Hey, he’s gone.
Hm-mmm. Good riddance.
我人走了 但灵魂还在
I’m gone, but then, I’m not gone.
所以 如果我真的走了
So, if I do leave…
你也不能确定我是否真的走了 对吧
you could never be sure that I am gone, can you?
那 呃
Well, uh–
你这下可难倒我了 玛文
Well, I must say, you-you got me there, Marvin.
好吧 你赢了 欢迎你留下
Yes. Well, you win. You’re welcome to stay if you like.
谢谢 你真是善良
Thank you. You’re very kind.
我得说 你很慷慨
Very generous I must say.
Well, uh, all we can offer is room and board.
这年头日子不好过啊 玛文
Hard times, you know, Marvin.
We’ll put you up in the northwest tower.
那里是客房♥ 冬天的话可能有点冷风
That’s the guest room. It’s a bit drafty in the winter…
但这样的大热天 那房♥间简直就是整个城♥堡♥最好的
but in this blazing hot weather, it’s the best room in the house.
确实 非常好
Oh, yes. Very lovely indeed.
把这里当成自己家吧 玛文
So just make yourself at home, Marvin.
玛文 玛文 玛文
Marvin, Marvin, Marvin, Marvin.
Best room in the house!
客房♥ 不受欢迎的客人住的房♥
Guest room! Unwelcome-guest room!
But if he thinks that he can get rid of me,
I’ve got news for that old walrus.
我不会走的 我觉得我们回树林里好一些
I’m sticking it out. And I say we go back to the woods.
不 这不是你能决定的
No, not on your life.
那个孩子必须受到教育 他有个灿烂的未来
That boy’s got to have an education. He has a future.
好吧 也许你是对的
Well, you may be right.
像那样瘦骨如柴的小鬼 扫烟囱确实有天赋
A skinny kid like that would make a cracking good chimney sweep.
我预感到你全身湿透了 阿基米德
Something tells me that you’re all wet, Archimedes.
是谁啊 裴琳诺尔
Who goes there? Pelinore!
我是裴琳诺尔 蠢货
It’s Pelinore, dash it all!
我从伦敦带来了重要消息 很重要的消息
I’ve got big news from London. Big news!
来吧 伙计们 放下吊桥
Come on, man. Drop the bridge.
呃 重要消息
Oh, big news, eh?
They can’t wait for the London Times.
First edition won’t be out for at least, uh…
1200 years.
阿基米德 你愿不愿意下去
Archimedes, would you mind sailing down there and, and–
Not interested!
别这样嘛 你反正已经全身湿透了
Oh, come, come, come, come now. You’re as wet as you can get.
不要 不要 就不要
No! No, no, no!
阿基米德 我会把你变成人类
Archimedes! I’ll turn you into a human.
哼 你根本不敢 我会的 只要你帮我我就会
Hmph! You wouldn’t dare! I will. So help me, I will.
那好吧 那好吧
Well, all right, all right. All right!
太好了 这招真屡试不爽
All right. It works every time.
Just like magic.
你好啊 老朋友 伦敦那里有什么新闻
Greetings, old boy. And what’s all the noise about London, hmm?
重要消息 真的
Big news. Really big news.
快坐下 伙计 给我说说是什么
Sit down, man, and let’s hear all about it.
They’re having a big tournament New Year’s Day.
这谁都知道 见鬼 他们每年都会
Oh, that’s not news, dash it all. They always do.
是的 但埃克特 最关键的是
Yeah, but, Ector-Ector, here’s where all the excitement comes in.
To the winner of this tournament goes the crown.
You mean-You mean he’ll be King of all England?
是的 英格兰国王
King of all England.
凯 你听到了么 不得不说 这可很丰厚的奖励
Kay, lad, did you hear that? Pretty fair prize, I’d say.
是的 而且 孩子
Yes, and you can win it, boy,
if you knuckle down to your training.
圣诞节之前就封爵 然后我们就去伦敦 如何
And we’ll have you knighted by Christmas and off to London. What do you say?
好啊 去就去呗
Sure. Why not? Why not?
沃特 你想去伦敦么
Wart, lad, how’d you like to go to London?
埃克特先生 你说真的么
Oh, Sir Ector, you mean it?
如果你做好你的工作 你可以当凯的侍从
If you stick to your duties, you can be Kay’s squire.
