地区指挥官呼叫总部的查理 听到回答!
This is the borough commander. Come in, Headquarters Charlie!
你们还没出发呀 搞什么鬼? 知道现在几点了吗?
Aren’t you guys movin’ yet? Do you know what the damn time is?
是 长官 我们还在等钱
We’re still waitin’ for the money, sir.
我警告你们 期限之前要是没现身
I’m warning you guys. If I don’t see your faces before the deadline,
你们就永远给我消失!永远! – 是 长官
I don’t wanna see them at all! Ever! – Yes, sir.
我就说嘛 倒霉的是我们
I told you. it’s gonna be our ass.
这就是100万? – 赎命要紧 无关重量
This is a million dollars? – It’s what it buys. Not what it weighs.
8分钟 我们赶不及了
Eight minutes. We’re not gonna make it.
督察长 请问他们现在在哪? – 中♥央♥街 钱伯斯北边一点
Inspector, where are they now, please? – Center Street, just north of Chambers.
我们只有 7分钟 时间不够 长官
That gives us seven minutes. Not enough time, sir.
就算他们及时到了 28街
Even if they get to 28th Street on time,
我们还得徒步走铁轨 送钱过去
we still gotta carry it down track on foot.
办不到 长官
No way, sir.
[man] I always wanted to do this.
Look, we’re scarin’ the shit outta everybody.
对 包括我
Yeah, includin’ me.
佩勒姆 123 我是加伯 听到回答 佩勒姆 123
Pelham One Two Three, this is Garber. Come in, Pelham One Two Three.
加伯 这里是佩勒姆 123
All right, Garber, this is Pelham One Two Three.
The money’s en route, makin’ pretty good time too,
但在 3:13 之前到不了
but it won’t get to you by 3:13.
坏消息 我非常遗憾
I’m very sorry to hear that.
Suppose we get it to the entrance by then.
Will you change your deadline from delivery to you
改为送到 28街入口的时间吗?
to arrival at 28th Street?
最起码 这是你可以答应的 听到了吗佩勒姆 请大声一点?
Would you do that at least? Do you read me, Pelham, for cryin’ out loud?
好吧 加伯 但下不为例
All right, Garber. But no more concessions.
够明白吗? – 非常清楚 非常清楚
Is that quite clear? – Quite clear. Quite clear.
督察长 他们同意了 如果在3:13之前把钱送到地铁站 我们就没事了
They bought it. If we get the money to the station by 3:13 we’ll be OK.
干得好 加伯
Good work, Garber.
哈啰 我是总部的查理 正在中♥央♥街往北走 快到肯梅了
Headquarters Charlie, headin’ north on Center Street…
快一点 你还有4分钟!
Keep it comin’. You’ve got four minutes!
是 长官 我们会办到的… 我们办不到的
Yes, sir, we’ll make it… We’ll never make it.
长官 刚刚通报说市长快到了
Sir, the mayor is on his way down.
告诉他 他到前 我们会控制好群众
Terrific. We’ll hold the crowd till he gets here.
绕路! 你在干什么?
Mr. Green.
Coming up in one minute.
Have you decided which one it’s gonna be?
Does that make any difference?
不 我想没有
I guess not.
好 50秒后我就要杀掉一个
OK. 50 seconds and then I’m gonna eliminate one.
我是总部的查理 正在休斯顿街 快到阿斯特广场了
Hello, Headquarters Charlie, we’re approaching Astor Place.
你还差28条街! 把油门踩到底啦!
You’ve still got 28 blocks! Floor the son of a bitch!
Look out! – [brakes screech]
撞坏了是什么意思? 已经没有时间了!
Whaddaya mean, it’s been wrecked? We’re outta time!
我知道时间不够 你能怎样 赶不及了 就这样
I know we’re outta time. Couldn’t make it, that’s all.
你什么意思 就这样? 他们快要杀死一个无辜的人了!长官
That’s all? They’re about to shoot an innocent person!
如果他们知道车撞坏了 他们还能要求我们准时吗?
If they know the truck is wrecked, how can they expect us to be on time?
在那儿他们什么也不知道 他们怎么可能知道…
They don’t know anythin’ down there. How can they know anything…
真糟糕 就这样
Holy mackerel, that’s it.
佩勒姆 123 钱已经到了 重复 钱已经到了
Pelham One Two Three, the money has arrived. Repeat, the money has arrived.
听到了吗 佩勒姆 123? 钱已经到了
Do you read me, Pelham One Two Three? The money has arrived.
这里是佩勒姆 123 你们刚好准时 对不对?
This is Pelham One Two Three. You made it just in time, didn’t you?
Get it up there! Move!
I hope it works.
你还在吗 加伯?
[Blue] Are you still there, Garber?
还在 我想知道 佩勒姆
Still here. Tell me something, Pelham.
