的原因
In fact, that is why I am here.
I have come to educate the Wart.
不 我不允许
Oh, no you don’t.
I’m running this place.
And if you think you’re gonna fiddle with my schedule…
you’d better pack up your bag of tricks and be gone.
哇 好家伙
Wha-Well, by Jove.
嘿 他不见了

前一篇文章她 Elle
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