我会的 先生 我会的
Oh, I will, sir. I will.
I don’t want the Wart for my squire.
为伦敦干杯 为凯干杯
Here’s to London! And to here’s to Kay.
And here’s to the banner of the Castle of the Forest Suavage.
干杯 干杯 干杯
Cheers! Cheers, cheers. Cheers.
重心向前 刺穿他
Weight forward! Lean into him!
稳住 孩子 稳住
Steady, boy. Steady!
稳住你的长矛 握紧了
Steady with the lance! Grip her tight!
Hit him clean!
不 不 不
No, no, no!
Heads up!
阿 阿 阿基米德 我 我们在哪儿
Ar-Ar-Archimedes. Archimedes, wh-where, where, where are we?
In a tumble-down old tower…
一座快塌掉的古塔中 我们就在这儿
in the most miserable old castle in all Christendom, that’s where.
城 城♥堡♥
C-Castle? Castle?
Don’t you even remember the boy?
Uh, the boy?
该死的 你什么都记不得了么
Can’t you remember one blasted thing?
等一下 我 要握紧矛身
Oh, now, just a moment. I-Tight grip on the lance.
噢 放松马鞍 夹紧膝盖
Oh. Loosen the saddle, knees in tight.
重心向前 瞄准靶子
Weight forward and stay on target.
You keep losing your grip.
孩子 这不单纯是肌肉的问题
It’s not a mere matter of muscle, sir.
Jousting is, uh, uh, a fine skill.
It-It’s a highly developed science.
学问 呵呵 是啊
Science, indeed.
One dummy trying to knock off another dummy with a bit of a stick.
And the Wart’s just as hot for it as the rest of them.
确实 那个孩子很有活力 非常有精神
He certainly is. That boy’s got real spark. Lots of spirit.
Throws himself heart and soul into everything he does.
That’s really worth something if it can only
be turned in the right direction.
哈哈 机率真高
Ha-ha. Fat chance of that.
当然 我打算作弊
Oh, I plan to cheat, of course.
使用魔法 我会用一切必要的手段
Use magic. Every last trick in the trade if I have to.
如果我能骑上高大的白色战马 让我♥干♥什么都行
I’d give anything to go riding about on a great white charger…
斩杀那些巨龙 狮鹫 食人妖
slaying dragons and griffins and man-eating giants.
Well, won’t you?
没有 你想啊
Oh. No. You see.
我是一个孤儿 骑士必须有高贵的出身
I’m an orphan, and a knight must be of proper birth.
I only hope I’m worthy to be Kay’s squire.
That’s a big job too, you know.
噢 是啊 如果我是你 我也觉得成为骑士不可能
Oh, indeed, yes, yes. I would say almost impossible.
话说回来 当我说我能像鱼一样游泳
Well, now then. When I said that I could swim like a fish…
我是说真的 像鱼一样游泳
I really meant as a fish.
You mean you can turn yourself into a fish?
After all, I happen to be a wizard.
你能把我变成鱼么 你有想象力么
Could you turn me into a fish? Well, do you have any imagination?
Can you imagine yourself as a fish?
很简单啊 我幻想过很多次
Oh, that’s easy. I’ve done that lots of times.
很好 剩下的我用魔法搞定
Oh. Well, good. Then I think that my magic can do the rest.
阿基米德 变成鱼的口诀是什么
Archimedes, what, what is that fish formula?
谁 谁 什么 什么 你知道 那句拉丁文的
Who? Who? What? What? What? You know, that, that, that Latin business.
鱼 拉丁文
Hmm? Fish? Latin?
哦 呃
Oh, uh.
Aquarius aquaticus aqualitus.
现在 如果你不介意的话
And-And now if you don’t mind…
你们慢慢玩 我不奉陪了
I say good day to the both of you if you please.
When he stays out all night…
he’s always grumpy the next morning.
那他肯定天天熬夜 是的
Then he must stay out every night. Yes.
哦 是的 是的 孩子 说的好 哈哈
Oh. Oh, yes. Oh, I say, that’s very good, boy. Very.
什么 你说什么
Who? What? What?
好了 孩子 准备好 我们开始吧
All right, boy. All set. Here we go.
Aquarius aquaticus aqualitus quum.

前一篇文章她 Elle
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