如果我们只慢了几秒钟 你会处决无辜的人♥质♥吗?
If we were a couple of seconds late, you would’ve knocked off an innocent party?
一定会 现在听我指示
Affirmative. Now I’ll give you the instructions
for the delivery of the money.
跟以前一样 你要严格执行 好吗?
As usual, you’ll follow them to the letter OK?
我明白 说吧
I got it. Go ahead.
Two unarmed policemen…
Two unarmed policemen will walk down the track.
One with the money, the other with a torch,
which he will flash continuously from side to side.
走到列车时 车后门就会打开
When they reach the can the rear door will be opened
and the one with the money will throw it onto the train.
然后他们向后转走回28街地铁站 明白吗
Then they will both turn and walk back to 28th Street station. Acknowledge.
明白了 就这些? – 对 目前就这些
I got it. Is that all? – That’s all for now.
But keep in mind, won’t you, that the same ground rules apply.
不管谁轻举妄动 我就杀一个人♥质♥
Any wrong move by anyone and I kill a hostage.
[Garber] Coulda guessed that part.
我给你 5分钟把钱送过来
You have got five minutes to deliver this money.
You don’t think you’re gonna get out, do ya?
It’s now 3:14.
截止时间是3:19 完毕
You’ve got till 3:19. Over.
完毕 混♥蛋♥
Over. Bastard.
Well, it’s about fuckin’ time!
You two! Get the money outta there!
谁有手电筒?那你拿钱 – 是 长官
Which one has the flashlight? Then you carry the money.
报纸给我 你们只有4分钟!
Gimme that paper. You’ve got four minutes!
还敬什么礼呀! 快去 快去!
Never mind the goddamn salutes! Just get goin’!
我♥操♥ 来的可是众人嫌的市长
Jesus, it’s the goddamn mayor.
还有别人 你感觉到了吗? – 你什么意思?
You get the feelin’ we ain’t alone? – Whaddaya mean?
我们前面有四挺冲♥锋♥枪♥ 后面还跟着一堆王牌
We got four sub-machine-guns in front of us, and all these jokers behind us.
I feel like I’m walkin’ into the fuckin’ OK Corral.
全线停火 真该死!
[man] Hold your fire, goddamnit!
[whimpering] – Quiet!
你还好吧? – 嗯 不是很…坏
Are you all right? – Yeah. it’s not too b-b-bad.
大概只是擦破皮而已 – 后退 快 后退
I think it went right through. – Move back, come on. Move back.
嘿 围巾给我 围巾给我!
Hey! Give me that scarf. Give me that scarf!
Keep quiet!
没事? – 没事 不是很痛
OK? – Yeah. I don’t feel p-pain too much.
中几枪? – 就一枪
[Blue] How many shots? – [Brown] Just one.
接着是我开枪 他们回击 我没看到人 我很生气
The rest was me and then they answered. I didn’t see anybody, I just got mad.
Mr. Grey?
嘿 你以为他们就此打住了吗?
You don’t think they’re finished out there, do ya?
请你回去帮绿色先生 好吗?
Go back there and help Mr. Green, will you, please?
哇 我这一伙都是懦弱的女童军嘛
Some girl-scout chickenshit outfit I’m in, here.
我猜外面有人 不是太紧张就是太无聊
I suppose somebody out there got nervous or bored.
Been there a long time.
Can’t afford to let it pass.
谁先开的枪? 谁先开的?他们还是我们?
[Rico] Who started it? Who Fred first? Them or us?
不知道 队长 黑暗中有人在我后面开的枪
I don’t know, Lieutenant. It came from somewhere behind me in the dark.
It had to be one of the snipers.
Somebody just took it in his head to fire on his own?
乱来! – 别激动 队长
How could he do such a thing? – Easy, Lieutenant.
Real easy.
Can you see what’s goin’ on inside the train?
不行 不很清楚 但我肯定是不会跑去那里看的
No, not too good. I’d sure hate to be in there findin’ out.
你叫我? – 对 麻烦请你站起来 过来这里
You mean me? – Yes. Stand up and come down here.
干嘛 你要干什么? – 我有些事要你帮忙
Why, what are you gonna do? – Something you can help me with.
来 过来 – 喂 要是他不想去…
Come on. Come down here. – Look, if he doesn’t wanna go…
好 大家坐回去 悄悄地
All right, everybody. Just get back on your seats. Very quietly.
快 坐回你的座位
Come on. Back on your seats.
好了 车长 我要你沿铁轨走大约 100英呎
All right, conductor. I want you to walk up track about a hundred feet.
等人送钱过来 好吗?
Just wait for the men delivering the money, all right?
I’ll open the door for you.
Why do I have to go? – Come on, come on.
来 我帮你下铁轨
[Blue] Here, I’ll help you down. – [door opens]
快 请走吧 没什么好担心的
Come on. Please go. There’s nothing to worry about.
