I said have you any news to report?
不 还没有 – 啊啾!
No, nothin’ yet. – [sneezes]
你有什么事? – 佩勒姆 我们要再多点时间
What are you calling about? – Pelham, we need more time.
Shut the door, please.
现在是 2:24 队长 你们还有49分钟
It is 2:24, Lieutenant. You’ve got 49 minutes left.
你讲点道理 我们尽力在与你合作
Be reasonable, will ya? We’re tryin’ to cooperate,
如果你不给我们足够的时间 我们什么也做不来
but we can’t do anything if you don’t give us enough time to work with.
[Blue] 49 minutes.
我们正在和市政♥府♥交涉 你知道那些繁文缛节有多糟吗?
We’re dealin’ with City Hall. You know what a mess of red tape that is?
49 minutes.
喂 老兄 我们自己会看时间
Look, fella, we know how to tell time as well as you do,
如果你只会念49分钟 那我们可是成不了大事的!
but we aren’t gonna get any place if all you do is repeat “49 minutes!”
48 minutes.
是 好吧 好吧 我们会尽快回来和你联♥系♥的
Yeah, all right, all right. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
听你在求那胆小鬼 让我羞于做美国人!
To hear you plead with that chickenshit makes me ashamed to be an American!
Go play with your trains.
[man on radio] Stay tuned for an update on the subway hijacking case.
我是纽约市警♥察♥局长 接地区指挥官
[soft music] – Get me the borough commander.
把音乐关掉 – 是 长官
Turn off that goddamn music. – Yes, sir.
哈里?我现在正要去见市长 那儿的情况怎么样?
Harry? I’m headin’ up to see the mayor. What’s it look like down there?
是杀人案件 菲尔 和往常一样 已经闻到血腥味了
It’s murder, Phil, as usual. They really smell blood on this one.
你的副手是谁? – 特勤队副督察长丹尼尔斯
Who’s your number two? – Deputy Chief Inspector Daniels.
这人很不错 菲尔 弗赖尔公园的示♥威♥抗♥议♥就是他处理的
He’s a good man, Phil. He handled that protest last month.
把那些摄影记者赶走! – 你部署的怎么样了?
Get those photographers outta here! – How are you deployed?
地道里有大约50人 分布在列车南北两边
Fifty men inside the tunnel, north and south of the train,
隐蔽的很好 全穿上防弹衣 配备机♥枪♥ 冲♥锋♥枪♥
well concealed, all wearing vests and armed with machine guns,
散♥弹♥枪♥ 手♥枪♥ 防暴枪 还有六个配备了夜视镜的狙击手
shotguns, handguns, riot guns and a half-dozen snipers with night scopes.
We could Tight the Third World War down there!
Make sure they stay outta sight.
如果被劫车犯看到 那就会是一场大屠♥杀♥
If the hijackers see ’em, we’ll have a massacre.
有个狙击手汇报说 他们在车厢里自♥由♥走动
We have a sniper’s report that they’re movin’ around pretty freely.
驾驶室里的那一个 是最容易下手的
The one in the motorman’s cab is an easy shot.
绝对不行!明白吗?我们要很谨慎地 应付他们的恐吓!上层的部署呢?
Absolutely no! Understand? We’re takin’ the threat seriously! What’s upstairs?
卡车 汽车 紧急医疗救护单位 很完备 菲尔
Trucks, cars, emergency medical and rescue units. The works, Phil.
Harry… tell me somethin’, will ya?
他们在地道里 四面八方都被包围 他们要怎么逃走?
They’re in a tunnel, surrounded on all sides. How do they expect to get away?
打死我也不知道 菲尔
Beats the shit out of me, Phil.
哦 阿尔 真恶心 不要乱丢卫生纸好不好?
[woman] Oh, AI, it’s disgustinig. Would you stop it with the tissue?
沃伦 告诉他 我们走后还有别的市长要住在这儿
Warren, tell him that other mayors have to live in this house after we’re gone.
进去里面 阿尔 我会让大家进来的 你去坐下就好
Go on in there, AI, and I’ll send everybody in. Just sit down.
Thanks for comin’ up on such short notice, fellas.
你们都认识杰西 对不对?
You all know Jessie, don’t you? – [all exchange greetings]
很好 菲尔 时间刚好
Good, Phil, just in time.
A little coffee? Some cake?
我看就免了 杰西 我们没有时间
Better skip it, Jessie. We’re short on time.
We know what’s goin’ on underground.
问题在于 我们要不要付赎金
The issue is whether or not we pay the ransom.
Phil? Whaddaya think?
我们已经集结完毕 我们的火力可以打垮一支军队
Well, we’re fully mobilized. There’s enough firepower to wipe out an army.
But… I can’t guarantee the safety of the hostages.
换言之 你赞成付赎金
In other words, you’re for payin’ the ransom.
Well, we don’t want another Attica, do we?
那你的意思是? – 我弃权
[Warren] So your vote is? – I abstain.
Shit. Barney?
The safety of the passengers
is the only concern of the Transit Authority.
你说怎样? – 付那两块钱
Your vote? – Pay the two dollars.
要是只有两块钱 我愿意付 巴尼!
If it was two dollars, I’d pay the two dollars, Barney!
那可是一百万!1后面有六个0! 你要自掏腰包吗?
It’s a million! A one with six zeros! Is it comin’ outta your pocket?
好啦 等以后再去哭穷吧? 你投什么票?
Come on, will ya save the poor mouth for later? How do you vote?
我还没讨论完 – 你讨论完了 现在表决
I’m not through discussin’ it yet. – [Warren] Yes, you are. Now vote.
My concern is with the taxpayers.
我常说 百万是费尽心血换来的 没有一毛钱是天上掉下来的
I always say millions for defense but not one cent for tribute.
我不是常这样说吗? – 喔哦 那就是反对了
isn’t that what I always say? – Uh-huh. So that’s a “no…
好了 阿尔 这三个聪明人的意见你都听了
All right, AI. You’ve heard from the Three Wise Men.
现在你怎么说呢? – 他们会说什么 沃伦?
Now what do you say? – What are they goin’ to say, Warren?
谁? – 每个人!
They who? – Who? Everybody!
媒体!街上的人! – 他说的是选民
The press! The man on the street! – He means the voters.
[coughing] – You know what they’ll say.
时代杂♥志♥会支持你 新闻周刊会抨击你
The Times will support you, The News will knock you.
The Post will take both sides at the same time.
富人会支持你 黑人也会
The rich’ll support you. Likewise the blacks.
波多黎各人则不鸟你 所以别再推托了
The Puerto Ricans won’t give a shit. So quit stalling.
别拿每个人来压我 沃伦! 民♥主♥本就是这样!
Stop bullyin’ everybody, Warren! This is supposed to be a democracy!
别傻了 拜托!
Wise up, for Christ sake!
我们是在治理都市 不是在玩什么民♥主♥!
We’re tryin’ to run a city, not a goddamn democracy!
阿尔 别浪费时间了!我们必须付钱!
Al, quit fartin’ around! We’ve gotta pay!
Jessie? – Hmm?
杰西 你怎么说?
Jessie, what do you say?
A million dollars sounds like a lot of money.
But just think what you’re gonna get in return.
什么? – 18张确定的投票
What? – 18 sure votes.
好吧 好吧 沃伦?
All right. All right. Warren?
沃伦 安排付款 – 老天有眼
Warren, arrange for the payoff. – Hallelujah.
各位 你们都听到了 菲尔 通知那些坏蛋我们付款
You heard him. Phil, pass the word to the bad guys that we’re coughing up.
我们都跟哪家银行往来? – 国家信托 我来打电♥话♥
What bank do we do business with? – City National Trust. I’ll call.
电♥话♥我来打 你花点时间去把利率杀低点
I’ll call. You’ll take an hour tryin’ to knock down the interest rate.
I think I handled it all right.
跟瓜迪亚前市长相比 普通啦
A regular Fiorello La Guardia.
[James whispering] Patrolman James callin’ Operations.
我是队长帕绰尼 情况怎样?
[Rico] This is Patrone. What’s going on?
There’s a lot of feet movin’ around out here in the dark.
I figure it’s a couple of dozen sharpshooters and snipers.
我说得对吗? – 这没什么好奇怪的
Am I right? – l wouldn’t be surprised.
千万一定要告诉他们 我就在站在他们和劫车犯之间
Make sure they know I’m standin’ here between them and the hijackers.
I’m not all that easy to see in the dark.
Nothing yet?
Boy! They’re sure takin’ their time, aren’t they?
别担心 他们会付钱的
Don’t worry. They’re gonna have to pay.
Suppose they don’t?
Well, then a lot of people are gonna die, aren’t they?
Including us.
Better than selling life insurance, isn’t it?
Life insurance? You told me you were in the army.
没错 我就是在那里养成挥霍的习性
I was. That’s where I developed my expensive tastes.
啊 英国陆军呀 月薪才150块 你在开什么玩笑
British army. $150 a month. You gotta be kiddin’.
The Africans paid me 5,000.
月薪吗? – 统帅一营的兵力
A month? – For leading a battalion.
Jesus! What the hell did you get outta that for?
Because the market dried up.
至少你不是被开除的 不过我也不在乎啦
At least you weren’t fired. But I don’t give a shit.
What guy wants to drive a subway train for the rest of his life?
What did they catch you doing?
我 没有 – 你是什么意思
N… Nothin’.
是他们陷害我的 密姬在找替死鬼 – 密姬?
I mean, they framed me. They needed a fall guy.
就是地铁便衣警♥察♥ 他们得到线报 有人要运送毒品
Transit cops. Undercover guys. They got wind of a gang passin’ dope.
由地铁司机从市区运往市郊 交给贩毒集团
Transporting from downtown to uptown, and givin’ it to a motorman.
他们想归罪于我 但什么证据也没查到
They tried to pin the evidence on me, but they didn’t find a thing.
You were innocent?
当然是无辜的 你以为我会做那种事吗?你有问题呀
Of course I was innocent. You think I’d do a thing like that?
哈里 我正前往指挥部 我们获得许可了
I’m on my way to headquarters. We got the green light.
许可了 菲尔 这是好消息 弟兄们迫不及待要去
Green light? That’s great news. The men are rarin’ to go.
不 不是!是我们要付赎金给他们 把话传给劫车犯
No! We’re paying ’em the ransom money. Pass the word along to the hijackers.
地区指挥部呼叫 28街月台 听到回答 丹尼尔斯
Borough Command to the 28th Street platform. Come in, Daniels.
丹尼尔斯 你听到了吗? – 我是丹尼尔斯
Daniels, do you read me? – This is Daniels.
